Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

62. Three Legacies


"Hey Rei. Long time no see"

Turning away from the front door of his house, Rei came across the sight of a familiar figure. It was the young man with the Kanji for "Lightning" tattooed on his left shoulder he met during the funeral of the Third Raikage. The only apprentice of the very same Raikage

"Darui" (Rei)

"Good, you remember me" (Darui)

"What are you doing here?" (Rei)

"I was heading out for a mission when I noticed I was in your neighborhood, so I decided to stop by" (Darui)

"A mission? This late? What kind of mission requires you to leave at this time of night?" (Rei)

"Ah...well...the thing" (Darui)

Darui rubbed his head and mumbled to himself. Rei was wondering why he was being so awkward before understanding Darui was implying he couldn't talk about it. Knowing it'd be a waste of time to press him, he dropped the subject 

"Forget it, I'd rather not know the details" (Rei)

"...Thanks for understanding" (Darui)

"But you still haven't told me the reason for this late night visit" (Rei)

"Right, sorry. I just wanted to ask if you managed to open it yet" (Darui)

"The 'it' implying?" (Rei)

"Sorry, the scroll I gave you" (Darui)

"The scroll you gave...ah!" (Rei)

Rei recalled the time he "fought" with the Third Raikage and how he was promised a prize if he passed his little test. Only to be rewarded with a scroll he couldn't open after the man died

"About that...I wasn't able to open it on my first attempt and I've been somewhat preoccupied in the last month" (Rei)

"I know, B-sama told me your squad underwent his training at Unraikyō. I'm just here check on your progress" (Darui)

"And hopefully tell me what's so damn important about it considering you're shirking your duties right now" (Rei)

"Shirking my...geez...are you really a kid?" (Darui)

"You raise an interesting philosophical question" (Rei)

"What?" (Darui)

"Forget it, the scroll?" (Rei)

"Yes, it's actually a relic from a time before the formation of Kumogakure, belonging to the First Raikage. When the Land of Lightning was, just like every other land at the time, nothing more than a bunch of small states ruled by shinobi clans and feudal lords" (Darui)

"The 'Warring States Period'..." (Rei)

"Correct, that came to an end shorty after first great nation Konohagakure was formed-" (Darui)

"Then our nation adopted the same system and our beloved First Raikage united all the clans in this land to form Kumogakure. Darui, I was never the type of student to ignore lectures at the academy. This history lesson has repeatedly been drilled into my brain. Come on, get to the point" (Rei)

Rei, tired after a long day of fighting, was getting a little impatient at Darui's slow pace. He wanted him to hurry up and say what he had to say so he could go to bed

"Sorry, but what I want to ask you is, do you know HOW he was able to do that?" (Darui)

Rei tilted his head at such an obvious question. In order to be a Kage and create a village, one would naturally have to be very powerful

"He was the First Raikage, implying he was strong. Not to mention being one the earliest, if not the first true practitioner of Nintaijutsu1Ninja Body Techniques" (Rei)

"That's only part of the reason. But the foundation of his strength lies in that scroll the Third left for you" (Darui)

"?!" (Rei)

"I see your interest is peaked. Good, it'd be pretty dull for me to continue explaining at this point if you weren't invested in this subject" (Darui)

"Anyone would be invested at this point you dull guy! Hurry up and talk!" (Rei)

"Okay, okay! Sorry. Inside that scroll is a powerful technique divided into four parts. All of which are sealed by, shall we say, 'Locks'. These locks can only be opened by high levels of chakra control" (Darui)

"How high are we talking about?" (Rei)

Darui closed his eyes and folded his arms, before giving Rei a serious look

"None of the previous Raikage have ever managed to break all four locks" (Darui)

"What?! Hold on. You just said this scroll was the First Raikage's" (Rei)

"But I never said HE created it, the First only discovered it. According to legend, it's an artifact existing from the time of the Sage of Six Paths. Not that I, or anyone else believes in such tall tales" (Darui)

{...You may not, but I sure as shit do}

"And because he was lucky enough to find it, he was able to unite the land" (Rei)

"Mhm. With training, he was able to access the second lock. Both the Second Raikage and the Fourth also managed to brake two locks. And the Third Raikage was the only one who managed to break three, albeit with much effort" (Darui)

"...Is that why he was so powerful?" (Rei)

"More like, one of the biggest reasons as to why he was so strong. The knowledge he obtained served as inspiration for most of his original Jutsu and fighting styles" (Darui)

"..." (Rei)

Rei pondered for a moment, thinking back to the Third's actions and words the last time he saw him

"Rei?" (Darui)

"Why?" (Rei)

"Why what?" (Darui)

"Why did he give the scroll to me? Why not you, or his son?" (Rei)

Darui looked at Rei as he questioned whether or not he was deserving of such a treasure before smiling

"...The 'Black Scroll' is one of three powerful legacies he left behind. He gave his First legacy, the title of Raikage, to his son since he understood the Fourth would never get past the second lock. He told me I wasn't suitable for the scroll and gave his second legacy, the 'Black Lightning' technique to me. It's why I have this tattoo" (Darui)

Darui pointed towards his left shoulder

"There were many who questioned his decision to give his third legacy to you, but he was adamant that you take it" (Darui)

"But why?" (Rei)

While this world is just a fictional story to him, Rei never would have admitted he was quite fond of the Third Raikage

"This is just a guess...but I think the Third believed with all his heart you'd be able to unlock the secrets of this scroll. After'tested' you, he just wouldn't stop talking about you" (Darui)

"Really?" (Rei)

"Oh yes, he spoke quite highly of your potential"

{He talked about you so much, even his training with me got dull} (Darui)

"..." (Rei)

Darui turned around

"If I stay any longer I might even lose my headband so I'm leaving. Any other questions you might have will be answered if you open that scroll. The only advice I give is tread carefully. If you don't think you can open it, then don't open it. The contents inside are NOT to taken for granted" (Darui)

{Only open it if I'm absolutely certain huh?} (Rei) 

"Take care, and give my regards to Mabui when you see her" (Darui)

"...I will. Good luck on your mission" (Rei)

Darui took off as Rei entered his home. Looking around, he could tell Mabui hasn't been home in a while. With a tired body and head full of questions, he decided to retire for the night









"Looks like it's gonna be another busy day at the lab"


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