I’m in an Omniverse with Anime, While I Opened My Harem

Regaining Memories

Time passes quickly as 14 years have passed since that day. Now Zennò S. Suzuki was about to turn 15, and there were just a few days left. 

Throughout this time, he grew rapidly and smoothly, surprisingly reaching the same if not higher level in academic studies, thus allowing him to attend the same high school as his sister Sonoko Suzuki. 

In all these years, he made strangely few friends, who could be counted with one hand. The list was: Shizuka Minamoto, Ran Mouri, Kudo Shinichi and finally Sora Kasugano, the only living heir of the famous foreign family who owns companies worth millions if not billions. 

You may be wondering why he has so few friends, but if you think about his appearance, learning talent and especially his family background, perhaps you will understand a reason or two. 

The first: being the most handsome in school, all his male classmates were jealous of him, so they kept away. Not to mention how popular he was with little girls who always tried to visit him after school. 

Two: his family, being very powerful and influential, intimidated most of the children, thus creating a barrier between him and the others, compared to his sister who didn't have too many problems. 

Three and last: he himself did not want to get close to children who were only looking for the help or resources that his family had, especially being the future successor of the great Suzuki family. 

However, even though he didn't have many friends, he didn't lack the joys of being a child surrounded by good people who loved him, like Ran Mouri, Shizuka Minamoto, and especially Sora Kasugano. 

Speaking of her, Sora Kasugano was a girl with a very tragic past, but very tragic indeed. Her brother is now deceased, they lived happily with their two parents, but one day, while they were on the plane for a holiday trip, a fatal accident occurred. 

In that accident, she was the only one to survive, because both her mother, father and brother used their bodies to protect her, thus sacrificing their lives for her. 

For her, who was still young at the time, it was a very hard blow and shock, from which she has not recovered even now. Coincidentally, a convoy that was operated by the Suzuki family found and rescued her in time, thus bringing her back to the hospital. 

When he woke up, he lost all his memory, except for some fragments of the moment he experienced the accident. Tomoko Suzuki, who knew the little girl's parents a little, decided to take care of her, especially thinking first of all about her future legacy. 

As a woman who thinks a lot about family affairs, she wanted Sora Kasugano to become her son's future wife, so as to merge the two families into one and become more influential in the world, and this thought was not revealed to anyone. 

At the beginning Sora Kasugano was very, very suspicious, thus keeping away from anyone, but little by little under the effort of Zennò S. Suzuki, he managed to open up a little to accept it and slowly face his past, even if in a small way. professional. 

She now became a half-daughter to Tomoko Suzuki, and because of this she lived in their house while spending almost every day in Zennò S. Suzuki's room, being the only one she truly trusted. 

She had practically become very dependent on him, who had in a certain sense saved her from the abyss of her sad and confused emotions of those half-memories of the plane crash. 

Today, the twenty-fifth of October, the party for Zennò S. Suzuki would have been held, thus inviting all rich people and those affiliated in some way with the Suzuki family. 

In a 50 m2 room, a handsome 1.56 m tall boy was now changing his clothes into a more elegant one, while a beautiful white-skinned girl with a perfect, doll-like appearance but who gave the impression of being fragile, she was now helping him choose clothes. 

She was Sora Kasugano, she had long silver hair tied in braids and gray eyes, 152 cm tall, holding a rabbit doll, which she received as a gift from her mother before the accident happened. 

"Zennò, put on this white suit that suits you best, so we can have the same color of clothes" said Sora Kasugano as she took a complete pair of elegant white clothes

Taking them, Zennò S. Suzuki looked at them and then nodded as he replied "it's fine, I also really like the color you chose. Now let's hurry because they are still waiting for us for the pre-party" So the two got off after a few minutes . 

In a very large room, the size of a stadium, one could see various expensive decorations, and tables with fine and luxurious cutlery, while Tomoko, Ayako, Sonoko and Shiro Suzuki were at the first table which was where the birthday boy and his family. 

Sitting down in an empty seat while Sora Kasugano also did the same, Sonoko Suzuki asked curiously, "little brother, can't you wait to see what gift I and Ran gave you?"

