Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

86. Trigger



Yugito was still at it! Tearing through the enemy troop, burning whoever she could get her claws on! The Fuma responded in kind with continuous attacking from a distance

"Keep going!"

"Don't get too close!"

"That's it! Keep formation just like that and we'll be...!"

After a spur of panic and chaos, the Fuma had composed themselves and began fighting strategically. Maintaining their distance and attacking from afar

"NRRRRRRR...BURN!" (Yugito)

"Not again?!"

"Here comes another big one!"

"Spread out!"

As Suzu and Rei observed from afar

{Damn, her Katon is great. I really need to level up soon. If it wasn't the for the fear of Rei's soul forcing mine out of this body, it’d be so much better. But is finding Ryūchi Cave really the answer? I still think I can-} (Rei)

"Rei..." (Suzu)

"Hm?" (Rei)

"Is it me or is Yugito-sama-?"(Suzu)

"..." (Rei)

[ might have a problem]

"Rei?" (Suzu)

Rei stepped forward to make sure Suzu couldn't hear him speak

"Is it what I think it is?" (Rei)

[You noticed already?]

"I'm a sensor type remember. I realized quite some time ago, and now its become visible to the point even Suzu has noticed. Her form is...shrinking" (Rei)

The changes were subtle at first, but after some time, Yugito's attacks were getting slower, and her form was getting smaller and smaller

[The Tailed Beasts are living charka with a conscious. Basically energy in physical form, and being made of fire, the Two-tails is especially malleable]

"Already drained before we got here, there's no way she can keep this up for long. But how does the shrinking come into picture? I've never seen that happening to any other Jinchūriki" (Rei)

[Jinchūriki can take multiple forms. The version 1 & 2 cloaks, and the final Tailed Beast State. What's happening to Yugito right now is the opposite]

"So she's going through these transformations in reverse?" (Rei)

[Normally, after tiring herself out she'd just revert back to human form but, I suspect the tailed beast within her is responding to her rage and doing its best to keep her up-and-fighting. Hell, its probably pissed off at these Fuma guys too]

"I wonder...maybe the epinephrine shot was a little too strong. The adrenaline has gone to her head" (Rei)

[That...and her weakened state. Worse, those guys are starting to catch on. Her attacks are getting more erratic and sloppy. If this continues...]

"Ahh...crap! Suzu!" (Rei)

"Time to help?" (Suzu)

"Yeah! Let's go!" (Rei)


The duo bolted from their spot, intent on aiding Yugito. Both knew if she fell here, all of them would end up dead. Back-up had yet to arrive and it was uncertain if they'd make it in time to help. With more than fifteen of them remaining, the Kumo ninja could only rely on themselves now

"Yugito-sama! Please calm yourself!" (Suzu)

"You have to stop!" (Rei)


{Damn! She's completely lost all control!} (Rei)

Yugito continued her reckless rampage, now having lost all sense of self. Her current form began to grow smaller and smaller

"Great! Now what?!" (Rei)

"We help the only way we taking out the enemy! Heads up Rei!" (Suzu)

"That's-?!" (Rei)


Suzu threw the last Smoke-Flash Bomb in the air. As it detonated, everyone besides the duo became disoriented by the waves of light and sound

"While large, the smokescreen won't cover them all now that they're spread out!" (Rei)

"Fūton: Kiryū Ranbu!1Wind Style: Air Current Dance(Suzu)


Using her Fūton, Suzu managed to encompass the entire area in smoke

"...Or you could just do that" (Rei)

[Girl's got game]

"I'll stick to support, the rest is up to you!" (Suzu)

"Heh! On it!" {Katon...!} (Rei)

The pair split up

"Damn it!"

"Just when we were-!"

"Those brats again!"

"Stay calm! We can still-huh?"


A giant fireball grazed one of them as the ninja dodged at the last second


"That kid again?!"

"I don't think so...the blast was far too big!"

"So that monster cat still has plenty of energy then..."

"Be careful not to get hi-AAGH!!"

