Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

67. Progress [1]

Inside a large library within Kumogakure

Rei spent his time researching certain subjects in Ninjutsu, but grew frustrated when he couldn't find what he was looking for. Realizing it was a waste of time, he put the several books he collected away and decided to leave

{Damn it...looks like I can't speed things along after all} (Rei)

On his way out, the only librarian there called out to him. She was a tall woman with green eyes and long brown hair laid behind her ears and shoulders

"Did you find what you were looking for?"

"Haa...just more of the same message, over and over again" (Rei)

"I'm sorry to hear that. But you know..."

"I understand. We are all at the mercy of our genes" (Rei)

"It might be disappointing but remember, everything worth it in life never comes easy"

"True that. I'll see you later Pyua-nee" (Rei)

"Are you sure you don't want to stay longer?" (Pyua)

"I want to, but my squad has other plans" (Rei)

"But there's no one-?" (Pyua)


Tai and Suzu opened the entry door from the outside and saw Rei was there waiting for them

"-There. Wow, you're a full fledged sensor-nin now. You didn't even have to make any hand seals to know they were coming" (Pyua)

"My range could still use some work but yeah, it's so natural now. Like breathing" (Rei)

"You ready?" (Suzu)

"You really need to ask?" (Rei)

"Hey Pyua-nee! Good to see you!" (Tai)

"Tai, please keep your voice down, it's a library"(Pyua)

"Oh, sorry bout that" (Tai)

"Rei, please do come again" (Pyua)

"Definitely" (Rei)

"Let's go" (Suzu)

"Right behind you" (Rei)

"Hold up, I wanna talk to Pyua-nee some more! Can't we stay a little-" (Tai)

Before he could finish sentence, Suzu grabbed Tai and led the trio out of the library





With much haste, the group dashed to the outskirts of the village

"What's with you Rei?" (Tai)

"...I was just doing more research on elements" (Rei)

"Still not satisfied with your pace?" (Suzu)

Frowning "I know you can still train an element you don't have an affinity for with extra practice, but it's taking especially long for me" (Rei)

"The difference between ease and chakra consumption of elements you do and don't have an affinity for is wide. Because of your only affinity is with non-elemental Jutsu, it's gonna take a while until the practice you've undertook with the other elements yields any results" (Suzu)

"That's exactly what all the books and scrolls in the library said" (Rei)

"Quit trying to find shortcuts. Besides, your inton1Yin/Shadow Styleis way better now. Your Genjutsu is very hard to break now" (Suzu)

"...You're a Genin. I doubt it'll hold up against a Jonin level opponent. I guess I was just hoping for better results" (Rei)

"You're the only Genin I know who would complain about not getting the upper hand on a Jonin. Sensei would chastise you for downplaying your efforts considering how hard you've been working" (Suzu)

"..." (Rei)

"It could be worse. I've read about people who are unable to use Ninjutsu at all" (Suzu)

{Like Rock Lee...but I don't have time to leisurely wait like the rest of you. Naruto's around three or four years old right now. Which means it's only a matter of time before I start to feel the effects of the main story kick in. All the build up events are right around the corner...} (Rei)

"Um, I wasn't asking about that. I meant to say, what's with you and the nee-san's Rei?" (Tai)

"..." (Suzu)

"What?" (Rei)

Tai stared at Rei with a piercing look

"We just came from visiting Mariko-san and-" (Tai)

"Did something happen to her?" (Rei)

"No, she's fine. The kids at the orphanage are as rowdy as ever. They've formed their own merry band group called the 'Thundercloud Unit' in their efforts to take down the tyrannical 'menace' that is Mariko-nee" (Suzu)

"Heh, well that's certainly a loosing battle" (Rei)

Growing irritated "Yes, they're fine and that's great. Not the point! What annoying me is the unfair favoritism for Rei!" (Tai)

"..." (Suzu)

"...Huh?" (Rei) 

"Don't 'huh' me. Akina, Mariko, Samui, Pyua, and even Yugito-sama! Why the hell do they all want to dote on and pamper you the most?!" (Tai)

"..." (Rei)

"..." (Suzu)

"It's not fair I tell you! I don't care if you're the youngest one of us! I'm obviously far more lovable than you! Just look at this cute face dang it!" (Tai)

"Ugh...Idiot" (Suzu)

"Come on, we're almost there" (Rei)

"Ah! Hey! I wasn't done yet!" (Tai)

Rei decided to pick up the pace, for whatever reason eager to arrive at their destination

{Even with all the "perks", I'm still lacking. If I don't do something soon...!} (Rei)

Moving at full speed, he thought back to the day he opened the "Black Scroll"




Nearly two years ago in Rei's lab

Rei had just finished applying the first part of the secret "method" to his body. When he was done, he body underwent a violent change


[Can't say I didn't warn you]


Veins appearing all over his skin, muscle inhumanly moving under his skin, and his flow of chakra surging at varying levels, Rei was in an immeasurable amount of pain

"W-WHY IS THIS...?!"

