Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

88. Who Did This?

Remember, no chapters on Sunday. I leave progress reports for upcoming chapters on my Ko-fi page. Enjoy!



Tango and the group with him had landed in the middle of the pit, speechless at the sight before them

"What in the world is this?!"

"It's like a war was waged here!"

"My that human flesh?" 

"Eh?! You're telling me those piles of 'meat' were people?!"

"I think I'm gonna be sick..." 

Tired of their gossip, Toroi issued his commands

"Enough! Scatter and search for any survivors!" (Toroi)

"Yes sir!"

{You'd better be okay Rei} (Mabui)

"Sir! We've found Yugito-sama!"

"What's her status?!" (Toroi)

"Banged up, but alive!"

"Ronri! Apply first aid!" (Toroi)

"I'm already on it!" (Ronri)

"Funsui!" (Toroi)

"Suzu's here! Knocked out, but otherwise okay!" (Funsui)

"Tai, can you-?!" (Toroi)


Tai ran to Suzu and began treating her wounds before Toroi could even ask. Because her injuries were light, she was quick to wake up

"Mm...mmm...uh?" (Suzu)

"Suzu!" (Tango)

"Tai, Sensei? Mabui-san, Samui-san, and...TOROI-SAMA?!" (Suzu)

Suzu immediately stood up with shock before looking around. Observing her surroundings, she was befuddled and the current situation

"You guys are here? And Yugito-sama is safe...who defeated the enemy?" (Suzu)

"?!" (Everyone else)

" wasn't you?" (Suzu)

"We thought it was you guys..." (Tai)

"N-No, we were-agh...huff...! We were surrounded by an elite troop of Fuma ninja" (Suzu)

{So it really was members of the Fuma clan...this is gonna cause some problems later} (Toroi)

"Why didn't you report back when you found this place?" (Tango)

"That was the plan was obvious Yugito-sama was reaching her limit" (Suzu)

"Limit? You mean..." (Samui)

"There were extracting her Tailed Beast. And they'd been at it for quite a while" (Suzu)

"Yugito really was the target this whole time..." (Toroi)

The eldest ones present all wore a look of worry on their faces. Whoever was responsible for this had great capability...which only made them all the more dangerous

"We decided to engage because it was clear she'd die soon if someone didn't help. Disrupting the ritual and buying some time for Yugito-sama to regain her strength. She entered her Tailed Beast state and-" (Suzu)

"That was probably the explosions we saw...but...these guys..." (Samui)

"I know what you mean. To go THIS far is's not...she wouldn't...she couldn't have..." (Mabui)

"In other words...Yugito-sama took care of them all?" (Toroi)

Still in a daze, Suzu could barely think, let alone talk about the events that took place

"Ugh...No. The 'captain' in charge managed to get away with the chakra they stole from her Tailed beast. team managed to subdue Yugito-sama before the rest turned their attention to us" (Suzu)

"So Yugito-sama didn't do this?" (Toroi)

"She managed to burn some of them, but the rest kept their distance and delayed the fight until she grew tired" (Suzu)

"Right...she did spend days at a time enduring an extraction ritual" (Tango)

"Makes sense she'd be out of it" (Toroi)

Mabui and Samui's tone went hoarse, irritated Toroi would claim their teammate could cause such a massacre

"Of course Yugito wouldn't do something so brutal to her evil" (Samui)

"She's not like that Toroi" (Mabui)

"Apologies. I wasn't insinuating anything, just trying to get a clear picture of what happened" (Toroi)

Toroi looked around at the crushed bodies, doing his best not to throw up. The sight before him was like a scene out of a horror movie, capable of given even the most hardened ninja trauma

"I've never seen anything like this in my entire career as a shinobi...not even during the last war" (Toroi)

"..." (Tango)

"Sir! Yugito-sama is waking up!" (Ronri)

"!" (Toroi)

The whole group ran to Ronri, who was treating Yugito as she laid on the ground, her eyes slowly opening

"Yugito!" (Samui)

"Can you hear us?!" (Tango)

"How are you feeling?!" (Mabui)

"I feel..." (Yugito)

"Yeah?" (Toroi)

"I feel like the legal drinking age should be below twenty right now. Uh!" (Yugito)

