Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

78. The Ship’s Captain

Four Days Ago

Sailing along the southern coast of the mainland, Yugito and her team took their time getting to the border between the Land's of Frost and Hot Water

"Hey captain! How much longer until we reach our destination?" (Yugito)

"We've already passed Shimogakure...and at the pace we're going, I estimate another half and hour or so until we reach the border Yugito-sama" (Hikaru)

"Great, the sooner we get out of this cold country the better" (Yugito)

"I quite like it. It's quiet, calm, and cool" (Samui)

"Of course you'd say that Samui, but I bet your little brother would agree with me" (Yugito)

"Haaa...don't remind me of that headache" (Samui)

"I'll do my upmost best to ensure we get to our destination as soon as humanly possible" (Hikaru)

"Your ability as a captain was never in doubt, especially with what I've heard from Funsui. Your performance in dealing with the northern ravagers in our country has made you somewhat famous" (Yugito)

Somewhat embarrassed with the flattery, Hikaru chuckled while scratching the back of his head

"Hehe. I can't take all the credit, it was team effort. Besides, the northern shore of our country has always been a blind spot for us" (Hikaru)

"Right. With all the mountains between Kumogakure and it, travel between the two areas is troublesome even for shinobi" (Samui)

"I heard you, and a slew of others had the live there for quite some time. That must've been rough" (Yugito)

"Not really, most of the insurgents were just average criminals looking to take advantage of our lacking numbers as a result of the previous war. Hardly any of them were shinobi. Besides I...I got to team up with my old team" (Hikaru)

"Oh yeah! You guys became Chunin after we did. Your team was naturally disbanded" (Yugito)

"Two years after you to be precise but yeah, it was nice teaming up with my old team. Made me realize just how much I missed them" (Hikaru)

Samui smiled

"Looking at it in hindsight, I guess receiving this last minute mission isn't so bad" (Samui)

"Mm. I have to say it's real nice to work with my original team again after so long. It feels like forever since we became Chunin and our team was disbanded. I've been lonely" (Yugito)

"Come on, its barely been four years since then. And despite your, 'training sessions', we've seen each other plenty" (Samui)

"Yeah...I guess" (Yugito)

"And if there is anyone who's lonely it'd be..." (Samui)

"Hm? Ah..." (Yugito)

"?" (Hikaru)

Samui's sight focused on the figure standing by the front of the ship. As Yugito looked to see what she was hinting at, Mabui came into her line of sight

"She's barely been able to spend anytime with Rei" (Samui)

"Ah. So that's why Mabui-senpai has been so melancholic during our journey" (Hikaru)

"Mm...considering its her, she's probably more worried about Rei feeling lonely than herself" (Yugito)

"Always the type to put others before herself...I can see that" (Samui)

"Then...let's get this mission done quickly so she can go home and see him!" (Hikaru)

While the three were chatting, Mabui was surveying the surroundings. Seemingly noticing something out of place

{Strange...activity on land has indeed been slowed due to recent events but...that shouldn't be the case for the sea} (Mabui)

Turning around, she called out to Hikaru, who was piloting the ship at its helm

"Something wrong Mabui-senpai?" (Hikaru)

"Where are all the ships?" (Mabui)

"?" (Samui & Yugito)

"What do you mean?" (Hikaru)

"I expected to see more ships considering how close we're sailing to the coastline" (Mabui)

"..." (Hikaru)

"Shouldn't there be more?" (Mabui)

"..." (Yugito)

"...Now that you mention it" (Samui)

Hikaru looked around before surmising an appropriate response

"Preparations for the armistice would have indeed slowed things down but...essentials workers should still be on duty" (Hikaru)

"Perhaps we just missed them?" (Samui)

"Unlikely, considering the route we're taking. Plus, it's the middle of the day, a frequent time for sailors and fishermen to be active" (Hikaru)

"Maybe it's just an off day?" (Yugito)

"I suppose that's possible but...huh?" (Hikaru)

Sailing through sea, Hikaru took out at telescope after spotting something moving in their direction

"Eh? A...ship?" (Hikaru)

"Looks like people are out after all" (Samui)

"Geez...and here I was getting worried. That's clearly a fishing boat" (Yugito)

"Sorry. I guess it was just me being paranoid" (Mabui)

"..." (Hikaru)

As ship in the distance came closer, Hikaru got a better view of its hull. But what he saw filled him with dread

"Guys! We got trouble!" (Hikaru)

"?!" (Mabui & Yugito)

"What's wrong?!" (Samui)

"Those guys aren't fishermen! Here, take a look for yourself" (Hikaru)


Shocked at his claim, Samui took a look through the telescope Hikaru just tossed at her. But she was at a loss, for the men on the boat headed in their direction looked like average fishermen

"What am I supposed to see here?" (Samui)

"It's what you're not seeing. They may be dressed as fishermen, but they're certainly not equipped like them. Where's the deck equipment? The winches at the stern, the emergency boat, not even ONE casting net is present. And don't even get me started on the clearly insignificant amount of pulleys and sheaves on that boat" (Hikaru)

"!" (Samui)

"Just look at it, doesn't even resemble a fishing boat. Hell, it looks like ours. Fit for the sole purpose of transporting people, or shinobi, somewhere quickly and quietly" (Hikaru)

