I’m Not a Badass

Chapter 552

Chapter 552 – Sword Boat

Chapter 552 Sword-shaped boat

Thinking of the departure of the ancient ship, Bing Jingru felt a little regretful. On that ancient ship, she still had many places and secrets that she hadn’t had time to explore.

But the senior who stayed on the ancient ship just took away what she already owned, so she is not qualified to say anything, and can only accept the result.

The old Bodhisattva suddenly said: “Have you noticed? The five-thousand-year period has already arrived.”

After being mentioned by the old Bodhisattva, Bing Jingru, the Empress and the Demon King of Purgatory also reacted. The guy from the underworld said that he would let the group of god-level powerhouses in their world work for him for five thousand years , and it has been more than five thousand years since this group of god-level powerhouses left? It has been almost ten thousand years!

And if what that person said is true, then logically speaking, the group of god-level powerhouses who left should have returned long ago. Even if some of them accidentally fell, at least half of them can return safely, but The reality is that this group of god-level powerhouses left and never came back!

This can’t help but make the four of Bing Jingru think about it in a bad way. Those seniors who left back then have not returned yet. Did something happen to all of them? Did the being who claimed to be from Hades deceive everyone with a big lie?

There is another point that the four people are very concerned about, that is, judging from the historical pictures taken by the middle-aged man in white clothes, there were still 20% of the strong people in the divine realm who chose not to take risks, but to return. But the reality is that all the powerhouses in the divine realm who left back then, no matter whether they were from the human race or the demon race, have never returned.

That is to say, those 20% of the god-level powerhouses encountered some accident on the way back and disappeared mysteriously!

No… Rather than disappearing, these people have not appeared today after ten thousand years. The four of Bing Jingru have reason to suspect that these people have encountered an accident and all died.

As for the person who was able to do this at that time, a figure immediately appeared in the minds of Bing Jingru and the four of them. It was the mysterious person who claimed to be from Hades!

With this person’s strength, he can indeed quietly dispose of those god-level powerhouses who are about to leave without leaving any traces. This person has already demonstrated the power of the underworld, the strange power that corrodes life, even The image of history can also make the four of Bing Jingru feel shuddering, that is definitely the extremely pure power of the underworld!

Even the reason for doing this, Bing Jingru and the others also thought of it, that is to prevent the news from the hall from leaking out.

Thinking of this, the hearts of the four Bing Jingru couldn’t help being cast a shadow. When this group of god-level powerhouses gathered in this hall for various reasons, they had already unknowingly They fell into the trap of the other party, and the other party seemed to give two choices without any intention of coercion, but in the eyes of Bing Jingru and the others, they actually had no choice but to follow the orders of this mysterious person. Do it, otherwise the end will be the same as those 20% of the gods who choose to leave, they will disappear quietly.

The four people’s thoughts were a bit messy, and after sorting it out with difficulty, Bing Jingru turned to look at the other three, and said, “How about it, do you want to follow the map given by the mysterious man just now and go to the Mosha Sea?” Let’s take a look at the island? I’ve memorized the map just now, and it doesn’t seem to be very far from this deserted town. With the speed of the four of us, we should be able to get there within a week.”

“Naturally, we have to take a look. The information we know here is still too little. Only by seeing the island can we confirm whether those seniors really left this world through the gate on the island, or whether they are still in the world. They were killed by the things in the Demon Sea on the way.” The empress said without hesitation, she thought she had a vigorous temperament, and she would not stop here just because she was afraid of the danger of the Demon Sea, the truth has not been fully revealed yet, they are just It was just the tip of the iceberg who knew what happened back then, and the secrets they had followed were hidden under the water, waiting for them to explore.

“The poor nun also intends to go and see if the old Bodhisattva found a way to rejuvenate the exhausted sea of suffering and communicate with the Buddhist world on the other side of the sea of suffering.” The old Bodhisattva said slowly.

In the end, only the Demon King of Purgatory remained silent. Seeing the three of them looking at her, she couldn’t help scratching her scalp irritably, and finally squeezed the Demon Gun of Purgatory in her hand, and said viciously: “I will go too! Back then There are many strong demons who chose to go to that island, including my elders. I want to see if that mysterious man is lying to deceive the practitioners in our world!”

After the four of them unified their opinions again, they chose to set off without wasting much time.

They walked out of the hall, stepped on the long sword light bridge connecting the two ends of the abyss again, and returned to the other end of the abyss. Seeing the long sword light bridge retracted into the long sword again, they let out low growls of unwillingness from the bottom of the abyss. When it was heard, the four of them left this deserted town in a hurry without staying long.

