Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

66. The Content Few

The south eastern part of Kumogakure

A large home within the village's most expensive neighborhood, a teenager in shinobi attire entered the house. Making his way into a greenhouse filled with a wide array of beautiful flowers

He smiled when he spotted a young boy watering the plants inside

"Wow...this place has become far more impressive than I ever would've believed. Well done Tai"

"I glad you think so Kiyoi-ossan, but be careful what you touch. Some of these are poisonous after all1Suffix referring to one's uncle or addressing a middle-age man" (Tai)

Putting down his watering can, Tai sent a devious smirk towards Kiyoi

"Hey! Don't say ossan! I'm only nineteen, say nii-san2Suffix addressing a young adolescent male. An older male teenager and/or elder brother figuredamn it!" (Kiyoi)

"Hehe! But you are my uncle so it's technically not wrong to call you that" (Tai)

"Whatever. So, everything okay over here?" (Kiyoi)

"If you're worried about me living alone, don't be. This big, empty house was a problem to live in at first, but I've learned to adjust" (Tai)

"I see" (Kiyoi)

"I also get plenty of visitors to alleviate my boredom. You, mom, and other relatives regularly stop by, not to mention my team" (Tai)

"Speaking of them, how is your team doing? Your father and I, including a few others, have been very interested in that subject. Especially when we heard you guys took on a group of rogue-nin two years back" (Kiyoi)

"Still can't believe it was that long ago...but we're doing well. With some help from Tango-sensei and C, my skills have improved considerably" (Tai)

"Glad to hear Tango is looking after you properly. And what of your teammates?" (Kiyoi)

"Suzu and I are working well together, she's been a big help with my unique Ninjutsu style. And Rei is...well..." (Tai)

"What's wrong? Something going on with Rei?" (Kiyoi)

"Sort of. He's still as abnormal as ever but...he's hit a bit of a snag recently when it comes to training" (Tai)

"From what you've told me, that kid's a genius. Hard to imagine he'd be the one to have problems" (Kiyoi)

"You're surprised he's the one in our squad that's having issues and not me right?" (Tai)

"What?! No! That's not what I meant at all!" (Kiyoi)

"It's fine...I know YOU don't think like that" (Tai)

"..." (Kiyoi)

The conversation went bleak after Tai reminded Kiyoi of the low opinion the majority his clan had for him. Kiyoi decided to change the subject

"Here, it's from your dad" (Kiyoi)

"?" (Tai)

"There's been a development" (Kiyoi)

Kiyoi handed Tai a letter

"He sending me letters now? Couldn't bother to drop by and just talk me?" (Tai)

"Once you read that, you'll understand why" (Kiyoi)

"Humph..." (Tai)

After reading the contents, Tai questioned Kiyoi with a serious tone

"Are you serious right now?" (Tai)

"I'm afraid not" (Kiyoi)

"When was the vote cast?!" (Tai)

"Four days ago, while you and your team were away on a mission" (Kiyoi)

"Damn! What crappy timing...can't we do something?!" (Tai)

"It's too late. The majority of elders have elected for the next selection to begin" (Kiyoi)

His mind befuddled, Tai leaned back on desk holding some of his plants as he place his hand on his forehead

"Your parents and I knew this was bound to happen after the last war ended" (Kiyoi)

"I know. It's just hard to come to terms with the fact it's finally come to this..." (Tai)

"..." (Kiyoi)

"The heck am I supposed to do now?" (Tai)

"You're the only son of the Yotsuki clan head, thus you have the right to participate" (Kiyoi)

"That's what father expects of me?" (Tai)

"No, my brother didn't say that" (Kiyoi)

{In other words, he has no expectations of me at all} (Tai)

"...You have the right, but whether or not you choose to partake in the selection in entirely up to you. Regardless of what happens, you and your parents will still be fine" (Kiyoi)

"How much time until it begins?" (Tai)

"...Tai" (Kiyoi)

"How. Much. Time" (Tai)

