I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 191: Instigating

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"YOU DUMB MOTHERF*CKER!" A familiar loud and angry voice projects from the door. "GET YOUR A#S OUT HERE!"

Hearing Fury banging on his door like the police, as he yelled for blood, Peter couldn't help but sigh and look toward Grace with blaming eyes.

"You had to call him?" Peter asked as he wondered what he should do. 'Should I just mess with him like always?'

"I thought that our daughter was having a baby!" Grace exclaims in defense.

"..." May had no words, as she sat back and enjoyed the show.

If Peter was a normal teenager, then May would be worried and probably call the police, but Fury couldn't hurt him if he tried. The lack of danger turned this situation into a sort of drama for her to follow as a third party.

Grace would be watching alongside her if it wasn't her big mouth that started all of this.

'Well, technically MJ started it...' Peter thought as he planned his inevitable revenge. 'Maybe I'll tie her up tonight?'

"DON'T MAKE ME BREAK THIS DOOR DOWN!" Fury yelled as no one answered his call.

For a moment, Peter had the idea to leave this mess to Grace, who was stupid enough to believe MJ was pregnant, and tell her very angry and dangerous father all about it.

'You know what?' Peter thought as he walked over to the front door. 'Let's just use this as an opportunity to mess with Fury.'

"What are you doing?!" Grace yells from behind. "Don't open the-"

Before she could finish speaking, he unlocked the door and pulled it open, and as soon as the door was wide open, Peter's spider senses started going off.

Instantly, without a second thought, Peter ducked down just in time for a large caliber bullet to fly over his head and tear through a few walls in the house before coming to a stop in a wooden bookshelf.

"Nick!" Grace yelled in shock as she rushed over and snatched a smoking revolver out of Fury's hand. "Have you gone mad?!"

Turning to the damaged wall behind him and then back to Fury, Peter sighed in annoyance.

"You're paying for the repairs." Peter says as he tried his best to look shaken by his near-death experience. 'It's too bad that I can't retaliate as Peter Parker, or else Fury would be flying across the street right now.'

"Sure, let me pay for your funeral as well!" Fury says as he pulls a knife from his belt and steps toward Peter.

"Then who's going to take care of your new grandchild?" Peter says with a smirk as he hides behind Grace.

"Grace, out of the way." Fury says as he grinds his teeth. "MJ can be a single mother. We'll support her."

"What? No!" Grace refuses as she puts her hands up. "This is all just a big misunderstanding-"

"Listen, a child needs their father." Peter doesn't let Grace explain anything, as he wanted to mess with Fury for a bit longer. "What are you going to tell them when Father's Day comes around?"

"That their father was a drug-addicted criminal, who ran away like a coward." Fury says as he tried to maneuver around Grace, but Peter would constantly move, keeping Grace between them at all times. "Now stand still and die like a man!"

"No thanks." Peter says as he kept himself out of reach. "Why don't we all calm down and head out to buy some baby clothes? After that we can plan out the design for the nursery as well."

With every word out of Peter's mouth, Fury grew angrier and angrier.

Suddenly, the knife in Fury's hand flew over Grace's shoulder and embedded into the wall, only inches away from Peter's face.

"..." Fury clicked his tongue in annoyance at his near miss

"Let's all just calm down..." Grace tries to speak again.

"Don't you tell me to calm down!" Fury's agro instant turned toward his wife. "If anything, this is your fault as well!"

"What?" Grace asks in confusion.

"You let our daughter do whatever she wants! Really? Sleeping at her boyfriend's house. Did you think that this would never happen?" Fury starts ranting as he takes out his cell phone. "Now MJ is pregnant and you have the nerve to leave some happy message on my phone."

'Oh, you won't believe it, Nick... Our daughter is having a baby! We're going to be grandparents.' After a few button presses, Grace's joyful voice plays through Fury's phone.

As the voicemail recording ended, the look that appeared on Grace's face was anything but joyous.

"You want to lecture me on parenting?" She asks sarcastically with a revolver still in hand. "How about you become a parent and then talk to me."

Instantly, the wind disappeared from Fury's sails, as he had no rebuttal for her. He wasn't much of a father and rarely has time to visit, not to mention the fact that he literally abandoned them for years.

Grace truly hit him right where it hurts the most.

"As for our daughter's pregnancy, that was just a big misunderstanding." Grace finally revealed. "She isn't pregnant."

As soon as those words left her mouth, Fury looked at Peter and saw a big smirk on his face.

'This motherf*cker...' Fury cursed internally as he realized that Peter has been f#cking with him this entire time.

"But if she was pregnant, I don't see anything wrong with being happy about it." Grace says with a pointed look. "Now leave before I learn how to use this..."

Bringing the gun in her hand upwards, Grace threatens Fury with a menacing look.

"..." Knowing that he shouldn't anger his wife any longer, Fury makes his way to the door, though he has some parting words for Peter. "See you soon, kid."

Before Peter could reply with some sort of smart a*s remark, Fury slammed the door shut and took his leave.

"That went well." Peter says as he walks off to the kitchen.

"Where do you think you're going?" Grace says as she holds up her gun and takes aim.

*Bang bang bang...*

Out of nowhere, Grace started unloading the revolver at Peter's back.

Of course, he dodged each shot with ease and turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow in confusion.

"That was for instigating." Grace says as she tosses the empty pistol away and marches over to the couch.

Obviously, she knew that Peter wouldn't get shot. She just needed a bit of revenge for his contribution to turning that situation into an absolute train wreck.

"Yes ma'am." Peter says with a salute as he walks off into the kitchen. 'I need to call a drywall guy to come to fix these bullet holes...'


Later that night, as MJ returned from her mission and snuck into Peter's bedroom through the window, her spider senses surprisingly started ringing.

Sadly for her though, she wasn't fast enough to do anything about it, as golden whips made of Eldritch energy wrapped around her wrists and ankles and locked them tightly into place.

Before MJ could even think, she was pulled into the room and tumbled onto the floor.

"Someone has been very naughty..." Peter says as he stands over MJ with a sadistic look on his face.

"P-Peter, what's going on?" MJ does her best to play dumb.

"Your parents came here today." Peter explains as MJ's eyes widen. "Your mother wanted to question me about your sudden pregnancy, while your father just wanted to kill me. Though both of them shot at me with a revolver."

"Ummm, oops?" MJ says with a shaky smile.

Truthfully, MJ didn't know that her father was informed, though she hoped her mother would give him a hard time.

After all, she wanted revenge for the cyber daughter that was just dropped into her lap.

"You know, there's going to be punishment, right?" Peter asks as he looks down at her with a heated gaze. 'Damn, I did a good job making her suit.'

Immediately, MJ started crawling away as she knew where this was going.

"Where are you going? Take your punishment like a man." Peter says as he walks over and starts dragging her to the bed.

"Never!" MJ refuses as she continues to struggle, though her heart wasn't really in it.

At the end of the day, she wouldn't mind taking some punishment. In fact, it sounded like a fun night.

Especially after she received her powers.

Before, MJ had trouble with Peters unending Libido, but now she could keep up for a lot longer.


"Aaahh!" MJ moaned as Peter threw her in bed and smacked her a*s with enough power to kill a normal person.

"Let's see how long you can last..."

A/N: 1472 words :)


[💎I am the stones of my fanfic.

Gem is my body and lava is my blood.

I have written over a thousand words.

Unaware of loss, only aware of gain.

Withstood pain to create stories.

Waiting for the stones arrival.

I have no regrets. This is the only path.

My whole life is begging for stones💎]

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