"Pfft!" (Tai)

"Haaa...she's fine" (Samui)

"Worrying me for nothing, jeez!" (Mabui)

"Can you recall what happened?" (Toroi)

"Yeah. They used Fuinjutsu1Sealing Jutsu to keep me down before attacking the kids. I couldn't do anything to help...and the Two-tails within me was pretty pissed" (Yugito)

"Meaning you didn't take them down either..." (Tango)

"No...I was down for the count. And you guys were..." (Yugito)

"They bombarded us with their clan's signature shuriken jutsu. It was then Rei and I got hit with a paper bomb when...REI!!!" (Suzu)

"?!" (All of them)

"Where's Rei?! He was right next to me when we got hit!" (Suzu)

"!" (Mabui)

"Expand the search! Check everywhere for him!" (Toroi)

Yugito remained where she was as Ronri treated her with his Medical Ninjutsu. Everyone else scattered in search for Rei. Mabui especially moved frantically, fearing the worst for her cousin

It was then Funsui discovered strange signs of a fight several feet from the area

{This is...} HEY!!! I FOUND HIM!! (Funsui)

"Where?!" (Toroi)

"Is he okay?!" (Mabui)

"Over there!" (Tango)

They rushed to Funsui and found Rei on the ground, covered in blood and flesh that wasn't his own. Around him, appeared to be the bodies of the remaining Fuma...or what was left of them

Mabui grabbed Rei and held him in her arms

"How can person...end up like that?" (Funsui)

"Tai! Check on Rei!" (Tango)

"R-right!" (Tai)

"What are these markings? It looks as if something large was stabbed on the a giant blade..." (Toroi)

"Is that what killed these guys?" (Funsui)

While Toroi and Funsui were investigating, Tai was checking Rei's condition

"How is he?" (Mabui)

"Minor wounds...but...his chakra is-!" (Tai)

"What?" (Tango)

"We need to get him home now!" (Tai)

"Why?! What's wrong?!" (Mabui)

"His chakra network is COMPLETELY unstable! I've never seen anything like it...he needs care we can't give him here!" (Tai)

"We need to leave Senpai" (Tango)

"Right" (Toroi)

"Now?! But sir...our-!" (Funsui)

"I know, I know. I'd like to stay here and investigate but we're already short on time as it is. Dodai-sama instructed us to get home as soon as possible" (Toroi)

"The armistice right?" (Samui)

"Mm. Truth be told, we shouldn't even be out during the signing. We've secured Team Mabui and the rest of Team Tango. So our mission is basically complete. Let's go!" (Toroi)

"Right!" (Everyone else)




Some time later in Kumogakure

The Raikage had finally returned and was sitting in his office chair. The only ones present were Dodai, Tekkan, Darui, C, and the Daimyō

Silence filled the room. A was holding his head as he looked downwards, not muttering a single word. Everyone waited nervously for him to break the silence

"Daimyō, was this really the only way?" (A)

" Was there anything WE could've done however...that's still up for debate" (Daimyō)

"Sigh" (A)

"There was no stopping the council, whether you were here or not. Don't blame yourself sir" (Dodai)

"I'm the Raikage Dodai. Stopping my constituents from making shit decisions like this is my job" (A)

"Our Head Ninja was killed, and regardless of how any of us feel about the details of his death, the fact remains he died in their village. Asking them for the body of the killer was inevitable. They would've overruled you, even if you WERE here Raikage-sama" (C)

"He only died because he tried to steal the Byakugan2White Eye in their OWN village" (Darui)

"That still hasn't been proven" (C)

"Don't be naive C, you know as well as I do what kind dull guy he was. And to make matters worse, the council tried to do the same by demanding the body of the killer, just for HIS Byakugan" (Darui)

"Konoha has sent us a body, what does that tell you? (C)

"It means Konoha really wants peace, which only disproves the theory they were the ones who attacked first. The fact they acted so swiftly to meet Kumo's demands is proof enough" (A)

"Then sir...why didn't you fight this?" (C)

The Daimyō spoke after sighing

"This is why there's a Daimyō system...because ninja are horrible at politics" (Daimyō)

