Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

60. Investments

{Batteries and generators...of all the things they'd be making...!} (Rei)

Rei was at a loss for words. With the revelation that Kumogakure was conducting a secret project involving the manufacturing of generators, the very same thing that sent him to this world, he was unable to stay composed. For this was surely more than just simple coincidence

{Why is this happening now? I can tell this equipment won't be able to make a power source anywhere close to a 21st century one, but it's still a massive improvement} (Rei)

Rei knew the best batteries this world possessed were low quality liquid flow batteries. Yet the materials that lay before him now indicated Kumogakure was on the verge of a breakthrough. What bothered Rei the most was that it was too early for the world to have such technology

{I remember they were still using liquid flow batteries during the main story's climax, the 4th Shinobi War event. To make such an innovative leap so soon is like unnatural. There's no way the village could've put this together on its own. Someone is responsible for this...someone else with advanced scientific knowledge...} (Rei)

Rei had previously considered the possibility he might not be the only one who was transferred to this world. And he already had doubts about Notitita's true intentions when it came to him.

"Grr...damn it! Could this be one the 'Ripples' Notitia told be about? Or could it be Ōtsutsuki related? Those alien parasites do possess advanced technology...aaah...I don't know what to think!" (Rei)

Frustrated that he had even more questions than answers now, Rei looked around to find more clues, but with little success

Observing his odd behavior was Tai and Suzu, both of whom had just finished getting their medical treatment. They would've left already if Tango wasn't busy conversing with Toroi

"What's up with him?" (Suzu)

"Oh, he's just being weird, like usual. Ever since I've known him, Rei's had a weird habit of talking to himself and muttering strange words I don't understand" (Tai)

"I don't know, I'd say there's more to what he's doing now, judging by the expression on his face" (Suzu)

"How can you be sure?" (Tai)

"He's the smartest person I know" (Suzu)

"!" (Tai)

Tai was taken aback at Suzu's compliment. Such a thing was rare from the stoic young lady

Rei returned to group, his eyes on Tetsuo

"You done doing...well...whatever it is you were doing?" (Tai)

"Yeah. Are we leaving?" (Rei)

"As soon as Tango-sensei is done" (Tai)

"...Did you get what you need?" (Suzu)

"Not yet...but I'm about to" (Rei)

"?" (Suzu & Tai)

He gave a light response before walking to Tetsuo

"Tetsuo-san" (Rei)

"Ah! Rei! I still haven't thanked you for all the hard work you did today" (Tetsuo)

"There's no need for that considering the building was still destroyed by that fire-wielding lunatic" (Rei)

"No need to feel down, what happened today was definitely not your fault" (Tetsuo)

"No, I-" (Rei)

"Really, it's okay" (Tetsuo)

Tetsuo had a bright smile on his face. However, Rei felt slightly guilty for unintentionally creating the misunderstanding that he felt bad for the damages to the factory. In order for things to not get anymore awkward, he quickly opted to change the subject

"So...what are you going to do now? I overheard you say you're giving the reparation money to the employees, but where does that leave you?" (Rei)

" leaves me exactly where I was when I created my own company two years ago" (Tetsuo)

"..." (Rei)

"No worries, this isn't the first time I've bounced back from nothing" (Tetsuo)

"Is that so?" (Rei)

"Yup! In fact, it's kind of exciting when I think about it. Even in these times, there's still tons of opportunities for me to explore. I getting jitters just thinking about all of the options, like a kid at a candy store" (Tetsuo)

Rei chuckled a little

"You're a 'glass half full' type of guy then?" (Rei)

"Since the day I was born...and till the day I die" (Tetsuo)

{'ll do. I need useful people, now more than ever} (Rei)

"Hm?" (Tetsuo)

Rei reached into his pouch and took out a scroll. Opening it, he placed his hand down and poured chakra into it


"Here" (Rei)

What he summoned from the scroll was a full black bag, before handing it to Tetsuo  

"What's this?" (Tetsuo)

"Patronage...for the future" (Rei)

After looking in the bag, Tetsuo was shocked to find a hefty amount of cash inside

"You...this...!" (Tetsuo)

"I inherited much after my...'father' died in the war. Don't worry, this is a small sum to me and I still have plenty so take it" (Rei)

"I just can't!-" (Tetsuo)

As he retorted, Rei raised his hand, stopping him mid sentence

"Don't misread my actions, this isn't charity" (Rei)

"...What do you want from me?" (Tetsuo)

"Fast learner...I like that. This money is for stock in your 'Mori Ltd'." (Rei)

"That stock is kind of worthless right now though" (Tetsuo)

"Right now yes...but what about the future?" (Rei)

"..." (Tetsuo)

"Trust me...I want, no, I need your company to succeed. You're going to be my golden goose" (Rei)

{ I really talking to a kid right now?} (Tetsuo)

