Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

56. A Real Fight [1]

Hey Guys! Sorry for the delay, the sprain on my arm is still causing problems for me, but I'm getting better! Remember, I don't release chapters on Sunday's but I promise a release for Monday, and hopefully more consistent releases throughout next week! I hope you all have a great weekend!


⌈I'll go first. Rei, you back me up, but remain cautious! Suzu, stick to mid range support⌋ (Tango)

⌈Right⌋ (Rei)

⌈Ready when you are Sensei!⌋ (Suzu)

With sword in hand, the leader stepped forward

"I'll show you little shits what happens when you mess with adults!" (Leader)

Taking out his kunai knife, Tango was the first to move

"Humph!" (Tango)

Tango charged forth, engaging the enemy. Rei was doing his best to support him as Suzu  prepared her jutsu


{Ugh! Damn it!} (Rei)

Blade in hand, the masked man swung his sword with considerable pace. Rei's speed, although renowned amongst his peers, was only exceptional when compared to other Genin. Against an older, higher-leveled, and more experienced shinobi, he was quite average

Tango, who already realized this, was doing his best to parry every attack this enemy was throwing at them. Even putting himself at risk to keep his students out of harms way

⌈He's fast!⌋ (Tango)

"WAAAAH!!" (Leader)

⌈Kuh! And his blows are heavy! Be careful guys!⌋ (Tango)

As Tango gained the man's attention, Rei saw an opportunity to strike from behind but...


"?!" (Rei)

"Heh!" (Leader)

..the man had no openings. Blocking Rei's attack with his sword, he proceeded to retaliate

⌈Damn it! Rei! GET BACK!⌋ (Tango)

"You'd think I'd fall for something so obvious?! Die!" (Leader)

{Shit! I'm not gonna make it!} (Tango)

 {"Doton: Doryūheki!1Earth Style: Mud Wall"}(Suzu)

"?!" (Rei)

"?!" (Leader)




Back outside


"Don't move too much!"

Tai was tending to an injured Tetsuo as Shō watched over the both of them

"Man...that hurts!" (Tetsuo)

"Obviously! Shō-san, I need to get back to my team soon. Can I entrust his safety to you?" (Tai)

"No problem. I've already instructed the rest of my men to return here once they're done with their assignment" (Shō)

After Team Tango freed all of the hostages, Shō had his men escort them back to their nearby hometown. He, Tetsuo, and Tai were the only ones outside the factory now

After putting on a wooden, makeshift leg splint on Tetsuo, both Tai and Shō helped him up

"Ugh..." (Tetsuo)

"Tetsuo-san!" (Shō)

"I'm fine Shō" (Tetsuo)

"You're anything but fine. Two cracked ribs, a sprained ankle, and other various injuries on your chest. It's a miracle your diaphragm isn't hemorrhaging right now!" (Tai)

Tetsuo was interrogated for information regarding the safe. And the man in charge was especially cruel, doing his best to ensure Tetsuo suffered while restraining himself just enough to not kill him

"Those damn, cruel bastards!" (Shō)

"Guess I'm just lucky then. Hehe" (Tetsuo)

"That's an understatement. Shō-san, please make sure he stays still and doesn't do anything reckless" (Tai)

"I will. Thank you for all you've done Tai" (Shō)

Tai turned towards the factory with a stern expression

{Still...why the hell hasn't our shinobi backup arrived yet? Considering how much Raikage-sama emphasized how important the contents in the safe were in the mission letter, you'd think they'd be here by now. Did they run into some kind of trouble?}

"Don't thank me yet, my team is still not done" (Tai)

"..." (Shō)

"Tai! I'm obligated to warn you!" (Tetsuo)

"?" (Tai)

"Agh! Even an amateur like me can tell the other criminals are only average. But that leader..." (Tetsuo)

"...Tetsuo?" (Shō)

"..." (Tai)

"H-he's something else entirely. Just by being in his presence...I-I can tell...he's strong" (Tetsuo)

"Yeah...I know" (Tai)