The three kunoichi instantly became aware of what Hikaru was hinting at. The fact that a non-fishing boat filled with people dressed as fishermen meant they were in disguise. And considering it was headed in their direction indicates foul intent towards them

Hikaru immediately steered the helm, diverging from a collision course with these unknown people. Samui gave his telescope back to him before heading below deck with the others

"Grab only what you need! Looks like were docking sooner than expected!" (Hikaru)

"Right!" (Mabui)

"I'm so glad you came along!" (Samui)

"Where exactly are we headed Hikaru-kun?!" (Yugito)

Getting his bearings, Hikaru spotted an ideal place to dock the ship. The other ship with the unknown individuals began to follow

{They're changing course as they really are here for us} (Mabui)

"We've already made it past Shimogakure and most of it's snowy mountains, should only be a few klicks1Term used by the military to denote one kilometer or 1,000 meters. Over half a mile from its border with the Land of Hot Water!" (Hikaru)

Grabbing their belongings, the group returned on deck, fully equipped with weapons and ready for anything

"I took another look at that ship and I've confirmed we're vastly outnumbered!" (Hikaru)

"Although I'm curious as to why they're targeting us...we don't need to fight. Lets just focus on getting away from them" (Mabui)

"Agreed. The moment we get on land, we'll make a beeline towards the border and make our way towards Yugakure. One of our village's assets is stationed in that town" (Samui)

Yugakure was a semi-neutral tourist village that welcomed travelers from all over. The perfect place for them to avoid any conflict and contact Kumogakure about the situation


"?!" (All of them)

The boat chasing them suddenly made a loud motorized sound

"Eh?!" (Samui)

"What was that?!" (Yugito)

{...No f@*king way?!} (Hikaru)


"Hikaru-kun?!" (Mabui)

Hikaru got off the helm and jumped towards the front of the deck, looking through his telescope

"CRAP!" (Hikaru)

"What is it now?!" (Yugito)

"That boat has an incredibly powerful motor! With that level of quality, they'll catch us before we make it to shore!" (Hikaru)


"?!" (Hikaru)


The assailants on the enemy ship were firing kunai with paper bombs attached to them. Hikaru returned to the helm and did his best to ensure the boat wasn't hit by any of them

"Bastards!" (Hikaru)

"Here comes another round!" (Mabui)

"I got it!" (Samui)

Samui ran to the back of the ship and formed several hand seals

{"Suiton: Suijinheki!2Water Style: Water Wall"} (Samui)

Manipulating the sea, Samui conjured walls of water to shield them from the rear attacks but...

"I'll try to stop the attacks but I won't be able to keep this up forever! We either need to jump ship and run, or stay and fight!" (Samui)

The boat they were currently on was small and inconspicuous, repurposed for reconnaissance and infiltration. Its capabilities were limited and they were still quite far from shore. Plus, taking into account the distance between shore and Yugakure, they'd tire themselves out if they jumped ship now and used chakra to run on the water's surface.

Especially if they had to fend off attacks from the enemy at the same time

"We-!" (Yugito)

"The enemy is an unknown, lets jump ship and run!" (Hikaru)

"You sure? This boat is-!" (Yugito)

"This one's not my original, just a spare. It's always a shame to lose a good ship, but I have no qualms parting with it" (Hikaru)

Hikaru smiled reassuringly

"Okay, if you say so" (Yugito)

"There's no need to fret over me Yugito-sama" (Hikaru)

"Alright, let's go!" (Mabui)

The quartet jumped ship, using their chakra to run across the sea. The enemy boat still in pursuit, but unable to catch them

{Hm? They're not jumping ship either? Are they not shinobi after all?} (Hikaru)

Making it to shore, the group dashed through the land, nearing the border. No enemy had yet to catch them

"You guys notice anything?" (Mabui)

"Our pursuers have yet to catch us" (Samui)

"Did we lose them?" (Hikaru)

"It's still too early to tell. Let's keep with original plan and head to-!" (Yugito)

Just as she was about to finish her sentence, a lone figure came into view. The team ceased running and observed the unknown man as he approached the group

"Hold it right there! Identify yourself!" (Samui)

"..." (?)

The man in question was covered in white robes from head to toe, with a hood keeping his face hidden. He continued his slow pace while muttering strange words...almost as if he were praying

"Cease your approach and identify yourself or you will be treated as an enemy!" (Samui)

"..." (?)

Still no response, he seemed oblivious to her demands. Mabui whispered to her

"Samui, I shouldn't have to tell you but this guy...he's clearly not normal. And I'm not talking about his appearance or actions" (Mabui)

"...I know" (Samui)

{Uwah. What is this creepy feeling I'm getting?!} (Hikaru)

"Screw it, if this guy's an enemy, we all know what needs to be done. Enough standing around issuing orders he's clearly ignoring!" (Yugito)

"?!" (Hikaru)


Just as they were about to engage, a red light emerged from the man, engulfing the group

"WHAT THE-?!" (Samui)

"This!" (Mabui)

"AHH!" (Yugito)

This moment was...

"Those...those eyes...those red eyes! They're-!?" (Hikaru)








...The last time Hikaru saw Yugito and her team


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