Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

80. From Haystack…

PHEW! Typing all of this with a tiny phone is SO not easy! Enjoy the chapter!


Within a large cavern

Two kunoichi were on the ground, their arms restrained. Eyes seemingly devoid of any life whatsoever. Two men were inside as well, one guarding the entrance and the other forming hand seals whilst standing in front of said captive ninja

The one guarding the entrance called out to man holding a hand seal

"How's progress?"

"The same as it was the last time you asked less than an hour ago"

"Haaa...sorry. No offense to your ability, but it feels like these two should've cracked already"

"It's fine, this kind of thing was never really my forte anyway. Besides, despite their appearances these kunoichi are quite capable, to the point I'm wondering if they're Jonin. Can't expect to break easily under my Interrogation Genjutsu"

"Right, the way they fought certainly didn't display a lack of ability. I'm not trying to pressure you or anything it's just...I don't like being in enemy territory for so long"

Whoever these men were affiliated with is unknown, what's known is the unlawful behavior they've committed in a foreign country. If they were caught, calling the consequences dire would be a gross understatement

"The rest of our allies ensured no one would be able to discover our current whereabouts before they left...relax"

"We're already down on men after these girls tore through most of our men. We're lucky we decided to bring several squads"

The man standing in front of the women was doing his best to extract information from their minds. But the task proved to be more difficult than expected as their resistance was stronger than he anticipated

"Because of the loss of men, naturally the group with that monster is gonna be delayed"

"So I'll be on guard duty for a little longer"

"Well, no worries. They'll break one way or another. It's just a matter of time"

"As long as we complete our task with the Jinchūriki, we'll be out of this dump soon enough. I'm gonna have a smoke, be back in five"

The guard, annoyed he'd be here much longer than he wanted to be, left the cavern for a break. The interrogator glanced at him before returning to his task

{...Don't take too long}




At the site of Hikaru's ambush, Team Tango was canvassing the area. Searching for even the smallest clue that could lead them to their missing comrades

But after some time, the only answer they received was the perpetrators responsible are very good at erasing evidence

"Damn. Nothing here either. Any luck on your end?!" (Tango)

"..." (Suzu)

"I'm still expanding my range but...we're looking for a needle in a very big haystack" (Rei)

"A very ANNOYING haystack" (Tai)

Suzu simply shook her head and Rei was busy searching for any traces of chakra in the area

"I can't sense any chakra at all, and I can feel the chakra of every animal in this entire forest" (Rei)

"The entire forest and still nothing?" (Tango)

"...No" (Rei)

"..." (Tango)

The exact answer Tango didn't want to hear. If Rei couldn't find anything despite searching this entire forest, worst case scenario, the kidnappers could've already made it past the border at the other end of the country despite it being monitored closely by Shinobi

{I pray they really are just hiding in this forest. Because if these guys really managed to get past the border undetected then...we'll have lost Yugito-sama and the others for good} (Tango)

"We're not done yet. I'm going to expand my range even further!" (Rei)

"Okay" (Tango)

Suzu went back to work and just as Tango was about to do the same, Tai unusual actions caught his attention. Walking over to him, Tango saw that he was fiddling around with the tool kit he brought with him

"Tai? What are you...what is that stuff?" (Tango)

"Ah, Sensei. After looking around my area I couldn't find anything. So I thought, if my eyes alone couldn't find any clues then...maybe they could use a little help?" (Tai)

"Help?" (Tango)

"Fortunately it's evening right now, so we should be able to see the effects of the oxidizer" (Tai)

"?" (Tango)

"Oxidizer...what kind of reaction are you trying to make?" (Suzu)

"Just one sec" (Tai)

Tai went to work mixing chemicals he brought in his unique travel kit. Rei was still trying to find the enemy's chakra when the work Tai was doing caught his eye. As the group approached for a closer look, Rei was met with surprise

{Wait, that's hydrazine sulfate along with...3-nitrophthalic acid. No he making what I think he's making?!} (Rei)

"Fortunately I was working on this long before we even got this mission so the process shouldn't take long" (Tai)

"...Hey Tai" (Rei)

"Yeah?" (Tai)

"You think there's still enough blood around the area?" (Rei)

{Blood?} (Suzu)

{Does Rei know what he's up to?} (Tango)

"It doesn't take a genius to know there was a battle here. And considering how wide spread it was, there's no way the enemy could've erased everything in the short time they had" (Tai)

