I’m in an Omniverse with Anime, While I Opened My Harem


While he was tormented by the continuous vision of Eva's death, Zennò S. Suzuki heard a mechanical voice. 

▪︎[ Confirm whether to open the Gift Package and the Starter Package. (Yes) (No) ]▪︎

Slowly he managed to return to calm while I subconsciously think of accepting. 

▪︎[ Ding... Congratulations on earning the following rewards: One Random Reward - Complete System Information - Skill: View - 100,000 Points ]▪︎

▪︎[ Rewards have been issued. Name the system to get a bonus reward ]▪︎

'Eva, your name will be Eva,' Zennò S. Suzuki said mentally as he regained consciousness

▪︎[ Congratulations, you get Infinite Inventory (you can put anything you want) ]▪︎

Having regained his memory, he also regained his maturity from his previous life. Looking around him, he saw Sora Kasugano and her two sisters standing next to him. 

Seeing him wake up, Sora Kasugano immediately said as she threw herself into his arms while crying "I was so worried that I thought you would leave me too. I will never leave my sight again!"

"Sora-chan, give him some space to recover, or you will only hurt him" Ayako Suzuki said as she took her

Sonoko Suzuki asked with concern "Zennò, I learned from the doctor who examined you, that you are a reincarnated with a previous life, but I promise you that even if you were for real, this will not change the relationship between us!" she said seriously

Hearing his words and as well as seeing the others support his words, Zennò S. Suzuki was very moved "thank you, I love you too. And it doesn't matter if in my previous life he was Adam, but in this one I will be Zennò, the son youngest of the Suzuki family!"

Everyone began to express their opinion on how much they loved each other, but they soon realized a detail about what Zennò S. Suzuki said earlier. 

Sonoko Suzuki was stunned to realize what she had heard, so she asked in disbelief "we-were you Adam? Adam the first human created by God along with Eve who was created from one of his ribs?"

" God? Rib?... I don't think I'm that Adam, but it's also true that I was created by a Primordial Goddess... right, I have to take revenge for what she did to me!!! " he said as he remembered the anger and the pain gone, thus surprising the three girls present

Sora Kasugano was immediately worried, so she asked "who do you have to fight against? It's dangerous, if so then don't do it!" then she hugged him with concern while the other two also said almost the same thing

Soon Zennò S. Suzuki told me what had happened in his previous life, without leaving out any information, except the question regarding his system which was created by his union and that of Eva. 

After he finished telling his story, he saw the three girls crying as they looked at him with pity and tenderness, not that it bothered him. 

"So for this I must and want to take revenge, or I will never be able to be at peace with myself, but first I must gain more strength!" he finally said

Sonoko Suzuki said quickly and with a voice full of feelings "although I want you to have your revenge, but I don't want to see you risk your life against something you can't face, especially now that you don't have any strength"

"Yes, what he says is correct. Zennò, think carefully about what would happen if you immediately sought revenge against Sophie. You would only be killed again, and this time I really believe that you will never be able to be resurrected again, so don't risk your life for one fight that you know you will lose. Do it for your family who loves you" said Ayako Suzuki worried about losing her only brother who she loved very much

Sora Kasugano said with a shocked face as she held his arm and insisted "you can't go!"

Looking at all three who were trying to convince him not to fight, Zennò S. Suzuki sighed and said "even if I lose I have to try, because my life has no meaning without her, but I also understand now that I am no longer alone. 

You are also important people in my life, that's why I won't leave to seek revenge, at least before I'm sure I can beat Sophie!!! "she said while the three girls thought they had convinced him to give up

Achieving this, Sonoko and Ayako Suzuki sighed helplessly, but Sora Kasugano looked at him in shock and then ran away while crying. 

Seeing her leave like that, Zennò S. Suzuki chased after her without hesitation, while Ayako and Sonoko Suzuki left them alone, because they knew that now it was a personal matter between the two of them. 

Soon, Zennò S. Suzuki reached Sora Kasugano's room, and knocking on the door, asked "Sora, I'm about to come in" then entered without waiting for him to answer. 

As soon as I entered, he saw her in the corner of the room crying and lying in the fetal position, holding her stuffed bunny in her arms. 

Looking at her in that position, I remember their first meeting where she was in the same pose as now. Walking and stopping in front of her, he asked, "Sora, do you remember our first meeting?"

Attracted by his words, she looks at him for a moment and then returns to hide, but Zennò S. Suzuki continues to speak "I told you that even if I no longer had someone who would take care of you or remain close to you as your own brother, I could have fulfilled that role. 

I didn't expect to help you successfully, but I just wanted a little girl not to ruin her childhood due to trauma, which is why I decided to help you. 

At first I used those words to comfort your grieving spirit, even though I didn't know what it was like to go through what you went through, but now that I have recovered my memory of my past life, I can tell you with certainty that I understand the pain a little. that you've been through. 

Even if our traumas are different, the fact remains that they are still very painful and difficult to deal with. Now I am asking you with all my heart to understand my emotions, as a person who has undergone almost the same event. 

Understand my intent for revenge. Try to imagine that one day you discover that your family has been killed because of one person, I really think you would like your revenge. 

And now try to think about that deep feeling of hatred and anger, and multiply it a thousand times more, and the result is what I feel towards the person who killed my beloved! "

As he spoke, he saw that Sora Kasugano didn't react much, much less when he said his last words regarding a possible perpetrator of the death of his family, but this changed when you heard him say "my beloved". 

