Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

58. Did We Win?

A few minutes ago

Team Tango remained hidden while communicating with each other through Tango's Chakra Transmission, desperately trying to formulate a strategy to deal with such a troublesome opponent

⌈Can't you or Rei do something Sensei?⌋ (Tai)

⌈You weren't here earlier to see it, but this guy's Taijutsu is too advanced for any of us, even Sensei⌋ (Suzu)

⌈For real Rei?!⌋ (Tai)

⌈How the hell do you think I got cut?⌋ (Rei)

⌈This guys strength might even be in the Jonin class. And considering he's older than me...we're at a clear disadvantage⌋ (Tango)

⌈Geez. No wonder you guys had your hands full. So what the hell are we supposed to do?⌋ (Tai)

⌈Most of my Doton1Earth Style Jutsu are defensive and the few offensive ones I have aren't powerful enough to take him down. And my Fūton2Wind Style will only strengthen his attacks⌋ (Suzu)

⌈Tai, do you think your Suiton3Water Style can?-⌋ (Tango)

⌈Let me stop you right there Sensei⌋ (Tai)

Tai interrupted him before he could finish

⌈I've just started expanding the capabilities of my Suiton. And while my vaporized oil mist is of the same element, it's no good against Katon4Fire Style, or even Fūton. I just control the oil mist with Suiton, I don't create it from nothing⌋ (Tai)

⌈...Right, as if controlling that oil mist isn't hard enough, forget about it when someone's disrupting the nearby atmosphere with heat or wind⌋ (Suzu)

⌈Exactly. Plus, my regular Suiton Jutsu are still pretty average⌋ (Tai)

⌈And the enemy's Katon is quite exceptional. We need powerful Suiton Jutsu if we're gonna get past that flaming sword of his⌋ (Tango)

⌈...Then...⌋ (Suzu)

⌈Hey Tai⌋ (Rei)

⌈Yeah?⌋ (Tai)

⌈What if you combine your "water" with Suzu's "wind"? Wouldn't that make up for the difference in strength?⌋ (Rei)

⌈That could work but...⌋ (Tai)

⌈I've already used up most of my chakra. I could probably do four, maybe five more attacks before I'm running on empty⌋ (Suzu)

⌈I'd also like to point out that blade, whether it's enflamed or not, can still cut you like Sashimi⌋ (Tai)

⌈Yes, but those flames are preventing us from engaging him. If you two remain at a distance and keep him distracted with your attacks, it'll make things easier for me⌋ (Tango)

⌈Okay...but how are you gonna take him down?⌋ (Rei)

⌈I'm not going to take him are. Rei, it's time put the training Killer B-sama gave you to the test⌋ (Tango)

⌈?!⌋ (Rei, Suzu, & Tai)

⌈Before any of you question it, I'm telling you this is the only way. Under no circumstances can we let that man leave with the primary objective. We're running out of time and chakra, we have to take him down now. Rei, I'm exhausted from fighting him and using this transmission non-stop. You're the only one with the physical capabilities of landing a finishing blow on him right now⌋ (Tango)

Everyone went silent for a moment that felt like hours

⌈Every second we waste just gives him another opportunity to recover. Are you three up for it?⌋ (Tango)

⌈...I'm ready⌋ (Suzu)

⌈Like there was any other option⌋ (Rei)

⌈If I die, I swear I'm gonna come back as a ghost and haunt you!⌋ (Tai)

⌈Hehe, I'll do my best to ensure that doesn't happen⌋ (Tango)


The masked man was setting fire to the factory, annoyed that Team Tango wasn't coming out

⌈But sensei, there are two problems. The first is that I was only taught me one move, and I still can't use it to it's full capabilities⌋ (Rei)

⌈You of all people couldn't master the technique?⌋ (Suzu)

⌈That shocking coming from you⌋ (Tai)

⌈More like, it's a technique suited for older shinobi. I'm limited by my age and small stature. And it can only be done in a straight line⌋ (Rei)

⌈Tai, Suzu, and I will slowly lure him towards the exit. You'll have plenty of open space once you're outside. What's the second problem?⌋ (Tango)

