I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 197: Love & Death

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"Why didn't I think of that?" Peter muttered, but he would soon regret speaking altogether.

As soon as Loki heard Peter's words, he smirked tauntingly in his direction. After all, he rarely gets any wins like this these days.

"Don't you know magic, Spider?" Loki says provokingly. "Shouldn't you have a spell for this?"

"..." Peter sighed in annoyance as he walked up to the cell and pressed a hand on the glass. "Just wait patiently on the side. We both know that you won't be of any help in this department."

Loki's eye twitched in frustration as a golden spell circle appeared on the glass wall of the cell.

Both Jessica and Kilgrave watched in shock as neither knew that Spider-Man had such powers. Though Jessica was also curious as to why Loki reacted so negatively to Peter's words.

'Could Loki actually use magic at one point?' Jessica thought as she wondered if Loki was telling the truth all of this time.

In this version of the MCU, Thor hasn't been able to fight alongside the Avengers, as he was busy running one of the universe's most powerful alien civilizations, nor is Loki the widely hated villain his movie counterpart was, as he never became Thanos' lackey and attacked earth, so Asgard isn't exactly known to the general public.

Loki's ravings about being the magical prince of some godly country were beyond impossible to believe.

Especially when he didn't have his powers as a sort of proof.

While Jessica was reevaluating the many unbelievable things that Loki has told her up until now, the golden spell circle finished forming and shrunk into the size of a small coin.

"W-What is that?!" Kilgrave stutters as he steps back in fear.

"Magic." Peter answers simply as the penny-sized spell shot into the prison cell, aimed directly at Kilgrave's open mouth.

Kilgraves eyes go wide as the golden wisp shoots into his mouth faster than he could react.

Suddenly, a searing pain burns his tongue.

"Aaaaahhhh!" Kilgrave screamed in pain, showing the golden penny-sized spell that was now branded into his tongue.

Surprisingly, his pain-filled wailing disappeared in seconds, as if someone pressed the mute button on a TV.

When the pain finally lessened, Kilgrave noticed the lack of sound coming from his mouth. Trying to speak, his lips moves but not a single sound is released.

Instantly, Kilgrave starts screaming as he does anything to hear his own voice again.

As the reality of the situation set in, the look that appeared on Kilgraves face matched the perfect definition of despair.

Without his voice, everything Kilgrave has enjoyed and taken for granted all of these years will vanish into dust.

"Oh, that expression is exquisite." Loki comments with a smirk on his face.

"..." Although Jessica wasn't one to revel in the pain and misery of others, she couldn't help but agree with her sadistic assistant. "Isn't this enough?"

Everyone's attention was drawn from Kilgrave and toward Jessica, who had a reluctant look on her face.

"Can we just kill him?" She turns to Peter and asks.

"If that's what you want." Peter answers with an uncaring shrug.

"What?" Loki starts to whine like a child. "But I have so many techniques to put to use..."

"I-I've never tortured somebody before." Jessica explains herself with a nervous stutter. "I don't think I could even watch something like that."

As soon as the time came to actually pull some teeth and carve some flesh, reality set in, and the heroic good-natured girl, who once dreamed of being a superhero, started to surface.

"Fine..." Loki says, as he would never force her to commit such an act unwillingly. "But we're still going to kill him though, right?"

"..." Jessica's hands started shaking upon hearing Loki's words.

"If you don't want to, that's fine." Peter says as he walks over to the side of the cell, where a panel full of buttons could be seen. "I can always put him down painlessly."

With a single button press, the cell could be filled with a toxic gas, which would induce sleep and slowly kill any living being inside with every lung-filled breath.

"..." Loki didn't look happy, but he didn't say anything and left the decision up to Jessica.

"I can't do it!" Jessica exclaimed as she rushed out of the hall.

"Huh, I didn't expect her to act so...cute." Peter says as his image of the bad*ss Jessica Jones was completely ruined. 'I thought that she would at least stay for his death...'

"Don't you already have a spider woman?" Loki asks, upset with Peter's choice of words.

"Sure, but that doesn't mean I can't make an observation." Peter shrugs as he realizes something. "Wait a minute..."

Loki's death stare pierced into Peter's figure, giving away the banished prince's greatest secret.

"You like her!" Peter says in a playful tone.

