I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 155: Countdown

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of tonight, the patreòn will be 3 chapters ahead. Writing 2 chapters before I go to sleep.


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[9 hours, 40 minutes, 52 seconds]

Standing at a podium in a room filled with cameras and microphones, which were all pointed in his direction by various members of the press, Peter started explaining the latest mission that the Avengers undertook.

"Hello, everyone." Peter says as he waves, his image being broadcast across the world.

Before locking up the Kree that helped spread misinformation for them, Peter had them shut down the replaying message that looped all over Earth. If he didn't, then this whole press conference would be blocked, making the whole thing pointless.

"I'm going to get straight to the point and then leave to deal with other things, so listen up." Peter says as he was too tired to deal with the questions of hungry reporters. "The alien army that was threatening our planet through our TVs and radios has been dealt with. They were in orbit around our planet, waiting to invade. We, the Avengers, acted quickly and launched an attack before they could enter Earth's atmosphere, as that would keep all of you away from the fighting..."

The world was shocked, as most people didn't actually believe in an alien invasion. They thought it was some sort of hoax orchestrated by some hacker or something.

Even hearing the words from Spider-Mans mouth didn't sway many of them, as it was just too outlandish of a tale.

Peter went into a little more detail and explained about the Kree and Ronan the Accuser, though he didn't say much more before walking off stage.

"That's it for now. When we have more information, either I or Tony will call another one of these." Peter says as he waves and walks off. 'I can hear my bed calling for me...'

"Wait!" One of the more loud mouth reporters yells as they step in front of the crowd. "You really expect us to just believe all of this without a single shred of proof?"

This seemed to insight the other reporters and journalists in the crowd, as they all started shouting their own questions.

'I said no questions, didn't I?' Peter thought in annoyance as he sighed and walked back to the podium and glared at the crowd under his mask. "Quiet."

Peter didn't raise his voice, but the annoyed tone along with the dangerous feeling he was radiating at the moment seemed to scare the crowd into silence.

"Tony is currently doing his best to figure out how to fly the Kree ships that we commandeered..." Peter says with complete confidence.


In space.

Sparks go flying as Tony sat in the middle of hundreds of alien wires from the destroyed control panels of the flagship.

"Hmm, not that one either..." Tony mutters to himself as the lights on the ship suddenly shut down, leaving him in darkness. "That's not good."


"...I'm sure that many of you will see them when we bring them down to Earth. As for other forms of proof, we have many survivors from the battle that are currently detained and undergoing interrogation as we speak. Maybe we'll release some recordings from these interrogations later." Peter says with a shrug, shutting down the doubters for the moment. "Now, I have to get back to the Tower. See yah."

This time, the crowd was silent as Peter walked off stage, leaving them with the idea that Aliens actually may have planned on attacking them.

The same could be said for many around the world as well.


[8 hours, 49 minutes, 39 seconds]

In a dark interrogation room in the Tower, Fury sat across from a chained Kree soldier, neither said a word as Fury just stared at him in silence.

Using his plethora of experience, Fury first set his sights on the more cooperative Kree, dragging them in and out, looking for the one that would either brag about themselves or break and start spilling everything.

Either way, he would get the information they needed.

He could have just started torturing the Kree, as they weren't humans or from Earth, so technically, they had no human rights.

'Too bad Torture is unreliable...' Fury thought as he waited for the Kree before him to speak first, continuing the staring contest.

Torture in interrogation yields poor information, as the victim would say, and admit to anything just to make the pain stop.

Not to mention the fact that it sweeps up many innocents. The soldier your drowning, cutting, or starving could just be a man that was drafted and forced into service.

The possibility of torturing an innocent prisoner just wasn't worth it.

Though there is a time and a place for torture tactics, though that's in extreme and dire circumstances, but this wasn't one of those situations.

"Are you just going stare at me all day?" The Kree finally asked.

"Yes, now why did you come to my planet?" Fury answered and throws out his first question.

"..." The Kree man stays quiet, refusing to answer.

"Was it actually the Tesseract? Or was that just a ploy Ronan cooked up, so he could justify invading a peaceful world?" Fury asks pointedly.

"Justification?" The Kree laughs as the chains tying him down rattle. "We do not care whether your world is peaceful or not. The Kree take what they want. The question is whether the other party hands it over respectfully, or well... you heard Ronan's words in the message."

"Yeah, but he's dead now." Fury comments as he places a picture of Ronan's dead body on the table.

Instantly, the Kree prisoner starts to glare as he looked toward the picture of his former leader. Ronan's head was snapped sideways and a bone could be seen poking through his neck.

"For some big bad alien warlord, your leader died almost instantly." Fury says, purposefully angering the alien across from him. "It was so anticlimactic too. He was ranting about how he couldn't die, then my comrade used Ronan's own weapon against him and snapped his neck like a twig."

This Kree was from a separate ship, so he was just learning about what happened to Ronan.

"You know nothing about Ronan the Accuser!" The Kree seethed as he pulled on his restraints, trying to attack Fury who was completely unfazed. "He is the perfect Kree. Ronan embodies all of our most sacred ancient customs."

"Well, I think you mean he was the perfect Kree." Fury continues poking at a hornet's nest. "Truthfully, from your explanation of him, I was expecting more. After all, he died so easily..."

"Shut your mouth you dirty ape!" The Kree bellowed hatefully as he strains against his chains.


"You know, I've been called some pretty racist sh*t by a lot of humans, but never an alien." Fury commented as he found this scenario entertaining.

Watching from the cameras, Natasha and Clint couldn't help but gape at what the Kree said.

"Can an alien even be racist?" Natasha asks with a thoughtful look.

"Probably, but I think he was throwing that insult at all humans, not just well... you know." Clint replies as they go back to watching the monitor.

Seeing that the man before him found his outburst funny, the Kree continues to thrash against his restraints for a moment before finally giving up.

*heavy breathing*

"You think... it's over, don't you?" The Kree says as he catches his breath. "You think... your planet safe?"

"..." Fury doesn't answer and waits for him to explain.

"We were only the first to arrive." The Kree says with a triumphant smile. "When Thanos' army descends on this pitiful planet, you apes wont stand a chance."

"Who's Thanos?" Fury asks but the smug Kree refused to speak any further.


[5 hours, 20 minutes, 55 seconds]

A golden portal opens in the dark Flagship's control room, illuminating the destruction that Tony inflicted on the poor ship.

"What the..." Peter mutters as he steps through.

A few seconds after he stepped through, the lights suddenly flicker back on, lighting up the whole place.

"Yes!" Tony yells as his head pops up from below the floor. "Let there be light!"

"I see that you've trashed the place..." Peter reveals himself as his portal closes behind him.

"Oh, Peter! Where have you been?" Tony uses Peter's real name, as no one else was around.

"I had a press conference to calm the masses and took a quick power nap." Peter reveals as he looks around the destroyed room. "Otherwise I may have snapped upon seeing this mess."

"Well, I have to connect Jarvis somehow..." Tony says with a shrug.

"Right..." Peter says as the speakers in the ship go off.

"jotlhmeH mughwI' ghaH jatlh Hol, qI' Hol, pagh Hoch ghItlh, ghob'e' wa'DIch SoH. vaj 'ej ghItlh 'ay', jatlh 'ay' qI' 'ay' agh' 'ej ghob'e' DaSov. mughmeH Segh Hoch ghob'e'!" A weird angry-sounding alien language plays through the ship's control room.

"Where is that coming from?" Peter asks as Tony looks at the mess around the room.

"I have no idea."

A/N: 1502 words


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