I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 153: New Hammer?

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of tonight, the patreòn will be 3 chapters ahead. Writing 2 chapters before I go to sleep.


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As soon as Ronan gave the order, the small stadium of Kree soldiers opened fire. Thousands of laser bolts fired in Peters groups direction all at once.

Sadly for them, each of their targets swiftly dodged out of the way.

Tony activated his hand and feet thrusters and shot off into the air. Thankfully the ceiling was extremely tall in this portion of the ship.

As he ascended into the air, small hidden compartments on the Iron Man armor started opening up. Countless weapons appeared on Tony's body as his helmets HUD starts to lock on to a large portion of the Kree soldiers.

"Lock on engaged." Jarvis' voice echoes from his suit.

As the last Kree soldier was confirmed with a green square around them, Tony said a quick prayer in his head to whichever alien god they may follow.

"Fire!" Tony commands.

Instantly, countless bullets, rockets, and even a good amount of lasers were let loose at around 1/6th of the crowd.

Bullets pierced heads with expert accuracy. Bombs were strategically fired at areas that would reap the most lives. Lasers sliced through whole rows of blue men and woman, cutting them in half in a single moment.

Every target that the HUD locked onto was killed without a problem.

"Damn..." Peter muttered as he dodged the lasers and rushed toward Ronan, who was waiting with his hammer in hand. "Tony really upgraded his firepower, huh?"

Ronan, who watch all of this play out, was both shocked and enraged. The whole point of this little trap was to cut down the unnecessary losses that were taking place earlier.

Noticing the red and blue spider-themed man that was rushing challengingly towards him, Ronan turned his hatred and anger toward Peter.

"Once I'm finished with you intruders, I will cleanse your world with the might of Kree justice AND BURN IT TO ITS CORE!" Ronan bellowed as he gripped his hammer with two hands, preparing for a fight.

"Why are you yelling? You mad?" Peter comments as he kicks off the ground and launches at Ronan feet first.

Seeing this attack coming, as a hardened war veteran should, Ronan pointed his hammer at Peter and twisted it slightly.

Instantly, Peter could feel some sort of minor kinetic force collide with his leg, trying to snap his ankle before he could land his kick.

'Hm, what's that?' Peter thought as he eyed the Long-handled hammer in Ronan's hand.

Ronan is the wielder of a powerful hammer known as the Cosmi-Rod, which is a large staff-like war hammer. In addition to using it as a melee weapon, he can also fire some sort of force from it to attack his enemies.

Sadly for him, Peter's body is far too enhanced to be affected by some minor kinetic energy attack. All Ronan's attack did was push Peter's foot to the side a bit, though it was enough to throw his kick off course.

"Cool hammer." Peter comments as he flies past Ronan, missing his attack.

Though that didn't mean he couldn't recover.

Abandoning his original attack plan altogether, Peter pulled his fist back and punched Ronan square in his blue face as he passed by.

Ronan instantly dropped his hammer and launched off of his feet as he flew into the wall across the room, smacking into it with a loud metallic thud. The metal wall behind him dented inward as some blue blood dropped from his mouth, possibly due to internal injuries.

Of course, Ronan was a Kree blessed with enhanced Strength, durability, agility, etc., so one strike from Peter, which would kill any lesser man, was shrugged off after a few breaths.

Standing with the help of the wall behind him, Ronan seethed as he looked across the Arena, but couldn't find the man that sent him flying.

What he did see, however, only fed into his already explosive rage. Not only was Iron Man constantly raining death upon his fellow Kree, but Steve and Peggy stuck together and ran around the arena, slipping past laser fire and using Caps shield for cover when necessary.

Everywhere they would go, Steve would take care of the close-quarters fighting, while Peggy would stick close and use her new oversized pistols to decimate the more distant enemies.

Each time a loud bang would go off, a Kree soldier would drop to the ground with a .50 Caliber hole in their body.

Meanwhile, Fury stayed in his safe elevator, clinging to the wall. He would peak out on occasion and pick off as many Kree soldiers as he could before he drew too much attention and hid again.

This would repeat over and over, as Iron Man and the Super Soldier couple were good distractions for him.

