I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 198: Blind Devil

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As he rounded the corner out of one hallway and into another, leaving Loki alone to deal Kilgrave his gruesome end, Peter smirked as he leaned against the wall beside a certain black haired eavesdropper, who happened to hear everything that just transpired between him and Loki.


When Jessica rushed out of the room, hyperventilating at the idea of killing somebody. Even if it was the man that made her life hell and defiled her body over and over, she still wasn't able to do it.

Saying your going to kill someone and actually doing it when they're helplessly brought in front of you is an entirely different thing.

Though, when she was waiting for the elevator, Jessica had some second thoughts.

'I should at least be there and see it for myself...' She thought and marched back with renewed confidence.


As she was only one hallway away from returning to Kilgrave's prison cell, Jessica overheard Loki and Peter taking about something.

"You and your brother are more alike than either would like to admit." She hears Spider-Man's voice say in amusement.

"I said you're mistaken." Loki sounded annoyed.

'Doesn't he hate his brother?' Jessica recalled.

"Oh really?" Spider-Man paused as Jessica heard a clicking sound. "Then you wouldn't mind the man that tormented and r*ped her getting off easy with a painless death, right?"

"!" Jessica never told either of them about that. 'How does he know? Did Kilgrave tell him?'

"It's what she wants." Loki didn't sound happy at all.

"Yeah, but she's not here, is she?" Peter says but Jessica felt like he knew otherwise. "Admit it."

'Admit what?' Jessica was confused by their conversation.

"...You win." Loki says reluctantly.

"Say it." Peter demands.

"I love Jessica."


-Flashback End-

"A dark banished prince is vying for your love." Peter says teasingly. "How scandalous."

"You knew I was listening." Jessica says accusingly.

"Well, I don't have super senses for nothing." Peter says with a laugh, as the sounds of a one-sided beating echoed from the nearby hallway. "He's really going to town in there, isn't he?"

Listening to the start of Kilgrave's torture, Jessica felt both uncomfortable and flattered in a weird kind of way. After all, a man loved her so much that he would torture her tormentor to death for what he's done.

"..." The two just stood there in silence, listening to Loki beat Kilgrave with a chair for almost five minutes.

When Loki ran out of steam, Peter left for a moment as he had to send over some supplies, but he soon returned to an empty hallway.

'Did she run off?' He thought as he heard the elevator opening and sprinted over.

Just as it was about to close, Peter dashed over and stuck his hand inside, causing the elevator doors to automatically open.

"Leaving so soon?" Peter asks as he steps into the elevator beside Jessica.

"He may not be able to scream or make noises, but I can't listen to it anymore." Jessica says as the elevator closes and headed down to the ground floor. "Is Loki really a god or whatever?"

Hearing her question, Peter couldn't help but laugh a little.

"No, Loki is an alien with a bit of a god complex, though if any race deserved to have a god complex, it's the Asgardians." Peter says as he chuckles once again at his own explanation.

"What's so funny?" She asks curiously.

"Loki isn't even an Asgardian," Peter reveals.

"But he always talks about Asgard being his home..." Jessica says in confusion.

"He was adopted into the Asgardian Royal Family." Peter explains. "He was abandoned by his father for being born weak, so Odin took him in."

"What an a*shole." Jessica comments about Laufey.

"Yep, so when can I expect your resume on my desk?" Peter changes the subject.

"I don't know." Jessica says with an exhausted sigh. "Tomorrow, I guess."

"Good, because you have a lot of training to get through." Peter informs her.

"What?" Jessica uttered in dread. "How much training are we talking about?"

"Well, you have basic training, hand-to-hand training, weapons training, and a ton of practical tests so you don't make any mistakes in the field." Peter says as he puts on a thoughtful face. "I'm forgetting some things, but that's what comes to mind at the moment."

"There's more?" Jessica just realized the hell she signed herself up for. "How long is it going to take before I'm done?"

"Maybe a few months, if you're a quick learner?" Peter says after a moment of thought.

"Months..." Jessica was completely dejected at this point, though on the bright side, she wasn't thinking about the torture that was currently happening anymore.


After seeing Jessica out of the building, as she needed some time to think, Peter spent some quality time with Lily until Loki was finished with his handiwork.

