Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

79. Detour

Karai's secret room in Yugakure

After sharing his recollection of the events that led him here, an injured Hikaru took a moment to catch his breath as Tai treated his injuries

"Your medical ninjutsu is...huff...very impressive for your age..." (Hikaru)

"When you're advised in the subject by C for nearly two years, your skill can't be average. But do your best not to move Hikaru-san, if it wasn't for Karai-san's treatment you'd be..." (Tai)

"Glad to see my half-assed treatment was helpful" (Karai)

Hikaru was in terrible shape, bandages and bruises all over his body

"Hikaru, you've obviously been through a lot but we still-" (Tango)

"I know, I need the rest of it. Unfortunately, I don't remember much after we encountered that strange man" (Hikaru)

"Nothing? No clue as to where they went?" (Tango)

"No. After that man emitted some weird red glow from his eyes, none of us were able to move before our pursuers from behind attacked us with another paper bomb. The explosion blew us all away in separate directions" (Hikaru)

"And you were blasted downhill correct?" (Tango)

"Yeah...before being buried alive by rubble, unable to move thanks to the fracture. If Karai hadn't found me during his patrol, we wouldn't be having this conversation now" (Hikaru)

"I see...haaa" (Tango)

Tango was hoping for more information. After arriving at their destination, they confirmed Yugito was indeed targeted by hostiles. But they had no idea who they were, what they were capable of, nor where they even went

"I've already sent a carrier bird to Kumogakure'll take some time before it gets to the village" (Karai)

"Because it has to fly over sea, around the Land of Frost?" (Tai)

"Yup. The bird I had definitely couldn't last long in that cold country" (Karai)

"With that message delivered, I'd say your mission is complete. You were only sent to confirm if my group had indeed been attacked after all" (Hikaru)

"Eh?! Were just gonna stop here?" (Tai)

"Back up should be on their way to pick up where you left off" (Karai)

"That's..." (Tango)

{Red eyes...} (Rei)

What Hikaru said was true, Team Tango was only sent to verify, not engage. But this new development left a sour after taste in their mouths

Rei however, had his mind on something else

"Excuse me for one moment" (Rei)

"?" (Suzu)

"Before I decide our next course of action, there's still some things I need to know. Hikaru, before you were attacked, did you happen to hear anything from your assailants? Any dialogue would be helpful" (Tango)

"Well I-" (Hikaru)




While they tried to discover more clues, Rei left the room. Going back upstairs through the secret path and leaving the house

"...Notitia" (Rei)

[You rang?]

"Be honest with Akatsuki behind this?" (Rei)

[The hell if I know. This shit happening now is completely Non-canon]

"You want me use a Lifeline?" (Rei)

[You can't, remember? The "other" me is out of commission after you burned it out with your first Lifeline]

"How long until it's back to normal?" (Rei)

[It's still hard to say but...I estimate another two years until your next Lifeline is available for use]

"That long?!" (Rei)

[I told you they were a precious resource. Next time, go easy and don't let it drag out for so long]

"I'm on my own then?" (Rei)

[I didn't say that. I can still give you a guess]

"Oh? You have an idea who's behind this?" (Rei)

[Nope. But I have better knowledge of this world than most. Especially you, who skimmed over the entire story with disinterest]

Rei's head slumped down as he sighed. Annoyed with the fact there'd actually be a day he'd regret not reading a Manga book with commitment

[At this point in time, Akatsuki doesn't have its ten main members yet. A lot of them are around your age. The Uchiha Clan is still active so I doubt it's Itachi. The red eyes he mentioned could be Tobi's but it's still too early to tell]

"Tobi...that's even worse than Itachi" (Rei)

[Plus, most don't understand that Akatsuki was more than just ten members. The puppet master Sasori had dozens of sleeper agents scattered all across the world. Not to mention some of it's earliest members]

"So Sasori provided most of Akatsuki's intel..." (Rei)

[Well, him and the artificial soldier Zetsu. We also have to consider the possibility you've created a "Ripple" at some point and changed things]

"..." (Rei)

[All in all, there's no guaranteed answer if this is Akatsuki's doing or not. All we know is someone purposely targeted Kumo's Jinchūriki and probably wants the tailed beast within her. But considering the circumstances of Hikaru's attack, I don't really think Akatsuki's the one responsible for this]

"...But it's still to soon to tell" (Rei)

[Correct. I'm just giving you the statistics, the odds]

"Right, thanks" (Rei)

[No prob. Call me if you have any other questions]




Just as Rei was about to head back inside, his team opened the door and joined him

"...Are we heading back home?" (Rei)

"Is that what you want?" (Tango)

"Hell no" (Rei)

Pleased at his answer, Tango patted him on the shoulder

"That's what I like to hear" (Tango)

"Our orders were to return the moment after we verified Yugito's status. We're gonna be in big trouble if we get caught going rogue" (Tai)

"Not to mention our village could end up provoking another nation if Kumo ninja are seen being active during an armistice signing focused on the sole purpose of demilitarization" (Rei)

"Hmm..." (Tango)

Rei made a valid point. Going after the perpetrators now could lead to serious diplomatic issues. This possibility caused the boys to hesitate for a moment

But then, Suzu spoke her mind

"Well...we technically haven't completed our mission since we haven't actually SEEN Yugito-sama and the others. I see no problem in taking a small, Detour on our way back home" (Suzu)

"?!" (Rei & Tai)

"That...that's not entirely wrong. We just might be able to spin that" (Tango)

"Suzu, you..." (Rei)

"To think I'd hear such a suggestion coming from you of all people..." (Tai)

"..." (Suzu)

Rei and Tai were taken aback. It was completely unusual for the usually quiet and stoic young girl to suggest breaking the rules. As Tango pondered this suggestion, Karai came to see them off

"You guys are gonna get an earful from Raikage-sama regardless of any loopholes you find. On a personal note, I fully back what you're doing. Breaking the rules to rescue our comrades is something I'll always get behind" (Karai)

"Senpai..." (Tango)

"Don't worry about Hikaru, I'll look after him. Tai-kun here did a hell of a job patching him up. I'd come with you if I could but..." (Karai)

"We understand, you're under orders from Raikage-sama to remain in this area. Plus, you being here is benefit to us. When back up arrives, you can put them in our direction" (Tango)

"Mm. The ambush site is not far from here. I suggest going over the small mountain instead of taking the main road. It's becomes quite the shortcut when you're a shinobi" (Karai)

Karai turned around and walked back inside as Rei spoke once more

"Thanks, we appreciate it" (Rei)

"No worries Rei-kun, you gotta rescue that cousin of yours right? Just be careful guys, their skill is no joke if they were able to give Yugito-sama, Mabui, AND Samui trouble. Remember, the cavalry IS coming so there's no need to get reckless" (Karai)

The team nodded in unison as Karai closed the door. Nothing more was said between the team as Tango led them away from the house and out of Yugakure. Their destination...the ambush site

{Yugito being killed and losing her tailed beast would cause, god knows how many ripples. Even if it is Akatsuki doing this, I can't allow them to succeed} (Rei)

His face went cold as he looked at the red bracers on his arms








{Time to put these new "Tools" to the test}


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