I’m Not Your Female Lead!

Chapter 31

In a world like Celestial Demon, which worships cultivation, even martial arts are respected among ordinary people who cannot practice.

In addition to physical fitness, people on the mainland of immortals also like the fancy style of horseback archery. The teaching field is the place where noble children of the magic city use to practice riding and shooting.

If it is left in any past, His Majesty the Emperor does not need to be in the church; even if he is really interested, he must be evaded by everyone.

Only Xuanzang is different.

Just because the regent Wang Xuanzhang said personally, in order to urge His Majesty the Young Demon Emperor not to neglect the practice, he specially appointed two training teachers to teach His Majesty in the classroom every day.

At the same time, although His Majesty is expensive as the Emperor’s Emperor, he cannot monopolize the teaching field, and still allow other courtiers and children to come to the site to practice together.

At that time, everyone knew that His Majesty was a “waste” that could not be practiced, and his bones were worse than ordinary people-riding and shooting could not compare with people. Therefore, even in the plot of the original book, Xuan Zang was not less humiliated by the courtiers’ children watching the jokes in the teaching field, or talking in the back.

It’s just that those who spoke said they thought they were speaking in a low voice and concealed, and they didn’t know that the consciousness of His “waste” was enough to hear every word of them clearly.

In a “food chain” such as the teaching field, there are demon emperors who stand out from the bottom and naturally have the top.

-That man was Ye Yunjun’s brother Ye Yun.

Having figured this out, it is not difficult for Ye Yu to understand why the guard would show such a stern look when he talked about the “discussion” between the two.

After all, according to conventional terms, the strength of the two men, whether they are repairs or riding shots, is completely different.

It is not so much “playing” as “playing”.

“Ye Yunsheng’s character should not be so bad?”

Ye Yu asked in his heart.

Being “amnesty” allowed the subsystem to temporarily enter the consciousness-filling system of the host. At this time, the sound was very dog-legged: “According to the original book’s design, Ye Yunsheng was frank and the most disdainful thing to do with the dogs–this was also after he knew the truth He refused to accept Xuan Zang’s offer. “

“So, most of these two really have a conspiracy.”

Ye Yu thoughtfully.

The system hesitated, but could not help but whisper a reminder: “Master, we are standing in the team of the Emperor.”

Ye Yu smiled heartlessly: “Oh, sorry, isn’t this the angle you gave me as the county master? Blame me for being too deep into the play.”

“…” The system dropped the argument.

After the communication stopped for a while, Ye Yu went out of the teaching ground under the guidance of the guard.

Before entering the teaching field, she also heard two men who looked at the children of the nobles in the magic city together–

“Your Majesty is as much progress as you said?”

“It’s true, I can see with his own eyes that his shooting is already comparable to Ye Yunsheng.”

“Isn’t it possible? Ye Shizi, but we are all geniuses in the Demon Sphere, how can the waste be compared with Ye Shizi?”

“Ye Yunsheng doesn’t seem to be really angry. It is a simple shooting competition.”

“I’ll just say …”

Ye heard it thoughtfully.


The demon Emperor Kenlu, who has always maintained a low-key and weak position, seems to be the only one who has solicitation for Ye Yunsheng?

Before Ye Yu came up with a result, he had already entered the teaching field.

When she swept away, she saw Ye Yunsheng first. It was only Ye Yunsheng’s side, or elsewhere in the teaching field, but Ye Yu didn’t find Xuan Zang’s figure.

Hesitant, Ye Yu held a harmless smile on his face, and lifted his feet and walked in the direction of Ye Yunsheng …

“Her Majesty Xuan, do you really want to do this?”

In the training room of the teaching field, the man wearing the training teacher’s uniform frowned deeply and asked anxiously.

Xuan Zang, who also changed his riding and shooting clothes, looked pale. “I have decided. Any one of you is not allowed to try to approach her. This time I will change the layout from Ye Yunsheng.”

The man hurriedly said, “But compared to Ye Yunsheng, Ye Yu is obviously more in control-and to that person, Ye Yu is far more trustworthy than Ye Yunsheng.”


Xuanzang looked for a moment, raised his eyes narrowly, and lowered the corner of his eyebrows.

“Because I don’t allow her to be in danger!-So you can understand ?!”

The voice was backward and the room was dead.

After returning to God, it seemed to be annoyed by his disposition, Xuanzang twisted his eyes and walked outward.

The man standing in place stayed for a long time, but then he looked chastified but chased out more suspiciously: “… Your Majesty!”

When Xuanzang returned to the teaching field, he discovered a familiar atmosphere almost immediately.

His eyes flickered, and his eyes subconsciously followed a certain direction.

Then he saw Ye Yunsheng beside him, the woman who smiled like a flower.

… but it is really affectionate.

Xuanzang frowned without knowing it.

“His Majesty–“

Liao Qing had already chased him by this time.

Seeing Xuan Zang’s sword eyebrows looking in a certain direction, Liao Qing instinctively followed.

