Illumination – A Naruto Fantasy

98. The Second Lifeline

Ten days later

"Phew! Finally got the foundation finished" (Rei)

"Hey Suzu! The cement's done!" (Tai)

"Already?" (Suzu)

"He used his Suiton1Water Stylewith the concrete" (Rei)

"It's good practice, though I wouldn't have mind a little help from you Rei" (Tai)

"I can speed up the hardening with my Katon2Fire Styleif that makes you feel any better" (Rei)

"Fire's not really good idea" (Tai)

"I'm not an idiot Tai, I'll just use my chakra to increase the heat slightly. I won't make any flames" (Rei)

"I've got more broken parts!" (Suzu)

The team had finished taking apart Suzu's old shack of a home and commenced rebuilding. Despite how difficult such a task would normally be for regular grown adults, this labor proved to be just the right level of challenge for ninja

"Just leave them over there. Later, I'll seal the rest in a scroll and take them somewhere else" (Rei)

"Got it" (Suzu)

"We'd be moving a lot faster without these bracelets" (Tai)

"That'd defeat the whole purpose of this daily activity Tai" (Rei)

"Speaking of that, what level are you at right now?" (Suzu)

"I've made it to three, and you?" (Rei)

"I'm halfway through two. Tai?" (Suzu)

"Just made it to two" (Tai)

"Eh? Really?" (Rei)

"I'd think with your chakra control, you'd already be at three" (Suzu)

"It's not just about control, but strength. And mine is still not at your level" (Tai)

Not just working, the trio were wearing the training bracelets Tango left them. They closely monitored the bracelet's six red bulbs which represented not only the quantity of chakra taken, but the amount of weight and pressure on them

Rei was ahead due to having the best strength and chakra control thanks to his intelligence and modified body. Suzu always had a great physique and excellent control thanks to her natural talent and heritage

What surprised them was Tai's slower pace. Being one who manipulated oil-turned gas, his chakra control was second only to Rei, yet he lagged behind Suzu

"Well, you're a medical-nin who focuses on poisonous mist. Most with those types of skills usually aren't Taijutsu experts. Something Tango-sensei probably thinks you should change" (Suzu)

"Yeah...I agree" (Tai)

"If you improve your hand-to-hand combat, combine that with your unique ninjutsu, I have no doubt you'd be a force to be reckoned with" (Rei)

"You really think so?" (Tai)

"Definitely" (Rei)

"Mhm" (Suzu)

"A force to be reckoned with..." (Tai)


"OW!" (Tai)

With his thoughts somewhere else, Tai accidently jabbed his hand on a nail

"Careful" (Suzu)

"Right, my bad. Gimme a sec so can I fix this" (Tai)

"Lemme see your hand" (Rei)

"?" (Tai)

Just as Tai was about to perform medical ninjutsu, Rei took out a small canister and started spraying a foam-like subtance on his hand

"What this?" (Tai)

"A unique film that stimulates white blood cells, causing rapid mitosis. It boosts one's innate healing capabilities in order to heal wounds more quickly" (Rei)

"That...that's a similar concept to medical ninjutsu..." (Tai)

"Where in the world did you get that?" (Suzu)

"Well..." (Rei)




Several weeks ago

[Hold're not using them anymore?]

"Yup" (Rei)

Rei was in his lab, conversing with Notitia

[Why the hell not? Those scales are the reshaped form of Isshiki's chakra draining rods right? They're a potent weapon to say the least and you're up on them? Explain]

"Sigh...during my last mission those Fuma guys were able to remove them from their bodies" (Rei)

[And? You still killed them all]

"If they can remove them, it defeats the whole point. And that wasn't me in control, plus the objects that killed them were the size of trucks" (Rei)

[The point being?]

"They're meant to take the most basic shapes. I've always wondered why Isshiki never made them into more complex, efficient forms but now I know. The more you change them, the worse they get" (Rei)

[I guess. It's just, Isshiki used them so well...]

"That's only because of Sukunahikona3Small Man of Renown, shrinking practically ensured the target would get hit. But I don't, and will probably never have that ability. Even if I change them back into their original shape, those rods aren't great throwing weapons compared to typical ninja weapons" (Rei)


"Plus, Isshiki had to stab several of them into an opponent before any visible effect could be seen. They're just not at the level of Rinnegan-made receivers which can stop a person with only one, and even control them. Hell, the only safe way to remove them was if you awakened a Rinnegan like Sasuke Uchiha" (Rei)

[So their chakra draining effect is weaker now cause you changed their shape, but so what? They're still good weapons]

"I once thought the same thing, but now..." (Rei)


"..." (Rei)

[ all of this change because of the Lifeline you just used?]

"Something like that" (Rei)

Rei had just finished using his second lifeline. His request, knowledge of this world's physics and laws, including the interactions between fundamental particles and chakra

For a while, Rei grew more and more frustrated as he realized his knowledge of science was becoming less effective. This world should operate on the same laws of nature as his, but the inclusion of chakra and the author's influence completely changed the equation

He was also enlightened towards the information on Ōtsutsuki and their advanced technology. After receiving all this knowledge, he took another hard look at himself and realized some of his ways and methods were incorrect...when it came to self-improvement as a shinobi

"I still don't know everything about the Ōtsutsuki, so some of the more advanced stuff will have to wait" (Rei)

[Like nanotech or the Black cubes Isshiki had]

"Yup, but I know I'll crack that code eventually. Besides, such an undertaking is inevitably gonna require plentiful resources and money. I'll focus on the basic stuff while increasing my investments first" (Rei)

[Tetsuo's company, that's smart. And I guess it's not like all the tech didn't work]

"The smoke-flash grenade was certainly a huge success, it worked perfectly. And thanks to my modified senses, I was able to withstand the blast of light and sound. That's proof I'm on the right track" (Rei)

[Okay, okay, so no more chakra draining rods or scales. Shuriken and Kunai for now?]

