I’m in an Omniverse with Anime, While I Opened My Harem

Appointment with Utaha Kasumigaoka

Having arrived after half an hour by bus at the Tropical Land amusement park, Zennò S. Suzuki I quickly found a man in an elegant jacket and suit who came to meet him, while saying "keep the two VIP passes to the amusement park that you requested, Mr. Suzuki"

Taking two VIP passes, I look at him with gratitude and said "thank you for your effort, this month you will receive a bonus of 30% more than your monthly salary"

Hearing his words that seemed so Divine to the man, he thanked him as he retreated knowing that Zennò S. Suzuki was busy with Utaha Kasumigaoka. 

Seeing this scene, she was surprised as she couldn't help but say, "so you're a young scion of a really rich family... but it doesn't matter if you're rich, because now you're my fake boyfriend!"

In Utaha Kasumigaoka's mind, she really didn't care much that the other party was rich, because for her money was just a tool for life, nothing more than that, so she didn't show much emotion when she knew that or said those words . 

Entering without queuing, Utaha Kasumigaoka took Zennò S. Suzuki's arm as she explained to him the reason for her intimate action "between boyfriends, this is very common, here I want to know what it feels like"

"understood, so where do we want to start first?" he asked without weighing the situation too much, although he had to admit that he was happy with this situation, but he didn't let it show

Hearing her words, she thinks for a moment before saying "first we will go to the roller coaster, then to the haunted house and finally we will decide after we complete these two"

Without objecting to his idea, Zennò S. Suzuki went with Utaha Kasumigaoka thus spending a happy and excited morning, making both of their moods bounce from the exciting rides and entertainment that were there. 

Even though they had gotten older, this didn't take away from the fact that they had as much fun as when they were children, so they completed and repeated a few times the rides that the two liked most. 

Throughout this tour, Utaha Kasumigaoka behaved in a very feminine and free manner, while Zennò S. Suzuki was taken by her to try both the food stands and the souvenir shops. 

Now it was time for lunch, they both decided to eat at a restaurant in the amusement park, so they sat down. 

Sitting in front of Utaha Kasumigaoka who seemed quite satisfied that he had gathered enough information and emotions felt during the tour, he asked curiously "no I never asked what your book is like. 

What inspired you to start writing it? Was there a moment when you thought you were the heroine of the story while we were doing all those rides? "

"I must say, your questions are very good, but it's a secret," Utaha Kasumigaoka said as she placed her index finger on her lips, and closed one eye. 

Seeing her behave in this peculiar way, Zenno S. Suzuki sighed as he sincerely told her “you are really a beautiful girl who has a very unique personality, but I wonder why you act so sharp towards me. 

I must tell you that the first time I saw you, I was very surprised by you, because with the disinterested expression that gives the impression that you are an unapproachable person, it made me think that you were very quiet and indifferent to others. 

But it's a shame that it seems very different to me from the image you gave me when I first met the monster - Ouch! "Suddenly Utaha Kasumigaoka kicked him under the table, while she looked at him with a sullen grimace

" no you should say such mean things to a girl when we are going out on a date. Anyway who said that I am a girl with a disinterested expression that gives the impression that I am an unapproachable person? 

I didn't choose to look like this, but I'm made this way, even if only externally. Come on now, order what you want, you'll pay anyway" she said while acting as if it were an obvious thing, finally taking out her notebook as she began to write down

Seeing her serious behavior while she was writing, Zennò S. Suzuki did not disturb her and ordered various things that she thought the other party might like "let's have an onion sandwich with vegetables... add lots of onion and also garlic if possible. 

While for me a classic sandwich is fine, and natural water is fine to drink, while for her... give me some freshly squeezed lemon juice. Thank you" ordering while asking everything in a low voice for fear that Utaha Kasumigaoka would hear, he smiled satisfied when he saw the clerk leave with the order

She wanted revenge for the previous kick she had given him, and although childish of her, she couldn't help herself, then again she hadn't been very nice when she asked him to go on some rides. 

Looking forward to the moment when she will have to eat what she had ordered for her, Zennò S. Suzuki looked at her every now and then, while she showed no emotional alterations. 

By the way, he asked curiously as he looked at her so intent on writing, "what are you writing?"

Hearing his question, Utaha Kasumigaoka stopped while looking at him and replied, "Try to imagine the scene where the protagonist invites the heroine of the story to a restaurant for lunch. 

