Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

89. Phase 1, Complete

Had some issues with my phone today so apologies in advance for any errors. Enjoy!


Near the Land of Hot Water's western border

Two members of the "Company" had arrived at a hidden facility within a forest. Making their way to a lab, a long figure greeted the pair

"Welcome. You're just in time"

"Humph! Ya finished it yet?"

"Mountain, don't be juvenile. We just delivered the stolen Two-tails chakra yesterday"

"And? Do I look like I care?" (Mountain)

"Sigh. While I wouldn't put it so bluntly, I would like to know how long this process will take..."

He turned away from Mountain and faced the only other person present


"Not to worry Three. I'm about to complete the first 'Lift'. " (Orochimaru)

"Ohhh! So soon?!" (Three)

"How?" (Mountain)

"The concept itself is something I dabbled in a bit during my last years at Konohagakure. I simply picked up where I left off, and with actual Tailed Beast chakra in my hands, I can now perform more practical tests" (Orochimaru)

"Hah! Excellent!" (Three)

Although his face was hidden behind a mask, it was obvious from his tone Three was ecstatic to hear such news. The "Company's" investment had indeed not gone to waste

"Great, you didn't go bankrupt old man" (Mountain)

"Mountain..." (Three)

"What? These are the results we should expect for giving this snake our protection" (Mountain)

"For which, I'm eternally grateful" (Orochimaru)

"I would hope so, Konoha still hasn't given up on hunting you down. Without decent protection, I doubt you'll last long on your own" (Mountain)

"That's quite enough Mountain! Geez, why are you always so eager to make enemies?" (Three)

"Whatever. I'll leave the rest to you" (Mountain)

Mountain turned around and began to leave

"Orochimaru! I want this done as soon as possible! I trust this task shouldn't be too difficult for one of Konohagakure's Legendary Sanin" (Mountain)

"Of course" (Orochimaru)

"Apologies for his manners. Young ones these days have no respect whatsoever. While the "Company" needs this done quickly, we'd rather make sure it's done right. Feel free to move at your own pace" (Three)

"Thank you" (Orochimaru)

"I am curious as to whether or not you have a time table" (Three)

"If everything goes as planned without interruptions, I believe the span of one year should be enough to complete the Lift" (Orochimaru)

"I see..." (Three)

Three stayed quiet after getting Orochimaru's response. The latter raised his eyebrow, wondering if this answer was unsatisfactory for his employers

"Is that too long?" (Orochimaru)

"No, it's more than acceptable. It just means we're going to be making some changes...but nothing you need to worry over" (Three)

"Very well...also...about MY partner" (Orochimaru)

"As long as you complete the project, your partner will get what we promised him" (Three)

"All the more reason for me get to work" (Orochimaru)

"A fine attitude. I'll leave you to it, our organization will ensure no one finds or disturbs you. Farewell" (Three)

Three left Orochimaru to himself. Finally alone, he smiled to himself as he worked

{Hehe, to think such a wealthy group could be suckered by Danzo and I so easily. I can't believe they're providing such resources to a rogue criminal like myself} (Orochimaru)

In truth, he had already completed the "Company's" request. "But why give them what they want so soon when I can delay and use their resources for MY experiments", were the thoughts he carried. Orochimaru was still vulnerable, the Hokage was unrelenting in his search for him. Not to mention, Orochimaru had also earned the ire of other villages with his inhumane practices. Anyone caught aiding a fiend like him would surely be in for a world of pain.

Staying in one place to study Ninjutsu and gather strength with protection from others was far more ideal than running around like a nomad, constantly watching your back

"Well whatever, I'll take this as a chance to relax  before I find another group that can offer me protection" (Orochimaru)


Licking his lips, the smile on his face was completely sinister


"Maybe it's time I called in Kabuto..." (Orochimaru)




Several days later

All the top members of the "Company" had gathered together

"A year? That's what he said?" (Flow)

"Mm. That snake always moves his ass when it benefits his research" (Mountain)

"That's sooner than we expected" (Time)

Giggling, the member known as "Red" interjected

"Hehe, this is great. The data I...we receive from this will be most enlightening. I'm getting shivers just thinking about it" (Red)

"Why are all the deranged ones attracted to science?" (Mountain)

"The pursuit of truth is the most noble of professions you simpleton" (Red)

" need a tin foil hat with that?" (Mountain)

"If you wanted to volunteer as my experimental material, you just had to ask to Mountain" (Red)

"You know I would love to if it wasn't for the fact I'm allergic to crazy" (Mountain)

While it may seem like a playful argument to others, the two members were ready to tear each other to pieces. Out of the entire group, Mountain has the worst relationship with Red. He's always been disgusted with her..."science experiments"

Likewise, Red herself has constantly been annoyed by what she calls, Mountain's "lack of appreciation" for the contributions she's made to this organization via her research

"Enough you two, lets move on" (Sage)

"Cheh!" (Mountain)

"Humph!" (Red)

Sage, the de facto leader of the "Company", took the reigns and moved the meeting forward

"From what I've gathered, it's safe to say completion of the Lift will done well within our time range for Phase 2" (Sage)

