I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 214: Wakanda

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After spending a few days on Asgard, treating their whole trip like an actual vacation, Peter and MJ said their goodbyes to Thor and Frigga before heading back home to Earth.

"Visit anytime, My Friend!" Thor says with a wave as Peter and MJ step into a portal.

"You too." Peter says as he turns back, looking at Thor through the portal. "After all, Loki can't be the only Asgardian Avenger."

Hearing Peter's invitation, a look of surprise appeared on Thor's face, though that soon morphed into a smirk as the portal closed.

'An Avenger, huh?' Thor thought with interest.


"That was amazing..." MJ comments with a happy sigh as she flopped down onto Peter's bed.

"I'm glad you had fun." Peter says with a smirk as he lays down next to her and their hero suits disappear.


After spending some alone time with his girlfriend, as they didn't have the luxury of such intimate times on Asgard, Peter suited up again and went to the tower.

"Jarvis." Peter called as he entered his office.

"Yes, sir?" Jarvis answers back instantly.

"I need you to find me a man named Ulysses Klaue." Peter explained as he took a seat. "He's a wanted arms dealer from South Africa, who should have a large quantity of metal in his possession, so look into any boats, planes, warehouses, homes, or anything similar. I'm not sure if he travels with the metal or not, so you'll have to figure that out for me."

"I'll start searching now, sir." Jarvis agrees easily.

"Thanks, but there's one more thing." Peter says as he plugs a USB into his computer.

Instantly, a loading bar appeared and began to fill as another window popped up, showing a map of London with a red blip on it, labeled Jane Foster.

After knowing that Jane was already living in London, Peter planted a tracker on her phone.

Thanks to his knowledge and skill in the mystic arts, even Tony wouldn't be able to find the tracker.

"I also need you to surveil Dr. Jane Foster." Peter says as he leaned back in his chair. "Give me daily updates on her activities and immediately inform me should any odd occurrence start happening in her surroundings."

"Yes, sir."


Two weeks passed and Jarvis carried out Peter's orders perfectly, though he still hasn't found Klaue.

While waiting for information on his target, Peter started a new division in the Avengers, which would put Matt's law firm to work.


"What are you doing?" Peter asks as he saw Jessica in one of the conference rooms of the tower.

She sat there in front of a laptop, surrounded by boxes full of files, like a lawyer preparing for the case of her life.

"I'm looking into Kilgraves victims." Jessica says as she leans back in her chair, stretching her stiff arms. "He ruined a lot of people's lives, so I'm trying to build a list so that I can help them."

As she says this, Jessica turns the laptop toward Peter, showing him a news article about a woman, who chopped off her husband's family jewels.

"You think Kilgrave made her do it?" Peter asks as he felt nothing but pity for the husband.

"I know he did." She says and clicks on a video, showing a brief sighting of Kilgrave and the same woman inside a nightclub. "And now she's in an insane asylum."

"Okay, I see your point..." Peter says as he took a seat and contemplated a fix for this. 'Obviously, she can't do this on her own.'

"!" Instantly, Peter thought of a good idea. "How about I start a new division in the Avengers called the Victims Relief Division."

Hearing Peter's words, Jessica looked up at him in interest.

"We'll start off small. You, Matt, and his partner Foggy will research any captured criminals that the Avengers dealt with, compile a list of victims, and a description of what happened to them." Peter explains his thoughts. "Once someone is added to the list, the Avengers will act to help them, either monetarily or otherwise."

"You can get her out of the Asylum?" Jessica asks doubtfully as she motions toward the woman on the screen.

"There's a lot that I can do, though it would depend on how sound her mind is." Peter answers thoughtfully. "As long as she isn't a danger to herself and others, then clearing her name and setting her free is doable. We just have to be 100% sure that these are victims before acting."


-Flashback End-

For the past week, Nelson and Murdock have finally been put to work alongside Detective Jones, who took a leading role in the group.

Already, they've identified a list of three victims of Kilgrave with proof of their innocence.

With a few tweets, meetings with high-level government officials, and generous donations to the Democratic Party, Peter was able to get these people the help that they needed.

