Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

77. Yugakure

Trending Today! Thx so much guys! And again, with no keyboard I'm writing this chapter from my phone so I apologize if there are any grammar and/or spelling errors. Enjoy!




"You little shi-!"



"Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before. Next!" (Rei)

After leaving Shimogakure, Team Tango followed through with the Frost Daimyō's "request" for dealing with bandits who have settled just outside of the village. Rei, using his sensory abilities, allowed the team to find their base with little trouble

Facing the criminals alone, Rei hardly needed to try when it came to dealing with non-shinobi opponents

"What are you all doing, he's just a kid!"

"A kid who already took out eight of our men!"

"It's actually more than eight considering I took out the ones outside on lookout duty" (Rei)

"Damn it, this is all your fault!"


"Um...guys?" (Rei)

"I was against coming to this cold, horrid place from the beginning! But thought we could make a profit robbing people on the path!"

"This is a popular travel route and Shimogakure hardly has any shinobi! It made perfect sense you dumbass!"

"True...but shinobi take this route on a regular basis when you think about it" (Rei)

"I never should have joined up with guys!"

"Hah! You'd already be dead if hadn't joined up with us!"

"Go to hell!"

"Hello!" (Rei)


Pressed for time, Rei ended their squabbling

"Look guys, my team is waiting for me outside and I need get this done quickly so you get to decide. You can go prison with most of your teeth...or you can to prison with none of your teeth. Choose your next course of action carefully" (Rei)

All sense of fear in them was replaced with anger, focused on Rei. Despite being lowly bandits, even they had their pride. To be forced into a corner, and then threated by an eight, almost nine year old was the last straw

"Agh! I'm sick of this!"

"Screw it. Let's just jump him all at once!"

"Shinobi or not, a kid is still just a kid"

"Kill him!"

"No teeth it is then...'Shunshin no Jutsu'1Body Flicker Jutsu" (Rei)

"Huh? Shun-what now?"


Using his incredible speed, Rei vanished from their sight

"What the?! Where'd he-?!"



"Ah?! Hey! You alri-GAH!"


Before they realized it, Rei had violently struck each of them with the black bō staff in his hands. Rendering them unconscious in little over a second

"Normally I'd say, 'I don't get paid enough for this shit' but, this is free labor thanks to that asshole of a Daimyō. I swear I'm gonna pay him back one of these days" (Rei)

Rei tied up all the bandits in the room before leaving. Meeting his team who were waiting outside. Tai, shivering from the cold, yelled out in complaint

"F-F-F-Finally! I'd thought you said you were gonna finish it quickly?!" (Tai)

"I cleared a bandit hideout in less than five minutes Tai. I'm pretty sure that counts as 'quickly'." (Rei)

"Good work Rei, this 'extra' task of ours has hardly delayed us" (Tango)

"As if I'd let that jerk Daimyō impede our progress" (Rei)

After the team made it through the snowy mountain pass, they found themselves near the edgeof the cold country, right at the border leading to the Land of Hot Water. Not wanting any delays, Rei volunteered himself to go on ahead and deal with the bandits in their hideout

"S-S-Should we...s-s-s-send a m-m-message?" (Tai)

"No, this 'favor' for the Frost Daimyō is off the record. Let's go! We're almost out of this frozen land" (Tango)

"...Are you sure there aren't anymore of them Rei?" (Suzu)

"Any chakra I'm feeling around here belongs to animals. And if even if we me missed any...who cares? This country's affairs aren't our concern" (Rei)

"..." (Suzu)

"Alright, cut the chatter. We need to get to Yugakure2Hidden Hot Water Village and meet our contact" (Tango)

"Right!" (Rei, Suzu, & Tai)





Not wasting any time, Team Tango dashed through cold lands, making their way into the Land of Hot Water. Considering how small the country was, it didn't take long before they arrived at the nation's capital Yugakure

"Oh...nice! The temperature, the climate, I can feel myself being rejuvenated and I haven't even stepped in a hot spring yet!" (Tai)

"We're not here for relaxing. Let's hurry, the building should be this way" (Tango)

"Aw" (Tai)

"You still haven't told us who exactly we're meeting Sensei" (Rei)

"Ah...sorry. His name is Karai, a hand picked shinobi of Raikage-sama. He normally carries out assignments with his squad but, he was recently stationed here" (Tango)

"Why here?" (Tai)

"You can ask him when we get to his place" (Tango)

Walking through town, they couldn't help but notice the disposition of the locals. The village itself was a bustling town filled with business, vigor, and joy. Everywhere you looked, people were wearing smiles and giggling. Hot springs scattered throughout the entire town, it was truly a successful tourist site

"This place is awesome! It's even better than last time!" (Tai)

"You've been here before?" (Rei)

"My parents sailed here, AROUND the cold land of Shimogakure, as escorts for a top official on a diplomatic commission many years ago. I begged them to let me come along" (Tai)

"Diplomatic commission? In a town full of nothing but hot springs and resorts?" (Rei)

