Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

83. A Fine Line

Near the Land of Hot Water's western border

Rei and Suzu dashed through the forests, with the former leading the pair as he scanned for Yugito's chakra

"Anything?" (Suzu)

"I can feel her, or rather, the tailed beast's chakra but...there's so much of it I've yet to pinpoint her exact location" (Rei)

"Could the enemy have someone capable of using a Jamming Jutsu?" (Suzu)

"To throw off any sensor-type...I suppose it's possible but..." (Rei)

{Could it be that...?} (Suzu)

"Agh! I thought getting closer would make things easier" (Rei)

It had been some time since they departed from the rest of the entourage. Rei could feel massive, periodic waves of inhuman chakra radiating all over the forest. But this powerful energy was also preventing him from locking onto Yugito

Frustrated, he quietly whispered for help

"...Notitia" (Rei)


"I'm not using a lifeline but...I'm gonna be frank...does Suzu have point?" (Rei)

Carrying the role of guide in Raymond's life now, Notitia previously stated it's purpose was to provide all information on the already known material of this world. All knowledge of people and Ninjutsu that'd be considered "Canon", the rest...Rei had to figure out on his own

[According to the information I possess...the only known ones in the original story capable of using Jamming Jutsu are members of the insect focused clan...the Aburame Clan]

"I'm assuming they used their insects to do so?" (Rei)

[Mm. They would spread bugs all over the area. Making it next to impossible to sort out different chakra signatures]

"Is that what's going here?" (Rei)

[Well, the Fuma do spend a lot of their time in the Land of Fire. And you've already confirmed they're working with others...who's to say they don't have an Aburame member in their back pocket?]

"...It was already looking more and more like an Uchiha member is involved, now an Aburame member? The f*ck is going on?!" (Rei)

"Huh? Did you say something?" (Suzu)

"Hm?!! It's nothing!" (Rei) 

"?" (Suzu)

[You know it's amazing you don't remember much of the Naruto story. I knew you were disinterested in it're fluent in several languages including Japanese, so fluent you didn't have any trouble adapting to this world]

"And?" (Rei)

[And I still don't get why you don't remember all of the details, especially those apart of the main cast like Shino]

"I told you, I skimmed over the entire series in one night when Chris mailed me the entire Manga collection. Besides, you can't blame me for forgetting every small detail" (Rei)

[I guess you have a point]

"And calling Shino, or any member of his squad a main character is a bit of a stretch. Kurenai basically left the planet during part two, Hinata was only shown because she's Naruto's future wife, Shino had an easily forgettable appearance that he ACTIVELY complained about, and Kiba...well..." (Rei)

[Was pretty much the "Yamcha" of the story?]

"I don't know who that is" (Rei)

[OMG, did you not have any hobbies at all? God you're so boring!]

"Yeah? And what the hell makes you so interesting?" (Rei)

[Touché...but I can say this]

"What?" (Rei)

[The chances an Aburame is involved is pretty low. It's the Two-tails chakra that disrupting your senses...well that and the sloppy ritual these Fuma morons are undertaking]

"Sloppy?" (Rei)

[Yeah! Sloppy! These noobs can't even extract a Tailed Beast properly, the chakra's leaking everywhere! That's how I know these guys aren't Akatsuki. Whenever they performed this deed, they did it proper, ensuring all chakra was directed towards the vessel set to contain it]

"...So these guys aren't properly directing said chakra into whatever vessel they have?" (Rei)

[Yup, and the leftovers not entering the vessel are flooding the forest, making it difficult for you to pinpoint their location. Amateurs]

"Could they really be that sloppy?" (Rei)

[The extraction of a Tailed Beast is never a simple undertaking...but these guys suck donkey ass]

{Maybe...but...I think there's more to it than that} (Rei)

The fact a phenomenon like the one occurring now with Yugito never took place in the original story raised suspicion within Rei 

[Anything else?]

"Any ideas on how to find them?" (Rei)

[Proper timing. The moment the next wave of chakra hits...focus on the strongest source, kind of like echolocation]

"Alright...I'll try that" (Rei)

Rei stopped running, closed his eyes, and formed a hand seal. About to ask why he stopped, Suzu didn't speak, realizing he was concentrating and found it best not to interrupt him

Ignoring all the energy already around him, he stood still for several minutes before...


