Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

84. New Tools

Have IRL stuff planned for tomorrow so I may not be able to give a release this weekend but I'll try! Enjoy!


While Suzu was tunneling underground with her Ninjutsu, the Fuma-nin above were getting aggravated

"She's still...why do I feel like progress has been especially slow?"

"Ahhh...because it has"

"Could...could she be resisting? That would explain these erratic waves of chakra..."

"Seriously, it's because of her?! Captain!"

The one seemingly in charge was sitting by the group set to switch with the ones currently maintaining the extraction ritual. Standing up, the ninja's full appearance could be seen

Light brown colored hair in a short bun. Dark brown eyes, and a notable scar on his cheek. Wearing armor unique to his clan, unrecognizable, not pertaining to any other village

"What's wrong now? This is what you all signed up for" (Captain)

"It's been almost FOUR days already!"

"How much longer is this gonna take?!"

"We're ALL exhausted from this, and progress has been ridiculously slow"

"And here I thought it'd be something important. I swear, is this a shinobi unit or a class of toddlers I'm running" (Captain)


"The future of our clan depends on well we perform here. Remember, this is just the first step. Did you lot think achieving our ambition was going to be easy?" (Captain)

None rebuked his words as they knew everything he said was correct

"Sacrifice...we all knew this dream of ours required it. Just as you all knew what would happen with this last minute, make-shift formula. The sooner you stop complaining and focus, the sooner you can leave!" (Captain)

Some of the men moaned in dissatisfaction, but understood the need for this task. None spoke further and continued with their tasks

{You guys aren't the only ones irritated. Seriously, what the hell is going on in the heads of the clan leaders? To think Nobuyuki-sama approved of this is just-} (Captain)


{Hm? Earthquake? it the chakra of the Two-tails?}




Underground, beneath Yugito and the formula binding her

" remember the plan?" (Rei)

"Mm. The moment you signal, I'll toss one these things in the air" (Suzu)

"Good. Make sure you're looking downwards" (Rei)

"I got it...but how are we going to communicate? Tango-sensei isn't here so we can't rely on his Chakra Transmission Jutsu" (Suzu)

"Well...there ARE only four of these things. If you haven't woken up Yugito-nee by time you've thrown the fourth one, we immediately retreat back into the hole you dug up and flee back to the others" (Rei)

"Okay. I'll do my best to support you while you're drawing all of the attention careful" (Suzu)

"I'm not trying to get myself killed today. If these guys weren't already tired, I'd never suggest trying to rescue our colleague from a group of well trained shinobi with only the two of us" (Rei)

[It's refreshing to work with someone possessing common least some of it]

Suzu stood in front of Rei and formed several hand seals

"I'm ready. Just say when" (Suzu)

[You got everything?]

"All my 'tools' are ready to go. Time to go silent" (Rei)

The two put placed ear plugs in their ears before Rei nodded at Suzu

{Doton: Retsudo Tenshō!1Earth Style: Rupturing Earth Palm(Suzu)




" turn's coming up next"

"It's not like you're the only one"

"The only thing I'm worried is the vessel we brought. Do you really think it'll be able to contain all of that power?"

"I get what you mean. Just looking at it shake and suck up all that looks like it's about to-"


Before any realized, the ground beneath Yugito and the ninja surrounding her erupted. Causing them to sink beneath the earth

"?!" (Everyone)

"Enemy attack! Engage!" (Captain)

"Damn! Who's doing this?! It couldn't be Kumo already?!"

The other group charged towards the blast site when a metal object came flying out of it

"What is-?!"


The object detonated with a massive wave of light, sound, and smoke!




{Ugh! The sound and...light! Was that a flash bomb? Or a smoke bomb?} (Captain)

"I can't see anything! Even though I didn't look directly at it, the smoke is-!"

"Hello. And..." (Rei)


"Goodbye" (Rei)



Holding his favorite black staff, Rei went to work attacking the enemy. Taking advantage of their lack of visibility, Rei relied on his speed and senses to navigate through the smoke cloud and neutralize as many enemies as he could


"We need to get rid of this smoke"

"We're under atta-ACK!"

"Where's the enemy?! AH!"

{Damn it! Everyone's tired as it one was supposed to find us yet!} (Captain)

"F*CK THIS! 'Fūton: Taifūikka'2Wind Style: Supreme Typhoon!"

"!" (Rei)

Using wind style, one of the ninja blew away the smoke cloud and shock appeared on their faces. Expecting to see elite ninjas, what came into view was a lone young boy

"The hell? A kid?"

"He's the one that attacked? Judging from his attire...he's a Kumo-nin" (Captain)

"Kumogakure sent a lone kid after us? How does that even make sense?"

"Maybe he was just in the area and happened to find us by coincidence?"

"Who cares! What matters is this little shit was one attacking us!"

