Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

82. Probe

Outside the cavern which held the two captive Kunoichi

After neutralizing the enemy, Tai immediately administered care to Mabui and Samui, who were in terrible condition after Rei released them from the enemy's Genjutsu. Suzu kept watch as Tango "questioned" the now captive perpetrators

"I honestly don't know what to say..." (Samui)

"How about...'thank you'?" (Rei)

"Hehehe...thank you Rei-chan" (Samui)

"Don't mention it. How you doin' nee-san?" (Rei)

"Well...saying I'm 'good' would be a stretch of that word's definition. But thanks to Tai-chan's treatment, I've made it to 'okay'." (Mabui)

"Phew, I'm just glad we made it in time" (Tai)

"As are we" (Mabui)

"How exactly did you find us anyway? That cave had a barrier so there's no way you could've sensed our chakra" (Samui)

"We visited the site of your attack, and found traces of blood and...nee-san's perfume" (Rei)

"Ah! Mabui! So that's why at that time you..." (Samui)

"?" (Rei & Tai)

"The way that fight was going, it was clear we were gonna lose. They made it clear of their intent to capture us alive, so I made sure someone could follow the trail" (Mabui)

"Something we should know?" (Rei)

"During the end of the encounter, Mabui took out a perfume bottle in secret and laced all of us with it. Just before we were knocked out" (Samui)

"Nice!" (Tai)

"I was really just winging it at that point, we got really lucky. I'm just glad you guys managed to figure it out" (Mabui)

"Yeah, Rei managed to catch the scent before...huh? Where are you going?" (Tai)

"When it comes to their treatment, I'll just be in your way. Gonna make myself useful and check on Sensei's progress" (Rei)

"..." (Tai)

{Efficiency above all else as usual} (Mabui)

Rei approached Tango, only to find the captive criminals unconscious

"Anything?" (Rei)

"No. Whether out of loyalty or fear, these punks just refuse to budge" (Tango)

"Now what?" (Rei)

"Now...I try a more risky method" (Tango)

"That way huh? Be careful" (Rei)

"Mm" (Tango)

Being a member of Kumogakure's Intelligence Division, Tango was well versed in the means of enhanced interrogation. But members of the division were also taught to infiltrate a person's mind via ninjutsu in the event such means were deemed ineffective

Tango lifted the man who was "probing" Mabui and Samui's minds with Genjutsu and sat him down against a nearby boulder. Placing his hand on the man's head, Tango closed his eyes

"Are you sure you don't want me to use my Genjutsu? It's a lot less risky than what you plan to do" (Rei)

"Those trained in using Genjutsu are naturally skilled at resisting it. He could have traps you might trigger" (Tango)

{Genjutsu traps...} (Rei)

Diving into a person's mind is useful, but it also makes one completely vulnerable to counter attacks and mind traps, far more vulnerable than using Genjutsu to extract information. This is one of the reasons invading someone's mind is usually done with a group

But Tango, being the protective and responsible teacher that he is, opted to take the risk as to not put Rei in any potential danger. Considering everything the team has seen so far, these people are clearly not your average criminals. Tango was acting especially cautious for the sake his team's safety

{Here goes nothing, "Ninpō: Saiko Denshin1Ninja Art: Psycho Mind Transmission"!} (Tango)




After a brief moment, Tango found himself floating in a dark space, nothing around but giant brain in front of him. He had successfully entered the man's consciousness. Touching the brain, memories began flooding into him

"Ugh, so many of've certainly lived a life haven't you? This is a lot more difficult when I'm doing it by myself. Okay, focus! Need to find Yugito-sama's location, now where did your friends take her?" (Tango)

Tango's skill with this complex technique was little over average, and this process takes longer without help

Fortunately, he got lucky. Shifting through the memories, Tango found what appeared to be a conversation between the interrogator, and one of his comrades

"You continue with the interrogation, we'll handle the Jinchūriki"

"Captain, are you sure we shouldn't be there with you? We're gonna need all the chakra we can muster to break the Tailed Beast's seal" (Interrogator)

"There's no other choice. We couldn't find the body of ship captain who brought these kunoichi here. If he's alive, he could be requesting back-up. We need to know beforehand" (Captain)

"And if back-up does arrive, what then?" (Interrogator)

"Then it's just as we previously discussed. We halt the ritual, and bring the host to another a location. But if we take the words of our employers with certainty, I doubt it'll come to that. We've picked the perfect time to do this after all" (Captain)