"IF...Orochimaru can come through sir" (Time)

"What do you think Red? With the data he's already delivered, do you think Orochimaru can come through for us?" (Sage)

"After taking a look at it...I'd say he can. Normally, I'd take the control of the project at this point but he's more versed in the subject than I" (Red)

"Oh? That's quite humble of you?" (Flow)

"It's not that I can't do it but, if I take over the project now, I'd inevitably have to start from scratch. Like Time said, we're on a schedule...the last thing we need delays" (Red)

"Quite so...I'd prefer not to make anymore adjustments to the plan than necessary" (Time)

"Damn straight...I'm sick of waiting!" (Mountain)

"Ditto" (Arc)

"Mhm" (Balance)

Many of the others present nodded in agreement. They've spent much time orchestrating events to suit their needs and ultimate goal...all were eager to take action

"Okay then...moving on" (Flow)

"Yeah, enough about us! What have the twins been up to?" (Mountain)

"As I recall, Arc and Balance were working on..." (Red)

"The next subject would be Ishigakure...Balance" (Sage)

"The village, if you can call that, has officially been established" (Balance)

"And the people are...?" (Sage)

"Full of rogues, bandits, ravagers, mercenaries, Kekkei Genkai users and others with unique abilities. Mixing into a massive cornucopia of the impetuous...and the strange" (Balance)

"The perfect place to do what I do best" (Arc)

"Excellent. When the next phase know where to send them" (Sage)

"Of course" (Arc)

Sage turned away from them

"And finally..." (Sage)

"The assassin...and the enforcer" (Red)

"How did things go with the Fuma leader...and the clean up?" (Time)

The ones most quiet spoke for the first time, bearing the symbols for "Scorpion" and "Blade" on their masks

"Any potential witnesses in the area during the, albeit attempted, extraction of the Two-tails have been eliminated. No trace of their bodies remains" (Scorpion)

"I informed the Nobuyuki of the group's destruction. While not pleased, he was satisfied to know their mission was a success. The payment they received also soothed things out so for now...they're still on board with us" (Blade)

"After how much we payed them...we wouldn't accept anything else" (Three)

"There is one thing of note" (Scorpion)

"Hm?" (Sage)

"While I up, I could see from a distance the Two-tails host losing her transformation yet...the fighting was still going on" (Scorpion)

"Why does that matter?" (Mountain)

"Idiot" (Red)

"Ah?!" (Mountain)

Flow spoke before more infighting could resume between the two

"If there was fighting still going on AFTER the Two-tails was means someone else wiped out the Fuma" (Flow)

"!" (Mountain)

"Could it have been Kumo's reinforcements?" (Arc)

"Unlikely. They arrived some time later. The only ones with the Beast were two Genin scouts sent to track her down" (Scorpion)

"There's no way two Genin could've taken out an entire squad" (Balance)

"When I arrived, the place appeared as if a storm came through. The bodies of the Fuma didn't resemble those of a human's. Completely crushed..." (Scorpion)

"It could've have been the Jinchūriki. Just because you saw her fall out the Tailed Beast State doesn't mean she didn't have anymore power. The Version 1 or 2 forms could've been options on the table" (Time)

"True. But in my line of work...I never assume anything" (Scorpion)

"..." (Time)


Sage clapped his hands and gathered everyone's attention

"We can worry about that later. For now, all that matters is the objective, which has been completed. You all know what that means for the Company" (Sage)

"So it's official?" (Time)

"Yes. Phase 1 is now complete. Within a year, we'll begin Phase 2" (Sage)

"Nice!" (Mountain)

"Finally" (Arc) 

"Time. For now, refrain from any more misdirection with the Raikage. While it worked this time in Takigakure...I doubt he'll fall for the same trick twice" (Sage)

"Wasn't planning on it. I've got so much other things to worry about" (Time)

"Oh yeah! Speaking of the seems to me like he's going to become a problem" (Mountain)

"What does our politician have to say about that?" (Red)

The youngest and newest member, holding the mask with the symbol for "Flow", stood up to speak

"Due to the council's actions during the Hyuga incident, the Raikage has used this as an opportunity to tighten his grip in the government. But regardless, Kumo's reputation has been hurt immensely because of this event" (Flow)

"While we were able to influence him to ignore demilitarization...I doubt he'll go along with anymore of our schemes" (Time)

"If things keep up like this, he may end up becoming a liability" (Three)

"Irrelevant" (Sage)

"!" (Everyone)

Sage stood up and gestured the others to do the same

"At this point there's no room for retreat. We've all been through so much to quit now" (Sage)

Everyone nodded in agreement

"For now, we remain silent. No contact for the next year. We reconvene when I, or Time call for a meeting. No exceptions, no contact, no excuses" (Sage)

"Anyone who thinks otherwise will receive a visit from me" (Scorpion)

While appearing calm on the inside, many were nervous at Scorpion's words. Being their top assassin, his skill was anything but ordinary

With the meeting ending, their figures slowly began to disappear

"And the Raikage?" (Three)

"As for the Raikage...if it comes to it, we'll deal with him..." (Sage)

The room went completely dark









"...just as we dealt with the last one" 


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