Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

97. New Deal

Delivery in my area is pretty slow, but my new keyboard should arrive this week. This chapter was done with my phone, so apologies in advance for any spelling errors (Stupid Auto correct is driving me crazy). Enjoy!


In the Land of Lightning, several miles outside Kumogakure's walls

The Daimyō's assistant Tekkan, and his escort Tenga, had just arrived at Mori Sp.

After being welcomed at the door, the head of security Shō escorted him to the private office of the company president, Tetsuo Mori

"Right on time, welcome to my company Tekkan-dono" (Tetsuo)

"Thank you for taking the time to see me Mori-dono" (Tekkan)

Tetsuo gestured for Tekkan to take a seat at his desk. Accepting his hospitality, he shook Tetsuo's hand before sitting down

"Thank you Shō, that'll be all" (Tetsuo)

"Of course, I'll resume my duties. Please let me know if you need anything" (Shō)

"You wait outside as well, Tenga" (Tekkan)

"Sir" (Tenga)

After the others left, the two men were finally alone to themselves. Tekkan was the first to speak

"I have to say we were all surprised when we received your message" (Tekkan)

"The we being you and the Daimyō?" (Tetsuo)

Tekkan pulled out tag with the symbol for the Land of Lightning, the Daimyō's signature was also imprinted upon it. He also gave Tetsuo a letter from the Daimyō

"Hmm...temporary powers huh?" (Tetsuo)

"Of course, I'm here speaking on his behalf. I've been temporarily granted the same level of authority as him, so any agreement made here is final, as if the Daimyō-sama was making it" (Tekkan)

"That's all I needed to hear, now...would you like to see it?" (Tetsuo)

"More than anything, yes" (Tekkan)

Tetsuo removed the thin cloth covering his desk and revealed a small, black, cube-shaped object with several cables attached to it. The cables in question were connected to wall behind him

"This is..." (Tekkan)

"A next-generation power supply, though it's still just a prototype. Small and compact, just as I claimed in my letter" (Tetsuo)

"It's so small but...what of its capabilities?" (Tekkan)

"Why don't you see for yourself" (Tetsuo)

"Huh?" (Tekkan)

Tetsuo pointed around the room, seemingly hinting at something. Picking up on it, Tekkan rose from his chair in earnest and yelled

" don't mean-!" (Tekkan)

"Hehehe" (Tetsuo)

"This whole room?!" (Tekkan)

"That's right. This tiny box by itself, has been powering the lights in the room non-stop...for the past five days" (Tetsuo)

"Impossible...!" (Tekkan)

"Quite a step up wouldn't you say?" (Tetsuo)

"How in the world did you-?!" (Tekkan)

Tetsuo cut Tekkan off as he raised his hand, urging him to sit back down. Getting back in his chair, he took out an bottle of liquor and filled two glass cups with alcohol

With a laid-back attitude, he leaned back on his chair, put his feet on the desk...and handed a glass to Tekkan before speaking

"All I can tell you is my company has a very bright mind at its disposal" (Tetsuo)

"..." (Tekkan)

"Obviously you should know what this device means not just for the country, but the world itself" (Tetsuo)

"Yes...this...this will change everything" (Tekkan)

"Quite about our arrangement..." (Tetsuo)

"Ah! We accept your-!" (Tekkan)

"Nuh-uh...I still haven't said I'd GIVE you this technology" (Tetsuo)

"Is there some problem you find working with us?! our offer not enough?!" (Tekkan)

"For revolutionary tech like this, it's definitely not enough. But that's not the reason for withholding my support" (Tetsuo)

"Th-then what is the problem?" (Tekkan)

"It's not just the Daimyō that needs this, correct?" (Tetsuo)

"...Yes" (Tekkan)

Tetsuo put his glass down and stared straight at Tekkan's eyes, making him even more anxious

"A businessman's true currency isn't money, it's information. The sudden need for a new, smaller power source. I know whatever it is you're working on involves Kumogakure and its Raikage" (Tetsuo)