Hearing his words, Zennò S. Suzuki replied with curiosity "what is it? And perhaps a relic of one of the heroes of the past, such as Arthur Pendragon, or an ultra-limited Legendary Pokemon figurine?"

Seeing her younger brother's curiosity and questions, Sonoko Suzuki forced a smile as she said sheepishly, "D-don't expect this kind of super expensive and unobtainable thing, because I'm not rich," she said, who was part of the richest family in Japan. 

While they talked and laughed, the first guest, the Mouri family, soon arrived. Ran and Kogoro Mouri entered while the latter was surprisingly sober. 

Usually Zennò S. Suzuki would always see him with a can of beer in his hand, while he idolized Yoko Okino, a very famous and successful Idol in Japan, so it was a rarity to see him sober. 

Seeing them enter while for some reason Ran Mouri didn't seem to be in a good mood, Zennò and Sonoko Suzuki came forward to welcome them, while the former asked with concern "Sister Ran, what is it that troubles you so much on a happy and peaceful day?"

"Knowing you, I know that the only person or thing that can make you angry or put you in a bad mood is only Uncle Kogoro or Brother Shinichi, but since Uncle is here, I think it's the latter, right Sister Ran? " he asked as he carefully explained his analysis after observing her

Hearing his words, Ran Mouri said indignantly as she explained in frustration "today Shinichi promised me to come to your birthday party together, but just when I was about to pick him up from the house, he called me to tell me that he won't be able to come, because found a case ofhomocide "

"Zennò, I'm sorry for your unkind behavior," he finally said as sadness filled his head

On the side, as soon as Sonoko Suzuki heard her best friend's words, she immediately became angry as she began to rant about Kudo Shinichi. 

While the three were talking to vent Ran Mouri's anger, Kogoro sat down in one place and began to socialize in the most noble way he could, while on one side next to Zennò S. Suzuki, Sora Kasugano was staring at him with jealousy while talking to Ran Mouri. 

As the situation became more harmonious, the Minamoto family arrived. As soon as they arrived, Zennò S. Suzuki immediately went to welcome them and then said to her best friend "Hi Shizuka, I couldn't wait to see you at my birthday party. 

Come with me, I have reserved a place for you among the first tables" he said as he happily took her hand to show her his seats and also the entire room

But he didn't realize that this whole scene was seen by Sora Kasugano, who was now looking with extreme annoyance and hatred at Shizuka Minamoto, while muttering "why are you so close to Zenno! Because every time he's with you he smiles like that. With me I've never done it..."

As she spoke on her own, Ran and Sonoko Suzuki heard her words "Sonoko, aren't you worried about Sora-chan's condition?" she asked worriedly. 

Sonoko Suzuki sighed and said helplessly "since Zennò became her only friend, she has had a certain obsession with him and the things around him, especially when she sees him surrounded or with other females outside of his family. 

I really believe that he is the only one she truly recognizes as a friend, while the rest of the people there see them as obstacles to her harmonious moment with him, even I sometimes get scared when I see her staring at me with that look. 

I wanted to take her to the psychologist to see if he could help her solve this problem, but mom said to leave the situation as it is, because it is conducive to the future rise of the Suzuki family, or something like that"

While explaining to her friend, Zennò S. Suzuki went back with Shizuka Minamoto "Sora, let's go play while the rest of the guests arrive" she said as she took her hand with her only free arm

" w-what? " being taken without giving her time to respond, Sora Kasugano was unfounded with happiness, as she occasionally looked at Shizuka Minamoto with a chilling look, but all this was in vain

Time passed as everyone waited for the remains of the partygoers, and after an hour, everyone arrived. 

The room was now full of people who went to the birthday boy to congratulate him, while he placed various gifts in a special area. 

The party passed peacefully and above all happily, and thus the day ended. 

While Zennò S. Suzuki kindly greeted the guests who had invited his parents, Tomoko Suzuki came forward and said to him with a kind smile "today for your birthday, your father and I have decided to leave the choice of your gift up to you, so whatever you want, we will try tocontent you within the limits of our power and influence"

Listening to his mother's words, he was very surprised and perplexed about what to choose, especially because he had nothing that he couldn't have, so he said "I don't want anything, it's enough for me to know that you love me and that you will always be with me"

Moved by his words, his parents hugged him while Zennò S. Suzuki saw to his surprise a floating message board that only he could see. 