"?" (Darui & C)

"Tekkan, I'm tired. Can you please-?" (Daimyō)

"Of course. If Kumo had let this slide, it would make our country look weak. There are countless smaller nations and clans eager to take this land. We've made no shortage of enemies over the years" (Tekkan)

"Yeah, except now we've gained an audacious reputation instead of a cowardly one. While not does preserve peace between the great nations" (Dodai)

"..." (Darui & C)

"The main problem stems not from the Head Ninja, but rather the demand the council made in Raikage-sama's absence. There were so many other things the village could've asked for...that both parties could and would accept" (Tekkan)

"Instead...those idiots decided not to hide their greed and make a second attempt on the Byakugan, by demanding the body of the Hyuga who killed the Head Ninja" (Daimyō)

Everyone lamented at the situation. The Head Ninja's actions would undoubtedly become the source of many problems they'll inevitably have to deal with in the future

Kumogakure was in for some hard times

"The only upside is you're now able to use this as leverage to keep them in line, A-dono" (Daimyō)

"...Time to consolidate power huh?" (A)

"Many were unable to accept the unilateral decision of your father to install you as the 4th Raikage. Such an action was found unfair and unacceptable by many in the council. They've used this fact as a means to undermine you, but now..." (Tekkan) 

"By letting them get their way, you finally have the opportunity to shut them up for good. Don't waste it" (Daimyō)

"Right. Dodai! Any word from Toroi's team yet?" (A)

"It just came in a few minutes ago, the team has made contact. While the details are still unclear, it would appear the Fuma Clan, or a faction of it was responsible for the attack. Their target, the Tailed Beast within Yugito" (Dodai)

"?!" (Everyone else)

"Did they manage to-!" (Daimyō)

"No. Team Mabui is safe with minor injuries, mainly in part to the actions of Team Tango" (Dodai)

"Phew!" (Tekkan)

"That team again? Not bad" (C)

"Who in the hell put them up to this? Information regarding our Jinchūriki is top secret! How did they know exactly when and where she'd be?" (Darui)

"..." (Daimyō)

"That is still unknown. They also suspect another clan was helping the Fuma as well. One with...Doujutsu3Visual Jutsu" (Dodai)

"Doujutsu?!" (A)

"Are they sure about that?!" (C)

"Positive. Whoever this Doujutsu user is...he's the one responsible for bringing Team Mabui down. Tango had a nasty encounter with a Genjutsu trap and claimed in the report, 'Only someone with a powerful Kekkei Genkai could've made'. They also fear Mabui & Samui were, at one point, interrogated by said Doujutsu practioner" (Dodai)

"That would mean some Kumo's vital intel is potentially compromised. Team Mabui has been working directly at the behest of Raikage-sama for quite some time..." (Tekkan)

"This wasn't random...someone was behind this" (Daimyō)

"But-" (Dodai)

"But what?" (A)

"Unfortunately...Rei suffered serious injuries. So serious, Toroi immediately opted to leave and bring him back to the village for care" (Dodai)

Both the Raikage and Darui looked angry. The reaction anyone would expect from village ninja when they hear one of their younger Genin has been hurt by an enemy

"Fuma Clan...bastards..." (Darui)

"C, head to general hospital. I want him to have the best of care" (A)

"Of course" (C)

"Alright, that's enough for today. I need to speak with Daimyō-dono alone, leave us" (A)

"Right. You take off as well Tekkan" (Daimyō)

"I'll await you at the bureau sir" (Tekkan)

Everyone else left the room, leaving the two most powerful people in the country to themselves

"What a shitty weekend, wouldn't you agree?" (Daimyō)

"Yup. Sigh. did it go in that new nation?" (A)

"Ishigakure4Hidden Rock Village? Well, Iwagakure5Hidden Stone Village was never thrilled having such a lawless group form their own nation. The Tsuchikage6Earth Shadow certainly wasn't expecting it to happen" (Daimyō)

"I assume the demilitarization agreement in the armistice changed that opinion" (A)

"Indeed. In the search for those who would employ them, many shinobi of exceptional skill are moving to that land, soldiers without a nation to call theirs. How else would ninja provide for themselves when they don't belong to a shinobi village that can provide them with jobs" (Daimyō)