"This place is a nice, relaxing, and most importantly, neutral ground that welcomes people from all over. Perfect for negotiations between different countries and businessmen" (Tai)

{A neutral country...} (Rei)

"Yugakure has tons of hot springs with steam so thick it rises up around the village. The hotel resorts built throughout the area for visitors are also high quality" (Tai)

"You really like this place don't you..." (Suzu)

"The hot springs here have an especially high level of healthy minerals! This has caused Yugakure to become well verse in herbs, medicines, and all other manners of methods that rejuvenate, heal, and stimulate the human body. As a herbalist and medical-nin myself, this is the best vacation spot in the world!" (Tai)

Rei wryly sent a quip at Tai

"I thought you liked this place because of its infamous mixed bathing?" (Rei)

"They still have it?! Ah!" (Tai)

"...Pervert" (Suzu)

"No, no...Suzu! I wasn't looking forward to bathing with pretty older women in particular!" (Tai)

"Your real thoughts are leaking out buddy" (Rei)

"Dang it Rei! Shut up!" (Tai)

Tango, hearing their loud banter, interjected

"Years of unwanted shinobi service has driven this country towards pacifism. Yugakure ceased most of it's shinobi activity, priding itself as the 'village that has forgotten wars'. The village's ninja now solely work on keeping the roads safe for tourists and small jobs in the area" (Tango)

"It's basically a country that gains its income with tourism, rather than shinobi jobs" (Tai)

"I can't imagine that sits well with its shinobi" (Suzu)

Tai laughed awkwardly

"Haha, yeah...well..." (Tai)

"Most critics disappeared when they realized how profitable, and less dangerous it was to work for a tourist country than a shinobi one. Although, there has been a strange cult popping up around the country, worshiping something called Jashinism" (Tango)

{Jashinism...isn't that...?!} (Rei)

Rei's face tensed up when he that word, "Jashinism". The same religion used by the infamous Akatsuki member Hidan. Thoughts emerged in his head about Yugito's current situation as more and more hints of the group's involvement in her disappearance came up

{No...I shouldn't rush to conclusions just yet. There's still no concrete evidence this was them} (Rei)

"Critics of Yugakure's pacifism have made their opinions known to the public, even mocking the village name. Calling it 'Nurumayugakure'3Village Hidden in Warm Water" (Tango)

"What's your opinion on the matter sensei? You think Kumogakure could live like this village and completely demilitarize?" (Tai)

Although somewhat reluctant, he replied to Tai's question

"...No. Our village is too isolated, and we don't have any natural attractions like Yugakure's hot springs. Besides..." (Tango)

"?" (Tai & Suzu)

"Despite their newfound 'pacifism', the village has historically, hypocritically ignored certain problems in their land. Letting them fester until the neighboring countries had no choice but to deal with them. Like these Jashinists...they may be small now, but I've heard they're growing at a steady rate" (Tango)

"In other words, this town may look all nice and pretty, but its still got some ugly spots. Like shirking its responsibilities onto others" (Rei)

"Mm. Like I always say, read between the lines" (Tango)

"...Way to ruin one of my favorite childhood memories guys. Haaa..." (Tai)

"All that glitters, is indeed not gold!!"

"?!" (Team Tango)

The group tensed up, alert and ready for anything when they were called out to by an unknown voice

"Who's there?!" (Tango)

"Easy, easy...I come in peace"

"Nice timing..." (Tango)

Revealing himself from the shadows was a Kumo-nin with dark skin and eyes, blonde hair with a streak of dark orange on the left side. He was older than the rest of the group, around seventeen years old

"...Karai-senpai" (Tango)

"Long time no see Tango, you got taller" (Karai)

"It's good to see you too. We got here as quick as we-" (Tango)

Karai raised his hand, gesturing Tango to stop talking

"I know everything, but not here...come on" (Karai)

Karai led the group into a small building. Once inside, Karai made sure no one followed them before closing the door. Removing a shelf of books by the wall, he revealed a dark, secret path leading downwards

"A secret passage..." (Tai)

"This place is safe house the village installed in this country many years ago. It hasn't been discovered since and I don't intend to be the one to break that streak" (Karai)

"Hence all the theatrics" (Tango)

"Well there's that but, I recently received an uninvited guest who wants to speak with you" (Karai)

"With us? Who?" (Tango)

"See for yourself" (Karai)

Making it down the dark tunnel to a hidden room. Karai opened the door and invited them inside

Laying on a bed in front of Team Tango was an injured man in bandages. Seeing the new guest, he gestured for assistance from Karai to help him sit up

"'re all the village could afford to send huh?"

"Uh?! You're...?!" (Tango)

"Good to see you again Tango"

It was the very man who escorted Yugito's team on their mission, and the last one to see them alive

"Hikaru-senpai!" (Tango)

"Despite being a team of Genin and one Jonin, I'm glad you're here..." (Hikaru)

"?" (Tango)









"...because...we have a VERY big problem"


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