"?!" (Rei)

...the next wave hit

"I got it!" (Rei)

[You're welcome]

"Which way?!" (Suzu)

"Follow me!" (Rei)


The pair bolted their way through the land, intent on finding Yugito




Several days ago in the Land of Lightning

The President of the company "Mori SP.", Tetsuo Mori, was in his office. The only other persons present was Rei, or more accurately, the clone that visited him right before the real Rei set out on his mission

Rei's clone was dressed in a dark cloak, concealing nearly his entire appearance

"The separator your engineers made was perfect. Feel free to begin mass manufacturing" (Rei)

"Right..." (Tetsuo)

"What's wrong?" (Rei)

"Are sure this will be enough to keep your identity a secret?" (Tetsuo)

"Relax. Using my Genjutsu, I've ensured anyone curious about the identity of 'Developer R' will see nothing but a hooded cloaked figure in the event someone tries to probe your mind" (Rei)

Due to Rei possessing Isshiki's Ōtsutsuki DNA, his affinity for Inton1Yin/Shadow Style and genjutsu was at a level comparable to even Uchiha members. By altering Tetsuo's mind, it'd be difficult if not impossible to find out Rei was the one backing him

"And what if someone sees you coming here?" (Tetsuo)

"So what if they do? It's well known my team and I saved your life, us becoming acquaintances is natural. None would expect a kid to be your chief engineer as well" (Rei)

"If you say back to the matter at hand" (Tetsuo)

"Right...have you secured them?" (Rei)

"My company now has a monopoly on most of the Lithium within the country and then some" (Tetsuo)

"Great, I was worried it wouldn't go so smoothly" (Rei)

"But Rei..." (Tetsuo)

"?" (Rei)

Concern and doubt emerged from Tetsuo's face. He had paid quite a some to procure most of the Lithium trade, and with much effort. Although the pair had already agreed to build a battery, he assumed they'd be building a new type of liquid battery. They were the most advanced form of energy-based technology the country...the world currently possessed and used by all the major nations

"Are you sure we should be spending our time grabbing all this Lithium? There are some willing to sell me bulks of liquid calcium and molten salt" (Tetsuo)

"Calcium? Molten Salt? For a...liquid battery?" (Rei)

Rei was very confused at the words coming from Tetsuo

"Yes. At a very cheap, if not straight out devalued price! And how does Lithium work with the Liquid battery anyway?" (Tetsuo)

"Um...Tetsuo. I think there's been a misunderstanding" (Rei)

"What?" (Tetsuo)

"Tetsuo...we're not making a Liquid battery" (Rei)

"..." (Tetsuo)

"..." (Rei)

".........EEEHHHH?!" (Tetsuo)

Tetsuo screamed out in surprise after realizing he just spent a ton of money, some of which was loaned to him, on a different project than the one he thought Rei was working on 

He began freaking out on thought he just go fleeced by an eight, almost nine-year old kid

"Calm down" (Rei)

"How can be calm?! Do you have any idea how much money I spent and now you're telling me we're NOT making a battery?!" (Tetsuo)

"I never said we weren't making a battery...I said we're not making a Liquid battery" (Rei)

" mean there are...other types of batteries on the same level?" (Tetsuo)

"Plenty. But the one we're making now is Lithium Ion battery" (Rei)

"Lithium-ion battery...I've never heard of it..." (Tetsuo)

"I doubt anyone has...but this battery is several times more efficient than the typical Liquid battery. Makes it look like an antique" (Rei)

"..." (Tetsuo)

"Allow me to clarify" (Rei)

Due to the low technological level of this world, Rei's statements were mind blowing to Tetsuo. Not wanting to miss a beat, he sat down and listened attentively to every word this child uttered as he explained the mechanics of this incredible device


A few minutes later

"...and finally, along with the high energy density, they're far less hazardous than liquid batteries. Honestly, I'm shocked no one has actively tried to acquire more Lithium. Besides being the lightest metal around, it has many other uses" (Rei)

"Other uses?! Like what?!" (Tetsuo)

" salt. It can used as a mood-stabilizer for humans. I'm pretty sure they're a lot of people with PTSD after the last war" (Rei)

"...Now you're planning on having my company get ahead in the pharmaceutical market as well?" (Tetsuo)

The corners of Rei's mouth rose slightly

"In time...I'll have 'Mori SP' get ahead on EVERY market" (Rei)

"That's just..." (Tetsuo)

"Don't worry Tetsuo...I'll make sure you get your money's worth. I need you to succeed after all" (Rei)

{ this really a child standing in front of me?} (Tetsuo)

Rei got up from his chair and proceeded to leave. As he made it to the door, he turned around one last time

