I’m Not a Badass

Chapter 551

Chapter 551 – The Five Thousand Year Covenant (Part 2)

Chapter 551 The Five-Thousand-Year Covenant (Part 2)

The four of Bing Jingru were startled, at this moment, a phantom came out from where Bing Jingru’s footprints stood, exposing his figure in front of the four of them.

This is just a phantom of the past, without any threat.

After the four of them realized this, they settled down and looked over, only to see that this was a handsome middle-aged man in white clothes, with a blue auspicious cloud wide-brimmed brocade belt tied around his clothes, a sword around his waist, and a jet-black Her hair is **** and she wears a small silver crown inlaid with jade on the top, which is quite extraordinary.

This middle-aged man in white clothes has a very attractive temperament, gentle and elegant, like a piece of pure white jade, people can’t take their eyes off at a glance.

Bing Jingru and the others noticed that the man in white was holding a strange lamp in his hand. This lamp illuminated the entire hall and cast shadows, but as the man in white moved his hand The lights in the hall were extinguished, and all kinds of visions in the hall disappeared immediately, including the figures who were about to leave the hall also disappeared like smoke, and everything returned to the appearance when they just entered the hall, except All that came out was the phantom of the man in white.

Seeing this scene, Bing Jingru, the Empress, the Demon King of Purgatory, and the old Bodhisattva were startled in their hearts, and then quickly realized that what they saw just now was actually the result of this man in white through some kind of powerful force. The method traced back what happened in this hall!

For the four of Bing Jingru, the man in white is also a phantom of the past, but he is so powerful that they, the latecomers, can see that he came to this place by triggering the restriction he left behind. What he did in the hall, and the picture he recalled, was completely and clearly reflected in front of the four of them!

This method, this strength, far exceeded the imagination of the four of Bing Jingru. This mysterious white-clothed man is definitely a strong man above the **** level, and he definitely comes from other worlds!

Bing Jingru’s heart froze, and he realized something. He fixed his eyes on the sword on the waist of the man in white, and said in a low voice, “This person probably left the sword on the wall of the abyss outside. The existence of the long sword.”

The empress, the demon king of purgatory, and the old Bodhisattva also thought of the long bridge of sword light outside and the two ends of the abyss, and their eyes suddenly changed when they looked at the man in white.

The man in white walked around the main hall, stopped and stopped, kept looking at something, nodded or shook his head from time to time, finally looked in the direction of the entrance of the main hall, and muttered to himself: “Things suddenly became interesting.” , I inadvertently followed the trail of that person and came to this world. This seemingly inconspicuous world actually hides so many secrets. The ancient ship that crashed in this world is also the person who claimed to be from the world just now. It doesn’t matter if you’re a guy from Hades, the water in this world is very deep…”

The eyes of the man in white were shining with wisdom, touched his chin, suddenly laughed twice, and said: “If I guessed right, the guy who called himself Hades should be—”

When he said the last name, his words suddenly became blurred, as if some kind of power erased the information, and in the ears of Bing Jingru and the others, there was a very harsh noise, which made them wrinkle slightly He frowned, and various speculations arose in his heart.

Looking at the appearance of the man in white, he should have revealed the true identity of the mysterious man from Hades just now, but when the information he uttered was repeated by the phantom engraved in time and space, the words were taken by someone. This kind of power was forcibly erased, which made it impossible for them not to think about it.

Did someone come here later and find out that the man in white revealed some incredible information, so he took action to erase this information? Or maybe the name of the mysterious person from Hades is actually a kind of taboo, no matter what method is used, no message can be left?

Deep in their hearts, the four of Bing Jingru are more inclined to the latter possibility. Because if someone came to this hall later and erased the information in the words of the man in white, then that person could directly erase the image residue left by the man in white. Convenient, but also to prevent future troubles?

After the man in white finished speaking, as if deliberately leaving more messages, he said to the empty hall: “I will leave some clues and information for future generations to investigate as I did before, and I hope that one day they will be discovered. People in this world discovered it. Later, I will go to that island to see if the door is still there according to the information on the map. If it is still there, maybe I should do something, otherwise …”

His words stopped abruptly at this point, and the phantom collapsed suddenly. The four of Bing Jingru heard the key point, and couldn’t help but feel a little uncomfortable.

Bing Jingru tried to stand on those footprints again, urging the messages left on them, but the situation was still the same as before, as pictures from that year emerged, and then the man in white appeared and said the same words again , and finally collapsed at a critical moment, and a lot of important information could not be accurately conveyed to the ears of the four.

Obviously, the man in white still had some crucial words behind him, and he disappeared abruptly. I don’t know if the power left by the other party has been wiped out too much with the passage of time, or there are other forces intervening. As a result, Bing Jingru and the others had no way of verifying it, and it was very rare for them to get the information just now.

The Demon King of Purgatory let out a long breath, and whispered: “This man has come to this hall in the past, and he seems to be searching for traces of history just like us.”

The empress nodded slightly, and said: “In his words, he claimed to be following the footsteps of a certain existence, came to our world by accident, and then discovered that our world hides many secrets, probably because of this, he became interested and started to look around. Tan. By the way, he also said just now that before he came to this hall, he went to see the ancient ship that crashed in our world, and there should be only one ancient ship that fits what the other party said, and that is Bing Fellow Daoist, the ancient ship that Daxia occupied.”

Bing Jingru nodded and said: “It should be there. But we have occupied that ancient ship for so long, and we haven’t found any traces left by the man in white. It is probably because the other party is in an area that we have not yet cracked.” Information was left behind. It is a pity that the ancient ship has been driven away from our world by one of its original owners. Otherwise, I really want to see what information this person left on the ancient ship and what secrets he discovered. “

(end of this chapter)

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