Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

85. Cat’s Wrath

Happy Monday! I'd like to give a special shot out to "Oat" and another unnamed user who contributed to my Ko-fi goal for replacing my broken keyboard. And thanks to the rest of you for your comments, reviews, ratings, and overall support. It's all because of YOU guys I'm able to get through the day and write this series! Please enjoy the Chapter!


Several minutes ago

Outside the cavern Mabui & Samui were held captive

Tai had finished treating the group. Tango's mind was stable again after being hit with an awful Genjutsu Trap. Having already been administered first aid, the two kunoichi were near tip-top shape with Tai's continuous care

" mind is far more clear now. Thank you Tai" (Tango)

"My pleasure Sensei" (Tai)

"And us?" (Samui)

Ceasing his medical ninjutsu, Tai stood up and looked and Mabui and Samui

"Because that guy spent most of his time 'interrogating' you with illusions, the physical abuse you took from him wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. It should be safe for you to fight now...but I still advise you exercise caution. You're still not at 100%" (Tai)

"Got it" (Mabui)

"Right, thanks for the help" (Samui)

"Well, if you wanna thank me, we could always go on a dat-" (Tai)

"Are they good to go?" (Tango) 

"...Personally, I'd rather we go home right now and give them proper care at a hospital" (Tai)

"No time for that, we need to go. Rei and Suzu haven't been back yet...which means he found the enemy" (Tango)

"And knowing my little cousin, he's probably opted to fight them" (Mabui)

"Even though Tango only told him to observe?" (Samui)

"Hehe! While he's obedient most of the time, when he really wants one can stop him, not even me" (Mabui)

"Sigh" (Tango)

"Trouble loves that guy" (Tai)



A large, fiery explosion could be seen in the distance

"What the heck was that?" (Tai)

"..." (Mabui)

"Trouble" (Tango)

"This heat...things definitely aren't cool over there" (Samui)

"Rei and Suzu-chan must've freed Yugito. Let's go before she burns down the whole forest" (Mabui)

"Yes, we can't wait any longer for back-up" (Tango)

"What about them?" (Tai)

"Oh..." (Samui)

Tai pointed to the two captive prisoners. While the group wanted to help their friends, they obviously just couldn't leave these criminals unchecked. 

Tango took out a syringe from his pouch

"Hold on...I've got something that'll keep them out of action for a while" (Tango)

"A sleeping agent?" (Mabui)

"Something like that, though it's not very great. The Intelligence Division made use of these quite frequently during the war, particularly whenever we were transporting a prisoner" (Tango)

Tango walked towards the two captive enemies and just as he was about inoculate them, their bodies began convulsing

"Eh?!" (Tango)

"Wha-?!" (Tai)

"Did they wake up?!" (Mabui)


Their bodies trembled violently as blood oozed from their noses, mouths, and eyes

"Just what did you inject them with?!" (Samui)

"Nothing! I hadn't done anything yet!" (Tango)


After more seconds of this unnatural, violent seizure...the two men fell to the ground. Tango cautiously approached and placed his fingers on their necks

"W-Well?" (Tai)

"...They're dead" (Tango)

"H-How?! They were tied up weren't they?!" (Tai)

"Did they have a countermeasure of some kind? Some kind of poisonous pill hidden in their mouths?" (Samui)

"I'm not some amateur senpai, my time served in intelligence was well spent. The moment we captured them I immediately checked every nook and cranny on their bodies for hidden weapons and such. I already confirmed they didn't possess anything of the sort" (Tango)

"Then...then what the heck happened?" (Tai)

"Could...could it be? They way these guys reacted was just like-" (Tango)


"?!" (All of them)

The group's speculation halted when the sound of something approaching was heard

"Be on guard!" (Mabui)

"Could it be they weren't alone?!" (Tango)

"Crap!" (Tai)

"Tai! Stay back!" (Tango)

"Yes sir!" (Tai)

A group of people landed in front of them

"!" (Mabui)

"This-!" (Samui)

" guys are-?!" (Tango)




Present time

Rei was facing the large troop of Fuma-nin. Behind him was Yugito, in her massive Tailed Beast form and the crater Suzu made and was currently hiding in

The giant, flaming, blue monster cat stared down the Fuma with blistering anger. Rei stole a glance at her

"Damn...that's hot. Just standing near her is making it difficult to's like she's evaporating all the water in my body!" (Rei)

The Fuma started whispering to one another in panic

"Oh man...!"

"What the hell do we do now?!"

"Maintain your distance and stick to our usual long range attacks!"

"As long as it can't touch us we'll be okay!"

"Do your best to wear this monster out!"