"..." (Tekkan)

"Being the Daimyō's assistant, I'd be quite disappointed if you didn't know of my past history with Kumogakure" (Tetsuo)

"The Oni Garrison...what you endured was-" (Tekkan)

"Unnecessary. The project schematics they were after were supposed to be split into different pieces. Multiple companies would oversee the production of the parts, then the final product would be assembled in the shinobi capital" (Tetsuo)

"That project is something...sensitive" (Tekkan)

"Oh, I'm sure. Given all the trouble both the Raikage, and your boss have gone to keeping things under wraps. But due to an oversight on Kumo's part, the schematics were all delivered to one factory. You know the rest" (Tetsuo)

{So he IS holding a grudge against Kumo for that. Can't say I blame his lack of's the village's fault he was attacked and tortured by those criminals. Not to mention his factory closing down} (Tekkan)

"I can tell what you're thinking and lemme tell you, I'm not THAT petty" (Tetsuo)

"!" (Tekkan)

"It's not that I'm unwilling to work with you, it's just a simple cash check isn't gonna cut it. I need something real, something more than money. As it is now, I can't fully place my trust in Kumogakure, or even the Daimyō for obvious reasons" (Tetsuo)

"What are you proposing?" (Tekkan)

"That we host this meeting properly. A face-to-face with the Daimyō...and the Raikage" (Tetsuo)

"That's-!" (Tekkan)

"Possible. It may require some planning, but I know you can make it happen. I'm not belittling your presence here Tekkan-dono, but I prefer to actually meet the person I'm going into long-term business with" (Tetsuo)

Tekkan was at a loss. What Tetsuo suggested was plausible, but very unwelcome at this current time. One of the main priorities of the Raikage's Inner Circle was to maintain the illusion he wasn't in a friendly relationship with the Daimyō

The Network project was meant to be a secret, yet at the same time, they desperately needed Tetsuo's aid. The fact he already had prototypes ready was a godsend to say the least

Especially if you consider how any other business is keeping their distance from the Land of Lightning after the Hyuga Clan Affair. With no other options, Tekkan caved in...

"I'll arrange the meeting, but it will take some time" (Tekkan)

"Not too much time I hope, the list of potential clients for this tech is practically endless after all" (Tetsuo)

"...I promise to move with haste" (Tekkan)


Tekkan rose from his seat and left the office. Tenga, waiting outside, was surprised by Tekkan's swift pace as they left the facility

"Um...sir? Is everything alright? Did things not go well?" (Tenga)

"Yes and no Tenga. You must take me to Kumogakure as fast as humanly possible. I also need to call the Daimyō-sama!" (Tekkan)

"The Daimyō-sama? He's out of the country right now" (Tenga)

"I don't care, just do it!" (Tekkan)

"Y-Yes sir!" (Tenga)

{We cannot allow this opportunity to slip out of our hands!} (Tekkan)




Back in Tetsuo's office

The moment Tekkan left the office Tetsuo stood up, locked the door, and sat back down

{As I recall, he said to clear my mind and reach out to him with thought only...} (Tetsuo)

Concentrating to best of ability, Tetsuo waited impatiently. After some time, a cloaked figure suddenly formed in front of him


{This phenomenon freaks me out every time I see it} (Tetsuo)

"Tetsuo, you're getting a good handle on Genjutsu Transmission"

"Developer R, is now a bad time?" (Tetsuo)

"Not at all, I was just getting ready to call you" (Rei)

After allowing Rei to alter his mind with Genjutsu, Tetsuo still believed Rei and the one known as "Developer R" were two completely different people

These clandestine acts were a means of information compartmentalization, focused not only on keeping his identity a secret, but protecting his tech's confidentiality in the event an enemy or foreign power sought to steal his work

Rei's future knowledge and advanced technology were his greatest advantages, one he had to protect at any and all costs

