Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

61. What Success Really Means

At the "Sake & Yaki" diner

Team Tango was enjoying a nice hot meal after a wearying day

"Please let me know if you need anything else"

"Thanks Akina" (Rei)

"My pleasure Rei" (Akina)

After Akina brought their meals, Tango was the first who went to town on the food. Surprised at its great quality, he looked at Rei and the others

"I can't believe you guys have been going to such a great store and you didn't tell me" (Tango)

"Hey, this is Rei's place. He brought Suzu and I to this diner the day before you dragged us to Unraikyō for a month. Apparently, it's his favorite spot in the village" (Tai)

"His third favorite spot in the village" (Suzu)

"Oh right, his 'third' favorite spot. I wonder what his 'first' and 'second' are?" (Tai)

"Is that so..." (Tango)

"Akina does make really good food though" (Tai)

The group looked at Rei, who was in his own world as he chowed down on his plate, seemingly oblivious to everything else around him

"..." (Suzu)

{Good grief, I'd hate to see his food bill at home} (Tai)

{The size of that plate is ridiculous...where in the hell does he put all that food in his body?} (Tango)

Rei's plate was big enough to serve the entire group and he was already half way through eating it. Tai turned to Tango with a question

"Um...Sensei?" (Tai)

"What is it?" (Tango)

"Well, I understand wanting a meal after the ordeal we just went through, but what exactly did you mean by 'celebrating'?" (Tai)

"What do you mean? We're celebrating your accomplishments of course" (Tango)

Tai and Suzu glanced at each other with a confused expression. Tango, noticing this, was quick to elaborate

"You guys don't believe you performed adequately do you?" (Tango)

"We didn', we couldn't finish the mission on our own" (Suzu)

"That fire-sword branding lunatic was too much for us to handle" (Tai)

"Hehehe..." (Tango)

"?" (Tai & Suzu)

"What was the original objective of the mission?" (Tango)

" the enemies and..." (Tai)

"Prevent the contents of that safe from being stolen...which we failed to do" (Suzu)

"Did you now? How do you figure?" (Tango)


Rei was still in his own world as he received a second plate from Akina

"We couldn't bring down all the enemies" (Suzu)

"And they managed to crack open the safe and take what's inside" (Tai)

Finishing his meal, Tango leaned back and folded his arms

"There seems to be misunderstanding here. The only thing that determines success in the mission is the end result. It's not a contest, and personal achievements don't, or rather, they shouldn't mean much to you. The only thing that should matter to you is completing the mission. Because every one you complete only serves to benefit our village" (Tango)

"..." (Tai & Suzu)

"You're shinobi of Kumogakure, that means you serve Kumogakure and its people. I don't care if Toroi was the one to finish the mission and neither should you. I'm rewarding you today with this meal I'm paying for because you did a wonderful job. Without your efforts, those felons would have gotten away, even if you couldn't take down the leader. Don't think about what you couldn't do, but what you did do" (Tango)

Taking his words to heart, the pair thought back on their performance, reevaluating it. So quick to deem it as a negative, they completely forgot about taking down fifteen other experienced rogue-nin, rescuing the hostages, and buying enough time for back-up to arrive. Allowing for the protection of the scroll inside the safe

With these thoughts in mind, their moods took a sudden turn for the better

"I guess when you put it that way..." (Tai)

"Servants of Kumogakure..." (Suzu)

"I mean, just look at Rei. Does he look like he's concerned about the mission results?" (Tango)

They turned to Rei who stopped eating

"The mission was completed, that's all that matters. I couldn't care less about who did what and such" Rei resumed eating

"See? You guys need to relax. You did so much better than your time on Genbu. The teamwork was superb, just what I wanted from you and then some. I know you trained at Unraikyō, but that alone wouldn't be enough to explain how well in sync you three are now" (Tango)

"Well...we can thank Rei for that" (Tai)

"Indeed" (Suzu)

Rei was still preoccupied with eating, now on his third plate

"How exactly did he help you? Did he put you through some kind of exercise or training?" (Tango)

"Nope" (Tai)

"He...brought us here and just asked questions" (Suzu)

"Is that what you did Rei?" (Tango)

"..." (Rei)

"..." (Tango & Suzu)

"...REI!" (Tai)

"Hm?! W-what?" (Rei)

"How much are you planning to eat anyway? Ahem! Tango-sensei asked you a question" (Tai)

"Ah, sorry. What is it sensei?" (Rei)

"...We were talking about the day before we set out to Unraikyō. You spent your time asking Tai and Suzu questions?" (Tango)

