I’m Not Your Female Lead!

Chapter 30

“But how could it be here?”

Ye Yu fiddled with the mobile phone in his hand and thoughtfully thought to himself.

The system smartly popped the window on the screen: “The system carrier should have been dropped in the underground palace and picked up by Xuan Zang.”

Ye Yumu paused, “He won’t find anything?”

“…” The system hesitated, “No. The system trial run phase was over, and I checked it after the world initialization was completed, and the legacy at that time was 100% cleaned up.”

“So, it should be that Xuan Zang picked up the system carrier after discovering the underground palace, but just picked it up as an ordinary utensil. When the host host picked it up, didn’t it still have a lot of dust on it?”


Ye Yu paced back to the bed with his mobile phone.

Her brows still frowned slightly.

I don’t know why, the sudden appearance of this phone just made her inexplicably uneasy.

For a while, I couldn’t find a clue, and Ye Yu didn’t waste any more time.

She sat on the edge of the bed and started her first cordial “meeting” with her cellphone after a long reunion.

This inspection, she really found a little change.

“Mail box function?” Ye Yu asked the system with a strange look. “Don’t tell me that this function is for me to send a message to myself.”

System: “No, after system evolution, the mailbox function has another effect …”

Without waiting for Ye Yu to see the remaining handwriting, he heard a “ding dong” in his hand—

“You have new information.”

The electronic female voice is crystal clear.


Ye Yu almost threw the phone out.

When the response came, all this was the voice of a mobile phone inbox. Ye Yu said blankly, “When I brought it, I was still a smart phone. As soon as you evolved, you evolved into a classic phone?”

“Automatic voice broadcast? Are you afraid that I took it with me and nobody noticed it?”

Immediately after the system stopped:

“Host Lord is angry. The mailbox function is a task release channel. I just experiment with it for you, and it will be set to silent mode immediately.”

Ye Yuxin doubted to poke the information box always displayed at the top of the reader interface.

After clicking on it, the mobile phone interface turned around and it really jumped into the inbox.

There was a new message in the only information bubble.

[Main Quest: Depart for Fairyland. 】

Different from the black characters of other characters, only the words “Departure Fairyland” in the information bubble are blue.

Ye Yu is familiar with this hyperlink pattern, and she instinctively reached for those four words.

The next moment, the interface jumps-

Back to the reader.

Ye: “…”

“This slab can still only open the reader?”

The system responded obediently: “And the inbox.”

Ye Yu helpless, re-focused on the phone interface.

After the jump, the reader suddenly went to a new chapter.

The chapter title is really “Departure of the Immortal Realm”.

“What does it mean?”

System: “The inbox is the mission release channel. This means that the host fulfills its role obligations in accordance with the original plot content of this chapter and promotes the development of the main plot.”

Ye didn’t speak any more, glanced at the contents of this chapter at a glance.

And while looking at it, she has already recalled this part of herself–

Lord Ye Xiaojun married into the palace, and he seemed to be loving for a while. Later, Xuan Zang encountered bumps due to his revenge plan. He had to leave the magic palace and go to Xianyu for help, but he was trapped in Xuan Zang. Finally, he tried to coax Ye Xiaojun’s master to make room for himself in Xuan Zang.

After that, Xuan Zang brought Xuan Zang’s restraint and was allowed to leave the magic palace temporarily; Ye Xiaojun, the master of Xuan Zang, monitored Xuan Zang, and was also ordered to go to Xianyu …………

After briefly recalling the content afterwards, Ye Yu raised his eyes: “So, this is to pretend to be deceived by Xuanzang, and then go to Xuanzang’s turnover?”

System: “Yes, Master.”

Ye: “I’m curious, what if I don’t do this …”


When I meet a host who always wants to hide, it feels that his performance is really difficult to guarantee …

The system quickly retrieves it in its own database.

After the beard, the screen of the mobile phone gradually dimmed suddenly brightened.

System: “Master Host has promised Xuan Zang in the world of the last system trial run-“

“… What did you promise?” Ye Yu somehow looked at the pop-up window as if the system was suddenly stuck.

Then she heard a female voice ringing from her cellphone speaker, with unparalleled familiarity—

“I’ll get it for you if you want.”

Ye: “…”

She returned to her mind after a while, shaking her arms first.

