Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

81. To Needle

Another one from my phone (Sorry if there are any spelling errors)! Remember, I don't update on Sundays, but I'll try to have the next one out by Monday, if not Tuesday. Enjoy the chapter, and have a wonderful weekend my fellow shinobi!


The forests in the Land of Hot Water

Team Tango bolted across the land, with Rei leading the group. Desperate to rescue their comrades, he did his best to track them down but...

"Ah!" (Rei)

"What's wrong Rei?!" (Tango)

"The's disappearing!" (Rei)

"!" (Tango)

"You can't track the scent?" (Tai)

"Hey, I'm not a ninja hound! This isn't exactly easy!" (Rei)

Despite possessing augmented senses, the only reason Rei was able track Team Mabui so far was due to the abnormal amount of blood and perfume left behind. His sense of smell was only slightly better than the average shinobi

"Since you haven't been able to detect any chakra, I can only assume they've settled down at some location encased with a barrier" (Tango)

"Especially if you consider how skilled Rei is at sensing chakra" (Suzu)

"Sorry Rei, I know we're asking a lot of you right now" (Tango)

"Don't worry about it. I'm getting impatient and frustrated just as much as you are" (Rei)

"And I've run out of materials to make more Luminol. Damn it! I should've brought more!" (Tai)

"That's not your fault, none of us could've anticipated-" (Rei)


"Hm?! That's-!" (Rei)

"?" (Tai, Suzu, & Tango)

"Can you guys smell that?!" (Rei)

"Smell what?" (Tango)

"A gust of wind just passed us by...carrying the scent of...nicotine!" (Rei)

"A cigar...someone's smoking out here! And it's probably not a civilian because-!" (Tai)

"All travel around this country has been temporary halted for the armistice" (Suzu)

"We still don't know if it's them for sure...but something is always better than nothing! Lead the way Rei!" (Tango)

Jumping through the trees, Rei immediately changed direction as the others followed in suit




An adult, male shinobi entered a cavern, approaching his fellow comrade. This interrogator was still hard at work, using his genjutsu on the two captive kunoichi tied up in front of him

"The ritual has long since been underway. It's only a matter of time until our colleagues are done"

"...I'm aware" (Interrogator)

"Still resisting huh?"

The man standing in front of the women was doing his best to extract information from their minds. But the task proved to be far more difficult than expected as their resistance was stronger than anyone could have anticipated

"Ngh! For f*ck's sake!" (Interrogator)


Fed up with his lack of progress, the interrogator knocked the two unconscious women down and walked towards the exit before the other man blocked his path

"Move" (Interrogator)

"Putting aside your questionable treatment of our captives, the one in charge ordered you to finish"

"Why the hell should I have to play clean up for him?! He's not even a member of our clan! With those creepy eyes of his, this job should be going to him, not me!" (Interrogator)

"You know as well as I do that he had be over there, rather than here. It's only with his unique abilities that we're able to keep the Jinchūriki in check. Hell, we couldn't have done this job without him"

"..." (Interrogator)

"Even if you don't like him, the boss ordered us to follow his commands for this job"

"Tch! That freak is probably not even at the ritual site with the others. I'd bet as soon as he casted his jutsu on the Jinchūriki, he just up and left" (Interrogator)

"We both he know as our secret weapon, he couldn't stay too long. It's also because of him this job has gone so smoothly. So stop complaining and do your part, I've been instructed to keep us here until you're done. And I'd rather not be here all-!"


"Fine. But I still think we oughta just kill these two! I'd rather have not risk letting potential witnesses get away, AGAIN!" (Interrogator)

"The guy who was traveling with these kunoichi is dead, buried under rubble"

"And yet, we still couldn't find a body. In my book, that means he's not dead" (Interrogator)

"Ah! Will you just shut the f*ck up and do your damn-!" 

"Uh?! Gah! eyes!" (Interrogator)

A burning sensation on their faces interrupted the argument. Their eyes started to swell with redness as a strange mist enveloped the room

"W-What is this?!" (Interrogator)

"Are...are we under attack?!"

"Ugh?!" (Interrogator)

"My eyes...they feel like they're on fire!"

Before they could even alleviate the pain from their eyes, a voice could be heard from the caverns exit

"Suiton: Kiri Seigyo no Jutsu!1Water Style: Mist Control"


"Enemy attack?! How did they find us?! Argh!" (Interrogator)

The intensity of the burns to their faces only increased

"Uh...we...we have to get out of here!"

"Head...head towards the-!" (Interrogator) 


Before they could leave, the interrogator's comrade was knocked back with what appeared to be a lump of stone

"R-Rock?! Could it be Doton2Earth Style?! A-a girl?! Who the hell are-?!" (Interrogator)

"He's all yours Rei"

"Huh?" (Interrogator)


"You've treated my cousin with such care..."

"?!" (Interrogator)

"...It'd be rude if I didn't return the favor!"

"Guhoh?!" (Interrogator)


The interrogator was met with a barrage of violent punches and kicks! Blasting him into a wall, rendering him inert and out cold





In a wide pit, not too far from Team Tango, the Jinchūriki Yugito Nii was unconscious and restrained with her back on the ground. A strange seal formula glowed beneath her as powerful chakra was extracted from her very being

Several men were standing around this seal, maintaining it. Others were further back, exhausted and talking with one another

"I don't think we're even...huff, huff...half way through yet!"

"This is just ridiculous, after all the effort it took to restrain her, we're still not done even after almost THREE days of this!"

"It couldn't be helped, forcibly breaking the seal for a Tailed Beast requires an insane amount of consistent power. I just hope the container will be able to withstand all of it"

"Mm. If it can't, all of this will have been for naught. I don't like this, it makes me uncomfortable being so close to a nation we just deprived of one of their greatest weapons"

"Relax. As you can see, it's holding up quite nicely"

The ones chatting turned their attention towards a large cauldron. The men controlling the seal were directing energy extracted from Yugito into this "vessel"

"Save your strength, some of the men over there are already looking tired. It's only a matter of time until we have to switch again"

"Ugh...hey...where did our dear red-eyed partner go anyway?"

"It's too soon for his existence to be discovered, just imagine what would happen if Konoha or Kumo found out. Our ultimate goal depends on it"

"Seems to me he's just shirking out on helping"

"Don't say that. He was only here to pacify the Jinchūriki anyway. Helping us deal with her comrades was something he wasn't hired to do, but he did so anyway. Be grateful"

"Maybe after I've seen him go through the extremely tedious task of extracting a damn Tailed Beast like us, then I'll be plenty grateful"

"Haaaa...let's just save our energy. The more chakra we have the better, this all for the sake of the clan"

"...To get back what we lost?"

"...Far more than that..."


With hoarse anger from his throat, the man spoke with a burning wrath

"To get back what we lost and then some! I won't be satisfied until the ones who betrayed us knows what he feels like to lose EVERYTHING!"

"For the sake of children..."

"For the sake of our ancestors..."

The two got up and swapped places with two of their allies who were exhausted maintaining the seal before everyone spoke in unison









"For the sake of the Fuma Clan"


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