While ordering their dishes, the heroine, distracted by writing a note, did not notice that the protagonist, angry at what he had previously suffered from the heroine, in a fit of embarrassment, ordered a sandwich with the ingredients that she did not like. 

Or at least that's what the protagonist thought, because the heroine noticed his gesture. Saddened by the evil directed against her, he decided to do the first thing that came to mind... Zenno-kun, do you know what the heroine decided to do? " she asked as she looked at him with a gentle smile as she placed both hands under her chin

Being observed while clearly the other party had somehow tracked down his actions, Zennò S. Suzuki broke out in a cold sweat as he didn't know what to say to him. 

Seeing his silence, Utaha Kasumigaoka said as she began to swing her legs, and asked again in a gentle voice as if she was unaware of the situation she had caused "then Zenno-kun~~...what would the heroine do when you find out the nefarious intentions of the protagonist?”

" ... " not really knowing how to react while he could feel that an imaginary bomb disintegrated him, he could only do the only thing he could think of, and which he also saw him do in a comedy series

He stood up and then bowed ninety degrees, while shouting loudly and thus attracting the attention of everyone present "Excuse me Utaha Kasumigaoka!!!... Forgive me if there is a trace of pity in your heart!"

Wanting to embarrass Utaha Kasumigaoka since she didn't know what to do, I raise my head slightly as I look at him with a victorious smile, but surprisingly, she seems completely indifferent to his action, so I continue to stare at him as he remained in that position. 

Zennò S. Suzuki began to feel embarrassed as he could feel the gazes of the other customers on himself, but the thing that made him suffer the most was Utaha Kasumigaoka's indifference. 

Finally realizing that he couldn't embarrass her in front of everyone, Zennò S. Suzuki sat back down as if nothing had happened, and said as if Utaha Kasumigaoka had asked him the same question again, "uhm, in my opinion... would the heroine leave him while pouring water on his head? "

"...your answer is also nice, but it's not correct. The heroine only did one thing" he said as Utaha Kasumigaoka stood up and stuck her face close to him, thus making the boys who didn't have the skills sigh with envy. their girlfriends

" glurp... hmm... what did he do??! " he asked as he could smell the aroma of Utaha Kasumigaoka's perfume, and above all see the other party's collarbone

Seeing him cornered by his actions, he sat down again while ignoring the surprised looks of the other customers and especially that of Zennò S. Suzuki, who was really wondering what he wanted to do with that gesture. 

" While it is true that the protagonist is guilty of his actions, I also admit that the heroine has her faults for not being courageous and doing all those things to him because of her shyness. 

So... uhm... I would say that as punishment for our dear protagonist, it is right to exchange what he ordered for himself and the heroine. Don't you think so, Zenno-kun? " asked Utaha Kasumigaoka with an innocent and pure look, while giving the impression that she was talking about history and not reality, as if she was unaware of what Zennò S. Suzuki did

Hearing his words, Zennò S. Suzuki immediately said with an embarrassed smile "eh eh. It's also right that the protagonist of your story takes on his responsibilities like a man, after all he shouldn't be so childish!" he finally said as if he was indignant

"here's your order" said the employee as he put down a sandwich filled with garlic and onion and another with only hamburger, salad and special sauce inside, while he put down a large glass of lemon juice and a bottle of 'water next door

When he saw the dishes, Zennò S. Suzuki looked at Utaha Kasumigaoka with a pleading look, as he struggled just to stay near the sandwich filled with garlic and onion. 

But she ignored him as she asked with fake surprise "oh~ so you really like the garlic and onion sandwich, I would never have said it. Then let's start eating too" so she took the other classic sandwich and started eating with elegance

But while he was eating his sandwich with gusto, I noticed a detail and so he asked with perplexity "Zennò-kun, why don't you start eating your sandwich too? Are you not hungry, or do you not like the quantity of garlic and onion inside it?”

"Yes! Yes that's the reason, there's a bit too much-" but before Zennò S. Suzuki could say that there is too much garlic and onion, you hear her ask the employee "sorry, my boyfriend doesn't like too little garlic and onion, so can you bring me a plate of just garlic and onion for my boyfriend! "

While speaking as if he were truly worried about making Zennò S. Suzuki's meal miserable, he couldn't stand it anymore and said while almost not starting to cry "p-please Utaha-sama, forgive your useless slave who dared to go against your sacred personality!"

Hearing his words, Utaha Kasumigaoka showed a blush on her cheek as she looked truly intoxicated seeing him beg like this, especially when she saw the other party's repentant face. 

