I’m in an Omniverse with Anime, While I Opened My Harem

Erina Nakiri

Returning to his house, to his surprise he found a limousine with a familiar girl inside, so he went closer and asked with curiosity "why did you come to my house just when it's about to get dark?"

"Hmph... my grandfather asked me to come and invite you to dinner tonight, because he wants to celebrate an event that apparently means a lot to him, and not because I wanted it to!" the girl in the limousine immediately said as she lowered the window

Hearing her tone which was completely different from the last time they had met at the restaurant for the date with Ran Mouri, Zennò S. Suzuki was quite surprised but also happy, because he knew that it would be easier to take revenge against her for having given little food. 

"Then I will gladly come, but first I have to change my clothes" he said with a smile as he accepted the invitation

Hearing his words, the girl who was Erina Nakiri, said with fake impatience, while showing a sullen expression "then try to hurry, because I don't have the whole evening to spare!" then rolled up the window while seeming to ignore him

Seeing her behavior, Zennò S. Suzuki sighed not understanding what had hurt her, but in the end she went upstairs to change while I also told the remaining girls who had nothing to do, that he was going out to eat at the invitation of his girlfriend's grandfather . 

No one was surprised or reacted negatively to his words, but not positively either. Eventually she comes back down as she had already told the remaining girls who were Irina Shidou, Xenovia Quarta, Yuki Nonaka and Kurumi Nonaka, that they could go wherever they wanted too without her permission. 

After returning from the limousine, he saw a young girl with short pink hair with bangs reaching her chin, who came out as she opened the door to let him in, while saying in a respectful tone "come in, young master Suzuki"

As she entered at her invitation and kindness, Zennò S. Suzuki couldn't help but ask her "just call me Zennò or Zennò-kun, or even Zennò-San. I don't like being treated like a noble or something like that. 

I'm more into free style and normal people, also because it just makes me feel uncomfortable to hear all these titles that really have no value for me, so I prefer you to call me by my name... miss? "

"My name is Hisako Arato, Miss Nakiri's personal secretary. Thank you for giving me the honor of mentioning your name, but I don't deserve this honor at all," she said, but she didn't really seem to be lying. 

But Zennò S. Suzuki insisted while Erina Nakiri started to get tired waiting for them while she heard them continue talking, so she said in a slightly annoyed tone "let's hurry up and go, or we will be late for the dinner appointment organized by my grandfather! "

Sensing his impatience, Hisako Arato immediately said while not objecting "sorry Miss Nakiri" then she too got into the limousine as for Zennò S. Suzuki, who managed to glimpse that Utaha Kasumigaoka seemed to see him from the apartment window

Rolling down the window, she said to him as he greeted her "I was pleased to have an appointment with you. Goodbye." As he greeted her, she also seemed to reciprocate in a somewhat awkward way

She clearly didn't expect Zennò S. Suzuki to go out with another girl as soon as he got home, but she could only watch as he was taken away and slowly disappear from her perspective as she felt a little jealous. 

Immediately realizing that her mood was not entirely stable, Utaha Kasumigaoka returned to her room as she returned to writing the ending of her manuscript, but changing the ending once again. 

"I'm sure everyone will be able to appreciate my work, and maybe he too will be able to understand the last scenes between the heroine and the protagonist" she finally said while making a maniacal expression, but full of desire to know what face he will make when he reads it

While she was immersed in writing, Zennò S. Suzuki remained silent in the limousine as he stared at Erina Nakiri, since he had nothing else to do. 

"Stop staring at me! It's rude to have such unseemly behavior, especially for the future heir of the Suzuki family!" he said, no longer able to resist the embarrassment, while it was clearly visible that his cheeks turned red. 

"You're right Erina-san. However, it's nice to see you again after our last meeting, and above all I can't wait to compare myself with you again in culinary skills, but above all to see if you've become better since the last time" said Zennò S. Suzuki with a teasing smile as he remembered once again how she had cooked him just a pinch of grain

Angry at the provocation that the other party inflicted on him, she immediately wanted to tell him that she would accept his challenge, but Hisako Arato stopped her while I explained to her "I don't think that Zennò-San really had the intention of making you angry. But he clearly seems dissatisfied with something you did against him in the past."

Hearing his explanation, Erina Nakiri really didn't seem to remember an event where they could really bother Zenno S. Suzuki, so she said perplexedly, "It doesn't seem like I met him outside of that dinner, so that should be where something happened."

But I don't seem to remember anything that bothered him... maybe there is one, but if it's really for that reason, then he's much more childish than I thought" he said thinking that when he brought the food to the table in that time, he seemed very dissatisfied with the portion

It's not that he didn't want to believe that was the reason for Zennò S. Suzuki's behavior, but it was because in high-end cuisine, portions have always been minimal, to give a better and lasting sense of taste. 

Hearing about himself, he couldn't help but pay attention while clearly the other party had really guessed why he was dissatisfied with her, so I explained to him “ Erina-San, you guessed it right. 

The other time we met, although I knew that high-end cuisine had few portions, but I didn't think it was only three wedges. You must know that I am someone who eats a lot, but I also understand your point of view in cooking that way, after all you have always been used to the palate and the way of the rich. 

But I'm different, because I don't like doing a lot of the things they do. I like cinema, sports, online games and other things that I won't tell you, since I don't think you would understand if you haven't tried these things first"

Listening to his words that contained so much, Erina Nakiri felt belittled when she could have felt bad. But in the end you hear him say "but today I saw a new side of you and your character. 

If before you gave me the impression of being a rich snob who only performs the standard of high society, now you give me the feeling of a real girl with her own feelings and emotions, without anyone being able to influence her youthful life"

Hearing his compliments on her personality that everyone told her to hide with a staid and noble girl facade, Erina Nakiri felt very relieved for some reason. 

