Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

57. A Real Fight [2]

In the outer reaches of the factory, a young shinobi was moving as fast as he could

"No one's responding on the transmission yet. Did Sensei disconnect it for some reason?"

After tending to Tetsuo's wounds, Tai was rushing to get back to his team

"Or...was he forcefully disconnected..." (Tai)

As he pondered, his thought process was suddenly interrupted



{That...that was Suzu's voice! Crap!} (Tai)


Increasing his pace, Tai desperately did his best to get back to the team as fast as he could

{Just hold on guys! I'm coming!} (Tai)





The masked leader, who was supposed to be incapacitated, suddenly swung his sword at Tango

{SHIT! I'M NOT GONNA-} (Tango)




"Uh?!" (Tango)

"Wha?!" (Leader)


To the shock of both of them, it wasn't Tango who was cut...


...but Rei

With his speed, he managed to rescue Tango at the cost of his left arm getting cut

"Well that hurt far more than I thought" (Rei)

Tango immediately grabbed Rei and retreated back towards Suzu

⌈Rei! Are you okay?!⌋ (Tango)

⌈I'm fine, it's just a small cut. I managed avoid a fatal strike⌋ (Rei)

⌈Yeah...but you won't be making hand seals in that state...⌋ (Suzu)

While Tango and Suzu were making sure Rei was alright, the ravager leader was quietly observing him 

{Despite his age, he was able to move THAT fast to protect his captain and STILL managed to dodge my sword...}

⌈But Sensei...the way he easily broke through my Genjutsu...this guy's chakra is far stronger than I realized. He was holding back the whole time⌋ (Rei)

⌈Suppressing his chakra huh?⌋ (Suzu)

⌈To lure us into a false sense of security. A classic move used by professionals...⌋ (Tango)


"?!" (Suzu)

Suzu moved in front of Tango and Rei in order to protect them when she saw the masked man move his sword

"Hahaha! Not bad! Even though you're so young, you guys are putting on quite the show!" (Leader)

The lone criminal stepped forward, not giving them a chance to rest, he moved to attack again

{Like I'd let you, "Fūton: Reppūshō!1Wind Style: Gale Palm"} (Suzu)

VWOOOSH! A force of wind emerged from her hands

"!" (Leader)

Suzu knew she couldn't confront the man directly, so she opted keep him away 

"Fūton to keep me at a distance? Smart. But!" (Leader)


"?!" (Rei & Suzu)

{?! THAT'S!!} (Tango)


The man's sword ignited with a flame as he swung forth, releasing a wave of fire

{No...Fūton is weak against Katon2Fire Style! I'll only end up heightening his attack!} (Suzu)

She tried to use her chakra to weaken the wind but it was too late. The power of the attack grew to a ridiculous degree

"Ugh!" (Suzu)

"BURN!" (Leader)

Suzu tried to form the hand seals to make another wall of stone for protection, but the flames were already within range of burning the whole team


{She, nor Rei, will be able to protect themselves, I have to shield them from the attack!} (Tango)

Tango moved to protect the team with his body when...

"Suiton: Suijinheki!3Water Style: Water Wall"

Before anyone even realized what was happening, a wall of water surrounded the team, protecting them from the fire

BOOM!! When the water collided with the fire, the area exploded with steam

"?!" (All of them)

⌈Guys! You okay?!⌋

The team turned around to find the figure of Tai in his line of sight

⌈Tai...thanks⌋ (Rei)

⌈...Perfect timing⌋ (Suzu)

⌈Hehe! No worries. I was just coming back from-⌋ (Tai)

⌈Save the chatter for later! All of you, scatter and hide now!⌋ (Tango)


The masked man emerged from the steam to find the others had disappeared

{Gone. Did they decide to flee?...No...I can feel it...they're still here} (Leader)

He continued his way through the factory, looking for any trace of the enemy

A few minutes passed and Team Tango, who were still hidden, kept their eyes on him

"RAAAAH!" (Leader)


The man started igniting the factory with his enflamed sword to draw out Team Tango

"Aww, don't tell you guys are done? We're just getting started!" (Leader)

⌈Maintain your distance. Remember, no one moves until I say so!⌋ (Tango)

"I have to give you credit, team captain! It's not every day you see a shinobi as young as you demonstrate such efficiency at Chakra Transmission. The 'Intelligence Division' of Kumogakure should be very proud! Some advice for the future, you really should try a little vocal communication so you don't end up giving it away! Hahahaha!" (Leader)

{?! Shit! He's figured me out!} (Tango)

"As I recall, during the last world war, many villages promoted young shinobi to higher ranks in order to allow their participation. And the fact that you have three younger comrades're a Jonin captain" (Leader)


{No response...let's see if I can egg them on a little more}

He spoke with a condescending tone

"But there's something odd...why would Kumogakure send, although quite skilled, such a young team to combat a group of rouge-nin? Surely the rational choice would be to send more experienced shinobi unless..." (Leader)

⌈Um...Sensei...⌋ (Tai)

⌈Wait⌋ (Tango)

{Come on you little shits, you should be able to grasp what I'm getting at by now}