"I have very big plans for you but now, just focus on recovery. And make sure you keep informed of your progress. You can just send letters with my name on it directly to Kumogakure as any mail for ninja immediately get sorted out from the rest and sent to said ninja" (Rei)

"I still don't know what you want from me?" (Tetsuo)

"Ah, yes. Tell me Tetsuo-san, what do you know about the energy business?" (Rei)

"Well, I-" (Tetsuo)


Before they could continue, Tango called out to Rei after finishing his business with Toroi. Telling him it was time to go home

"Guess that's all for today. Remember, keep in touch! Or I'll hunt you down personally, and we both don't want that!" (Rei)

"Eh?!" (Tetsuo)

Rei left the area with Team Tango, now intent on heading back home. Leaving a confused Tetsuo to himself, he stood in place for a minute before telling Shō to take him to the nearby town where he was staying

Toroi and his team were the only ones who remained. After finishing their work, they also proceeded to head back to the village





In a dark basement somewhere within Kumogakure, several men were conversing with their faces hidden

"All of them were captured alive? ALL of them?"



"Let this be a lesson. Just because a mercenary group you hire might have a fancy name like 'The Oni1A kind of youkai, demon, or ogre in Japanese mythologyGarrison', doesn't mean they're exceptional"

"Humph! 'Oni Garrison'...nothing but a bunch of fools in masks that couldn't even handle a bunch of kids! They completely screwed up!"

"Indeed...that could have gone better"

"What's the problem?"

"Were you not paying attention? The entire group of men we hired to sabotage Tetsuo Mori's factory are now in the custody of the Raikage"


"...'So'...are you not taking this seriously?"

"No. Why should I?"


"Here we go again...cue the smartass remarks"

"After today's failure I, nor the rest of us, are in any mood for sarcasm"

"I wasn't trying to be sarcastic, but I meant what I said. Why should any of us be concerned? The way I see it, today was a victory"

"Oh really?"

"And how do you figure?"

"For starters, we've confirmed the Raikage suspects someone within Kumogakure is plotting their own agenda"

"We already suspected he might on to us"

"Suspected. But now we have confirmation. And speaking of confirmations, we also know Toroi is a member of his inner circle, considering the ninja adamantly refused to hand the criminals over to no one but the Raikage for interrogation"

"And that's what you should be worried about! If they say anything!-"

"They won't say anything because they don't know anything. We used a proxy, who performed Transformation Jutsu to implicate an arms dealer who's been a thorn in our side for quite some time. Plus, it'll take some time for A's intelligence team, who are a fraction of what they used to be thanks to the war, to get past the Genjutsu blocks placed in their heads. And when they do..."

"He'll busy chasing dead ends, giving us the opportunity to work with less interference"

"As an added bonus, we've managed to properly delay the production of the 'Network'. Today was win everyone, so there's no need to panic"

Some of them grumbled with frustration

"We've put a lot of money into the 'Network' project. It'll still hurt our finances since we sabotaged it"

"There was no choice, production of the 'Network' has been proceeding faster than anticipated"

"We can't have it up and running before our 'Reformation' of the village begins"

"Speaking of that, what of our partner in Konoha? Has he managed to come through?"

"Yes. The Fuma Clan is at our disposal"

"And what of the 'other' clan?"

"It took some time, but he managed to peak their interest. It's pretty much guaranteed they'll be working for us after they heard they'll be fighting Kumogakure"

"Why did it take so long? I don't like delays"

"There...was an 'issue' he had to deal with in the Leaf. One of his men needed help getting out of the village"

The mood suddenly turned sour after hearing that their 'partner' delayed their plans because a simple rogue ninja

"A f*cking rogue-nin?! That was the reason for the delay?!"

"That arrogant son of a!-"

"Before you all get angry, just know, that particular rogue ninja is the one who's manufacturing the 'Amp'. Things were getting too risky to continuing working in Konoha, so he had to leave"

The room went quiet for a minute as none of them had a retort for this statement

"Everything is still moving on schedule. Yes we've had to make some adjustments, but we already acknowledged the chance of variable factors interfering with our plans when we created this 'Company' of ours"

"Very well, but are you sure he'll be able to get the other clan to work for us? I understand their hatred for Kumogakure, but let's not forget they also have beef with Konoha"

"That's why we're setting them up with the Fuma Clan. That clan will have no knowledge that they'll really be working for us, members of the very same Kumogakure they hate with a passion"

"And remember, we need them. Only their...unique abilities will allow the creation of the 'Amp'. That is vital for the completion of the 'Reformation'. Otherwise, they'll all be killed and our many years of work will have been for nothing"


"Are there any other issues someone would like to address?"

No one spoke

"Very well, let's move on to next subject..."

The one who spoke held a deep sinister tone









"...offering up the Jinchūriki"


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