"Yeah...but that's what you wanted me to do. For a better 'introduction' the next time we convened, right?" (Rei)

{...Mabui was right about this kid...}

"So you were the one to figure out the true purpose of my words" (Tango)

The Genin explained the process of events to Tango, going over what led them to put aside their differences and work together as a true team. Tango was attentively listening to their words, intent on not missing a single detail

"Hehe, you'd think he'd go for something more subtle, but for THAT to be his favorite animal!" (Tai)

"You're tastes are very unique" (Tango)

"More like...cute" (Suzu)

"Shut up, there's nothing wrong with liking snakes. Damn it, I regret telling that to you guys" (Rei)

Tango smiled as he observed at an embarrassed Rei. Pleased to discover this innocent side of him

{Because he acts so mature all the time you tend to forget, at the end of the day, he's a kid too}

"Hahaha! I thought you'd ask about something Jutsu-related, but you choose to inquire about their likes and hobbies?" (Tango)

"Amongst other things" (Rei)

"Well...I'm very pleased to hear you all are willing to compromise with one another. That's good, it's the first step on becoming a team. But you still have much to learn" (Tango)

"Yeah, speaking of that Sensei..." (Tai)

"?" (Tango)

"I think I speak for all of us when I say, we need more training" (Tai)

"..." (Tango)

The three looked down for a moment before Suzu broke the silence

"I...I need to increase my arsenal of Ninjutsu. When we were fighting that masked man, I realized I could've been more helpful if I knew more techniques" (Suzu)

"True...most of your Doton are defensive focused. It wouldn't hurt to learn some more offensive ones" (Tango)

"And speaking of helpful...I'd like to learn Medical Ninjutsu" (Tai)

"Oh?" (Tango)

"I mean, if I'm going to have the role of Medic on our squad, I might as well be an ACTUAL medic. Plus, If I was during the mission, I could've help Suzu and Rei recover when I joined you guys to fight that fire maniac" (Tai)

"I can talk C if you'd like? He can definitely give you some pointers" (Tango)

"Much appreciated Tango-sensei" (Tai)

"And what of you Rei?" (Tango)

"I'm just gonna keep doing what I've been doing" (Rei)

They all went quiet after hearing his response before Tai started laughing

"Right. All you do is train anyway" (Tai)

"That was a stupid question on my part. But seriously, you three 'geniuses' will one day end up becoming full fledged shinobi. By that time, our squad will have long since been disbanded and you'll be teaching these lessons to others" (Tango)

"Sensei..." (Tai)

"..." (Suzu)

The mood took a melancholy turn as they thought about the uncertain future headed their way. Not pleased with it, Rei decided to break the ice

"When that day comes, you can treat us to another meal" (Rei)

"Amazing..." (Suzu)

"Even now you're still about food" (Tai)

"It's all about priorities" (Rei) 

"Alright, alright, it's getting late. Time to go home, before Rei bleeds my wallet dry" (Tango)

"And here I was getting ready for a fourth plate. Good thing this place has take home orders. Hey Akina!" (Rei)

"Leaving? I take it you want the usual?" (Akina)

"Yup!" (Rei)

Rei got up from the table and walked to front counter. Asking Akina for a to-go plate

"..." (Tango)

"Ah, sorry sensei. I guess we should've warned you" (Tai)

"His stomach is not to be underestimated" (Suzu)


{Are these the hardships of being a Sensei?} (Tango)

After leaving the diner, the team said their goodbyes and went separate ways. Finally returning to their homes in over a month. Rei, with food in hand, decided to take his time and leisurely walk back home






"...Shut the hell up Notitia"

[Pfffttttt! HAHAHAHAHAHA!]


[Snakes! Awww...that's SO cute!]

"Eat me"



[Okay, but seriously though]


[Why snakes?]

"Why not snakes?"

[It's just, of all the ones you could've picked...]

"In many countries like Asia or Africa snakes represent birth, wisdom, and personal or spiritual growth"


"Is was something I to attain back in my world. Something she was trying to..."





[But it just getting interesting]

"Just drop it"



[...Fine. But since I'm here, I might as well tell you, there's a surprise on the way]

"Huh? What kind of"

[Not yet, but it'll arrive soon enough. Make sure you pay close attention. Later!]

"What's that supposed to...and it's gone. I f*cking hate it when it does that!"

Rei continued on home. Just as he was about to open the front door, he felt a presence behind him

"Hey Rei! Long time no see!"



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