I'm really immortal

Chapter 171 Vampire (L)

The east wind blooms flowers on thousands of trees at night, and even blows them down. The stars are like rain, and the fragrance of BMWs and cars fills the road. The phoenix flute sounded, the jade pot turned light, and fish and dragons danced all night. The moths are like golden strands of snow and willows, and the laughter is full of hidden fragrance. The crowd looked for him thousands of times, but suddenly looking back, he found that person in a dimly lit place.

Rather than interpreting it through reading comprehension, An Nuan has always believed that Xin Qiji's "Sapphire Case·Yuan Eve" embodies all the beautiful imaginations of modern people about ancient times. If someone fantasizes about traveling to a romantic and beautiful In ancient times, this poem was the scene that most satisfied him.

The story told by Liu Changan has a completely different feeling. In his eyes, whoever becomes the emperor depends on his own ability. However, in the profession of emperor, most of the weak emperors of the Song Dynasty are the most despised by their peers. This is probably the sentence: The country is not upright.

It’s just that other emperors felt that they had gained the country unfairly, and the entire weak Song Dynasty was like a castrated creature, lacking a bit of vitality and vitality. By the way, they also wanted to castrate the entire nation. Since then, the so-called prosperity of Neo-Confucianism has been trying to The hands and feet of women with small feet are tied up and the stench is high, causing endless disasters.

When An Nuan woke up in the morning, she was still a little confused by the story that Liu Changan told about the Song Dynasty last night.

Liu Changan is indeed a good storyteller. When he tells it, his meticulous description seems to be using language to compile a clearly visible "Along the River During the Qingming Festival", but it has a lot more indescribable flavor, as if it really is An immortal wanders between being born and entering the world, until the protagonist goes to sea and says goodbye to all his friends.

The story of the protagonist going overseas is also very exciting. I wonder what the collision of things at that time will be like in the story weaved by Liu Changan?

Liu Changan has already gotten up.

He got up very early, there were still seven or eight stars in the sky, and it happened to be raining at two or three o'clock. In front of the mountain, the frogs had stopped singing last night, and there was no noise. Liu Changan naturally had no reason to catch beneficial insects.

The air in the farmhouse after the rain is mixed with the fragrance of rice, green mountains surround the water, and water vapor is thick in the distance. This year's plum rain has not yet passed, and the air is fresh and moist, making people feel that their nose, chest and lungs have been cleansed. .

Rice in southern Hunan can be grown for three seasons, but there are many like Gaoyuanshan that can only be planted for two seasons. Before dawn, Liu Changan came to the field with bare feet and a bucket. The soil and weeds scratched the soles of his feet. It feels very comfortable. Occasionally there are raised stones on the diaphragm of the feet, and the slightly cool water in the field submerges the insteps. The soles of the feet sink into the soft mud and are wrapped by the mud coming from all directions. It is comfortable but difficult to breathe. When it came out, the slightly itchy touch made people couldn't help but lift their legs, and water poured into the raised space, making a "gurgling" sound.

Liu Changan listened to the sound of the water and distinguished the sound of the fish's tail flapping. He shot extremely quickly and caught a crucian carp.

After a short while, Liu Changan caught half a bucket of crucian carp, went ashore and returned to the small courtyard, poured all the crucian carp into a large water tank, and poured a bag of salt into it to remove the earthy smell.

Then he cut some willow branches from the willow tree by the river and peeled off the bark.

After doing this, Liu Changan saw Bai Hui coming out of the room and said hello. Bai Hui had two bags under his eyes and didn't look like he was sleeping well.

"Is it possible that you haven't slept all this time and want to listen to something?" Liu Changan said regretfully for Bai Hui.

"No!" Bai Hui's cheeks were slightly red and she didn't sleep well. There was indeed such a reason, "I had two nightmares last night, and I couldn't fall asleep. I heard you working blindly in the yard. Just get up."

"I'll tell Annuan a story, she should sleep well."

"Telling stories?" Bai Hui wanted to sneer. A man and a woman living in the same room were actually telling stories? Coaxing the kids! But considering that this person is Liu Changan, this possibility is really possible.

"It's the story of a man who lives forever."

"Haha, if he is immortal, then he must have many women."


Liu Changan just said this, and of course he was not interested in telling Bai Hui a story. He continued to peel and sharpen the willow branches. In addition to being used for kebabs, willow branches are also good for grilling fish.

"I'm serious!"

"That's a vampire. In ancient wars, vampires would turn into bats and act as scouts. If you dream about bats, it's probably an early warning. You may never know when a vampire will bite your neck."

Bai Hui couldn't help but touch her neck, and then glared at Liu Changan angrily, "I'm going back to catch up on my sleep. There's no need to wake me up for breakfast."

"I wouldn't have called you in the first place." Liu Changan said strangely. It's not good to disturb other people's sleep.

Bai Hui stomped back to the room. After chatting with Miao Yingying last night, Bai Hui did not admit that she had some affection for Liu Changan. As expected, she was very honest and not pretentious at all.

Liu Changan raised his hand and waved towards the slightly opened window next door.

An Nuan opened the window a little more, her long hair slanted down, and she showed a somewhat charming and lazy smile, "You're flirting with a girl so early in the morning."

"If I were flirting with you, you would have gritted your teeth and inserted your fingers deeply into the wall." Liu Changan said with a smile.

"No way, I'm going to turn into a vampire and bite you!" An Nuan listened to the bat-like conversation between Liu Changan and Bai Hui just now, and naturally he wouldn't be angry. What satisfied An Nuan the most was Liu Changan's words "I originally I won’t call you.”

Really, only girlfriends can be associated with the words "wake me up". Bai Hui is too boring!

An Nuan is different. She is a truly pure and beautiful girl who always has a slightly shy smile.

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