I’m Not Your Female Lead!

Chapter 20

“This is where?”

Ye Yu looked at his environment and asked, tentatively walking towards him.

Xuan Zang stretched out her hand and clamped her other arm, pulling Ye Yu back—

“Don’t mess around.”

Ye Yu was almost taken aback. After finally stopping herself, she reluctantly looked up at Xuanzang.

“Don’t use it on someone like me who ca n’t practice, who is responsible for throwing you in your arms?”

After saying this, Ye Yu regretted it.


But for a moment, Xuan Zang watched her blurt out.

The chance to get her back for another second was not given.

Ye Yu pulled her lips and twisted her face.

… the first one is cheap. With her own pot, she carried her back firmly.

“Is this a secret passage?”

Ye Yu, who turned his attention, looked at the long path similar to the underground tunnel where the two were. The ground was soft, and the uneven stone walls on both sides were dotted with a dim light.

“Yes.” Xuan Zang looked away from Ye Yu. “This is a secret tunnel to the magic palace, and there is an exit outside the inner palace, the outer palace and the outer palace …. This place is also in front of me It was accidentally discovered in a few years. “

“Ah, this is where you awaken your blood talents and reshape your meridians.”

Ye said, turning to look at Xuan Zang.

Xuanzang’s look was complicated and changed rapidly, and finally he stayed on a helplessness mixed with subtle unwillingness–

“Is there nothing to hide from you?”


Ye Yu said nothing, pursed his mouth and glanced at Xuanzang, then turned back in a mixed mood.

Just now she took Xuan Zang’s expression from the beginning to the end and took it into her eyes. She didn’t see anything to watch out for, or was vigilant or simply murderous. This kind of appearance on Xuan Zang in the book is not surprising. Emotions.

Are you so uncomfortable about yourself?

“… young man.”

Ye Yu sighed, and stretched out his hand to restore the original appearance, rubbing his head a little shorter than himself.

Xuanzang was touched for a while, and it took two seconds to react, and his ears followed slightly red–

“Don’t walk around casually, there are some organs in it, you may be injured if you are not careful.”

“……I know.”

Ye Yu looked at him strangely, “Did I touch you just now?-If you already know, and I want to know, I will know if I touch it.”

Speaking, Ye Yu lifted his feet and skipped a humble cobbled stone surface on the ground.

Xuanzang looked at her stunned: “You just because of this–“

Ye Yu, who was walking in front, slowed his pace and looked back at him, smiling at him with a smile:

“Otherwise? What do you think I do?”

Before Xuanzang answered, she turned back and continued to dodge to avoid the institution.

A little disappointment climbed up to the boy’s dark eyes.

But after a short while, only in the eyes of the distant back, the disappointment widened was replaced by something more violent and more dangerous …

“Liansheng … Liansheng …”

The voice of anxiously calling circulated in the backyard of the magic palace.

The woman in the palace dress looking around while looking around among the flowers stopped, and fell into a corner not far from Tinghu Lake.

The woman looked intently, and frowned, hurriedly trotting towards there with her long palace dress.

When she got to the front, the woman looked at the figure on the beauties’ bed, and she opened her mouth helplessly: “Liansheng, do you still have your heart here to sleep? There is something big in the company, let’s all get together as soon as possible.”

It wasn’t until the sound fell for a few seconds that the “Liansheng” stunned on the beautician moved.

After two seconds, she slowly turned around, revealing a small, sleepy face: “What’s the matter? … what’s the matter?”

“Since it’s a big event, where can we little girls show up in advance?”

There was a trace of depression and sorrow in the expression of the comer, but she soon covered up these emotions and reached out to the person on the couch—

“You, after a serious illness half a month ago, woke up and changed your personality-you weren’t so tired and lazy. You went late today, and your careful aunt punished you again. “

“Aren’t I recovering yet …”

“Liansheng” sat up with a smile, “I’ll go now, Xianger, you go first.”

Xianger responded, took a few steps, and turned his head back insecurely–

“You must not delay.”


The little **** the beauty couch nodded.

Seeing Xiang’er’s figure disappearing at the end of the line of sight, “Liansheng” converged on the innocent smile on his face, and stretched a large lazy waist in disarray.

Then she stood up while yawning.

“Still here for half a month … I don’t know what‘ beautiful beauties ’you really did, can you have such a happy day to sleep and eat …”

After half an hour, the three top sedan chairs carried the “Beauty of the Sleeping Beauty” selected by the three showgirls, and lined up in a row to the direction of the palace of the imperial emperor. 2k novel reading network

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