"And it was going so well too" (Rei)

Rei smiled mockingly at them. He confident, smug demeanor irritated them to no end

{How unlucky, I'd hoped they wouldn't have someone skilled in wind style...} (Rei)

[So now what? Gonna signal Suzu for another one of those Smoke-Flash Bombs? Or...]

Speaking softly "Yup...time to bring out the 'Scales'." (Rei)

"Boy! You're in a lot of trouble!" 

"Funny! I was just about to say the same thing to you nimrods" (Rei)

"You little-!"

"?!" (Captain)

Before any could retort, Rei lowered the index and middle fingers of his left hand. This was the signal for Suzu to throw another bomb

"Uh?! HE'S NOT ALONE!" (Captain)

Rei immediately tapped weapon-summoning red bracers on his arms


"Ah! AGAIN?!"

"Damn it!"

"Take out the kid, then kill whosever helping him! Sealing Team! Get the Vessel out of here!" (Captain)

As the captain issued out order, a voice emerged from behind

"Yeesh. Such dangerous language you're using"

"?!" (Captain)

"Too slow"


The captain was bombarded with several black objects. These strange blades were shaped almost like diamonds or spades

"GAH!!!" (Captain)

"And with that, it looks like you're done for the day captain-san. I'll let my village question you later, for now...lemme deal with the rest of your friends" (Rei)

"You think little wounds like this are gonna stop-!" (Captain)


"Of course not. I need all the data I can get so please tell do you feel right now?" (Rei)

"Ugh! What? What is this feeling?! My's fading away! ARGH!!" (Captain)

"Glad to see it actually works! Thanks for being my test dummy, later" (Rei)

"D-D-DAMN...YOUUUU!!!" (Captain)

Rei dashed away, attacking the captains comrades with the same tools

"Now for the Fūton user" (Rei)


Using his senses, he threw more of these objects in the smoke, hitting his target in the process. The victim's scream could be heard in the distance


"Sorry, not sorry pal. Can't have you blowing away the smoke again" (Rei)

[That sounded like it hurt]

{I was initially worried after changing their shape, but it looks like my concerns were useless} (Rei)

[Your match certainly did provide insight...told ya you're a worrywart]

"It's called being thorough" (Rei)

After Rei's last match with Tango, he was unsatisfied with the performance of the Chakra Draining Rods. Being shaped like rods, he found it very inconvenient to use as a projectile weapon. Notitia suggested he change the form into something more practical




Taking its advice, Rei created thinner versions of the rods. Making them thin and sharp enough to fit between his fingers, the easiest form to construct them in was a sort of diamond shape. After crafting the initial prototype, the first thought that came to mind when he saw it was...the scale of a snake

"Here's some more for you dickheads!" (Rei)



"Captain! Captain where are you?!"

"Did the sealing team get away?!"

"Where's the Jinchūriki?!"


{This is working out even better than I thought...not bad considering I'm barely nine-years old right now} (Rei)

Not wasting time, Rei hurled volleys and volleys of these Chakra draining "Scales". Without the Fuma-nin already tired and his unique "tools", Rei never would've been able to cause these grown shinobi so much trouble

"Let's mix it up a little...'Katon: Homura'3Fire Style: Blaze!" (Rei)


Rei began launching moderate-sized masses of fire at the enemy. One by one, the blinded men were either hit with fire, blades, Rei's staff, or all of the above

"Hm?" (Rei)

As things got worse for the Fuma-nin, another bomb was thrown high into the air by Suzu. Once again, assaulting the Fuma with waves of blinding light and grating high pitched sound

{She threw the third one without me signaling for it. That means...hehe!} (Rei)

Rei continued his guerilla attacks until the smoke finally cleared. Many were already down, but there were still quite a few remaining

"! There sure are a lot of you aren't there...huff...hehehe...I thought I'd be done by now. Hahaha!" (Rei)


"Ah! Captain!"

"Little punk!"

"I'm gonna kill you slow..."


"Hmmmm...nah. I don't think so" (Rei)

The remaining Fuma moved in with the intent to kill, others hurling their signature large shuriken at Rei when...

[HAHAHA! You realize you're being more of a condescending asshole than me right now! This is hilarious!]


...A massive fireball, unlike the small ones Rei had thrown around, had torn right through a section of the Fuma. While also blowing away their projectiles, the attack completely incinerated several of them until their bodies were naught but charcoal



"Wha-What was..."

"Did the kid do that?"

"No...I...I don't think so"

"Then who...OH GOD...."

"...Oh no..."

"In hot water...I believe..." (Rei)


Large inhuman steps could not only be heard, but felt by everyone present. Echoing louder with each step

"That description..." (Rei)


"Best describes..." (Rei)


"You guys" (Rei)

What emerged from the crater behind Rei was massive feline creature. Composed entirely of impossible blue flames, heterochromatic eyes with the right being yellow and the left being green



Yugito had emerged! Now assuming the form of the Tailed Beast within her!

"I believe my friend here...has some beef with you guys" (Rei)











"Hope you've written your last rites" (Rei)


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