"Looking for someone?" Ronan heard over his head and looks up.

Standing on the wall sideways with his arms crossed over his chest, Peter looks down at Ronan with an air of amusement.

"I can tell it angers you that your men keep dying." Peter says as the vengeful and rage-fueled look on Ronan's face was prominent. "How about you surrender and we won't kill anymore Kree? Of course, they would have to surrender as well."

"..." Ronan silently seethed as the man above him offered him a way out. "Surrender is for the weak and the Kree are not weak!"

He exclaimed and rushed to his hammer, which was only a few meters away.

"You asked for it, I guess..." Peter mutters as he bends and launches himself off into the air.

Just as Ronan was about to bend down and swipe his hammer off the floor, Peter flew over him and shot a web. As the web stuck to Ronan's trusted weapon, Peter yanked it back.

Ronan could do nothing but watch as his hammer was stolen before his very eyes.

"As I said before, this is a cool hammer." Peter says as he lands in front of Ronan and twirls the staff-like hammer around his fingers. "I used to have a better one, but I had to return it... I think I'll keep it this time though. After all, the dead have no use for material things, right?"

Peter says as Ronan's heart began to beat erratically as throbbing veins start to appear on his blue face.

Ronan was pissed off when Thanos called him 'boy' and treated him as a child. He was also pissed off when his grunts died pointlessly, but this was a whole other level.

Kill him?

Ronan has destroyed entire worlds, yet this masked buffoon wanted to kill him?

"You think that you could kill me?" Ronan asks as if it were impossible. "I am Ronan the Accuser! I have brought reckoning to more planets and peoples than anyone can count! You're nothing but some enhanced ape from a backwater world..."

'Hmm, how did he do it again?' As Ronan was ranting, Peter ignored his every word and pointed the staff forward. "Is it just a movement?"

Twisting it slightly as Ronan did, a kinetic force fired from the staff-like hammer.

*Snap crack!*

The force seemed to connect with the ranting Ronan's neck, twisting it at an odd angle with a sickening sound.

Before he could finish his long-winded rant, Ronan toppled over onto the cold hard metal arena floor.


"Well, I gave him a chance..." Peter muttered as he walks over to check for any vital signs.

Although Peter was able to pretty much bat away the kinetic attack earlier, the same couldn't be said for Ronan. Comparatively, Ronan's enhanced body was far weaker than someone like Spider-Man.

The whole arena stilled and the fighting paused as every Kree soldier looked over to see Peter check the pulse of their downed leader.

"He's dead." Peter confirmed loud enough for all to hear. "The rest of you can either follow in his footsteps or surrender and be spared. Choose wisely."

The whole Arena descended into silence as the Avengers gave the Kree soldiers a moment to decide whether they wanted to live or die.

If they chose wisely, as Peter said, the surviving Kree would be imprisoned. At least until Peter could figure out what to do with them.

Of course, the only other option was death.

Soon, the first soldier dropped his rifle and held his hands up.

This triggered a widespread chain reaction as one by one more Kree began to surrender.

"Traitors!" One Kree yelled as he turned his gun on his own comrades and fired.

Seeing this, other radical Kree started joining in as a sort of civil war broke out between those that wanted to surrender and those that would rather die.

"Jarvis, lock on..." Tony Commander as his HUD highlighted all of the people that refused to surrender. "Fire."

With one last volley, Tony swiftly dropped the more radical half of their impromptu civil.

The surviving Kree looked at the dead bodies of their former comrades in both shame and relief.

Shame that they gave up in order to preserve their lives, and relief that they weren't the ones dead on the floor.

"Team 1, this is team 2." Charles' voice suddenly sounds through Peter's earpiece. "We've taken control of our first ship and captured about a quarter of the aliens onboard."

"We've done the same." Erik speaks next, without any form of radio etiquette. "Though I'm afraid we've taken no prisoners on our end."

"That's fine." Peter holds his hand to his ear and says with a shrug. "Here."

Waving his hand, Peter opens portals for the two teams to move on to the next ships on the list.

"3 ships down, 17 more to go."

A/N: 1623 words


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