"Correct. I'll still keep the giant rods though. They'll definitely come in handy for dealing with giant creatures like Tailed Beasts, but I won't be changing their shape anytime soon so more scales" (Rei)


"Oh...looks like it's ready" (Rei)

[What are you working on now?]

"This?'s the next stage for Mori Sp. to go from an energy a manufacturing one" (Rei)

[Manufacturing company? For what exactly?]

Rei stopped moving and took a deep breath before speaking again

"...Everything" (Rei)




Present time

"It was made with help from an...acquaintance we all know. Remember Tetsuo?" (Rei)

"Tetsuo? Tetsuo Mori? The guy we saved two years ago?" (Tai)

"Yeah, he's started a new company, Mori Sp." {With a little help from yours truly} (Rei)

"I think I heard about that. Someone was hiring local countrymen outside the village who lost their jobs because of the war. Glad to see he's doing well" (Suzu)

"Yeah, you'd think he'd be in a rut after his factory had to close due to the attack. That also reminds me of how much trouble we had last time and the need for improvement" (Tai)

"I'm satisfied with our current pace, and I don't think you need worry either" (Suzu)

"It's not like you'll become the strongest over night, take your time and consolidate your strength. Take a hard look at yourself and decide what you want to change, and what should stay the same" (Rei)

"That's how it is for everyone, not just shinobi" (Suzu)

"That's true..." (Tai)


Still not missing a beat, the Genin were almost done laying down the exterior blocks

"I've never seen these kinds of bricks before...they're hollow" (Suzu)

"Are we...filling them with concrete?" (Tai)

"Hehe. We're straying away from the typical, wooden house building and moving in a more...pioneering style. It's called ICF, or Insulated Concrete Forms" (Rei)

"Never heard of it" (Tai)

"No one has, it's something entirely new" (Rei)

"From Tetsuo-san's company?" (Suzu)

Rei grabbed one of the hollow blocks meant to form the exterior of the house

"These blocks make building the house very user-friendly as all you have to do is set them into your desired shape like a puzzle, then fill them with cement. Obviously there are a bunch of other steps but I won't get into that right now" (Rei)

"This does seem easier than your typical house building" (Suzu)

"Yeah..." (Tai) 

In an effort to increase his funds, Rei came up with another means of expanding Tetsuo's company...insulated houses. This innovative building method was something this world had never experienced before

Hollow foam blocks of polystyrene, the best insulating material for blocking out noise and etc. Reinforced with steel rebar and concrete to make the best building materials. It was another on the list of revolutionary technology Rei brought to this world

With this method, Rei found an effective means for training with the bracelets, promoting Mori Sp, AND giving Suzu a new was three birds and one stone

"Hey Rei..." (Tai)

"What's up?" (Rei)

"Did this stuff from Tetsuo?" (Tai)

"I guess you can say that, why?" (Rei)

"It's just amazing you know? His company comes up with the means of building a new house for Suzu which also proves great for training with these bracelets. Almost seems too perfect..." (Tai)

"I was the one who picked it after all" (Rei)

"Heh! Cocky little..." (Tai)

{Phew...forgot how sharp the kids in this world are. Everyone's pretty much an adult when they hit ten, geez} (Rei)


"?!" (Everyone)

A shinobi just landed in front of the unfinished house

"Excuse me you three, I'm looking for...Rei Sano?"

"That's me. What's this about?" (Rei)

"Hello. You've been summoned for a mission"

The shinobi handed Rei a sealed letter

"Eh?" (Suzu & Tai)

"Just me? Not my team?" (Rei)

"Apparently not. Your name was specifically requested"

{Tango did say we might be summoned for a mission in his absence but...} "If I may ask, by whom?" (Rei)

"I believe it was Motoi-san that called for you. Anyway, please report to the Raikage's office as soon as possible"

"Right" (Rei)


The shinobi left as quickly as he came, leaving the Genin to themselves

"And just when we were getting in sync" (Suzu)

"I was actually starting to enjoy myself here" (Tai)

"Yeah...sorry I have to duck now but, orders are orders" (Rei)

"No worries, we can follow basic instructions. Just don't take too long, this was your idea after all" (Tai)

"Got it" (Rei)

"And be careful. I know you're thinking of wearing those bracelets during the mission. Don't, that's too extreme for training" (Suzu)

"Come on Suzu, he's not that craz-" (Tai)

"Ahhh...fine, I won't wear them" (Rei)

"You were gonna wear them?! You're friggin crazy Rei!" (Tai)

"Tai...everyday you're embracing your role as the straight man more and more" (Rei)

"It's called common sense you lunatic!" (Tai)

"Good grief" (Suzu)

"Later guys, I'll try not to take too long" (Rei)


Rei took his leave

"Geez. Here's hoping he doesn't do anything stupid" (Tai)

"..." (Suzu)

"Suzu?" (Tai)

"Ah, sorry. It's nothing...let's get back to work" (Suzu)

"?" (Tai)

The duo resumed working as Suzu glanced in the direction of Rei's departing figure









{Why is Motoi-san requesting Rei? I hope nothing happens...} 


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