{It ain't Yugito douchebags} (Rei)

Just when they were finally getting used to dealing with Yugito, the actions of Suzu and Rei discombobulated them once more. Rei was the one responsible for launching fireballs within the smoke. But the reason they were much more powerful than normal was...

{Here's another one!} (Suzu)

...due to Suzu amplifying his attacks with her wind


Rei wasn't letting off on his assault. Whether it be Katon, his "Scales", or Taijutsu...he used every means at his disposal to neutralize as many Fuma as he could before the smoke cleared

"How many left?!" (Suzu)

"Just a couple, we can still-Uh?!" (Rei)


"Rei?!" (Suzu)


Without warning, the smoke was blown away and a massive shuriken almost took off their heads

[Ugh! That was too close!]

"What happened?!" (Suzu)

"Back-up arrived...but not ours" (Rei)

[Awww...and it was going so well to]

The team responsible for the "Vessel" containing the Two-tails chakra, when the Fuma were in the midst of extracting it, had returned

"Those guys ran away first when we attacked...but they don't have that large cauldron with them" (Suzu)

{They're back already?! And the accuracy to target us in the smoke with zero visibility...they not only have a Fūton user, but a sensor-type like me!} (Rei)

[They must've suppressed their chakra. Considering they have sensor-nin, it's what you'd expect]

"You guys...why are you so late?!"

"Don't blame us, transporting that vessel wasn't easy. Sealing team!"


The reinforcements encircled Yugito and placed their hands on the ground. A formula emerged and formed a large pattern

"Fūinjutsu: Tajū Isshi Tōjin!2Sealing Jutsu: Multiple String Light Formation"

"Uh?! RAAAAHHHH!!!" (Yugito)

"Yugito-sama!" (Suzu)

{Shit! She can't-!} (Rei)

Already low on strength, Yugito finally fell out of her Tailed Beast Form and was forced to the ground, unable to move

"She still has a lot of power despite losing her transformation! We'll wear her down while you deal with others!"


"About time we took care of these brats!"

"Hehehe! Payback time!"

The remaining members approached the Genin with gleeful smiles on their faces

"There goes our greatest asset" (Rei)

"You wouldn't happen to have more of those bombs?" (Suzu)

"No, those four were all I had. And they weren't easy to make" (Rei)

Because of this world's current tech level, acquiring the materials to make such advanced devices wasn't easy...or cheap. The only reason Rei COULD make them was due to Tetsuo procuring the necessary items and granting him access to his lab

"Suzu. Support me with long range attacks" (Rei)

"And let you engage them by yourself?!" (Suzu)

"We have to do our best to buy as much time as possible before OUR back-up-!" (Rei)

"Look out!" (Suzu)


Not even giving them a chance to speak, the Fuma hurled shuriken of various sizes at them

"We doin' the usual?"


"All together boys!"

"Ninpo: Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!3Ninja Art: Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu"


The shuriken they threw suddenly multiplied into a storm of blades, leaving no room for evasion. Suzu moved with haste

"Stay behind me! 'Doton: Doryūheki'4Earth Style: Mud Wall" (Suzu)

{That Earth wall isn't gonna hold!} (Rei)

"Rei! We can't fight them!" (Suzu)

"I'll use clones to draw their fire! You just-!" (Rei)

CLING! A kunai landed next to them with a tag tied on its end

"Paper-!" (Suzu)

"-Bomb!" (Rei)





Several miles from Rei

The Fuma captain previously subdued by Rei was now carrying the "Vessel" containing Yugito's chakra. During the chaos, the weapons Rei used to subdue him were removed thanks to the resulting explosions

"Almost there. Just near the this thing is heavy!" (Captain)

The moment he was freed, he immediately fled the scene. Catching up with the sealing team, he took the cauldron containing the Two-tails chakra, and instructed them to back up the others

"After all the trouble we went through, we'd better get paid!" (Captain)

"Your boss has already received it"

"What the hell?!" (Captain)

"Easy now, we're here to take that from you" 

"Yer pal Nobuyuki has already been notified"

Two dark robed figures suddenly emerged from out of nowhere, stopping the Fuma Captain in his tracks. One possessed a tall, large, hulking build while the other was short with a voice that sounded elderly. Both wearing masks, with the Kanji for "Mountain" on the large one, and "Three" for the short one