"Right...the armistice" (Interrogator) 

"Mm. An opportunity like this won't be coming again anytime soon. It's worth the risk. Just focus on your task, when you're done...get rid of these two before joining us. You remember where?" (Captain)

"Yeah. Almost a klick north of here. That large pit in the ground by the-RRRNNNN!!!!" (Interrogator)

"?!" (Tango)

Just as he was about to finish watching the memory, the images started to distort. Red liquid began dripping on the surroundings as the space around him tore apart

"Shit! A trap placed to prevent anyone from finding out where-?!" (Tango)

The entire scene changed and Tango suddenly found himself under a red sea...unable to move

{Damn it. Breathe! It's just an illusion! This red water...the water pressure...none of it is real...have to get out now! Gah!} (Tango)

Sharp pain bombarded his sides as he realized a shark with improbable red skin had just bitten him, with others intent on doing the same

{It's not's not's not's not real...!} (Tango)


"NGGHH!!!!" (Tango)

Pure cannibalism. That was the only way to describe what was happening to Tango as more and more of these red sharks bit him one after another, tearing his skin and limbs off. Breathing became even more difficult as the blood filled his lungs

{It's not's not's not real...} (Tango)

As the life drained from his eyes, voices could be heard and a light came into to view



{ this it?} (Tango)



"?!" (Tango)




The last thing he saw before closing his eyes was a hand, pulling him out of the water. When opened them, he found his body was indeed intact. Mabui, Samui, and the rest standing over him. Rei's hand on his shoulders

"I'm..." (Tango)

"'re alive! Good grief Tango!" (Mabui)

"Rei? How did...?" (Tango)

"Everything was going fine until your nose started to bleed. After that, your body began spasming out, it was like you were having a seizure!" (Tai)

"We all rushed over...when Rei started yelling" (Suzu)

"Nee-san was first to deduce you were caught in a Genjutsu trap and suggested I use MY Genjutsu to help bring you back. Had you been inside any longer, well...I doubt I need to explain" (Rei)

Tango was completely shocked when he heard Rei's statement

{He used Genjutsu and dived into my mind and managed to get me out when I couldn't? That's not something a Genin should be capable of...}

"Impressive...thank you Rei. I-! Ugh!" (Tango)

"Take it easy, you've been through a lot. The chakra in your head is a mess right now!" (Tai)

Tai was applying his medical ninjutsu on Tango's head. More specifically, the brain, where the highest source of spiritual energy within the body dwells

Looking up, Tango noticed not only the sky was still dark, but Mabui and Samui were able to walk again. Considering how badly they were injured, Tango couldn't believe Tai was able to get them up and moving so quickly, making him wonder...

"How long have I-?" (Tango)

"You've been mind diving for over an hour. And you're body was freaking out for about minute. Seriously, you're a member of the intelligence division. I wouldn't think you'd fall for a Genjutsu trap" (Samui)

"Sorry for the trouble..." (Tango)

"..." (Mabui)

{A minute? That's all? Impossible! I know the trap lasted longer than that!} (Tango)

The torture Tango had undergone in that man's mind lasted far longer than a minute. Those red sharks in particular intentionally took their time tearing him apart

{This would mean whoever's responsible has someone possessing abnormal levels of skill in Genjutsu. Far beyond that of a normal human. I wonder...} (Tango)

Turning his head to Mabui and Samui

" you guys have any idea who these people are? Including the identity of the one in the white robes Hikaru-senpai told us about? You said he had red eyes?" (Tango)

Though the two kunoichi had some hesitation about speaking of the sensitive matter in front of Genin, Samui was the first the break the silence

"Judging from their use of shuriken and the way the's safe to say these guys are from the Fūma Clan. Or at least some part of it" (Samui)

"Fūma?" (Rei)

"What makes you think they're just a part of the clan?" (Tai)

"The Fūma Clan was the first clan taken in by the Uchiha Clan during the 'Warring States' period when there were no villages. Just clans and the lords who would hire them" (Mabui)

"But when the Shinobi village system was established by the Senju and Uchiha Clan's respectively, the need for war potential started to fade away. But the Fūma were a war driven clan, it was the only thing they knew how to do" (Samui)

"♪And when peace starts formin', the need for soldiers be fadin'♪" (Tai)

"Tai, you even think about rhyming like Killer B and I'm gonna smack you" (Rei)

Speaking under his breath "...Party pooper" (Tai)