Finally I sighed with satisfaction, and asked while looking at him with a serene expression "okay, then do you promise me that you will no longer try to disobey my orders, or play these stupid pranks on me?"

" YES! I PROMISE YOU UTAHA-SAMA! " Finally, as if something like dignity had been broken in Zennò S. Suzuki's mind, he almost didn't start to cry for his magnanimity

Seeing him as she had molded him to her liking and above all faithful, Utaha Kasumigaoka smiled as she crossed her legs and told him in a seductive voice "well done, and this is how you must behave in the future. Now eat this and then pay the bill, so we can continue our romantic date"

While passing the classic sandwich that had been half eaten, Zennò S. Suzuki took it without much ceremony and finally ate it without wasting time, finally he went to pay the bill and the two left under the astonished gaze of the other customers and the staff. 

After they left, Zenno S. Suzuki asked while he couldn't help but look suspiciously at Utaha Kasumigaoka "why did we have to make all that scene, when you just asked me to pretend and follow your script?"

That's right, Utaha Kasumigaoka asked Zenno S. Suzuki to order those things and then support her tantrum, as truthfully as possible, and so even though she had some objections, but being so kind to her, I reluctantly agreed. 

"ok ok, so now that you've helped me feel what it feels like... er, helped inspire my story for the perfect ending, I'd say we can go to the cinema and watch a romantic movie" she said while I almost didn't reveal the his true emotions

Hearing his words, Zennò S. Suzuki immediately protested "hey! I heard you were about to say that you were having fun seeing me humiliated like that!. Then since you had so much fun even finding your own inspiration for your manuscript ending, then I better go away"

With the intention of leaving because he had been quite offended by her, he was however stopped as he heard her speak more delicately "don't do that now when we were having fun. 

I promise I won't let them end up in these situations again, so let's continue our date until the end of the evening, or do you want to abandon me right now? "

Seeing her so active in convincing him to continue the date, Zennò S. Suzuki sighed and said in a serious tone "let it be the last time, or I won't talk to you from now on!"

Then as Utaha Kasumigaoka took his arm, she said with a happy and cute smile "ok darling~"

Continuing their date at the cinema, they saw the film entitled Your Name, and finally Utaha Kasumigaoka and Zennò S. Suzuki couldn't help but admit that it had been a good watch, especially for the story and the scenography it contained. 

After the film, which lasted one hour and thirty-four minutes, they managed to have a drink and also talk about their opinions as spectators, thus remaining for two hours talking. 

When it was almost 4pm, Zennò S. Suzuki decided to take her to see the various fashion shops in the city, since he thought she would like his idea. So it was, because Utaha Kasumigaoka buys many things that I try on the spot, then get an opinion from him, and finally buy it. 

Taking another two hours to go around many shops selling shoes, clothes, jewelery although few, and finally underwear. 

But in the end Utaha Kasumigaoka chose quickly as she showed various colors of pantyhose that could suit her, while savoring the extremely lustful gaze of Zennò S. Suzuki, she was also satisfied with having come to the lingerie shops. 

They finally left the shopping street when it was 7.10pm, because Zennò S. Suzuki also found some Yu-Gi-Oh! and Vanguard, thus spending time choosing which one to buy. 

At that moment, Utaha Kasumigaoka saw the childish side of Zennò S. Suzuki, but strangely he was very happy to discover it, so he accompanied him to choose his cards while the time was ticking away. 

Since the day was almost over, Utaha Kasumigaoka said as they were both returning to the apartment building where they lived, "Zenno-kun, I was very pleased to have invited you on a fake date. I had a lot of fun, and I hope we can meet again for another date in the future"

"I too would like to spend another such fun date, even if not as your fake boyfriend... Sorry, I meant just as friends!" said Zennò S. Suzuki as he realized he had said something a little too much to her

Seeing him react this way while she had clearly heard his words, Utaha Kasumigaoka only said "then I can't wait to have another date" then left running and disappeared from the sight of Zennò S. Suzuki, who was confused

She didn't understand if she said this to tell him that she wanted him to be her boyfriend than just a normal friend who goes on a date with her. 

Sighing as he failed to understand her intentions, he said with a smile as he looked at the slowly setting sky, "We needed a genuine meeting with her, instead of going straight to the point like with the other girls."

Then he too headed home while walking normally, thinking that so far the only normal relationships he had had without a physical relationship were his relatives and Utaha Kasumigaoka. 

End of Episode 24

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