After this look, Liao Qing was shocked by herself: “How did the county master come to the teaching field? … Did you come to Ye Yunsheng?”


Xuanzang took a breath and then pressed back the phrase “why can’t you come to me?”

He glanced at Liao Qing with an expressionless expression, and then went straight in the direction of the two.

Liao Qing was so innocent at that glance that he stayed where he was, and then reacted and quickly followed him.

In this compartment, Ye Yu was trying to get closer to Ye Yunsheng’s soul, and suddenly felt a shadow covering his head from the side.

She twisted her face back, and the eyes of the pair came up, her back stiffened.

… Well, this look is really gloomy.

Ye Yu was guilty of guilty conscience, and could not help avoiding his eyesight and muttered to the system in his heart: “Did I just pull hatred on that foot? … In the original book, Xuan Zang’s acting skills in front of Ye Xiaojun were not very good Is it? “

The system was silent for a while. “Master, I am the first time I’ve ever seen you like you.”

Ye: “…”

“What are you doing here?”

The speaking male voice was a little mute, and somehow seemed to have a different mood from the previous conversation.

Even deep in the black eyes of the woman, a kind of fireworks-like feelings faintly flickered.

Ye Yu didn’t care, she was learning from the system in her heart: “What kind of expression should I see when I like someone?”

The system hesitated: “laugh … laugh?”

Ye Yu thought about it and nodded in approval.

Then she immediately lifted her face to look at Xuanzang, and a bright and bright smile was drawn on her face: “I heard that Her Majesty and Brother Yunsheng were discussing at the teaching field. I came here on a special trip.”

One of the four words in this sentence successfully stirred His Majesty’s sensitive nerve, which was specially affected by someone, and his face was almost dull for a moment.

——Even Ye Yunsheng, who had avoided the glance aside, obviously felt a certain kind of coolness after coming to himself.

Ye Yu was also stared at with that look, and smiled to the system with a stiff smile, “If you like someone to laugh, how much should he hate Ye Xiaojun now?”

System: “Hmm … Peel and peel bones and drink blood?”


Ye Yu distressed: “I’m doing my job with my life.”

System: “… I will fight for a reward for the host.”

Upon hearing these words, the smile on Ye Yu’s face brightened a bit, and he looked towards Xuan Zang again.

“Your Majesty’s discussion with Brother Yunsheng has ended?”

Xuanzang frowned, and didn’t answer, and looked aside.

After receiving the threat from Xuanzang’s eyes, Liao Qingli immediately took the initiative to say: “Although it has ended, Your Majesty’s homework today has not been completed.”

Ye Yu looked away. “Who is this……?”

“In Xia Liaoqing, I am your teacher.”

Liao Qing gave Ye language a slight gift.

Ye Yu’s eyes changed slightly.

“Master Liao Qing … it’s a long-awaited name.”

She still smiled on her face, but couldn’t help but ask the system: “Isn’t Liao Qing brought up by Xuan Zang after he returned from Xianyu? Why has he become Xuan Zang’s teacher now? ???? “

The system is also puzzled: “It seems that the progress of the plot has really deviated again. Fortunately, it is not a big problem now, so please be careful.”

Hearing this is nonsense, Ye Yu was waiting to express his dissatisfaction, and he heard Xuan Zang’s tone of voice not very pleasant: “Liao Qing hasn’t been with me for a few years, how can you‘ remember your name ’?”

This tone made Ye Yu, who had just held a lot of resentment, looked up without hesitation, and looked back with a smile–

“This statement is the basic etiquette of being a human being.”


The long-lost familiar tone made Xuanzang there.

It was the first time that Liao Qing heard that someone dared to talk to his Majesty so face to face, and couldn’t help but glance at Ye Yu in surprise, and then turned to Xuan Zang.

Then he found that Xuan Zang’s eyes seemed to be crossed with a similar joyful mood after passing by.

Liao Qing: “…” Blind.

On the other side, Ye Yu, who was reminded by the system to “follow people,” tried to soften her expression:

“Since Her Majesty’s practice is not over yet, I will wait for Her Majesty to return to the palace together.”

Liao Qing almost couldn’t resist jumping out to push back, just thinking that His Majesty would surely refuse, he put up with it again.

Then he heard them yell, and the magnetic voice was struggling without any undulations–

“Do you miss me, I’ll accompany you back to the palace?”

Liao Qing: “…?”

If you do n’t refuse, what will you do?

Ye Yu also didn’t respond a bit. She blinked, didn’t rush to speak, and asked her dog-headed soldier in her heart: “What complex emotion do you think Xuan Zang is now?”

The system flipped through the database for a while, and replied solemnly: “Probably gritted and opened your teeth. Listen to the host, you’re all stuttered.”


Ye Yu nodded heavily and deeply.

The author has something to say: 狗子: … I’m not I without you nonsense!


It looks so long today, so a bit lost … I will definitely add one more this week _ (: 3∠) _2k novel reading network

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