"You're certain?" (Rei)

"...Only one way to find out I guess. Hey, can you heat this for me?" (Tai)

"Sure" (Rei)


A small flame emerged on the tip of Rei's finger. Holding said flame under the flask filled with chemicals for a few minutes, Tai added more chemicals until the red solution inside turned from black, to yellow, and finally a light orange

"Shouldn't we vacuum it?" (Rei)

"Normally yes, but medical ninjutsu has endless applications when it comes to chemistry. My chakra can make up for the lack of appropriate tools. Here, I have more flasks, and we're gonna need more than this if we want cover the whole area. Help me fill me fill it water" (Tai)


Using their Suiton, the pair filled the flasks to increase the amount of solution they made. After that, Tai began pouring his chakra inside to stabilize the chemicals

After pouring it within four different flasks, Tai handed one to each member of the team before instructing them to spread it all over the area

"What exactly are we doing?" (Tango)

"Just roll with it Sensei, this is much more effective than me searching blindly" (Rei)

"Ah! This is-!" (Suzu)

"What? What going on-!" (Tango)

Tango and Suzu were surprised at the phenomenon occurring in front of them. What appeared to be streaks of light, glowed all over the area around them

"Tai, Rei, what the heck is this?!" (Tango)

"In short, it's called chemiluminescence. The chemical we made is called Luminol. When then molecules in this chemical are exposed to certain materials, a reaction like the one you're seeing right now occurs" (Tai)

"The certain materials in this case being blood left behind from the battle" (Rei)

"...Incredible" (Suzu)

"Illuminating blood?! I didn't know such a thing was possible!" (Tango)

"Well normally, you have to be in a dark room as you can't really see it in the sunlight. Fortunately, it's night time now" (Tai)

"Tai, I'm at a loss for words. Very impressive" (Tango)

"I can't take all the credit, I only got the idea after studying with Rei" (Tai)

"Oh?" (Tango)

"He's been teaching me new chemistry while I was helping him learn Suiton over the past few months. Had to find some way to keep up with you two geniuses" (Tai)

"You say that, but you're also a member of Kumo's 'Gifted Generation'." (Suzu)

"I only gave you a few pointers and look what you did with it" (Rei)

What Tai just did was indeed impressive. In order to avoid influencing this world's scientific knowledge too much, Rei only gave him a few tips on chemistry. Yet Tai took what he learned and was able to apply it for a difficult situation like the one before them so naturally

He was basically a forensic CSI at this point, using science far ahead of this world's current level

"Be proud of your achievements" (Suzu)

"Hehe! I only got this far with Rei's help, and speaking of whom, it's your turn now Rei" (Tai)

"Right" (Rei)

Rei walked over to one of the glowing areas and began sniffing the blood

"What in the world is he-?" (Tango)

"Rei has very sharp senses, and not just when it comes to chakra. I've learned his nose is very good as well" (Suzu)

"Well?!" (Tai)

Rei stood up and looked back at them and smiled

"I got multiple scents, hard to make them all out since I'm not a dog but...I've confirmed one of them is my cousin's. I'd recognize her perfume anywhere" (Rei)

"Yes! Kiss my ass haystack! Time to find that damn needle!" (Tai)

"Alright! You lead the way, standard formation guys! Let's go rescue our friends!" (Tango)

"Yes sir!" (Rei, Tai, & Suzu)


Team Tango dashed away at top speed with hope filling their eyes




In the Daimyō Intelligence Bureau office within Kumogakure, Tekkan was standing in a room with monitors, a clunky camera, and giant liquid batteries

His associate Tenga was monitoring the equipment as Tekkan conversed with the Lightning Daimyō, who was currently on a diplomatic mission far to the west, over a video call

"So it's been confirmed then?" (Daimyō)

"Yes sir, the letter we received from Tango-dono and Karai-dono confirms it. Someone has indeed made a play on our Jinchūriki. Team Mabui was attacked and are still MIA" (Tekkan)

"In the middle of a f@*king armistice think someone is trying to start a war?" (Daimyō)

"It's still too early to tell as we don't have enough information but...I wouldn't rule it out" (Tekkan)

"Haaa, I'm getting too old for this shit. What's Dodai doing now that the Head Ninja has gone to Konoha?" (Daimyō)