[I did caution against using this method so soon, numbnuts. The Raikage and his predecessors likely practiced this in their prime. The Third probably thought you, or anyone else would never be able to open it at such a young age]

Rei possessed a Neo-Ōtsutsuki body and matched with his intelligence, he possessed abnormal levels of chakra and control for someone his age. Enough to break open the first Lock on the black scroll. If the Third had known about this, he would have never given it to Rei out of concern for his safety


[There's no way someone would give such a dangerous thing to a child. Although, this world does lack in the "common sense" department. Maybe it's starting to rub off on you, hehehe]


[Hey, I didn't make you do this. Besides, this is only Part ONE of this scroll. Just think of what the other parts will do to you]

"NGH!!!! F*CKING HELL!!! UHACK!!!!!"

Rei regurgitated heavy levels of saliva and blood just as he passed out

[Rei? Rei! HEY! WAKE UP! RAYMOND!!!]


Some time later


{Wha...what the hell. What, wait why am I...what is this?!}

Waking up, Rei found himself on the ground covered in a strange, gooey, reddish-black colored substance

"Ugh! The stench! It...I smell like-"

[Like the Baba Yaga for skunks. Welcome back stinky]

"...Notitia...agh...what the hell happened?"

[Well, you used a method I already told you was dangerous even for ninjas like the Raikage. Went through hellish pain, started vomiting before going into shock and passing out. Then when you were out cold, your body began sweating that nasty black goo. Gross]

"I meant, did the process work or not?" 

[You can find out after you've taken a shower. Fortunately for the both of us, Isshiki believed in hygiene, so there should be one around here]

"Hold on a sec, I wanna-!"

[Nope. Uh-uh. I'm not giving anymore help until you smell like a decent human being, and not pure dimethyl sulfide. Take a damn shower]

{Aren't you a disembodied voice? How the hell can you "smell" anything?}

"Alright, alright. Just give me a sec"

Getting up, he noticed his breathing was better. Inhaling and exhaling held a pleasant sensation for him

{Wow...that feels so good. Have my lungs improved?}

Finding a shower, he wiped off all the black goo on his body and changed into some new clothes he brought with him.

{That felt good. All of my senses have improved again. My hearing, sight, chakra sense, everything! Is that why the stench earlier hurt so bad? Because my nose is much better now?}

Moving into another area in the lab that appeared to be a training ground of some sort. Standing in the middle of it, Rei cautiously circulated his chakra



"...It's amazing...the power within me is functioning so much better now. My blood circulation is better too and that goo...that was my body casting out any impurities I had. This secret method has LITERALLY cleansed me"

[You're a mix of Ōtsutsuki cells, human cells, and various other materials we used to enhance you. Completely different from an Ōtsutsuki-human hybrid like the Sage of Six Paths. Most likely it was your body that did most of the work, the method simply "activated" it]

"I'm still part human?"

[Have you forgotten? I said we'd keep some of your human aspects so you'd maintain your appearance and retain the ability to recover chakra as normal humans do. i.e. eating, resting, and meditating. Not like Ōtsutsuki parasites who as you know...]

"Have to drain planets of life or strap themselves to machines like Isshiki"

[Exactly. But this method seems to have increased the harmony between the various enhancements you already undertook. Hmm...your Ōtsutsuki cells allow you to grow infinitely...I wonder...hey Rei!]


[Stick out your finger and concentrate your chakra on the tip]


[Just...humor me. Close your eyes and focus]


Curious as to what Notitia was up to, Rei did as it asked

[Good, stay focused. Don't think about your body or anything else. Not where you are, or your current situation. Just the chakra on your finger. That's the only thing important right now]

He could fell a warm sensation on his finger

[Yes...that's it. your eyes]


"I don't get what you want to...WHAT THE?!"

[Hahaha! Very good!]

With both shock and joy together, Notitia and Rei were surprised at the phenomenon occurring before them

[Now this is what I call some damn progress]

At the top of Rei's finger was...

"How...just how is the happening?"





...a burning flame


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