Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

63. Cloak And Dagger


The shinobi Toroi was heading towards the office of the Raikage. Entering the dull lit room he found the sight of man himself, A, conversing with Dodai and C

"Ah. Toroi. Thank you for coming so quickly" (A)

"Of course Raikage-sama. For the mission report-" (Toroi)

"You can skip that part. Tell me what I really want know" (A)

"Sir? Are you sure that's-" (Toroi)

Toroi made small glances at Dodai and C, as if trying to indicate something to the Raikage. Understanding what he meant, the Raikage chuckled and gestured him to continue

"Hehe! Both Dodai and C are just like you, apart of my 'inner circle', so relax" (A)

"I was involved in this before you were Toroi-san. We're also expecting more guests to join us" (Dodai)


The office door opened once again. Entering the room was a shinobi followed by two cloaked figures

"Speak of the devil, what took you J?" (C)

"Sorry, but you know I don't like to cut corners, so I made sure we took the most secretive route possible. Couldn't afford the let these two be seen here at this time" (J)

The shinobi in question was a "Letter Bearer" like C, holding the name "J". He wore black sunglasses on his face and the standard Kumogakure flak jacket. Similar to C in age, he had a shaved a head

The two cloaked figures stepped forward as A spoke

"As I was explaining to our friend Toroi here, this is a safe place so you can take those off now" (A)

"Phew, as ordinary citizens, this whole 'cloak and dagger' business doesn't suit us. Especially me Raikage-dono, I'm not getting any younger mind you"

Removing their cloaks, Toroi was surprised to find the Daimyō himself along with his assistant Tekkan, here at this secret meeting

"Is this all there is?" (Daimyō)

"Problem?" (A)

"It's just...I thought you'd have more allies by now" (Daimyō)

"You were the one that told me to tighten my circle" (A)

"Yes, but you still need a sufficient amount of people to even have an 'inner circle' in the first place" (Daimyō)

The Daimyō was clearly dissatisfied with A's progress. He had hoped for more allies to deal with their current "problem" eating away at the village. Tekkan, sensing the mood was getting awkward, proceeded to interject

"Sir, it hasn't been long since we last spoke in person. The fact there aren't many of us here only means Raikage-sama is carefully picking allies. Personally, I'd rather have a small number of trust worthy allies, than a large group that could turn on us at any time" (Tekkan)

"That's fair I guess. Whatever, please give me some good news Raikage-dono" (Daimyō)

"There's been some unsettling activity going around" (A)

"Do tell" (Daimyō)

"Dodai" (A)

"Yes sir. Daimyō-sama, just over twenty four hours ago, one of the factories we contracted for the 'Network' project was attacked" (Dodai)

"We were already made aware of the attack. We also know the situation was resolved" (Tekkan)

"That rogue group of ninja called 'The Oni Garrison' right? Hardly a concern if they couldn't even handle a squad of Genin and one Jonin captain" (Daimyō)

Both Tekkan and the Daimyō tilted their heads, wondering why they were called for a matter that's already been handled

"Yes, but what you don't know is the criminals responsible had prior knowledge of the project schematics and purposely targeted them" (Dodai)

"A leak..." (Daimyō)

"As unsettling as that is, all of us knew it'd be impossible to keep the existence of the 'Network' a secret forever. Especially if you consider nearly every Kumo shinobi, including a few civilians, were aware of its existence" (Tekkan)

"This fact shouldn't be the reason for taking the risk of calling us here, I assume something else happened?" (Daimyō)

"...Yes" (Dodai)

Dodai looked downwards with a somewhat apologetic look before continuing

"During the raid, we discovered the factory in particular possessed not one, but ALL the schematics for the 'Network'." (Dodai)

"?!" (Tekkan)

"All?! We agreed to ensure no factory or company owner we commissioned would have access to the entire project! It's why we had multiple contractors focus on building ONE part of the 'Network', so we could assemble the final product in secret" (Daimyō)

"Information compartmentalization, this was to be our main strategy to avoid arousing suspicion from foreign nations and keeping the projects TRUE purpose a secret" (Tekkan)

"How in the hell did that happen?!" (Daimyō)

"..." (A)

"We still don't know the specifics, but someone managed to tamper with our shipping logs. From there, they arranged for the entire project to arrive at one location" (Dodai)

"And then, the mercenaries attacked..." (C)

"Do we know when this sabotage took place?" (Daimyō)

"I personally went through all our records and discovered the 'irregularity' was made about three weeks ago. But's there's no trace as to who was responsible" (Dodai)

The Daimyō looked straight at A and vice versa

"In other words..." (Daimyō)

"Right after our last council meeting" (A)

"That pretty much confirms our hidden 'enemy' has far more political influence than we thought if they can cause such disruption within our government" (Tekkan)

{I wonder...could the head ninja be behind this? It's very doubtful the likes of him could pull off something of this caliber...and get away clean} (Daimyō) 

"What else do we know about this attack?" (Tekkan)

Toroi, being the one who came from the factory, spoke of his findings

"The company owning the destroyed factory is the 'Mori Company', run by one, Tetsuo Mori. A small business growing in low income areas hurting because of the last war" (Toroi)

"Recently settling down near a small town, he personally hired workers from the local populace before building his factory right next to the town" (C)

"To go to such lengths. This Tetsuo person has been employing civilians who have suffered because of the war? Was he underpaying them?" (Tekkan)

"Just the opposite actually, he genuinely seems to care. He even asked for the reparation money we were going to give him to be used for the workers who lost their jobs as a result of this attack" (Toroi)

"So out of all the companies run by wealthy managers we've employed, these assholes target the one honest boss with a heart. F*cking beautiful everyone...what do we know about these guys?" (Daimyō)