"With the Head Ninja gone and having proof of their attack, Dodai-dono now has authority over military affairs and dispatched Toroi-sama's squad for back-up" (Tekkan)

"Good. Toroi should be able to move quickly without making too much noise. I bet that nitwit wasn't expecting a team of Genin to actually find something" (Daimyō)

"Speaking of the Head Ninja...sir...why do you think he was making things so difficult? I understood he was abusing his authority because of his grievance with Rei Sano but..." (Tekkan)

"It was to keep Dodai in line. By allowing a team of Genin to search for Team Mabui, he denied Dodai any chance of claiming to the upper brass he was shirking his responsibilities by not investigating Yugito's disappearance" (Daimyō)

"But it feels like there's more to it than that. Forgive me but, perhaps sending him to sign the armistice was a bad idea?" (Tekkan)

"Believe me, A-dono and I weren't particularly thrilled about this, nor did we choose it" (Daimyō)

Both the Daimyō and the Raikage were gone on diplomatic missions. With the Daimyō away and the Raikage in Takigakure1Hidden Waterfall Village, protocol dictated the next one in the chain of command is the Head Ninja. The only way they could stop this is if they removed his title but such an act without probable cause would be called an abuse of power by other members of government

Contrary to what most may believe, the offices of the Daimyō and the Raikage did not possess dictator-like power. And the Head Ninja had many allies within the top authority. Tekkan understood their hands were tied, the Head Ninja heading to Konoha was inevitable

"You never did tell me...but what exactly are you and Raikage-sama doing? You both left so soon and without much notice. I know he went to Takigakure to prevent an agreement Kumo has held with them since its earliest days from breaking down. Something about an it about Genbu Island?" (Tekkan)

"No, it's a completely different place. I can't give any specifics because it's classified, especially over a video call. I'll talk to you in person about that island when I come back. As for me...well, have you ever heard of the Rock Village?" (Daimyō)

"I thought that's where you were now, talking with the Tsuchikage2Earth Shadow and the earth Daimyō?" (Tekkan)

"No, no,'re getting it confused. Those two dwell within the great nation Iwagakure3Hidden Stone Village. Ishigakure4Hidden Rock Village is a newly formed hidden village existing between Iwagakure and Sungakure5Hidden Sand Village" (Daimyō)

Tekkan frowned

"Rock and Stone, that's not confusing at all. Hard to imagine a newly formed nation sandwiched between two of the Five Great Nations would garner such attention from you sir" (Tekkan)

"It's not just me, representatives from many nations are currently in the Land of Earth. The nation of Ishigakure itself is small, the problem is the particular people within it. So troublesome in fact, I had no choice to personally go myself, as it pertains to our agreement of demilitarization" (Daimyō)

{Eh?! Who the hell could cause such a stir now of all times?!} (Tekkan) 


The audio on the video call began scratching. Tenga emerged from behind the screens

"The batteries are almost out of juice! The call is going to end soon!" (Tenga)

"?!" (Tekkan)

"Looks like we're out of time. I'm pretty much finished on my end, I should be heading home soon. I'll give you the details when I-I-I-I...get b-b-back home-!" (Daimyō)

"Sir! I can...I can barely hear-!" (Tekkan)


The screen went black as the power cut out

"Damn! Hey Tenga, how long until we're up and running again?!" (Tekkan)

"These batteries are done, it'll take at least a day before we're ready to broadcast again. And this isn't cheap either! There's a reason the tech is only available to the Daimyō-sama" (Tenga)

{Problems like Yugito's disappearance and foreign relation issues like the ones we're facing now are exactly why we need the "Network" project completed...} (Tekkan)

"I'm sorry I can't do more" (Tenga)

Tekkan took a deep breath before reassuring Tenga

"You've done more than enough, that'll be all for today Tenga. Thank you" (Tekkan)

"Of course. As one of the many liaison's between the offices of the Raikage and Daimyō, I'm merely performing my duties. I'll be leaving now, but please let me know if there's anything else you need" (Tenga)


Tenga bowed before leaving the room. Tekkan sat down, organizing his thoughts

"The disappearance of Team Mabui, the newly formed nation Ishigakure, the armistice in Konoha, the Head Ninja, and whatever the hell Raikage-sama is dealing with in Takigakure. All these occurrences...

Trying to find a connection between these events, Tekkan was left with more questions than answers









"...fill me with dread"


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