"ANYWAY...the clan split apart soon after. Some stayed within the Land of Fire and served the country, acting as security for wealthy clients and lords near it's border while Konoha's shinobi focused on protecting the village. Other remnant groups of this clan roamed the world, seeking any work available" (Mabui)

"The reason these remnants were able to stick around is because many required their services during the wars" (Samui)

"You'd think a clan such as them would fade out of existence, how persistent" (Tai)

"During the formation of villages, they were pretty close. With the leader of the Uchiha, Madara Uchiha no longer his enemy, there were none capable of fighting the First Hokage. Hashirama Senju's period of ushering in peace was something none could stop" (Mabui)

"None, not even our village could compare to them. War mongering clans like the Fūma either had to adapt, or be wiped away during that time" (Tango)

Tai had a skeptical look on his face, displeased with such a high evaluation of another nation. Despite the way he usually acts, he was raised in one of the most prominent clan's of his village. Holding great pride for Kumogakure's capability was natural

"Okay, I get he was called the 'God of Shinobi', but could one man really be so strong?" (Tai)

"Um...Well..." (Samui)

"Naivete like that will get you killed Tai" (Rei)

"Huh?" (Tai)

"Although our, or any other village wouldn't like to admit it...NO ONE has been able to produce a shinobi of Hashirama Senju or Madara Uchiha's caliber since. The very fact war kicked up again right AFTER they died is proof enough of this fact" (Rei)

"Though people say the Five Great Shinobi Nations are equal, Konoha is the one that reigns supreme. Being the first and largest major nation, the village was composed with most of the world's strongest ninja clans" (Mabui)

"..." (Tai)

"Remember what I always say, read between the lines. What people always claim isn't necessarily true" (Tango)

" In other words, see the world for how it is...and not as we'd like it to be right?" (Tai)

"...That's right" (Rei)

"Yes" (Tango)

Tai held is head and chuckled in embarrassment as Samui smiled

"It's okay to hold our home in high esteem, but you must never underestimate others. Otherwise, you'll end up like our team did...and someone might not be there to save you like you did us" (Samui)

"Right!" (Tai)

"Now, as for the issue with man in white robes..." (Samui)

"..." (Rei)

"Whoever he was...he was able to bombard my whole team with powerful Genjutsu just by looking at us. That's the only reason we got captured" (Samui)

"Um...senpai?" (Tango)

"Yes?" (Samui)

"I...I believe he's also responsible for the Genjutsu trap that ensnared me as well" (Tango)

"..." (Samui)

"I figured as much. Were you able to get a location?" (Mabui)

"Just before I was attacked...yes. They're holding Yugito-sama somewhere north of here, just under two hundred kilometers. They mentioned something about a 'pit'?" (Tango)

"A pit..." (Suzu)

"I've confirmed their objective is indeed the Tailed Beast within Yugito-sama. These bastards have already begun the process of extracting it" (Tango)

Both Tai and Suzu stood up in alarm

"What?!" (Suzu)

"Then we need to hurry! If a Jinchūriki loses their Tailed Beast won't they-?!" (Tai)

"We know...but taking into account the time we were captured and separated...I doubt they've succeeded" (Mabui)

"What makes you so sure?" (Suzu)

"They don't have the key to Yugito's seal, which means they're gonna have to force it open from the outside. This slow process takes time as one must insert the exact same amount of energy as the entity held by the seal. In other words..." (Mabui)

"They need to pour in the same amount of chakra as a Tailed Beast. So they'll be going to work for days" (Rei)

"Oh. Phew..." (Tai)

"But we still shouldn't delay. A group of ninja operating on Yugito will speed things along as opposed to one individual attempting to breaking the seal" (Samui)

"Let's go...huff...I'm eager to pay these assholes back in full..." (Tango)

Samui and Mabui were getting ready to leave as Tango stood up. As Rei looked at the older trio, he voiced his concerns

"Can you guys fight?" (Rei)

"Tai-chan took care of most of our injuries" (Samui)

"I still think it's a bit early for you two to be on your feet! And you Sensei! You're still feeling the after effects of the Genjutsu-!" (Tai)

"I'm fine" (Tango)

Observing them closely, Rei came to the conclusion that they needed more care

"Out of the question" (Rei)

"?!" (Everyone)

"The way you are'll only end up becoming a burden. Let Tai finish treating you" (Rei)

"I said I'm fine Rei. Besides, you don't exactly out rank me" (Tango)

Tango's tone getting heavier didn't escape Rei's notice

"True, but I've memorized all of our shinobi rules and protocols. And one such rule states: 'In the event the captain of a squad is injured and/or unfit for duty, the medic of that squad has reigning command until they deem said Captain is fit for duty'. And as you've clearly heard, Tai just said you three still need treatment" (Rei)

With a fuming tone "...Are you really going to pull that shit with me boy?" (Tango)

"?!" (Tai & Suzu)

"..." (Rei)

After being put through hell in the illusionary trap he just went through, Tango's mind was somewhat unstable. His usual calm attitude was gone, and his mood incredibly irritable.