"Unfortunately, not much. Through our interrogations we discovered members of 'The Oni Garrison' have been equipped with a ridiculous amount of Genjutsu Blocks. And the ones we've managed to get talking have stated they received payment and instructions from an unknown employer" (Toroi)

"I was working with the intelligence unit during the interrogation and I managed to clear the Genjutsu in the mind of their leader. But the only information he had...was..." (C)

"..." (Toroi)

"He didn't know anything?" (Tekkan)

"..." (C)

"The information in his head led us to an arms dealer whose base is located on the south western border of the Land of Lightning" (Toroi)

"Then should we not investigate?" (Tekkan)

"Darui has already been dispatched on a solo mission for that very purpose" (A)

"I was wondering why he wasn't here. But why do you seem hesitant to follow the lead Toroi? Do you think it might be a trap?" (Daimyō)

"More like, misdirection. I believe this information is smoke to keep us distracted" (Toroi)

"Prior to sending Darui, we did some digging and the facts just don't make sense. The arms dealer in question would never make a move on one of Kumogakure's hired companies. Provoking one of the five Great Shinobi Nation's is basically asking to get killed when you're just an small, insignificant, illegal business owner" (C)

"...Damn" (Tekkan)

"In other words, the progress of our project has been delayed, a good man's business has been destroyed, and we only have one suspicious lead which may not even turn up anything at all. I asked for good news A, that's not good news at all" (Daimyō)

"Now you know how I feel" (A)

Nearly everyone present sighed with frustration. Faced with the facts they have no real intel go on, melancholy filled the room

"That's what we have to share, and you?" (A)

"There hasn't been much activity in OUR country" (Daimyō)

"Our? Implying..." (A)

"So you haven't heard then. I wasn't sure if this news was related to the attack, but considering it happened on the same day I'm not to sure now..." (Daimyō)

"Heard what? What's happened?" (A)

"There's...been a development in Konoha. One of their shinobi has caused quite the stir" (Tekkan)

"And it happened the same day as the attack on the factory" (Daimyō)

"Who is the shinobi in question?" (A)

"His name is..." (Tekkan)





"...Ugh...right on time...hehe...." (Orochimaru)

In a cave just outside the Land of Fire's borders, a man with bandages over his face had visited the now rogue-nin Orochimaru who was treating a deep wound on his stomach

"That's a terrible wound, I expected you to do better"

"As if it's easy to escape the grasp of the Third Hokage and his anbu. Most would already be dead" (Orochimaru)

"Most would, but I expect better from one of Konoha's 'Densetsu no Sannin'1Three Legendary Ninja. Please don't make me regret helping you"

After getting caught conducting horrific human experimentation on civilians, Orochimaru was forced to flee his village with his life. Were it not for the help of the man before him, he'd already be dead

"Have I not always come through for you? Ignoring your arm and eye, I also arranged for the Fuma Clan to meet your partners in Kumogakure did I not?" (Orochimaru)

"Indeed, and I thank you for that. The 'Company' should be satisfied now"

"Hehe, but I wonder..." (Orochimaru)


"Can the Fuma clan really work with the "other" clan the 'Company' wants for their plan?" (Orochimaru)

"You think they can't?"

"Well, there's this rumor floating about. There are many who speculate the Fuma Clan may be distantly related to Uchiha clan, although it has yet to be confirmed" (Orochimaru)

"That rumor only sprouted because the Fuma had close ties with Uchiha during the 'Warring Period'. They were simply one of the first clans to fall under the Uchiha's thumb at the time. Because the Uchiha treated them especially well, some suspected they had one common ancestor, but it doesn't mean anything since they don't have the Sharingan"

"Maybe not to you, but to THAT clan, it means quite a lot. Their hatred for not only Kumo, but the Uchiha runs deep. The plan of the 'Company' may have been doomed from the start if that clan can't work with the Fuma" (Orochimaru)

"I'm well aware that clan holds grudges against the Lands of Fire and Lightning, but it doesn't matter"

"Oh?" (Orochimaru)

"If the 'Company' succeeds, I get what I want. If they fail, it simply ensures Kumogakure is weakened. Either way, it's not a loss on our end"

Orochimaru thought about the man's words before chuckling a little

"That's right, Kumogakure has really earned your ire lately hasn't it?" (Orochimaru)


The bad weather erupted with thunder and rain

"Not just us, but every village have been annoyed by the fact Kumogakure has been increasing it's military strength despite the conditions of the peace treaties. It's well past time someone put them in their place"

The man moved away towards the cave exit

"You're leaving already?" (Orochimaru)

"It serves me no benefit to stay here much longer. I have a body double in place, but I'd like to avoid any unnecessary suspicions"

"I should be ready to leave soon as well" (Orochimaru)

The man threw a scroll at Orochimaru

"This is..." (Orochimaru)

"An abandoned hideout that should suit your 'needs'. The leaf is still not done looking for you, and they've probably seized all your assets by now. Abandon any thought of retrieving whatever items you left behind"

"That's going to set me back quite a bit" (Orochimaru)

"There's no choice since you took too long leaving. Plus, you lack decent backing for protection as I cannot aid you in public. For now, lay low and continue your work. I'll try and arrange for your effects to be liberated and sent to you"

"I'm looking forward to it" (Orochimaru)

"The hideout is pretty average, so I'll contact you when I have something better"


Before Orochimaru realized it, the man vanished

"Much appreciated, Danzo" (Orochimaru)

Stitching his wounds, Orochimaru stood up and looked outside the cave with a twisted smile. Licking his lips, he laughed with a hoarse voice









"Things are about to get real interesting around here"


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