Looking at him with shock, he immediately asked as his eyes seemed to devour every single corner of Zennò S. Suzuki's body "she to you, what was she?!"

"a soulmate who is similar to mine, I loved her very much and I still love her now. But I also understand that I have to move on, or I will enter a glimmer of obsession, thus ruining my future, and I know that it will not be easy" he said as he answered truthfully

Sora Kasugano seemed to be very devastated to learn that he loved someone else, but when you heard the last part, a trace of light illuminated the darkness in her heart, which was slowly eating away at her. 

Having regained hope, she stood up and said to him seriously "I hope it's really like you said!" then walked away leaving behind a stunned and confused Zennò S. Suzuki

He mistakenly thought she was talking about her obsession with getting revenge, but he never would have thought that she wouldn't be the least bit interested in revenge or girl like that. 

Having found harmony again, Tomoko Suzuki returned as soon as she learned that her son had recovered, and informed him of his change of school, while telling him to find a reincarnated person who was hiding in his future new school, and to ask him for advice. 

Zennò S. Suzuki accepted without too many problems, especially when he learned that in that school there was a possibility to become stronger in a short time, so the day passed. 

In his bedroom, Zennò S. Suzuki began to study the information he had previously obtained from his system, thus learning the various functions. 

'Eva, tell me how I can get the random prize I got earlier' he asked mentally while he was on the bed resting

▪︎[ You simply need to want it in your heart, and you will receive your random reward ]▪︎

Hearing his response, Zennò S. Suzuki did what he said according to his words, so soon he saw another voice notification. 

▪︎[ Ding... You have received a vial of Awakening, which allows you to awaken one of your hidden abilities, which originally belonged to Adam, that is, your previous life. Should I use it immediately? (Yes) (No) ]▪︎

'yes, used Eva immediately! 'she said mentally without even waiting, especially knowing the multitude of talents her previous self possessed

His previous self would have had the chance to also become a Primordial God if he had trained well and had a normal path without many dangers, but he died before fully using all his talents. 

▪︎[ Ding... Congratulations on awakening a dormant piece of your true soul (1/10), You have obtained the Unlimited Rank Skill: Unlimited Talent ]▪︎

▪︎[Information: Unlimited talent is a passive skill that is able to awaken and enhance your talent in every aspect infinitely, without ever a limit, at least if you are not killed before becoming the strongest. 

Warning: Although this talent is very powerful and above all useful, it has a very large disadvantage, that is, it cannot be used fully if you do not obtain the ability: Immortality. 

Thanks to the Unlimited Talent skill factor, the body and soul will sooner or later no longer be able to keep up, thus starting to collapse due to too much power acquired, but fortunately it happens very slowly ]▪︎

Initially when he read the information about his ability, he was very worried, but then he relaxed thinking that he would have enough time to acquire the Immortality ability as well. 

Checking his stats, he was quite surprised at his improvement. 



▪︎[ Name: Zennò - Seiko - Adamo ] ~ [ Surname: Suzuki ] ~ [ Age: 15 years ] ~ [ Gender: male ] ~ [ Race: Human (1/4) - Primordial (1/4) - God (1 /4) - ??? (1/4) ]▪︎

▪︎[ Titles: The First Human - Adam - Renegade by the Primordial Goddess - The Most Handsome Boy - Heir of the Suzuki Family - Genius ]▪︎

▪︎[ Body Type: All Types ]▪︎

▪︎[ Realm: /Nothing/ ] ~ [ Rank: /Nothing/ ]▪︎

▪︎[ HP: 1,000 - HP Regeneration: 100 / second ]▪︎

▪︎[ Strength: 100 ] ~ [ Defense: 100 ] ~ [ Agility: 100 ] ~ [ Intelligence: 100 ] ~ [ Mana/Magic: 100 ] ~ [ Charm: Incalculable (Sealed) - 1,000 (Appearance) ] ~ [ Luck: Incalculable ]▪︎

▪︎[ Main Skills: Visualize - Unlimited Talent ]▪︎

▪︎[ Maximum Rank Secondary Skills: /None/ ]▪︎

▪︎[ Techniques: /Nothing/ ]▪︎

▪︎[ Infinite Inventory: 100,000 System Points ]▪︎


Seeing his statistics, he was surprised, so he asked the system to compare his theory 'how strong is a human compared to me? '

▪︎[ A normal human has approximately 10 to 5 points. A strong human has 10 to 20 points. A super strong human who is recognized as a champion among normal people has 30 to 50 points. 

To find out how much strength other races have, analyze with your visualize skill that it works on everyone, thus showing their data ]▪︎

He nodded after fully understanding that he had become stronger, and the amazing thing was that with every passing second, he will gain more strength. 

One thing he learned from the information given to him by the system was that his Intelligence and Charm statistics were different than they would appear to be. 

Intelligence wasn't about intellect at all, but just about speed and other factors that can help the mind process information at a faster rate. 

For example, if a person with an intellect of 20 points compares himself to someone with a 40, then the latter would take half the time to answer the same question. 

Besides this, there was also the understanding that would increase as the points become greater, thus leading to enlightenment and clear understanding of various once complex problems. 

As for Charm, that only increased the positive impression you gave on a person when you first met them, and only slightly improved your appearance. 

You have to be born beautiful, or there is no remedy other than plastic surgery. Luckily Zennò S. Suzuki was born super handsome, and didn't resort to the last resort. 

End of Episode 4

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