"Mm. I reckon the Sand and Stone would make much use of them considering this new nation is boxed in between the two countries" (A)

"Why do you think I traveled there in the first place? Considering your stance on refusing to hand out jobs to foreigners, I had to check out the competition" (Daimyō)

"Are you worried about them?" (A)

"My men have already confirmed the nation has the highest number of Kekkei Genkai users in the world. People displaying unique abilities some would call inhuman, it's become a cesspool of Hijutsu7Hidden Jutsu and Kinjutsu8Forbidden Jutsu" (Daimyō)

A's concern over this new nation only grew as he silently listened to the Daimyō

"There have even been rumors of Mokuton9Wood Style Jutsu users, but I believe these to be just that, rumors. Nothing has yet to be verified" (Daimyō)

"Such a nation could easily grow into a powerful adversary. Why isn't Sunagakure10Hidden Sand Village and Iwagakure more concerned over this? This nation is right at their doorsteps" (A)

"I see no reason to be worried. These guys aren't organized, it's a nation full of egotistic brutes and ruffians. The place is little more than a clubhouse for defectors and those without a home. Because many of them are strong, it's unlikely someone powerful enough to control and organize the country will appear" (Daimyō)

"I see...that is unlikely. It'll probably just end up as a den for mercenaries" (A)

"Mhm. The only thing I'm WORRIED about is the Fuma attacking us exactly when you and I left the country. Plus, it's widely known the Fuma have degraded into mere mercenaries as well. Someone hired them...someone with money, resources, and intel" (Daimyō)

"And influence" (A)

The Daimyō glanced at A with a puzzled expression.

"What do you mean?" (Daimyō)

"You know I traveled to Takigakure11Hidden Waterfall Village right?" (A)

"Yeah...they suddenly declared to back out of our old agreement concerning the ownership of that crazy island. How did that go by the way?" (Daimyō)

"It didn't" (A)

"...Meaning?" (Daimyō)

"When I arrived to meet the leader of the village, Hisen, he was under the impression WE were the ones backing out of the agreement" (A)

"?!" (Daimyō)

The Daimyō was at a loss for words. The perpetrators responsible for this incident had far more political outreach than he expected. To be able to mislead two powerful shinobi Nations so perfectly wasn't something just anyone could do

Their hidden enemy became increasingly dangerous the more they learned about them

"We conversed for quite some time before I departed. Because I personally showed up, Hisen assured me the agreement would still stand and treated me quite nicely" (A)

"All of that...just to get you out of the village. Could the formation of Ishigakure also have been scripted?" (Daimyō)

"Unlikely, but at this point I wouldn't rule anything out. Our foes are powerful, so it's best we don't assume anything. Sigh. I wish there was more I could do" (A)

The Daimyō stood up and proceeded to leave. Making his way to the door, he spoke one last time

"We can't fight an enemy we can't see. However, we can deal with problems right in front of us. Whoever is responsible for this will pay, mark my words, but not today" (Daimyō)

"Yes. I'll focus on keeping those idiots in the council in check. I now have legitimate reason to send anyone who disagrees with me flying" (A)

"Kumo still isn't a dictatorship A...but I like your attitude. They shouldn't cause anymore trouble but, I'll have Tekkan stay in the village for a while just in case. He and Tenga have made quite the setup at the bureau here. Use him however you see fit" (Daimyō)

"Much appreciated. I'm gonna need all the help I can get for dealing with the aftermath of this mess" (A)


The Daimyō had left, leaving A all to himself. As he pondered Kumogakure's current situation, one fact in particular was suddenly at the forefront of his mind

"Ishigakure huh? way-!" (A)


"The files on our current, active shinobi...they have to be here somewhere..." (A)

Rummaging through his office, The Raikage found the boxes he was looking for. Opening them, he searched for the file he wanted

"Sano...Sano...Sano...found it! The file for one, REI SANO. Let's see...parents, both deceased. Guardianship has been transferred to his paternal cousin Mabui. Keido Sano and...Moriko Sano! Now I remember..." (A)









"Ishigakure...Rei's mother was from that area too. It couldn't be coincidence...could it?" (A)


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