I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 154: Clean Up

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While the two other teams started their assault on the next ships, Peter and his team started the clean-up process.

Someone needed to deal with the remaining Kree soldiers, after all. There's no doubt in Peter's mind that they would probably try and escape if left to their own devices.

Especially since the alternative would be leaving them in their own escape vehicles.

"This isn't as fun as I thought it would be..." Tony says as he and the others escort the surrendered Kree through Peter's portals and into the Avengers Tower Detainment floor.

Just as he was saying this, the comms in their ears sounded off.

"Team 2 has captured our second ship with prisoners once again." Charles informs them.

"Same here." Erik says only seconds after. "We spared a few this time as well."

"Good job, portals incoming." Peter says as he waves his hand and more portals appear, Including one in front of Tony and the rest of his team. "Go ahead, I know you want to."

"What?" Steve asks in confusion.

"Well, maybe not you, but I know that Tony wants to fight more aliens, so go capture another ship." Peter says in a resigned tone as he gestures to the portal. "I can handle the prisoners myself."

"Yes!" Tony says excitedly as his helmet's face mask snaps shut. "Thanks, tingles!"

"Hey! I told you about my spider senses in confidence." Peter protests jokingly as Tony shoots off into the portal, ready for a fight.

"Should we follow him?" Steve asks as Peggy huffs in annoyance.

"Let's go before he gets himself killed..." Unholstering her pistols, Peggy steps through the portal followed by Steve.

Fury was currently preoccupied, so he wouldn't be joining them.

"Have fun, I guess." Peter shrugs as he continued escorting prisoners from multiple ships.

Thankfully, the other ships haven't been notified of what's happening so far, or else they would probably escape as quickly as possible.

This is all thanks to Peter, who convinced the Kree on the Flagship to send out some fake messages. After all, the flagship is where all the orders come from in the first place.

After sending these messages, which kept all of the Kree in the other 20 ships calm, they cut the communications between the ships, making it only possible for them to get information from the Flagship, which Peter already had under complete control.

Meaning, no one outside the flagship knew that their glorious leader Ronan the Accuser is dead. Though they do know that three of the ships had some unforeseen intruders, as Peter didn't have control at the time that information was circulated.

Of course, Peter was sure to inform the other ships that the intruders were dealt with, before warning each ship to be on the lookout for any more possible stowaways.

After all, he had to make sure everything was believable.

'It's not like they have a chance...' Peter thought uncaringly.

Of course, after misinforming all of those ships, Peter left Fury with the Kree in charge of communications. These Kree would be imprisoned with the rest when they weren't useful anymore.

Of course, he had his new favorite weapon in hand, the Kree laser rifle.

'Who better to leave in charge of their misinformation tactics than a super spy?' Peter thought, reassured by this choice.

With the best of the best running disinformation for them, the war continued, but by this point, it was more of a one-sided steamrolling.

'It's too bad that I'm stuck here doing grunt the work...' Peter thought as he continued managing portals and escorting prisoners to the detainment floor.

As the Kree would flood through the portals, Peter made sure that they saw two things specifically. These two things immediately squash any thoughts of rebellion from their minds.

First, as Peter escorted the Kree like a warden of a prison, he held Ronan's hammer in hand for all to see.

Instantly, the idea of being saved by Ronan the Accuser became doubtful, as all other ships didn't know about his death.

Second, displayed on the floor beside the portal leading to the detainment floor was the cold and lifeless body of their leader, immediately proving that planted doubt in their minds.

Thanks to this small tactic of his, Peter only had to deal with some small defiance here and there. No large-scale riots took place, which he was thankful for.

Of course, Peter could have handled that, though he probably would have had to kill some of them in the process.

After all, Charles and his team left a lot of the Kree alive, but luckily, Erik's group seemed to offset this as they emptied their first ship of all life, and then started leaving a few alive so as not to look bad.


Hours later and the last ship was under their control. Peter spent all of these hours stuck as a babysitter for blue aliens.

'I need to find another Avenger that can be the portal b*tch for occasions like this.' Peter thought as he finished locking up the last of the Kree.

Sighing in relief as he returned to the Flagship, Peter found the battle-hardened Avengers standing in the observation deck, watching the world below in silence.

Everyone seemed to be in one piece, though that was hard to tell for both Logan and Victor, who were both covered in blue blood.

"Woah, you two look like someone spilled paint all over you." Peter comments as he can smell the odd-scented alien blood wafting off of them. "You could have been less messy, you know?"

"Ugh..." They both grunt and don't bother answering, as Peter wasn't the first one to say something like that.

"That's what we all said." Tony states with a nod as he keeps his distance from the two.

"Are the prisoners detained?" Fury asks.

"Yeah, though we may need to expand our prison by another floor or two. We're currently at capacity." Peter says with a tired sigh.

It's been a while since Peter has gotten some rest, as he was rudely interrupted by Tony, so dealing with the boring grunt work has only made him miss his nice warm bed even more.

"What should we do with these ships?" Charles asks from his wheelchair.

"Hmm, we'll have to learn how to fly them before anything else..." Peter says thoughtfully.

"We could try to connect Jarvis to their systems." Tony offers with an excited look on his face. "He should be able to learn the controls instantly."

"What if it's all in an alien language?" Peter asks as he contemplates that idea.

"I think he can figure it out..." Tony says with a shrug.

"Fine, you work on that." Peter says as he turns back to the other Avengers. "The rest of you can return to the tower and relax."

"What about you?" Tony asks before getting to work. "Off to bed?"

"No, I have a planet full of people to calm down." Peter says as he sighs in annoyance. "We don't need any nukes launched at our new ships after all."

Receiving a sympathetic nod from Tony as he gets to work, Peter waves his hand and leaves with the rest of the Avengers.

Only Tony remained on the Flagship.

"Are we sure it's a good idea to leave him in space, alone?" Charles asks as the portal closes behind them.

"Yeah, won't he drift off or something?" Clint speaks up as well.

"No, he'll be fine." Peter says with a shake of his head. "The ships are all in orbit, so they won't just fly off. Unless he does something stupid..."


Back in space.

"Okay, Jarvis." Tony says as he looks between all of the alien controls panels. "Let's take this all apart and make a port to connect you."

As he didn't have any of his tools, Tony used his Iron man suit the rip the control panels apart and study the insides. Sparks fly as he tears apart the control room without a care for any of the possible consequences.


"...but Tony's smarter than that." Peter says as many Avengers give him skeptical looks. "... Yeah, you're right. I'll check on him once I'm done calming the masses."

"Good idea." Fury nods.

"Alright, off I go." Peter says as he turns to Fury. "Can you start questioning our new alien guests? We could use all of the information we can get."

"Yeah, I'll start now." Fury nods as he walks out of the room followed by Natasha and Clint.

Leaving the rest of the Avengers to do as they pleased, Peter left the room and took out his phone. Checking twitter as he maneuvered through the Towers halls, Peter found everyone freaking out about Ronan's message.

'I should have posted something earlier.' Peter sighed as he wrote a tweet.



Press conference at Avengers Tower in 30mins.


Just as things were calming down on Earth, the Chitauri army soared through empty space, trying their best to catch up to the faster Kree army.

[10 hours, 23 minutes, and 39 seconds]

A/N: 1522 words


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