Feeling embarrassed as she blushed after the words he said to her, Erina Nakiri couldn't help but view him with a more positive outlook. 

If before Zennò S. Suzuki was just an annoying stranger who didn't appreciate his food, now he has just become a very nice stranger to his sight, also giving him a good impression in general. 

For her who despises everyone she saw for the first time and even many people she met several times, this was already a very good result for Zennò S. Suzuki. 

They soon arrived at the Nakiri mansion, which was in the city's rich magnate strip, they went down and were welcomed and finally accompanied by Senzaemon Nakiri himself. He being only the patriarch of the Nakiri family who only manages the cooking companies and businesses that also expand abroad, does not have too much influence compared to the Suzuki family. 

As she seated them in a large dining room, Erina Nakiri carefully explained every detail of how her family had become so majestic in the kitchen circle. 

Zennò S. Suzuki also revealed that the main reason was the tongue of God, which was capable of a unique ability that grants its possessor a superhuman level of taste, which goes beyond that of even the most experienced food and ingredient experts. in the whole world. 

With it you can spot even the smallest imperfections in any dish with just one taste. Notable feats that can be achieved using the Tongue of God include: Being able to recognize and differentiate any type of ingredients, even if you are blindfolded. 

Being able to know exactly how long a specific portion of a dish has been overcooked with just one taste, as well as how long it takes to prepare a dish with millisecond perfection. 

The Tongue of God is a very valuable and respected skill in the culinary world that even Erina Nakiri — who was only 15 years old to begin with — could deem a dish unworthy and effectively end a chef's career with just one taste. 

For this reason Erina Nakiri was respected and feared by all the chefs in the entire world, at least those who knew of her superb skill. 

However, returning to the story, Erina Nakiri as well as Zennò S. Suzuki were seated on the elegant chair in the dining room, while in front of them were various dishes cooked by the best chefs who were currently there. 

While Senzaemon Nakiri also sat down at the head of the table, he said with a kind smile "I hope my niece hasn't caused you too much trouble with her bad temper"

"No, it wasn't a problem, Patriarch Nakiri. But I must admit that I like this Erina-san more, because I feel she is more alive and truthful compared to her performance during our first meeting" Zennò S. Suzuki immediately explained, while admitting his real thoughts

Hearing her sincere words towards his niece, Senzaemon Nakiri was very pleased with her behavior, so as he began to eat thus starting the dinner, he said while pretending to suddenly remember "oh, that's right! Erina, I haven't told you yet that he will be your future husband, so try to get along in the future"

Then as he continued to eat as if he hadn't said anything special, Zennò S. Suzuki saw to his surprise that Erina Nakiri didn't seem at all affected by the shocking news. 

So he asked curiously "why don't you seem surprised? I thought you would immediately stand up as you said: who wants to become his wife! I won't become one even if I'm dead!". 

Or: scum, what have you done to my grandfather to dupe him into accepting this marriage! I swear I'll kill you if I find out how you did it! " While Zennò S. Suzuki teased her, I don't forget to ask her seriously at the beginning of her conversation

"I suspected it somehow, especially when my grandfather asked me how dinner went, when I was the cook for you and your fiancée!" Erina Nakiri said while showing a certain persistence that eventually went away

Specially understanding why she seemed to give up on the idea that she would become his girlfriend and then future wife, Zennò S. Suzuki said sincerely "if you don't like the idea of ​​becoming my girlfriend, then I can make sure that the marriage contract is void"

Listening to his words, Erina Nakiri immediately wanted to accept his proposal, especially because she wasn't in love with him, but when I look at her grandfather who didn't seem to want to interfere in their conversation, she finally said in a firm voice "no! By now my grandfather has already made the contract and I also have my duty as his granddaughter. 

Even though I don't like the idea of ​​you being my boyfriend, but compared to others, at least he knows you better and I know you will never be mean to me, seen from your behavior with your restaurant girlfriend"

"I understand. Since you have decided to accept the engagement contract between the two of us, then it means that you will be my fiancée. Although I can't promise you that you will be the last girlfriend I have, but I can guarantee you that I will never make you suffer again . 

And I'll cook you all the dishes you want, no longer with the idea of ​​making yourself a portion like you did for me" he said finally giving up his revenge against his small and miserable portions

"y-you...so that's why you were so mean to me, just because I didn't cook much!...how childish you are" Erina Nakiri said surprised, but in the end I sigh and let the matter go, because it was also true that there was little food on that occasion

Seeing the two start to get along, Senzaemon Nakiri was very happy as he already started thinking about how many grandchildren he could have. 

The dinner went on harmoniously as they talked about various things, including school, relationships with other girls, Erina Nakiri's childhood and as well as the idea of ​​letting her move in with him. 

When the proposal came to light, Erina Nakiri was against it, because even though she had agreed to marry him, but this did not mean that she had fallen in love with him or that she was willing to live with him. 

But in the end, Zennò S. Suzuki calmed her down as I explained that she would only live in one of the apartments in the condominium. In the end, she reluctantly agreed, even though the idea of ​​decorating her new room into a storage room for her anime and manga was already in her mind. 

Erina Nakiri was secretly an otaku, but since she was not well-regarded in front of society, not to mention she was also the heir of the Nakiri family, she hid this hobby that made her happier and more alive in her day. 

For this reason, in the end I agreed to go and live in one of the empty apartments owned by Zennò S. Suzuki, without however knowing that all the apartments were now connected. 

Finally after dinner, Zennò S. Suzuki was sent back while Erina Nakiri prepared her bags for the transfer. 

End of Episode 25

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