Tai and Suzu had never looked so nervous, Rei maintained his usual composed demeanor and simply stared back at a glaring Tango. Samui was about to say something to Tango but Mabui stopped her. Simply gesturing to remain quiet and observe

"..." (Rei)

"..." (Tango)

After a minute of awkward silence, Tango's mind began to calm down as he came to realization. Regaining his composure, he sat down

"...I'm...I'm sorry Rei. That was completely unlike me..." (Tango)

Rei smirked. The others sighed in relief that fighting didn't break out. Mabui on other hand simply nodded proudly as if she already knew Rei would diffuse the situation

"It's not your fault. You're still under the effects of the Genjutsu trap. Because I'm a sensor-type, I can tell...your chakra is still disturbed. Whatever happened to you is corrupting your thought process...which leads me to bring up the big red-eyed elephant in the room. Nee-san, do you think that white robed guy is..." (Rei)

"Taking in all of the information we have so far; the Fūma clan, the attack, the methods. It stands to reason the white-robed man that attacked us was indeed an Uchiha but..." (Mabui)

"It's still too early to tell?" (Rei)

Mabui nodded. Everyone else remained quiet while evaluating their current situation

It was then Rei had a proposal

"How about this, I scout ahead" (Rei)

"Eh?!" (Tai)

"Wha-?!" (Samui)

"Absolutely-!" (Tango)

Rei raised his hand and stopped their protests

"Just hear me out. Right now, we have no clue as to the enemies true abilities or numbers. We also don't know when our back-up is going to arrive, nor the amount of time Yugito-nee has left" (Rei)

"..." (Mabui)

"What we do have is a rough estimate of her location, injured allies, and me...a sensor ninja. There's no way they'd be able to hide all the chakra of a TAILED BEAST from MY senses" (Rei)

"With your speed and sensory powers, you would be able to move quickly and quietly. While giving us prior knowledge of the enemy" (Mabui)

"And if things get dicey, I'll split. By then, Tai should have already finished treating the three of you. Right Tai?" (Rei)

"Huh?! I mean...uh...yes! I'll definitely make sure you guys are one hundred percent!" (Tai)

"Now wait just a-!" (Tango)

Rei pointed to the two tied up Fūma ninja they had captive

"We need someone to look after these two as well as meet up with our upcoming reinforcements. They obviously can't help us or Yugito-nee if they don't know where she is right? Besides, if you say no, I'll just leave in secret" (Rei)

" little..." (Tango)

"I'll go with him" (Suzu)

"!" (Rei & Tai)

"Even you Suzu?!" (Tango)

The quiet girl affirmed her decision to aid Rei with a simple head gesture. Tai whispered to Tango

"Sensei, if you don't agree now...Rei really will just go on his own" (Tai)

"Ahhhh...FINE! Suzu! Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid!" (Tango)

"Thank you for understanding Sensei" (Rei)

Samui and Mabui sat down, getting ready for Tai's treatment. Suzu grabbed her bag as Mabui spoke to Rei

"And here I was hoping we could have more time together" (Mabui)

"I guess the both of us have been too busy lately" (Rei)

"Rei...I..." (Mabui)

"It's fine nee-san, I know. You have new...'responsibilities' that require your attention" (Rei)

"But that doesn't mean-" (Mabui)

Mabui held her head down apologetically. Noticing this, and with his back turned towards her, Rei spoke one final time

"Well, if you're feeling guilty about ninth birthday is right around the corner" (Rei)

"Huh?" (Mabui)

"I've been going to Akina's diner a lot and as good as her grilled teriyaki's still no match for yours" (Rei)

"!" (Mabui)

Without looking back, Rei took off with Suzu. Watching their departing figures, Mabui smiled as she whispered to herself






"Looks like when this is over...I'll have to request some time off"


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