"Oh! Could I also ask for a small favor?" (Rei)

"What is it?" (Tetsuo)

"You mind if I use your lab? There are some things I need to make. I have a feeling the mission the real me is currently on is gonna be somewhat...arduous" (Rei)

"Considering our relationship...that lab is practically yours anyway. But how are you gonna send it to the real you?" (Tetsuo)

Pointing the red bracers on his arms "With these" (Rei)

"?" (Tetsuo)

"These bracers have a seal on them that connects to large scroll I have stored somewhere else. Any 'me' can retrieve objects from within, but also send them to it thanks to the seal" (Rei)

"In other, the clone, make whatever you need to make and send it to the scroll before disappearing. Then the real you, who receives the information from the released shadow clone summons the object from the scroll. That's brilliant" (Tetsuo)

"It's my 'Kuchiyose: Raikō Kenka'2Summoning: Lightning Flash Blade Creation, but I can't take all the credit. My cousin's an expert on Space-time ninjutsu and pointed me in the right direction the last time I saw her" (Rei)

"I see...well go on then. No one should be in the lab at this time" (Tetsuo)

"Thanks, I'll see you later" (Rei)

Rei made his way to the lab and went to work

{I can't influence the world too much...I have strive for just enough to benefit me}

"Now lets see what I can cook up in here" (Rei)




Present time

Rei and Suzu made it to their destination. In front of them was a large pit, shaped almost like an Ancient Roman TheatreThe Fuma-nin extracting Yugito's Tailed Beast were right out in the open

{Finally found her!} (Rei)

Rei opted to get closer before Suzu grabbed his arm

"!" (Rei)

"Don't" (Suzu)

"What's wrong? Don't tell me you want to wait? Yugito-nee will probably be dead by then" (Rei)

"I'm not that eager wait either but look at their position. They're out in the open but...there's no way to flank them" (Suzu)

[She's right man. With the pit's wide structure, any who approach will be spotted instantly. It's most likely for this reason they're extracting a Tailed Beast out in the open]

"Behind, front, left, right, even above...there's no opening. And I doubt the two of us could take on all of those EXPERIENCED shinobi down there" (Suzu)

[Right again, this isn't like the time with that weak-ass "Oni Garrison". These guys are professionals]

"True, but they're exhausted from maintaining this ritual. Most of the chakra I'm sensing from them is depleted, and the rest barely have half their full strength. And if we get Yugito-nee to help then..." (Rei)

"IF, she's even capable of fighting after days being tortured for days" (Suzu)

"..." (Rei)

"Look...I trust I'll back whatever decision you make. I just want you to be aware of the risk" (Suzu)

[There's a fine line between genius and insanity...and you typically fumble on it dude]

Although somewhat annoyed at being rejected by two individuals at the same time, Rei understood their points. What he was suggesting is indeed dangerous...but he believed Yugito dying and causing a "Ripple" was a far worse scenario

"Then what do you propose?" (Rei)

[Being the smartest one around I naturally have a brilliant pla-]

"Since above ground isn't an means we attack from below" (Suzu)

"Using your Doton3Earth Style, that'll work" (Rei)

['re talkin' to her. Fine! Just ignore me! I'll return the favor the next time you need me...dick]

ZING! Rei just felt something

His clone had completed its task and disappeared. Rei, just like any other user of the "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu", received all the experience and information from his released clone

{This looks like my clone did one hell of a job on short notice. These "tools" will help a lot} (Rei)

"But I have no plan for what to do afterwards" (Suzu)

"That's okay...I do" (Rei)

Rei took out some ear plugs and gave them to Suzu

"What are these for?" (Suzu)

"Trust me, the moment I attack...things are gonna get loud" (Rei)

"...I take you're the diversion then?" (Suzu)

"Yeah...the task of waking up Yugito is yours" (Rei)

"And our back-up?" (Suzu)

"I'm gonna be very flashy this time...all the fighting will definitely attract attention. Hopefull, back-up will have already rendezvous with the rest of team and their just waiting for our signal" (Rei)

"Will they be able to see it?" (Suzu)

"Oh, ready?" (Rei)

"I'll get to work digging us a tunnel beneath them" (Suzu)

"Preferable right under Yugito if you can" (Rei)

"Mm" (Suzu)

{Time to see if my investment payed off} (Rei)


As Suzu gathered her chakra, Notitia spoke once more

[I take it back Rei]

"?" (Rei)









[You definitely tread more towards insanity]


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