⌈This attack is so fast, I can't afford to have him move around too much. I'm also going to put all of my chakra into this one. If I miss, we're done. He'll cut me down before I get a second chance⌋ (Rei)

⌈Hmmm...⌋ (Tango)

⌈Sensei?⌋ (Tai)

⌈Don't worry Rei, I've got something to ensure he doesn't move. It just means I'll be going home today in a far worst shape than I'd hoped. You ready?⌋ (Tango)

⌈...Alright, I've already decided to trust you after all. I'm ready!⌋ (Rei)

⌈Okay! Wait for us to engage. As soon as we do, leave the factory. When it's time for you to strike, I'll signal with the transmission! Let's all make it home alive!⌋ (Tango)

⌈Yes sir!⌋ (Rei, Suzu, & Tai)





Outside the factory, Rei landed on spot quite far from the battle

"I'd better start charging chakra"

Forming a hand seal, Rei's chakra surged through his body

{Can't believe I'm using his techniques}


"Hey Notitia, what's up?"

[Oh nothing much, just checking in on the situation. You're in quite the tricky spot if you're using the infamous Nintaijutsu5Ninja Body Techniques legacy moves of the Raikage]

"Well, this guys is tough. No...that's not right..." (Rei)

[It's more like, you guys are too weak. The masked man is a barely average, Jonin level rouge-nin. Tango, although a Jonin himself, is an intelligence officer, not really suited for front line work. He's really just a glorified cell tower LOL]

"And the rest of us are just kids that started even earlier than Naruto did when he became a ninja" (Rei)

[Hey! Don't sell yourself short! They have plot armor, any other extra would've already died by now. You're doing pretty good]

"You think so huh?" (Rei)

[I know so. In fact, that's why I'm here. To inform you of a new a development]

"What development?" (Rei)

[Heh! How's your arm?]

"What? What about my...?!-" (Rei)

Shock struck Rei as he looked down, realizing the cut on his left arm he received from the enemy earlier had already healed

"What the hell?!" (Rei)

[Hahahaha! Congrats Rei! Do you know with this means?]

"...No" (Rei)

[It means we have actual confirmation that your "gamble" is working they way we had intended]

"My 'gamble' mean!" (Rei)

[Yup! You've acquired the regeneration abilities of the Ōtsutsuki. Although, it's still not at their level yet. If it was, your wound would've healed instantly. You need stronger chakra to increase it's efficiency]

"..." (Rei)

[Phew! You know, I will confess I was getting worried. None of the "cooler" Ōtsutsuki powers had yet to manifest. The only new trait we observed since you "remade" yourself was a stronger body, capable of increasing it's chakra reserves with the Ten-Tails without any negative side instant death]

"Gee...thanks for your concern" (Rei)

[You're welcome. It just means you're progressing, so there's no need to get all down or compare yourself to the main characters. Oh! Here it comes!]

"Here what comes?" (Rei)

⌈I HAVE HIM REI!⌋ (Tango)

"Huh?! How did you?!" (Rei)

[Better move]

"Grr! Damn it, you have terrible timing!" (Rei)


Using his chakra, Rei bolted to the factory

{Just remember what B said...} (Rei)




The last week of Rei's training at Unraikyō

Rei was training with Killer B on a different mountain


Rei charged towards a wooden dummy at his top speed, only to miss and crash into a stone wall

"Agh!" (Rei)

"♪ You messed up cause yo chakra control ain't in check
Keep that Shunshin balanced, so you don't end up a speck ♪"
(Killer B)

Removing himself from the wall, Rei frowned

"I thought I did have good control. And how is this move so special anyway? It's not apart of your 'Kakuran Taijutsu'6Disturbance Taijutsu. Hard to imagine it's a precursor technique to the Raikage's line of Nintaijutsu" (Rei)

♪ Ayo, Ayo, it's a legacy move ya fool
You can't see it's worth, cause you think like a tool
It uses cray cray strength, that only chakra can provide
The only chakra you make, when you in a cool state o' mind ♪ (Killer B)

"But didn't you just tell me to ram my target with a 'fiery spirit'? Isn't that why you're having me use the 'Shunshin no Jutsu'7Body Flicker Jutsu?" (Rei)

That's right, that's right! Some nice fiery passion!
Movin' so fast, enemy won't even have a reaction! ♪ (Killer B)