{These guys got the drop on me so easily...the clan head mentioned them before. Our current employers...the "Company"!} (Captain)

"Mountain, as you should know, carrying such things doesn't suit one of my age"

"Bah! You're just lazy Three" (Mountain)

"Say what you will" (Three)

"Hey, you! I'll take the cauldron now" (Mountain)

The Captain was annoyed at Mountain's domineering attitude. His group was previously told this would be an easy job, but it's been nothing short of a disaster

"Hold on! You're just gonna straight up take it?! After all the shit my men and I have gone through...this job clearly wasn't what you guys promised!" (Captain)

"..." (Mountain)

"So what do you propose young man?" (Three)

"I'm not handing over anything until you DOUBLE what you've originally paid us!" (Captain)

The two figures looked at each other

"Hey. Can I...?" (Mountain)

"Normally, I'd say no but...we're short on time" (Three)

"Alright then" (Mountain)

"?" (Captain)

"Heh!" (Mountain)


"What are you-UHACK!" (Captain)

"You really need to learn when to shut up" (Mountain)

In an instant, the large man called Mountain was holding the Fuma Captain by the neck! With his other free hand, Mountain picked up the cauldron effortlessly

{F-Fast! How is it possible for someone so large to move so quickly! And to pick up that heavy thing with just one arm is-!} (Captain)

"It's a pity, if you had just given us the cauldron you could've walked away in one piece" (Mountain)

"Young ones these days are always in such a rush to get hurt" (Three)

"Ugh...let...go!" (Captain)

Three came closer and spoke in a soft tone

"We told you exactly what the details of the mission were. We provided escort with little scrutiny, a vessel for the Two-tails, and even someone with Doujutsu5Eye Jutsu to aid you" (Three)

"..." (Captain)

"If you couldn't even handle the simple task of handling Kumogakure's spare Jinchūriki, a juvenile little girl who can't even control her Tailed Beast, in spite of all that was given to you..." (Mountain)

"We paid quite a sum to provide this all to you and yet you ask for more. You...someone who's not even the head of his clan and has no authority once so ever to bargain with us, is nothing short of ridiculous" (Three)

"Which is why no one is gonna miss you if you're gone!" (Mountain)

"Huh? That's not what I-" (Three)


The Fuma Captain ceased all movement as the life left his eyes after Mountain snapped his neck

"Why'd you kill him?! I just wanted to teach him a lesson! Damn it Mountain!" (Three)

"Relax. I doubt killing him will damage our relationship with the Fuma. As long as they don't know WE did it...they'll probably just believe he was a casualty of the Two-tails. You could hear its rampage from all the way over here" (Mountain)

"I just hope Nobuyuki buys it. The last thing we need is to lose our most valuable partner right now" (Three)

"Please! They're expendable, and this guy was annoying! Don't act like you weren't thinking of killing him" (Mountain)

"No, they're certainly not expendable! I doubt we'll ever find another group of mercenaries as large such as them!" (Three)

"Humph! Says you" (Mountain)

"Regardless of how I feel, I never jeopardize my partnerships! Ugh! This is why meat heads are such-!" (Three)

"Quit you're bitching! We've got a schedule to keep. I don't like being out in the open for too long" (Mountain)

"Sigh...fine. You know you're really-HM?!" (Three)

"!" (Mountain)

Three suddenly went on alert. Noticing his sudden action, Mountain proceeded to do the same

"..." (Mountain)

"..." (Three)

"What is it?" (Mountain)

"...Nothing" (Three)

"You sure?" (Mountain)

"Yes. Let's move" (Three)

"Okay then" (Mountain)

Mountain tossed the Captain's body on the ground before leaving with Three. The two figures vanished without a trace, believing no one noticed them but...



...a strange person, or creature emerged from the ground

"Those guys are strange, to be able to notice us is not something most people can do"

"That's why I told you to be careful. I can still feel some life from this guy, grab him and go"


The creature seemingly talking to itself possessed two different voices









"We need to inform Tobi of this"


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