"...With all the diplomatic events going on right now, nobody is making any big decisions. Since our clan is charged with security of the village, nothing will begin until said events end. Plus, our protocol dictates we keep up the security for some time afterwards" (Kiyoi)

"And the 'others'?" (Tai)

"Not all of the candidates are back in Kumogakure and will probably not be back for at least a year" (Kiyoi)

{I did hear about one of the elder's sons handling some trade negotiations in Iwagakure3Hidden Stone Village. Considering how far west that village is from us, it'll be a while before he comes back} (Tai)

"The process cannot begin until all candidates are in the village. Your father estimates it'll be at least a year and a half, if not more until all members of the house can begin the selection" (Kiyoi)

"Father estimates...wait...did he plan this?!" (Tai)

"He hasn't told me anything but I suspect so. By allowing them to proceed, he's bought himself time to undo their handy work" (Kiyoi)

"I see..." (Tai)

Tai walked pass Kiyoi and left the greenhouse. Following him, he could see Tai putting on his Kumo flak jacket and headband

"Tai?" (Kiyoi)

"Thanks for stopping by Kiyoi-ossan, but I already have a prior engagement to attend to" (Tai)

"It's not 'ossan' but 'nii-san' damn it. H-hey! Wait a sec!" (Kiyoi)

"I know what this means, but give me some time to decide if I'm going to partake in this contest or not!" (Tai)

"Wait! You can't just blow this off right now! Tai!" (Kiyoi)

"Sorry, I gotta go!" (Tai)

"Grrr. Just think very carefully on the message Ganjō left you! What he meant by saying you don't have to participate!" (Kiyoi)

"I don't think father had any other meaning but I'll indulge you. You've got a key, so lock the door on your way out!" (Tai)

Tai left the house, leaving Kiyoi all to himself

"Sigh...I hope he takes this seriously" (Kiyoi)




An orphanage in a less populated area of the village


"Nothing can stop the 'Thundercloud Unit'!"

"Not fair! It's my turn!"

"Ya snooze, ya lose!"

"Why you...!"

"Play nice you lot"

Several children were playing with an older girl before the orphanage director, a young woman carrying a baby in her arms entered the room. Appearing to be in her early twenties, she had fair skin with shoulder-length black hair and dark eyes

"Alright! Lunch is already waiting for you at the table, everybody to the table!"

"Awww...but Mariko-san..."

"I wanna play with Suzu-nee4Suffix addressing an older female in a close manner such as an elder sister role modelsome more"

"Not 'buts'. Besides, your Suzu-nee is going to be busy today" (Mariko)

"That's right, I'll be back to play with guys again. Now listen to Mariko-san and sit down at the table" (Suzu)

The children reluctantly parted with Suzu and made their way to the kitchen

"Karui, head upstairs for me and get Omoi. I have no idea what goes on in that head of his" (Mariko)

"Okay!" (Karui)

As the small child ran out the room, Suzu glanced at the baby Mariko was holding

"How many months?" (Suzu)

"Six. The poor child's only remaining parent passed away some time ago. But fortunately this one doesn't cry as much as the ones I usually have to deal with" (Mariko)

"Name?" (Suzu)

"This little boy is called Yukai, and he's a real angel. Hardly gives me any trouble...or rather any more trouble than your average baby" (Mariko)

"It's funny how a baby can cause trouble for a former elite Jonin" (Suzu)

"That's my old life. I'm focusing on this one, and only this one from now on" (Mariko)

Mariko endearingly smiled down at Yukai, who she was craddling

"I'm sorry I haven't been around much recently to help" (Suzu)

"No worries, I understand the life of a shinobi is not for the meek of heart better than anyone. With all I've been hearing about your squad, I know you've been busy. The best of the 'Gifted Generation' of the academy graduates" (Mariko)

"An overexaggerated title, we're still just a squad of Genin" (Suzu)