"So you want me to be cool headed, yet excited at the same time...right. Haaaa...let's try it again" (Rei)




Present Time

Rei was charging towards the factory at an astounding pace. Every step he took only increased his speed

"...Almost got it" (Rei)

Rei thought about Killer B's last words to him

Bein' passionate and chill, that takes talent
Mind and Body as one, that takes balance! ♪

{"Mind and Body"...I think he meant spiritual and physical energy. I have to properly balance them} (Rei)

Rei entered a subtle trance, using his sensory abilities to feel his own chakra

{Uh?! My chakra! It's! I'm...I'm wasting too much power when I move. Did I only think I had good control because I never had problems learning Jutsu like the others?} 

Rei glanced at his hand before clenching it

"I thought it was confidence, but I was just ignorant. Looks like I still have a ways to go!" (Rei)

Approaching the factory, his target was in sight

♪ Yo, Yo! Put the ego away and you'll see the truth
Once you do, you'll be like me...straight up smooth ♪

{Here goes everything!} (Rei)

VWOOOSH!! With all his might, Rei charged forward!


"WHAT THE?! GAK!!!" (Leader)

"LARIAT!!" (Rei)

His right arm collided with the man's upper torso at inhuman levels of speed as he was hurled towards a wall that exploded on contact. Causing a small cloud of dust to emerge


Using up the rest of his Chakra, Rei fell to ground, unable to move

"Ugh! Down for the count again...I pray this doesn't become a habit every time I go on a mission" (Rei)

"You do realize you just jinxed yourself, right?" (Tai)

"Aaaah...I'm too tired to argue with you. Just shut up and help me stand" (Rei)

Suzu helped Tango up who was hurt from the masked man's attacks while Tai checked on Rei

"Despite the way he is, Killer B-sama has some pretty cool attacks" (Tai)

"...I won't argue with that. He's still annoying though" (Rei)

The team gathered together

"Well?" (Tango)

"...Huff...I got the scroll" (Rei)

"Wha? When did you?!" (Tai)

"The moment I collided with him, it fell out of his clothes and I grabbed it before I went down" (Rei)

{In that one moment? This kid's potential is scary. I'm starting to see why B-sama wanted to train him personally} (Tango)

"Well, with him down, I guess we're done here?" (Tai)

"Not yet, we still have to wait for back up" (Suzu)

"Right. Once they get here, they'll secure the area and we can go-" (Rei)


"?!" (All of them)


"Impossible..." (Tango)


Emerging from the rubble was the ravager leader. He was in terrible shape, with his mask cracked, bleeding from the mouth, and twisted arm. He could only limp towards the team

"How?! How is he still?!" (Tai)

"Shit!" (Rei)

Stopping to catch his breath, he did his best to stay on his feet

"Wow. I'm surprisingly clear headed right now. Heh...hehehe...I honestly don't know if it's because of the small concussion, the loss of blood, or maybe..." (Leader)

Despite the state he was in, he still had the strength to ignite his sword

"Tch! That fire again!" (Suzu)

{Damn, all of us have exhausted our chakra, we can't fight him anymore!} (Tango)



Raising his sword, he prepared to unleash another attack. Tango stepped in front of his students

"Suzu, Tai! Take Rei and get out of here! I'll buy you as much time as I can!" (Tango)

"Eh?!" (Tai)

"Sensei! That's!-" (Suzu)



"ARGH!! WHO...WHO IN THE?!-" (Leader)


"AGH!!" (Leader)

Before anyone realized it, the ravager leader was bombarded with odd, square shaped shuriken. But the weirdest thing was...

"?!" (Rei)

"How? How are they?" (Tai)

"This...this is..." (Suzu)

"Could it be..." (Tango)

...they were all floating


What looked like a Kumo shinobi had landed in front of them. The man had tan skin, a chiseled face with a pair of sideburns, and dark-purple hair

"Sorry for the delay"

"You're..." (Tango)

"I didn't want to wait any longer, so I went ahead of my team to get here. I'm your back-up..."

After neutralizing the masked man with ease, he turned around and introduced himself








"...Jiton no Toroi"8Toroi of the Magnet Style


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