"You're mistaken." Loki denies Peter's claims instantly. "Mortals hold no sway over gods."

"Wow, you actually love her, don't you?" Peter didn't believe a word he said. "You and your brother are more alike than either would like to admit."

"I said you're mistaken." Loki reiterates.

"Oh really?" Peter asks sarcastically.

Smirking under his mask, Peter flipped a switch on the panel and held his finger over a large red button.

"Then you wouldn't mind the man that tormented and r*ped her getting off easy with a painless death, right?" Peter asks provokingly.

"It's what she wants." Loki says through grinding teeth as his hands tighten into fists.

"Yeah, but she's not here, is she?" Peter says as Loki turns to look at Kilgrave hatefully. "Admit it."


The room goes silent as Loki internally debates whether he could admit something that he hasn't even admitted to himself yet.

'I can always lie.' Loki thought as that was his forte after all. "...You win."

"Say it." Peter demands as his finger stays above the button.

"I love Jessica." Loki says, pretending to have a hard time with his admission.

"Good, doesn't it feel better to just let it out?" Peter says as he flicks the switch once again, deactivating the kill button. "What time is it?"

Checking his nonexistent watch, Peter suddenly starts freaking out.

"I'm late!" Peter shouts as if he were the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. "Loki, could you watch the prisoner for me? I'm late for a very important date."

A smirk appears on Loki's face as he caught on to Peter's little act.

"Sure, no problem." Loki says as Kilgrave grabs the cells metal desk chair, readying himself for what's to come.

"Good." Peter says as he points to a certain lever on the panel. "Just make sure that no one flips this lever. It'll open up the cell and Kilgrave could escape."

"Of course." Loki says as he smirks vindictively at the man in the cage, unbothered by the new weapon in his target's hands. "We wouldn't want that."

As Peter left the room, Loki strolled over to the control planet and immediately flipped the lever, opening the glass cage.

"..." Kilgrave tried and failed to speak as he put his back against the far wall and readied his chair for attack.

"Look at you." Loki says as he steps into the cell without a care in the world. "A cornered animal."

As Loki waltzed over, Kilgrave didn't hesitate and swung the chair at him, though sadly, he wasn't dealing with just any idiot off the street.

This is Loki Odinson, a thousand-year-old Asgardian.

Although Loki may have specialized in magic for all of his life, he still grew up as a prince of a warrior kingdom with a warrior brother.

One measly mortal with a metal chair was nothing.

As the chair came swinging down, Loki stepped back and waited for it to pass by before spartan kicking Kilgrave in the chest, knocking the wind out of him and sending him back into the glass wall.

"Weak..." Loki mutters in disgust as he rips the chair out of his victim's hands and starts beating him with it.

Instantly, the sounds of metal impacting flesh filled the hallway, though still, not a single sound came out of Kilgraves mouth.

Soon enough, Kilgrave curled up into a ball against the wall, protecting his head with his arms as he took hit after hit.

*Heavy breathing*

"..." Loki beat him over and over until he was winded. "...All that bravado... and all along you were this pitiful..."

Without another word, the beating stopped as Loki set the chair up in the center of the open cell, taking a seat to catch his breath.

'This mortal body is too weak...' Loki thought as he internally cursed his father. "Hmm, I need some tools before we can continue."

Just as Loki uttered these words, a portal opened beside him and a cart filled with all sorts of tools and sharp weapons came rolling out.

"I'm starting to like that Spider..." Loki smirks as he grabs some duct tape off the cart.

As the portal closed, Loki looked toward his battered enemy and stood up, patting his former seat with a welcoming smile.

"Hurry and get over here." Loki says demandingly. "We have a long day ahead of us."


Loki's little lie got him exactly what he wanted. The torturous death of a man whose existence demanded such an end, but did he lie to Peter or himself?

After all, actions speak louder than words.

Hours later, Loki left the detainment floor with blood staining his hands and clothes, leaving a mangled, blood covered, headless, r*pist behind.

Someone else would have to clean up after him.

A/N: 1621 words :)


[A dying king

On throne awaits his end

Dreading and hoping all

Many times he fell

Many times rose again

A great man in his pride

Confronting stingy readers

Casts derision upon them

He knows death to the bone

Man has created💎STONE💎]

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