Struggling to breath, he continued

"Huff...huff...Whatever you do, don't underestimate him. He's a sinister bastard!" (Tetsuo)

"...Got it" (Tai)

Tai ran back into the factory

"Tetsuo-san. Will they...will they be alright?" (Shō)

"...I certainly hope so" (Tetsuo)

Watching Tai's departing figure, Tetsuo silently prayed for Team Tango's success

"And there he goes. Let's find somewhere away from the factory for you to rest" (Shō)

"R-right" (Tetsuo)

After Shō gently put him down on a spot with some shade, he stood up and remained alert. Tetsuo, laying down, glanced at the factory. Pondering about the current situation, or rather, the odd circumstances of the current situation

{Why would such a powerful shinobi be here? Or rather, how in the hell did they figure out about the documents Kumogakure sent to me? This whole situation is strange} (Tetsuo)





{Stone?!} (Rei)

Instead of flesh, the masked man's sword collided with rocks

"Cheh!" (Leader)

With perfect timing, Suzu created a wall of stone between Rei and enemy, blocking the man's sword strike

Rei rejoined the group

⌈Thanks Suzu. That jerk almost decapitated me!⌋ (Rei)

⌈Mm. That was close...Rei...that guy is...⌋ (Suzu)

⌈...I know. His speed is far too great for me to handle⌋ (Rei)

⌈He's much stronger than what any of us initially believed. Change of plans then. You two stick to long range attacks ONLY. I'll be the sole person to engage him. Rei, you know what to do...⌋ (Tango)

Rei nodded his head

The ravager leader glared at the team with a curious thought

{...These guys haven't muttered a word this whole time and yet...} (Leader)

{"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!"} (Rei)

Tango once again charged forth as Rei made three clones for support

"Round two then!" (Leader)

"HAAAAH!" (Rei's clones)

{That's it, we just have to keep him on what's in front of him} (Tango)

"Tch...!" (Leader)

Observing the actions of this young shinobi squad, the man's suspicions only grew

{...They were able to change their strategy without so much as uttering a word to one another. Even if they've had plenty of practice, the fact they can continuously adapt to my shifting fighting styles indicates there's something more going on. And taking into account their team captain's age, along with fact they're from Kumogakure...could it be...?} (Leader)

{Now!} (Rei)

"TOO SLOW!" (Leader)

"Agh!" (Rei)

POOF! The man took out the last of Rei's clones

{Guess there's only one way to be sure now...} (Leader)

{"Fūton: Toppa!2Wind Style: Breakthrough"} (Suzu)

Taking advantage of the smoke from Rei's defeated clones, Suzu slightly muddled the man off balance

"Ngh! That annoying girl again!" (Leader)

{"Magen: Kakuran!3Demonic Illusion: Disturbance"} (Rei)

"GAH?!" (Leader)

Not wasting this opportunity, Rei decided to cast Genjutsu on him. His head down, he ceased moving

"...You...little...bas...tards..." (Leader)

⌈...⌋ (Rei)

⌈Did you get him?!⌋ (Suzu)

⌈...Rei?⌋ (Tango)

⌈...Yeah! I've successfully connected my chakra with his!⌋ (Rei)

⌈Alright! Put him to sleep!⌋ (Tango)

⌈On it!⌋ (Rei)

⌈Phew...finally it's over⌋ (Suzu)

⌈There's no rest for wicked Suzu. We still things we have to do⌋ (Tango)

⌈Yes sir⌋ (Suzu)

Just as they were about to relax...

"Eh?" (Rei)


{Hm?! The connection was severed?!} (Rei)

⌈After he's taken care of, let's begin putting restraints on all these-⌋ (Tango)

⌈SENSEI!!!⌋ (Rei)

"As I thought, you lot are talking with each other through a technique!"

⌈?! How is he?!-⌋ (Tango)

"NOW YOU'RE DEAD!!!" (Leader)


Before Tango could even react, the man swung his sword...

"NO!" (Suzu)








...and blood flew through the air


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