"This is a mess..." Peter commented as he returned to the cell, which was covered in blood.

Not only that, but the mangled remains of Kilgrave were piled up in the center of the cell, while his severed head sat perfectly on the metal chair with a horrified expression frozen in place.

"Sir, would you like for me to hire a cleaning crew?" Jarvis asks dutifully.

"No, it's best that no one knows of this." Peter says with a shake of his head.

"Knows of what?" A familiar voice says from behind. "Holy sh*t... is that real?"

Tony came strolling in with a smile on his face, which soon morphed into disgust at the scene before him.

"Yes." Peter answers uncaringly, as Tony would have been informed either way.

Jarvis would make sure of it.

"What happened?" Tony asks and Jarvis goes into a long explanation.


"So, you killed the mind control guy you were talking about?" Tony sums it all up after learning everything.

"Well, Loki did but yeah." Peter answers with a shrug.

"Okay, just clean it up before anyone else finds out." Tony says as he looks at the cell with a frown. "He couldn't have made it less messy?"


Before using his magic to clean everything up, Peter took a few more samples from Kilgrave's carcass.

There wasn't much left that was usable, but Peter did manage to salvage a few vital organs, including Kilgrave's heart and brain.

With everything saved and stored appropriately, Peter cast a few spells, transforming the blood-covered cell back to its original spotless appearance.


Returning home that night, Peter had dinner with his Aunt before heading off to bed, where he opened up his laptop and looked into another member of the Defenders, who he would recruit next.

Matthew Michael Murdock or Daredevil.

Matt Murdock is a lawyer who was blinded as a young boy by a radioactive substance that fell into his eyes from a crashed transport vehicle.

After some mobsters killed his father, Matt seemed to disappear off of the face of the earth, though Peter knew that was when he met Stick and his warrior training began.

Stick found that even though Matt lost his sight, his other four remaining senses were heightened to superhuman levels, so he recruited him to fight for the Chaste.

However, Matt's compassion for a certain woman led him to be rejected by Stick.

He then returned to Columbia University with his best friend and now business partner, Foggy Nelson to gain his law degree.

Matt dedicates his life to fighting injustice in New York City by day, as a lawyer with his law firm Nelson and Murdock, and by night, as a vigilante known as the Masked Man.

'Daredevil isn't his name yet, huh?' Peter thought as he read through some small news articles. "Should I just go and visit him now?"

Peter couldn't sleep, as his lovely body pillow wasn't with him tonight. MJ was spending the night at her own house since her father was visiting.

Thankfully, her mother warned her beforehand, as she didn't want her father showing up and threatening Peter with a gun once again.

Though Peter wouldn't mind.

Switching to his spider suit, Peter opened a portal and appeared on a rooftop across the street from Daredevil's apartment.

'Anyone home?' Peter thought as he surveyed the windows.

Just as he was watching the windows, a masked man in torn black clothing dragged himself up the fire escape.

'Is that him?' Peter wondered as he watched the battered man tumble into one of Matt's windows, before picking himself up and stumbling to the bathroom.

Putting a few spells on himself to cancel out the sound and smell of his body, Peter leaped over to the same fire escape and silently followed Matt inside.

Taking a seat on the couch, Peter waited as he listened to Daredevil painfully patch himself up in the bathroom.

'This must be early in his hero work.' Peter thought as he didn't even have his red suit with the horns yet.

After some time, the sound of the toilet flushing could be heard as the bathroom door swung open, revealing a haggard and unmasked Matt Murdock.

[Insert picture of Matt Murdock here]

"Sorry for the intrusion." Peter says surprising Daredevil into a frozen stupor. "I was patrolling the area and saw someone matching the Masked Man's description. It's always nice meeting other heroes, so I let myself in."

"I can't see you..." Matt mutters in shock.

"Well, I'm sorry to tell you this, but..." Peter says as if he were a doctor breaking bad news to a patient. "You're blind."

A/N: 1594 words :)


💎'Stones!' I thought, 'Yes Stones!'

I awoke and sprung to my feet

When I thought of the Stones

Stones, tormentor of my dreams

Much I marvelled the happy gems

In a kingdom full of rocks

I felt an unending hunger

On that day my soul grew ravenous💎

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