The way to leave was much smoother than when they came in. This was also related to the fact that they had already walked through it once and understood the danger of the road conditions. In short, it only took about a day for the four of them to leave the town. Came near the Mo Sha Sea near the small town.

“Hey, there’s something there!” The Purgatory Demon King suddenly raised his finger and pointed not far away.

Bing Jingru and the others looked in the direction of her finger, and saw a small black shadow fluctuating with the pitch-black sea at the seaside edge of the deserted town, but no matter how the sea fluctuated, it always remained the same. The same location, very magical.

Everyone looked closer and saw that the black shadow turned out to be a small boat, which was made entirely of wood and looked like a long sword. This lone boat has been floating here for an unknown number of years, but there is no sign of decay at all, it looks brand new, and it has been soaked in the sea water of the Demon Sea day and night, and it has not sunk, which is really impressive. feeling suprised.

The dark sea water of Mo Sha Sea possesses a peculiar power. No matter what objects can float on the sea surface for a long time, even the emperor soldiers will not be able to hold on for too long, and will be submerged by the sea water of Mo Sha Sea. To be dragged away and eaten by unknown creatures on the bottom of the sea.

That’s right…even the emperor soldiers eat the strange things at the bottom of the Mosha Sea!

This is also one of the reasons why Mo Shahai has achieved a fierce reputation. The weird sea water and the dangerous seabed are all daunting. They dare not approach here at all, and the stronger the person, the more they can feel the evil spirit. The horror of the sea, it’s no wonder that the Purgatory Demon King hesitated for a moment before making a decision.

Under such circumstances, the four of Bing Jingru saw a wooden lone boat docked at the edge of the Mosha Sea, but it was not submerged by the sea. How could this not surprise them?

“This sword-shaped lone boat is probably left behind by the middle-aged man in white in the main hall. He seems to be deliberately leaving some messages for those who come after him to follow his messages to find out some secrets.” Bing Jingru His eyes flickered, and he spoke.

The Empress, the Demon King of Purgatory, and the old Bodhisattva are also aware of this, and this is the only reasonable explanation at present.

The four of them had originally planned to forcibly stimulate the power to fly across the sea over the Mosha Sea and head to the island marked on the map, but now they suddenly found this miraculous lone boat that could float on the Mosha Sea , Naturally, I am extremely happy, choosing to take this boat to go to that island, which can also save most of my energy, otherwise flying day and night will be a big burden for them who are strong in the Divine Gate Realm , and the flying noise is too loud, it is easy to attract the attention of monsters under the sea, it is not safe anyway, taking the small boat left by the middle-aged man in white is obviously a better option.

The four of them boarded this sword-shaped boat one after another. Under Bing Jingru’s control, the boat left the shore immediately and sailed towards the depths of the Demon Sea. The speed was unexpectedly not slow, and it was quite fast. There are two obvious seawater grooves on both sides and the back, which are the traces left by the boat moving too fast and pushing the seawater towards the two sides!

But at the same time as the speed is extremely fast, the sword-shaped boat is silent, as if all the sound has been absorbed, which makes the four of Bing Jingru feel at ease, because the smaller the movement, the harder it is for the people living on the bottom of the Mosha Sea The monsters sensed.

Basically none of the monsters that can live in the Demon Sea is fuel-efficient. Although the four of Bing Jingru have confidence in their own strength and can barely protect themselves in the Demon Sea, they will not encounter them if they do not encounter them. If they encountered a monster from the God Realm, then the four of them might be wiped out at sea.

The four of them were amazed by the sword-shaped boat, and the empress said in a deep voice: “It will take less than a week to sail at this speed, and it will take about five days to reach the island. As for the control of the boat, it is up to all of us.” Take turns, so you can save some effort.”

Bing Jingru, the Demon King of Purgatory, and the old Bodhisattva all nodded, agreeing to the Empress’ proposal.

During the next five days, the four of them took turns in charge of the sword-shaped boat, controlling the boat and rushing towards the island at high speed.

The road was not always calm, and occasionally one or two monsters from the bottom of the sea would attract their attention and come to attack their small boat. At this time, the four of Bing Jingru were already mentally prepared to fight, but the sword The shaped boat seemed to have the ability to sense danger on its own. It vibrated a few times, and sword-shaped fluctuations rippled on the surface of the sea water. Before the monsters on the bottom of the sea could get close to the sword-shaped boat, they were chopped off by invisible sword energy kill!

This terrifying power shocked the hearts of the four people, because the strength of those monsters was basically not weaker than them, but in front of this sword-shaped boat, they were killed without the slightest resistance. The middle-aged man in white The small boat left behind is already equivalent to an extremely powerful top-level imperial soldier!

(end of this chapter)

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