I’m Not Your Female Lead!

Chapter 21

Half a month ago, Ye Yu was commanded by Xuanzang to give his confidant in the singing girl division, replacing a singing girl “Lian Sheng” who died of illness in the division, and smoothly entered the magic palace outer palace.

The calm half month passed, and nothing was wrong. Someone outside also sent a message to Ye Yu, saying that the matter of choosing a beautician was almost settled, so that she could take care of her tenderness in advance.

However, in fact, all the valuable gold and silver on Ye Yu’s body had been cleaned up by the young emperor in the inner palace before entering the song girl division.

——Although Xuan Zong is known by his name, “It is not advisable to reveal wealth in the palace”, but what Ye Ye thinks and suspects is that he is afraid of running away.

Trust between people …

In half a month, Ye Yu sighed countless times, and then wrote down to reject his n-th silverless two-run plan.


It turns out that no matter what the world is, no money is absolutely impossible.

Can’t even escape.

“Liansheng beauty, it’s almost time, your luggage …”

In the girl’s dormitory, the concubine who was conferred was unable to understand the temperament of the newly-emerged beauty who had been stunned for a while, so she was careful in her behavior.

Ye Yu was called back to God by her words, and she frowned when she recalled the foreword.

Although it is known that this “beauty” is only called by the rank of 27 waitresses in the magic palace, 27 beautiful women, but the name is still so awkward.

Fortunately, the name “Lian Sheng” was also emblazoned in front of him, and Ye Yu was shouting about his right to hypnotize himself.

“I don’t have any luggage. I only have two pieces of clothing, but they are all from the showgirls. I can’t seem to bring them?”

The court lady greeted her with a gift. “In the palace divided by the beauties, you will naturally be provided with clothes.” After that, the palace lady looked at Ye Yu with a peek at her eyes, and then carefully took the next sentence.

“And the inner palace has no master now, and in general there are only three beauties who are new to you today. You who do the following will never dare to thin the three beauties in terms of food and clothing.”

After hearing this, Ye Yu’s eyes moved slightly and he couldn’t help laughing.

Where can she not hear this is the meaning of the little palace girl that she wants to seize the opportunity to get up as soon as possible?

It was just that Ye Yu didn’t bother to argue with her, turned around and looked around the room.

“Is there anything else you want to bring with you?”

The maid asked.

Ye Yu lowered her fingertips, seeming to inadvertently brush under the skirt.

Determined that her slab phone was still in place, she nodded: “There is one.”

The maid looked up at Ye language blankly.

Then she saw their new beauties approaching the round table in the hall generously, bending over and holding up a bunch of seeds.

“Let’s go?”

The newly-increased “Liansheng” beauty looked at the dumb-faced maid with a smile.

Seeing that the maid did not respond for a long time, Ye Yu looked down at the melon seeds in her hand, and then raised her head and smiled.

“I heard that the journey from the Outer Palace to the Inner Palace is a long way, so if you have nothing to do, you can take a few tablets to relieve your boredom.”

Housemaid: “…”

She suddenly felt that she was probably the wrong one.

After another incense stick.

The three limousines that were slowly and slowly carried to the palace of the Emperor stopped suddenly.

In the middle of the sedan chair, the leaf language of Zhengquan was moving.

She looked at the ministry servant in the sedan chair and asked with her eyes.

The palace girl glanced up at the curtain blankly and glanced out, then hurriedly retracted her eyes, and stunned Ye Ye-

“Liansheng Beauty is the step of General Xuanzang. As usual, you don’t need to pay courtesy, I will go out and worship.”

… General Gen. Xuanzang?

Ye Yu blinked slightly, but said nothing.

——Take the man’s chaos at the peak of his chaos, not to mention that Bu Yi has reached the bottom of his eyelids. Even within the entire magic palace, as long as he has the heart, there are few places that can cover up the man’s divinity.

This is true even of the Emperor’s Palace. Otherwise, in the original plot of “Night Non-Magic”, the demon Emperor Xuan Zang does not have to bear the humiliation to have a husband and wife relationship with Ye Xiaojun.

Considering this, Ye Yu nodded lightly.

The palace girl got the answer from Ye language, so she immediately quit the sedan chair and went to kneel to worship.

“Is this the three beauties chosen today?”

Ye Yu heard a low male voice ringing outside the sedan chair.

… Although he is a very wicked man who kills his brother, but his voice is still unexpectedly young.

It was then that Ye Yu suddenly remembered that before “Night Non-Magic”, before Xingwen, there were very few direct descriptions of Xuan Zang’s person, and it could even be said to be equivalent to nothing. Regardless of the person’s age, appearance, figure, or whatever, Ye Yu knew nothing.

If this day passed by in the demon city, maybe she didn’t know.

Thinking of this, Ye Yu couldn’t help but hesitated.

