I'm really immortal

Chapter 172 Kyushu Wind and Thunder Swordsman (P)

The morning air seems to be filled with extremely fine fresh beads. Taking a deep breath always makes people feel different.

Liu Changan looked at An Nuan from the window, his soft body leaning against the wall, his white neck hanging lazily, his head tilted, his long hair swaying, looking like a girl who always dressed up in school. It was different, she looked even more silky at this time.

Liu Changan put down the willow branch in his hand and pushed the door open. An Nuan took two steps back, holding the clothes he was going to change into, his cheeks slightly red, "What are you doing?"

"I want to know what it feels like to be bitten by a vampire. Quickly turn into a vampire and show me." Liu Changan looked at An Nuan. In fact, it is difficult for men to resist beautiful girls with long legs. Under An Nuan's short pajamas, The slender legs have a strong visual impact.

"Hmph, let me show you my tiger teeth, and you will know how powerful I am." An Nuan bit her lower lip, revealing two cute little tiger teeth, and frowned, like a majestic little tiger.

"It's not powerful at all, but it will increase the enemy's combat effectiveness, desire to win, strength, speed, reaction, and explosive power." Liu Changan waved his fists and pounded his chest, "I'm about to transform into King Kong!"

"I hate it! Get out now, I need to change clothes." An Nuan laughed out loud. When she was with her boyfriend, her laughter would become weaker.

"Do you want me to help? I read in many books that the back buckle of a girl's bra catches the flesh, the zipper cannot be pulled up, and the flesh is stuck. It is very dangerous and painful. Just in case, I It's better to stay." Liu Changan was very helpful.

"Hmph, this happens only to chubby girls like your Bai Fen." Of course, An Nuan can't directly say that other girls are fat. That would make him look mean. What a good word for chubby girls. , many boys like meaty ones.

"Oh, then be careful. If you are in danger, call me immediately. I can break through the wall to help you."

After Liu Changan finished speaking, he was about to leave, but An Nuan stopped him again, "By the way, last night I seemed to have talked about the Kyushu Wind and Thunder Swordsman going to sea, and then I fell asleep. What happened next?"

"The Kyushu Fenglei Swordsman went to sea this time. He was different from the past when he dug a hole in a piece of wood and used it as a ship. He prepared a fleet, one of which could be called a giant ship, carrying people ranging from ten to eighteen years old. Dozens of singing and dancing girls and maids..."

"Ten years old!" An Nuan said in disbelief.

"It's not like we did anything to her when she was only ten years old. Let's take care of her first."

"That's too young." An Nuan said angrily, "This is a perversion."

"In ancient times, women usually got married at the age of fifteen, mainly between fourteen and eighteen. In the Song Dynasty... Although some people criticize that women get married at an increasingly younger age, it is also a fact. More people get married at the age of twelve or thirteen. Gone. The Kyushu Wind and Thunder Swordsman just adopted many women with poor backgrounds, none of them are perverted or perverted..."

"He should be called the Great Pervert of Kyushu Fenglei, and there are dozens of them! Is he going to spread his seeds all over the world?"

Liu Changan coughed lightly, "In ancient times, there was a lack of entertainment, so things between men and women became more and more moving. Otherwise, why would there be so many poems about prostitutes, or for prostitutes?"

"Then this Jiuzhou Fenglei Swordsman, does he have a favorite girl? What does she look like? When these dozens of girls settle down, he must find one to be the main palace, otherwise there will be so many girls who are jealous and there will be no boss. How can that be done?" An Nuan was objectively and realistically thinking about the Kyushu Wind and Thunder Swordsman, although she really hoped that the Kyushu Wind and Thunder would strike down and kill the swordsman.

"Maybe it looks good."

"So what happened to these girls?"

"They're all dead."


"Except for the immortal Kyushu Wind and Thunder Swordsman, everyone else will definitely die, so they all died."

It turned out to be such a annihilation ending, An Nuan thought depressingly, how many people could survive in the palace fighting drama. In fact, when people fight against each other, there is always a winner or lose, but when people fight against time, there is always a defeat but no victory.

"Could it be that in the story of the Kyushu Wind and Thunder Swordsman, everyone else died and he was the only one left, and then he went to other places and met some new people, and so on?" An Nuan felt a little sympathetic to this person. He is a swordsman, so he must be either heartbroken or like a dead tree, and the ancient well will not waver.

"Yeah, isn't it very romantic?"

"You romantic idiot, go out, I really need to change my clothes."

Liu Changan went out.

The earthy smell of the crucian carp in the water tank has almost gone away. Instead of disemboweling it, I simply cut under the gills to take out the internal organs, rinsed off the fish blood, and then skewered the crucian carp on a willow branch.

Those who ate grilled crucian carp in the morning were the classmates who stayed last night. Except for Bai Hui who was catching up on his sleep, Bai Hui got up again when everyone had finished breakfast, played for a while and was about to leave.

Miao Yingying had carefully warned Gao Dewei that she had no intention of committing suicide, and Gao Dewei believed her.

An Nuan's football match today was in the afternoon, and Liu Changan went with her. They separated after the game. Although Liu Yuewang originally promised An Nuan not to call and urge her to go home when they were together, something different happened yesterday. Case.

"I asked a friend of mine yesterday, and he said that you can prevent it for a while, but you can't prevent it for a summer vacation. What's more, if a boy really wants to do those things, he must work hard, think of ways, be deliberate, and seize every opportunity." Liu Yuewang sighed and said helplessly, "He said the key is for girls to take protective measures themselves."

Even though he was at home, Liu Yuewang still looked around, quickly stuffed it into An Nuan's pocket, then clapped his hands in disgust, breathing a sigh of relief as if he had finally succeeded in framing the blame.

She passed by many adult product stores today, but she didn't have the courage to go in. After all, acquaintances might see them, and even strangers would feel ashamed if they saw them.

I finally thought of shopping online, and had the courier deliver it to the pick-up locker, and then I secretly picked it up myself, even using a backup phone number and a fake name.

"I don't have to!" An Nuan's cheeks were red. Although the mother-daughter relationship was far more like a friend than the mother-daughter relationship in an ordinary family, when her mother started to prepare for her, An Nuan was still okay. Feeling extremely ashamed.

"Already... already that?" Liu Yuewang looked at his precious daughter in surprise.

"No! As I said, he and I have never even kissed." An Nuan quickly stuffed the box back into Liu Yuewang's bag.

Liu Yuewang seemed to have received a hot potato, so he took it out and threw it to An Nuan.

The two of them threw it back and forth, and finally threw it into the trash can, finally feeling relieved.

Liu Yuewang thought to himself, even though there is no kiss now, is falling in love the solution to the problem? It has to be done step by step.

Even when solving problems, there is still a way to "skip this step".

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