“Did I use such an emotional tone when I was talking?”

System: “The soundtrack is recorded without any falsification.”

“…” Ye Yu sighed. “But I promised five hundred and two, not this one.”

System: “Five hundred and two, in fact, it is in this person’s heart.”

Ye language froze.

System: “It’s just that because the host didn’t meet the host in advance, the part that belongs to five hundred may have been sealed forever. But Xuanzang is still five hundred, and the host cannot deny it.”

Ye Yu was silent for two seconds. “Are you playing with me again?”


“Forget it. Just to get myself out of the vortex center of the magic palace as soon as possible … I will do this task.”

After determining the mission direction, Ye Yu began to wait for Xuan Zang to take the initiative to “coax” himself.

As a result, she waited for nearly half a month. In the past half a month, Xuan Zang didn’t even show up in the palace.

Not to mention the original book coaxing the fake affection in front of the plot.

Ye Yu, who is very boring in the palace, releases the consciousness, and can hear the discussion among the palace people:

“Did you say that Capricorn fell out of favor as soon as he entered the palace?”

“Looking at this posture must be. It is said that Her Majesty the Emperor has not returned to the palace for more than ten days, and has been resting at the teaching site.”

“It’s too bad …”

“It’s no wonder that others, I heard the guards on duty outside the palace on the wedding day said that the magpie had ridden His Majesty from his bed that night!”

“Wow is it so tough?”

“Have you heard of Ye Xiaojun’s reputation before entering the palace? I’m not surprised at all …”


Listening to the whispering voice of the palace person, the voice of Ye Yu in the palace shook his cell phone in an entangled manner.

“You said, I really annoyed Xuan Zang? He even refused to do a show?”

It took a while for the system to slowly pop up a window.

“Xuan Zang is not a very careful man.”

Without waiting for Ye Yu to breathe a sigh of relief, a new window popped up—

“If you’re quiet for so many days, maybe he’s planning something bigger.”


Ye language heard a cold behind.

No matter how she thought, she didn’t think she would be the object to be treated kindly by that plan.

Thinking of this, Ye Yu couldn’t sit still. She got up and went outside the palace.

As soon as the door of the front palace of the dormitory came out, the guards at the door saw one after another.

Ye Yu stopped, and asked the nearest one—

“Do you know where your Majesty is now?”

Outside of the palace today, it was Xuan Zang’s close relatives who took turns. After listening to Ye Yu’s question, he gave the answer almost without hesitation.

“Your Majesty has been with Ye Shizi in the teaching field in the last few days … ‘Examination’.”

Speaking of the last word, there was a tinge of emotion on the guard’s face.

Ye listened for a moment.

It took two seconds before she could reflect that “Ye Shizi” in this man’s words refers to the unrelated elder brother of Ye Xiaojun.

——This is really annoyed by myself, even to find the starting point of Xuan Zang’s turnover, have they come from Ye Yunsheng?

Ye Yu sighed in his heart.

The system is correct, Xuanzang is still five hundred and two-what is the difference between this carefulness and the dog who drank his saliva with red fruit?

Uh …

Stomaching like this, Ye Yu lightly ordered a guard.

“You lead the way to the teaching ground.”

The author has something to say: Ye Ye: A cautious dog who was about to run away from home when he was taken off the bed on the wedding night.

Xuanzang: ………

Ye: My sister is here to lead you.

Xuanzang: —— Wang Wangwang! [Joyful]


Over the past two days, the number of overlord tickets has suddenly increased. It happens that today is Chapter 30. Let ’s focus together and thank you. Thank you for staying in Chapter 60. [Yes, I seem to be lazy _ (: 3∠) _]

Thanks for the mines of Li Datian * 5 ~

Thanks for a pig grenade * 1 ~

Thanks to Earl Crazy Hat, long-lived mines * 2 ~

Thanks for 1 nickname, Zerg Feifei, Orange Persian Gulf, Lotus Root, Xiaobai, Clivia, Hand is a bit cold, missing ?, missing ?, |||, mine on the flyleaf ~

Thanks to the fairies for their subscriptions, reviews, nutrition fluids and fancy reminders ~

Love you guys, why not, but I have n’t added more tonight _ (: 3∠) _2k novel reading network

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