"I wanted to inform you I just finished my meeting with the Daimyō's assistant. He agreed to arrange a meeting with the Raikage and the Daimyō...just as you wanted" (Tetsuo)

"Of course Tekkan did, not like he had much of a choice. They need us far more than we need them, there are plenty of nations who would pay any price to get this technology" (Rei)

"But is strong-arming them like this a good idea? When I meet with them and they hear the demand you wanted to me make, I doubt they'll be happy" (Tetsuo) 

"You think requesting to oversee all of their energy demand is too much to ask?" (Rei)

"You do know why Kumogakure has the biggest council out of all the shinobi villages right? I mean, most have around three to twelve elders but Kumo...Kumo has over fifty" (Tetsuo)

"...I know why" (Rei)

Tetsuo's worries were well warranted. Kumogakure is noted to have the best economy out of the Five Great Shinobi Nations. Thanks to its specialty with Raiton1Lightning Style, the village has been able pioneer an ample amount technology that runs on electricity

Because this business has such a heavy influence in the village, many high ranking shinobi and members of its council have ties to, or are themselves business owners

The request of handling all of Kumo's energy manufacturing and supply is akin to robbing these people

"The Raikage will definitely find this appealing. Have you forgotten the council bears much responsiblity for the Hyuga incident in the first place? They've been a pain in his ass for quite some time, the odds of him skipping out on the opportunity to take away their influence should be obvious" (Rei)

"I thought the Head Ninja was the one responsible?" (Tetsuo)

"Well, that moron certainly played his part. But how do you think he managed to get AND keep his initial position in the first place? I mean come on, that idiot as the Head Ninja of Kumogakure?" (Rei)

"...Wasn't he born in a powerful family?" (Tetsuo)

"Coming from privilege is only part of it, even the slowest of morons can become successful in certain politics. That guy knew how to keep the right people happy. Many of the council flourished when he held his position and they offered their support for him in return" (Rei)

"That's why the Raikage could never get rid of him..." (Tetsuo)

"Selecting and removing the Head Ninja is not something the Raikage can do alone. He can cast nominations but...only a majority vote by the council can make such a decision" (Rei)

"And that guy made a lot of friends before he died...this is why I hate politics" (Tetsuo)

"Trust me, you'll do fine in the negotiations. Just stand your ground, the Raikage may play hard to get but ultimately respects those who stick to their ideals" (Rei)

"Are you sure we can trust him? I've met the Daimyō before, so I'm not worried about him but...the Raikage did actively participate in increasing military strength during the demilitarization" (Tetsuo)

"That was before the armistice and he only did that because he didn't trust the other nations, for good reason. Do you really think the other nations weren't doing the same in secret? Kumo's mistake wasn't increasing their strength, it was getting caught" (Rei)

{True, there's been some unsavory rumors about Iwagakure2Hidden Stone Villageand Kirigakure3Hidden Mist Villagespreading around for quite some time} (Tetsuo)

"Don't worry about it, just focus on the task at hand and you'll do fine. Mori Sp is on the verge of reaching new heights, don't get cold feet now. You received the next schematic I trust?" (Rei)

"The new power grid plans, yes I received them. As usual, your designs are astonishing...just how did you come up with this one?" (Tetsuo)

"Well, I requested special help from a certain guide of mine" (Rei)

"Huh?" {Guide?} (Tetsuo)

"Never mind. I actually called you because I need a favor" (Rei)

"What do you need?" (Tetsuo)

"I require...let's call them, special supplies" (Rei)

"Like what?" (Tetsuo)

"I've already sent a list that should be arriving at your doorstep any time now. And remember, I just need the supplies, I'll be doing the building myself. Once you've gathered them, place the materials on the scroll I gave you" (Rei)

{So much cloak and dagger} "Just what the hell are you making this time?" (Tetsuo)

Rei cut the connection and his figure began to disappear, but not before he muttered some final parting words









"Just a little bit of urban development"


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