"Unless you guys were the closest squad nearby. But even if that were so, they'd only send you if this little sealed scroll I took, was THAT important. And if that's the case, this scroll's value just went up" (Leader)

⌈Sensei, he's gonna...!⌋ (Suzu)

⌈Not...Yet...⌋ (Tango)  


{Hoh? Someone's getting a little restless. Just one more push}

"Then again, I could be wrong. Maybe I'm just overthinking things. Maybe, Kumogakure really is filled with nothing but second-rate cowards who've spent their whole lives hiding in the mountains. Kind of like how you guys are hiding right now" (Leader)


Tango emerged from the shadows and attacked him from behind, Suzu and Tai appeared as well

{Heh! I knew they would fall for it!} (Leader)

⌈Remember, stick to the plan. We only have one shot!⌋ (Tango)


"Haha! Really kid? Haven't you figured it out already?! TEIYAA!!" (Leader)


"Gak!" (Tango)

"Close combat's a no-no with me" (Leader)


Tai and Suzu jumped in the air

"Suiton: Mizurappa!4Water Style: Raging Waves" (Tai)

"Fūton: Kiryū Ranbu!5Wind Style: Air Current Dance" (Suzu)


Combining their attacks, Suzu's wind was amplifying Tai's water, cascading down towards the enemy

{Suiton and Fū compensate for the difference in strength. Still...}

"Katon: Kaen Senpū!6Fire Style: Flame Hurricane(Leader)

A violent, spiraling flame erupted from his body, countering Tai and Suzu's combined attack


{?!} (Suzu & Tai)

"Sorry, but even with the elemental advantage, you brats are outclassed" (Leader)

⌈Tch! This guy is just...⌋ (Suzu)

⌈Great. I hoped by combining our attacks we'd at least be able to make some difference, but I honestly didn't believe it would be completely ineffective...⌋ (Tai)

⌈Doesn't matter! Just continue pouring it on!⌋ (Tango)

⌈Right!⌋ (Suzu & Tai)

The team continued to engage the enemy, despite how tiring it was. Tai and Suzu were quickly losing strength while Tango had to bear constant blows to his body, overwhelmed by the masked man's superior Taijutsu

{What with these guys? The captain knows he can't beat me in hand to hand combat, and those other kids have to be getting tired. Especially that girl who's been unleashing elemental attacks all day. Are they trying to buy time for back-up to arrive?} (Leader)

The criminal glanced at his surroundings, seemingly looking for something

"YAAAH!!" (Tango)

"What will it take for you to get it?! IT'S USELESS!!" (Leader)


He delivered a heavy blow to Tango's torso, causing him to gasp for air

"Guh! Ahack!" (Tango)

Tango fell to his knees in front of the man

{And where the hell is that other kid? Is he tending to the wound I gave him?...Whatever, aside from wasting chakra, I'm also running out of time. Playing around too much has always been a bad habit of mine. I'll deal with this captain first. The others should fall quickly after this.} (Leader)

⌈!⌋ (Tai)

⌈Tai, move!⌋ (Suzu)

He unleashed a wave of fire to drive back the others before approaching Tango, who was currently on his knees

"HAHA! I have to say, this has probably been one of the most interesting days of my life! But sadly, all good things must come to end" (Leader)

"..." (Tango)

"No last words? Disappointing, I had hoped I'd at least hear a scream or something. You must've used that Chakra Transmission so much, you probably forgot how to talk. Hehehehe!" (Leader)

Lifting his sword, he prepared to behead Tango

"...tsu" (Tango)

"Hm?" (Leader)

"...shi..." (Tango)

"Oh? So you can talk after all" (Leader)

"...jin..." (Tango)

"Sorry? What was that?" (Leader)

Tango raised his head...

"...I said..." (Tango)

...and smiled

"Fūinjutsu: Isshi Tōjin!7Sealing Jutsu: Coordinated Light Formation(Tango)

"?!" (Leader)

Before anyone realized, symbols emerged on the ground under Tango and spread below the masked man's feet, paralyzing him

"Heh...hehe...hahahaha! Really?! This is your master plan?! HAHAHA!" (Leader)

"...huff...huff..." (Tango)

"I know this Jutsu. It's the basic of basic sealing techniques! Do you really think it'll hold me for long?!" (Leader)

"Huff...well...not really...but..." (Tango)

"?" (Leader)


A figure was moving at blinding speed just outside the factory 

"It can hold you...long that your right where you need to be" (Tango)

"Where I need to...?!" (Leader)

The ravager leader looked around, only to discover all of them were quite a ways from their original position

Dreadful thoughts sprouted in his mind

{They weren't just buying time...they were moving me here! Near the exit of the factory! But why?!} (Leader)

He looked back at Tango, seething with anger

"Bastard! I don't know what you're planning, but it won't work! As soon as I get free!-" (Leader)

"Oh, I think it will. Now that you're immobilized and within range" (Tango)

"Within in range of what?! There's nothing!-" (Leader)

"You see, he needed a clear and open path to you, so that he wouldn't lose any of his forward momentum. After all, it's pretty damn hard to move at high speeds..." (Tango)


"WHAT THE?! GAK!!!" (Leader)

"LARIAT!!" (Rei)








"...when you're inside a factory..." (Tango)


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