"Don't sell yourself short. I may be retired, but I'm not dead. The ones in your generation who entered 'Cloud Academy' during your year were an arrangement of the village's best and brightest. An assortment of geniuses to groom for Kumo's future at the behest of our leaders, and your squad ranks the best. Be proud of that Suzu" (Mariko)

"R-right..." (Suzu)

"So how is it going at your place? Any issues with the house?" (Mariko)

"It's fine...the place is still standing...barely" (Suzu)

Mariko frowned

"I've said it before, but you're more than welcome to return here. I really don't like the idea of you living in that place all by your lonesome" (Mariko)

"It' family home and I'm finally able to take care of it on my own. I'm...not ready to leave it yet. Don't worry, I can handle it" (Suzu)

{It's not the house I'm worried about, Suzu...} (Mariko)

Before they could continue, the sound of Karui running downstairs could be heard

"Mariko-san!" (Karui)

"Karui, how many times have I told you not to run downstairs?" (Mariko)

"Ah! U-Um...sorry" (Karui)

"I don't need you to be sorry, I need you to do better. Do you understand?" (Mariko)

"Yes ma'am" (Karui)

"Good, now where's Omoi?" (Mariko)

"Omoi says he can't eat your cooking" (Karui)

A vein appeared on Mariko's forehead as her mood turned sour

"Oh? Hehe, he's has a problem with my cooking now huh? That's REAL funny, hehehe" (Mariko)

"Um...M-Mariko?" (Suzu)

"Hm? Oh, it's nothing" (Mariko)

{Geez. I've been gone so long I've forgotten how scary she can be} (Suzu)

"H-He was saying something about it being too dangerous to eat your food. Something about him eating the wrong thing, getting sent to hospital, and dying of food poisoning. Then, authorities putting you in jail for killing one of the kids, which would've resulted in the orphanage shutting down and all the kids being sent to different foster homes. You know, his usual " (Karui)

"Ugh. That weird habit of his is getting worse" (Suzu)

Mariko went to the bottom of the stairs and with a smile that somehow wasn't a smile, she called out to Omoi

"Omoi. If you don't come down, I'm gonna have to come up...and we both know what'll happen if I do that" (Mariko)


Omoi burst out of his room and bolted downstairs, running past everyone else and sitting at the table

"..." (Suzu & Karui)

"I'm ready to eat" (Omoi)

"Atta boy" (Mariko)

"I'm...gonna sit down too. Bye Suzu-nee" (Karui)

Suzu waved at a departing Karui without saying a word

"..." (Suzu)

"Would you like to stay for lunch Suzu?" (Mariko)

"Um...I'm good" (Suzu)


"Well, it looks like your friends are here" (Mariko)

Mariko made her way to front door and opened it. Standing there was Tai

"Afternoon Mariko-nee! Looking as pretty as ever" (Tai)

"Flattery will get you no where Tai. Hm? Where's Rei?" (Mariko)

Moving past her, Suzu walked out the front door and stood next to Tai

"Rei's the last one to pick up. Tai, you know where he is?" (Suzu)

"Yup, he at his second favorite spot in the village this time" (Tai)

With somewhat of a pouty look, Mariko sighed

"Awww...that's too bad. I was really looking forward to seeing him" (Mariko)

"..." (Tai)

"We'll bring him the next time we're here. Come on Tai" (Suzu)

"Sigh...right behind you" (Tai)

"Take care! And remember to bring Rei next time!" (Mariko)

The pair took off on their way to pick up their squad mate

"..." (Tai)

"..." (Suzu)

"What do you think he'll have us do this time" (Tai)

"No clue...but knowing sensei, it'll probably be something completely unorthodox" (Suzu)

"Hehe, probably" (Tai)

"Let's pick up the pace, I wanna get there early" (Suzu)

"After you" (Tai)

Dashing towards the center of the village, they would arrive at their destination in no time at all. Along the way, Tai didn't mutter a word and simply kept his thoughts to himself









{Can't wait to see what you'll do next...Rei}


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