I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 192: Walk of Shame

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After his encounter with MJ's angry father, Fury didn't show his face to Peter for a while. Of course, Spider-Man saw the man almost every day, as they worked together.

Though Fury seemed to be in a horrible mood for the first few days after their little encounter.

'I would too if my daughter's boyfriend kept f*cking with me, and I couldn't do a damn thing about it...' Peter thought as he watched Fury flip out on Tony almost constantly.


With the reports filed and each remaining AIM base raided, Peter officially closed the case of Aldrich Killian and his Extremis army.

After everything was said and done, all conspirators were detained and even a few surviving Extremis users were captured as well.

Of course, it's almost impossible to catch an Extremis user, as they have a tendency to explode before running out of energy and burning through any bindings, so the rare few that survived were those that turned themselves in.

These enhanced individuals are currently undergoing both mental and physical testing. Both to see if they can be recruited into the Avengers and to make sure they don't die a very explosive death.

Professor Xavier is handling the mental side of things, while Tony, Banner, and Beast were working on the Extremis side with the help of Doctor Hansen, as she knew everything about her own creation.

Maya has moved into the tower alongside her son, who just so happened to be around the same age as her and Tony's one-night stand, which took place almost 13 years ago.

'I'm not getting involved in that...' Peter thought and wondered if he should call Jerry Springer for a paternity test.

With the Killian situation finished, Peter knew that he had some breathing room before the next big bad guy came along.

'Well, Killian isn't exactly a big bad guy.' Peter thought as he couldn't help but compare the man and his combustible army to Malekith and his army of Dark Elves that should be next in line to arrive.

The Dark Elves are one the oldest known species in existence, hailing from the realm Svartalfheim. They are one of the mortal enemies of the Asgardians, the other, of course, being the Frost Giants.

Some members of their race have been shown to have the fortitude to wield an Infinity Stone.

The Reality Stone...

They are now presumed to be critically endangered as a species or even extinct, though Peter knew that they would rear their ugly heads soon enough.

As Peter was thinking of the coming events of Thor: The Dark World, Pepper came walking out of Tony's workshop with disheveled clothing and an odd gate in her step.

In fact, she is wearing the same clothes from yesterday...

Pepper looked around cautiously, as she closed the door behind her and started pacing away.

"Is this what they call the walk of shame?" Peter asks as he appears in front of her.

Pepper froze like a dear in headlights, shocked that she was caught so quickly.

Peter came to check on Tony but based on Pepper's late exit and messy appearance...

'Tony must be doing just fine.' Peter thought as he had the urge to go in there and give his friend a thumbs up.

After all, Tony has been vying for Pepper for a while now, so it was good to see some actual progress after so long.

"I-I..." Pepper was lost for words.

"You know, I didn't know that Tony had a bed in his workshop..." Peter says with a fake thoughtful look.

"He doesn't! What are you assuming?" Pepper denied as she finally found her voice.

"Well, if he doesn't have a bed, then you two must have stayed up all night down there..." Peter says as his smirk grew, though no one could see it. "What were you two doing awake all night?"

"T-Thats none of your business!" Pepper exclaims as she storms off with an embarrassed blush on her cheeks.

Chuckling to himself, Peter punched in his code and entered Tony's workshop. Descending the stairs, he was greeted by a half-naked Stark sipping coffee and smiling like a loon.

"I would ask what caused your mood to flip from depression to idiotic bliss, but I saw Pepper doing the walk of shame upstairs." Peter says, snapping Tony out of his happy trance.

"I just had the best night of my life." Tony admits almost instantly. "Nothing you say can bring me down right now."

"Good for you, buddy." Peter says as he waves his hand in front of his nose. "But maybe put on some clothes and air this place out a bit. It smells like babymaking in here."

Taking a few sniffs to verify, Tony couldn't help but agree and hit a few buttons. Instantly, some industrial-grade air purifiers got to work, silently pumping air out while also introducing new clean air back in.

Within seconds the smell started to fade away.

"So what brings you here?" Tony asks as he starts getting dressed.

"No reason." Peter says with a shake of his head. "I just came to make sure you were alright, but it seems that Pepper took extra special care of you."

"Oh, she sure did..." Tony says as he sits back down and relaxes in his computer chair.

"And it only took some maniac blowing himself up in front of you." Peter jokes, completely ruining Tony's happy mood.

"Hey, she would have given in sooner or later." Tony tries to defend himself as he turns to see a folder on the home screen of his Pc and remembers something. "Actually, it's good that you're here."

Tony instantly changes the subject as he opens the folder with a click and turns his monitor to Peter.

"Take a look at this." Tony says as he double-clicks a video file.

Suddenly, the screen filled and a video from a fairly high-quality security camera played, showing a black-haired woman walking alongside a very familiar man.

Loki Odinson.

What was interesting about the whole video was the fact that Loki was being used as a sort of pack mule. He was carrying two good size boxes and a stuffed backpack.

Not only that, but he even seemed to follow after this unknown woman like some sort of lost puppy.

'Jessica Jones?' Peter immediately recognized the woman. 'I didn't expect them to meet...'

"Jarvis found Thor's brother about a week ago, but I forgot to tell you." Tony says as he sends everything in the folder to Peter's phone. "There, now you have everything."

As his phone goes off, Peter whipped it out and quickly gave everything a once over.

"Thanks, maybe I'll go visit our city's resident prince." Peter says as he stashed his phone away. "Want to join me?"

"I'd love to, but I didn't exactly sleep much last night and I have a date tonight." Tony says as the idiotic look of bliss appears on his face once again.

"With Pepper?" Peter asks.

"Who else?" Tony raised an eyebrow as if that was a dumb question.

"Just checking..."


As Peter left the tower and swung through the city toward Alias Investigations, he wondered whether he should start recruiting the Defenders early.

The Defenders are a future team of four street-based superheroes who banded together to save New York City from the Hand.

Matt Murdock, also known as Daredevil. The man that was trained by Stick, as he has the same impairment as the old man.

Jessica Jones, also known as Jewel. A woman who once dreamed of being a superhero, but sadly, that dream was crushed by a mind-controlling r*pist.

Luke Cage, also known as Power Man. A wrongfully convicted criminal, who escaped from prison after receiving superpowers from some off the books experiments.

Last but certainly not least. Danny Rand, also known as The Iron Fist. A billionaire orphan, who was lucky enough to be rescued by monks after his parents' deaths and taken to the fabled K'un-Lun, where he was trained and later received the coveted title of Iron Fist.

All of these people would later come together and become a lower-budget version of the Avengers, though that may not happen anymore.

'Without the Hand as an enemy to bring them together, the Defenders most likely wouldn't exist in this world.' Peter thought as he arrived at Alias Investigations and rang the buzzer. 'Although the Defenders won't exist, that doesn't mean they can't form up as a team under the Avengers.'

Within a minute, Peter was buzzed in and the door in front of him unlocked. Alias Investigations was just a small office in an old building, so he would have to take the elevator upwards.

As the elevator opened, Peter was surprised to find a familiar face waiting for his arrival, like a dutiful secretary.

"Are you the new client-" Loki starts to speak but freezes in surprise.

"Hey there, Loki." Peter says as he walks out and pats the former prince of Asgard on the shoulder. "How has mortal life been treating you?"

A/N: 1529 words :)


[Stones? Pls? I'm too lazy today...]

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