▪︎[ Congratulations on successfully integrating the System. Get a Gift Pack and a Starter Pack. Do you want to open them? (Yes) (No) ]▪︎

As he saw this message, a memory of his previous life slowly resurfaced, as he could remember the scene where Adam, that is, him, and Eve created the System. 

But while he remembered the good moments, to his misfortune he also remembered the worst moments, that is, when Sophie killed Eva in front of him, thus bringing enormous pain and anger. 

Having finally found all his memories of his previous life, an infinite sadness and pain quickly surfaced in him, as he began to cry, and then fainted from the extreme stress caused by remembering Eva's death. 

Everyone present was very dismayed to see him suddenly cry while showing an expression of sadness they had never seen, and then see him faint. 

Tomoko Suzuki immediately said worried as she called a doctor "Zennò, Zennò, what happened to you?!"

As he tried to wake him up, Sonoko, Ayako, Sora, Ran and Shizuka came over to check on him with concern, while the doctor arrived after being called away by Shiro Suzuki who was also worried. 

"Move away from the young man and let me check him out" said the doctor immediately after arriving, and then started working

While analyzing the state of Zennò S. Suzuki, Sonoko and Ayako Suzuki asked at the same time with concern "doctor, how is my brother?"

" Don't worry, he just fainted. But from the data reported by my analysis, he seems to have fainted because he experienced an extremely strong mental shock, which is usually caused by the recovery of a traumatic event. 

Can you tell me if you had any event as a child that may have forgotten or suppressed it in your mind? he asked as he looked at Tomoko Suzuki and Shiro Suzuki

Hearing the doctor's words, both were very surprised and perplexed, especially because since their son was born, they had tried to raise him in a healthy and cheerful environment, thus never putting him in danger. 

Tomoko Suzuki explains the truth to the doctor "since he was little, my Zennò has never left the surveillance of the hidden guards of my Suzuki family, so I have always made sure that he does not suffer any wrong. 

Doctor, can you tell me if the shock is caused by something else? " she asked with concern

The doctor began to think deeply, realizing that the child in front of him could be very special, so after a few moments, he asked "except for family members, everyone else must go."

Hearing his words, Tomoko and Shiro Suzuki made Ran, Kogoro, Shizuka and her parents leave. Before being sent away, they stopped to express their concerns and then hoped that it was nothing serious. 

After sending away the strangers outside the family, the Doctor said with a very serious expression, "Perhaps ordinary people may not know this, but you, being the most influential family in Japan, will know about the existence of Angels, Demons, and Youkai. 

Among all these species that were believed to exist only in legends or fairy tales, there were also some that were called Reincarnated. They are people who possessed a past life, usually they were all very powerful and stood on the pinnacle of power in their time. 

I believe your son is a Reincarnated. I suggest sending him to Kuoh Academy, where there are many students of various races and including a Reincarnated. 

If you can ask that Reincarnated for help, perhaps you will know how to help or improve your child's future. Other than that I can't do anything else," he said and then walked away

Everyone was shocked by the revelation brought by the doctor, especially knowing that their relative was a Reincarnate, they didn't know how to react or behave in the future. 

But Sora Kasugano, they said without hesitation "even if he is a reincarnated, Zennò is still the Zennò that we know and with whom we grew up, and this will not change our relationship, on the contrary, now that we know about this, we should help him face his pain , like he did to me!"

Hearing his words, everyone came back to their senses and said one by one "it's true! He will always remain my little brother, and this will not change even if he awakens his memories of his previous life" said Sonoko Suzuki while Ayako, Shiro and Tomoko Suzuki supported his idea

They soon took Zenno S. Suzuki back to his bedroom, while the parents took the initiative to use their family means to search for Kuoh School and enroll their son. 

While all this was happening, Zennò S. Suzuki had entered a long dream, where he relives every single moment of his past life, from happiness to pain. 

(Info: Sora Kasugano)

End of Episode 3

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