Not waiting any longer, several of them began hurling blades at Rei and Yugito

"Tch! Fuma Shuriken jutsu is on par with the Uchiha's. Dodging them all is...!" (Rei)


Tails from the cat moved swiftly, shielding Rei from the projectiles

"Huh?" (Rei)

"Stay back Rei" 

"...Yugito-nee?" (Rei)

"They're mine" (Yugito)

"..." (Rei)

"You all...ARE GONNA BURN!!" (Yugito)

"Here it comes!"



The giant beast assaulted the ninja, launching flurrying attacks in every conceivable direction. Whether it was claws, tails, or fire blasts...the area became engulfed with destruction and choas

"Phew, looks my gamble payed off again. I was worried she might attack me considering she hasn't completely mastered control of her Tailed Beast like Killer B, but it looks like I won't end up a burnt crisp today" (Rei)

"I was expecting you to keep fighting until you ended on the ground, overdoing it as usual" 

"Hey! Don't say that! You keep jinxing me like Tai does, and it might just end up becoming a thing" (Rei)

Approaching him from behind with the last Smoke-Flash Bomb in her hand was Suzu

"I'm surprised she's so active, especially if we consider the awful treatment she's been put through for the past few days" (Suzu)

"Anyone could tell from a distance she was pretty out of it shot of epinephrine, two food pills, and the rage from enduring over three long days of torture..." (Rei)


"Gah! So hot!!"

"My skin is craking!!"

"Increase your distance!!"


"RAAAAHHH!!" (Yugito)

Yugito let loose with no intent of stopping

"...this is the only conceivable result one could get" (Rei)

"No kidding, but where'd you get the epinephrine from? Tai?" (Suzu)

"Nah...just something I'd happen to make while I was...testing a few things" (Rei)

"Hmm..." (Suzu)

{I'm glad my tools worked out this time but there's still room for improvement. I wanna wrap this up so I can go home and continue my research. I also need to send the next schematic for the generator to Tetsuo} (Rei)




Back in Kumogakure

Dodai was conversing with the Lightning Daimyō, who had just returned to the country, and Tekkan outside the Raikage's office

"I've just confirmed the team we sent arrived in Yugakure1Hidden Hot Water Village not too long ago Daimyō-sama" (Dodai)

"Good, we may be able to put this troublesome matter behind us without too much noise" (Tekkan)

"In the middle of an armistice, what crappy timing. Not to mention the Head Ninja..." (Daimyō)

"Ahh...that" (Dodai)

"Yes...his actions were very inappropriate" (Tekkan)

"That's an understatement! At this point I don't give a shit for the opinions of others or his position! It'll be a miracle if he still has his headband, let alone his title, when I'm done with him!" (Daimyō)

"Daimyō-sama..." (Dodai)

"Sir...please calm yourself. You don't have the authority to do so anyway...that power belongs to the Raikage" (Tekkan)

The Daimyō was furious for obvious reasons. During one of the most tense and important times since the last war, the Head Ninja decided to abuse his authority, all for the purpose of settling his nephew's petty grudge

"Bah!" (Daimyō)

"Sir..." (Tekkan)

"I know, I know! Sigh. Where is Raikage-dono anyway? I expected him to arrive sooner than me considering I was farther away from the village" (Daimyō)

"Negotiations with the hidden village took longer than anticipated" (Dodai)

"I was able to get in contact with a few of our colleagues near Takigakure2Hidden Waterfall Village and they said his boat has already departed. He should be here soon" (Tekkan)

"Good, we have a lot to talk about" (Daimyō)

"You mean with the newly formed nation Ishigakure3Hidden Rock Village? I've been meaning to ask you about that" (Dodai)

"Well that, and the status of the 'island' and its ownership. I have much to tell, but not now. We'll share stories only when we're in a 'proper' place for discussion" (Daimyō)

"..." (Tekkan)

The Daimyō hinted at Dodai their current location was not a safe space to speak freely. Only when the ones they trust the most have gathered in their usual "circle" can they safely share intel

"...I understand sir" (Dodai)

"Mm" (Daimyō)

"For now, Daimyō-sama and I will retreat to the bureau. When Raikage-sama returns, we'll have a proper meeting" (Tekkan)

"Indeed, I'm exhausted from my trip and this headache I'm carrying certainly isn't helping" (Daimyō)

"Right...I'll inform Tenga the moment we-!" (Dodai)


"?!" (Dodai)


A shinobi was running down the hall, screaming Dodai's name. Making the loud appearance was the ninja C

"C? What is it? Why are you yelling?" (Dodai)

"Ah! Daimyō-sama is here to! Good!" (C)

"Yes...why do you need to see me?" (Daimyō)

"Something's happened...something awful!" (C)

"?!" (Dodai)

"What do you mean?! Out with it!" (Daimyō)

"Did something happen to Yugito-sama?! Or the Raikage-sama?!" (Tekkan)

"No. The...huff...armistice with Konoha...!" (C)

The three men were filled with anxiety and dread when C uttered the word "armistice"









"...The Head Ninja has done something terrible"  


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