The imagination I’ve had in close contact with such a killer who didn’t blink … It’s so exciting.

Stop and stop.

Thinking about it this way, Ye Yu touched a melon seed and was going to be shocked.


A crisp sound of peeling the melon seeds.


Ye language in the sedan chair froze stiffly.

In the world she used to live in, many students who need to read early during high school should have an experience—

In the chaotic early reading classroom, occasionally there will be such an instant on a certain day, without any external factors, the chaotic reading of the entire classroom at the same time abruptly stopped.

It’s like being paused by the hand of God.

——The crisp sound of the melon seed sounded immediately, and this was the situation outside the sedan chair.

Ye did not know if a **** in this world pressed the pause at this moment.

She only knew that if it was … then that must be her moldy god.

Because almost at the same time, she immediately felt a strong and unmatched breath, and swept across the sedan on her.

Is this the pinnacle of chaos?

The kind of breath I felt in the Lingjue Pavilion before is really like a hair in Jiu Niu and a river in the sea.

Feeling this majestic breath, Ye Yu’s heartbeat leaked instinctively.

It was just that she calmed down.

——I have asked Xuanzang about the slab leaf in my pocket, and I am sure that as long as I do n’t tremble in the face like last time, even the top practitioners will only treat that thing as ordinary as clothes Dead objects like gold and silver jewelry passed by.

As for herself, she was even less worried–

In her 21st century human body, let alone cultivation, Xuan Zang is afraid that she cannot find even the most complex spiritual root buds.

Whatever you think, I’m a little showgirl who can’t cultivate without any threat.

Ye Yu never admitted that this mentality is called “dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water.”

And the facts really did, as she expected, after the breath had just stopped for a while, it retreated like a tide. As far as that step went, the three-top sedan chair was lifted again, and Ye Yu didn’t feel any other strangeness.

Three top sedan chairs were sent to the Emperor’s Palace, but they just went through the process as usual.

The eye-catcher of the demon Emperor Shaoxian glanced up without looking up, only faintly stopped in the middle beauty, and then looked away.

“Sent back to their respective palaces.”


The three beauties of the palace below all answered with regret.

The palace man standing next to him looked strange–

In the previous two days, I put on the vice stance to force a few concubines to fill the harem of the young devil … At that time, wasn’t it so dignified?

Why did you see three beauties today, but they were cold?

Do the three beauties look bad? Doesn’t agree with the devil?

The palace man was secretly whispering in his heart, and he heard Shao Modi open his mouth–

“Which beauty is standing in the middle?”

“…” The palace man went back to his mind, hurriedly flipped through his handbook, and checked it before answering carefully. “Her Majesty, the beauty of Liansheng, who entered the palace last year, there is–


The young Emperor Shao replied indifferently, which interrupted the superfluous words of the palace people.

He flipped through the book in his hand, sifted through a page without a trace, and did not raise his eyes. “The person who will be sleeping tonight is called Lin Sheng.”


The palace man froze for a moment before he hurriedly lowered his head. “Yes, Your Majesty.”


The hall was quiet for a long time.

Xiao Mo Emperor, who had not turned a page in his hand, finally couldn’t help raising his eyes and to the palace man just now:

“What are you still standing for?”

“-Ah? Your Majesty?”

The palace man froze for a moment.

Emperor Shao looked at the palace with an expressionless expression, “It’s getting late, shouldn’t you go to that beauty palace to make a declaration?”

“It’s still …”

The palace man stiffened his neck and turned to look at the blue sky outside. After waiting for a while, he leaned over his mouth to make a salute.

“Yes, Her Majesty.”


Entering from the outer palace to the inner palace, the three beauties all came in sedan chairs because of the distance.

In the inner palace, from the palace of the emperor to the palace where the three beauties were individually sealed, obviously there is no such distance and no such honor.

Ye Yu was up and down by the soft and collapsed sedan chair for more than half an hour, and then went to the palace of the Emperor and smelled the soothing incense for nearly ten minutes. Now, he was so sleepy that he couldn’t sleep immediately and fell down I most want to hurry back to my sealed palace to get close to the strange bed.

——Partially, the other two beautiful little lotus feet stepped on each other more securely than Ye Yu could not go up and carry the two away.

At such a speed, the three beauties were shouted from behind by the sound of the chase before they left the palace gate dozens of feet.

When he saw the man’s dress and momentum, everyone turned his head back.

——It is the palace man declared by His Majesty the Lord.

With the exception of Ye Yu, the eyes of both beauties were bright.

Only Ye language was expressionless.

Two minutes later, Ye Yu took her own irresistible palace maids and returned to the palace of the emperor following the original path of the palace.

Yawning yawning as he walked.

… I just gave 520 eyes to let Anson go back to rest, but now it seems in vain.

Sure enough, after entering this deep palace, sitting on that emperor chair, the dog is no longer the old dog. 2k novel reading network

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