I’m Not a Badass

Chapter 553

Chapter 553 – Gate And Stele

Chapter 553 Door and Stele

The four of them advanced rapidly by relying on the sword-shaped boat, and finally arrived at the island five days later.

The size of the island is not small, and it fully occupies the entire range of vision. I am afraid that tens of millions of people can live and thrive on this island, but it is estimated that no one has the guts to dare to live on an island in the Mosha Sea. .

Bing Jingru checked his memory and said, “It should be that island.”

The sword-shaped boat slowly approached the shore, and the four of them came down one after another. They each used their means to sense it, and found that there was no overpowering aura on the island. Go deep.

Not long after, the four of them saw a huge gate standing in the center of the island. This gate was hundreds of meters high, and the whole body was pitch black. There were mysterious textures engraved on it, like some kind of avenue rune , obscure and difficult to understand, the four of Bing Jingru couldn’t tell what kind of way it was, as if it wasn’t any kind of way they knew.

The four people stopped in front of this door, Bing Jingru looked up at the textures on it, and speculated: “These Dao patterns are probably the avenues of Hades.”

The other three nodded in agreement. The Demon King of Purgatory walked around to the back of this door, and soon returned, shaking his head and said: “The back is also exactly the same Dao pattern, there is no connection between the front and the back, this is a door directly connected to another world .”

“Indeed, there are still very faint traces of the space avenue on this island, and it hasn’t completely dissipated even after so many years. It can be seen that the person who constructed this door has put a lot of thought into it.” The old Bodhisattva looked around and said.

“Did our seniors in the divine realm go to another world through this door?” The empress stepped forward, reaching out her hand to touch the door, but just when her fingers were about to touch the door A second before, there was a sudden buzzing sound, and a strong force pushed her away. She couldn’t help but stepped back several steps in a row before stabilizing her figure, and looked up with a surprised expression.

On the surface of the pitch-black gate, chain-like things suddenly emerged, winding round and round around the giant gate standing in the center of the island. Looking carefully, these chains were actually made of Small swords that are no more than three inches in size are connected together. Small holes are dug out from the tip of the sword and the hilt, and then there are golden chains connecting the small swords. Finally, such a spectacular scene is formed!

As soon as the breeze blows, the chains formed by these small swords will sway gently like tree branches, making tinkling sounds, which are crisp and pleasing to the ears, and at the same time, they are released with astonishing fluctuations of sword intent, sweeping the entire island every corner!

The four of them recovered from the shock, and Bing Jingru stepped forward to carefully look at the chains composed of those small swords, with a trace of surprise in his dignified expression, and said: “These small swords are made of the highest quality materials. And each small sword contains the power of the Dao pattern of the sword. These small swords are combined to form a chain, in order to seal this door, so that people in our world cannot push this door open. Don’t let the things behind this door come out!”

The Purgatory Demon King recalled the sword-shaped boat they were riding just now, and suddenly said: “This is undoubtedly the handwriting of a certain master of the sword, and it is most likely the middle-aged man in white who left footprints in the hall.” .”

The empress looked thoughtfully at the door in front of her and the sword-shaped chains wrapped around it, and then said: “The middle-aged man in white came to this island later and found this door, but he didn’t know where it was. What was found here, and finally decided to seal the door, so that the two sides cannot communicate with each other.”

The old Bodhisattva looked around and saw many sword marks on the ground and on the mountain, and said slowly: “This benefactor from another world should have fought a battle with something. Look, there are still many sword marks on this island. Even after so many years, the traces left by Shao Jian Dao’s supernatural powers are still lingering. With this kind of strength, this person must be a very remarkable person in the entire universe.”

“Wait, there is another stone tablet with words on it!” The Purgatory Demon King found something, and pointed to the other three people not far from the door.

Everyone approached to have a look, and found a very inconspicuous stone tablet standing next to the huge door, with criss-crossing sword marks on it, forming characters, not the language of any world, but divine language, with With a special force, it lasts for a long time and has been maintained to this day.

Undoubtedly, the erected stone tablet and the divine inscription left by the sword marks on the stone tablet are still the handwriting of the middle-aged man in white, and most of them were left on purpose for people in this world to see.

The four people present have already had a preliminary glimpse of the profoundness of the Dao, and they can understand the divine text, and they saw that it read: “This door is not connected to the underworld, but a terrible world that has been destroyed. Even I can’t understand that world.” I have to be careful. I found something wrong, and immediately sealed the passage of this door with swordsmanship, but during this period, some things may have come to this world along this door. I don’t have so much time to investigate , since those things have not made much movement until now, it means that they are not very dangerous. I decided to go to the opposite world through this door to have a look, and there may be some unexpected gains. If there are aborigines in this world Followed the information I left to find this place, so please remember…don’t mess with the seal on the door, otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable!”

After reading the information on the stone tablet, the four of them couldn’t help but look serious. Bing Jingru said in a low voice: “This person has no need and no motive to leave such a stone tablet on purpose to deceive us. Then this door is probably real. As he said, it is very dangerous!”

“It is mentioned on the stele that behind the gate is not the Hades, but a destroyed world.”

The empress narrowed her eyes, and said: “The mysterious person persuaded the gods in our world to serve her for five thousand years, and those people have not returned. Is it related to the destruction of that world? Are they related to that world? We were destroyed together, that’s why we couldn’t return?”

The queen’s guess was very bold, but the other three people thought carefully and found that this was indeed one of the possibilities, which could also explain why those people failed to come back, because they encountered some kind of world-destroying monster during those five thousand years. In the end, they failed to escape the catastrophe and were all buried in the world beyond the door.

(end of this chapter)

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