'I wonder why I never thought of this before?' Peter thought as he reviewed a file about the woman who cut off her husbands...

Thanks to Jessica's work, she was now being evaluated for a possible discharge from the Asylum. As long as she passes the test, she will be allowed out, though regular checkups will always be needed.

After all, the human brain is a fragile thing, and she has been through a lot.


As Peter woke up alone in his bed, as MJ stayed at her house last night, his phone instantly went off.

"Sir, I've found Ulysses Klaue..." Jarvis says, waking Peter up faster than a cup of coffee.

"Huh?" Peter grunted as he snatched his phone off of the bedside table. "Say that again?"

"I found Ulysses Klaue." Jarvis repeats himself.

"Where is he?" Peter asks as he hops out of bed and rushes to get ready.

"Klaue is currently on his way to Saudi Arabia, where he plans to meet oil Prince Muhammad bin Nayef for some sort of transaction." Jarvis explains as Peter brushed his teeth.

"Is he traveling with a lot of cargo?" Peter asks hopefully.

"Yes, not only a plane full of cargo, but a boat that I've linked to him is also moving toward the same destination." Jarvis informs.

"Good job, Jarvis." Peter says as he turns on the shower. "Send everything I need to know to my phone."

"Yes, sir."


Once Peter finished his morning routine, he dawned his spider suit and opened a portal.

'I hope this goes well...' Peter thought as he stepped through the portal and appeared in a beautiful throne room, which looked to be constructed by extremely advanced technology.

Though the ornate tribal chairs, which sat on a carpet in the center of the room, didn't look advanced at all.

Peering out of the large windows at the back of the room, Peter admired the extremely advanced city.

[Insert picture of Wakanda's throne room here]

'If I didn't see Asgard, this would be a shocking experience.' Peter thought as an alarm starts to sound. "Did they detect me already?"

Without caring for the alarms and the marching footsteps coming his way, Peter strolled over to the giant window at the back of the room and enjoyed the view.

Soon enough, the doors swung open and rows of bald African women rushed into the room with spears in hand.

Rushing up to Peter, who didn't even turn around, the Dora Milaje surrounded him, holding their spears to his back.

"I never thought that such a celebrity would visit my small country..." An aged voice with an African accent says.

"Well, I wouldn't call all of this small." Peter replies as he turns to see the spears around him. "Are all of these made from Vibranium?"

"How could we use such a finite resource so wastefully." The voice says again as the crowd of dutiful female warriors parted, revealing King T'Chaka in an ornate robe.

[Insert picture of T'Chaka here]

"Well, we both know Vibranium isn't exactly finite, is it?" Peter says as he leans against the window. "It's nice to meet you, King T'Chaka."

"You as well, Spider-Man." The King says as he motions for the Dora Milaje to ease off. "My daughter is a huge fan."

"I wouldn't mind saying hello once we've finished our business." Peter says as the warrior women removed their spears from his vicinity, though they stayed close to their king.

After all, T'Chaka isn't the Black Panther anymore. He needs the extra protection.

"Father!" A familiar voice yells as the current Black Panther storms in, ready to fight. "I heard there's an intruder..."

[Insert picture of T'Challa here]

T'Challa stopped in his tracks as he saw who the invader was.

"Spider-Man?" He asks himself in confusion.

"Hello!" Peter says with a wave as he turned back to T'Challa's father. "Is there a place where we can talk in private?"

As Peter asked this, he could see the disapproving looks of everyone, including T'Challa.

"The current Black Panther is welcome to join us, of course." Peter motions to T'Challa before they could refuse.

"How do you know that?" T'Challa felt like he was dreaming right now.

"I've known about you guys for a while." Peter says with a shrug. "I just didn't have a reason to visit until now."

A/N: 1558 words :)

🚨Let it go, let it go❄️Can't hold it back anymore❄️Let it go, let it go❄️Turn away and slam the door❄️I don't care what you're going to say❄️Let the💎STONES💎rage on❄️The rocks never bother me anyway🚨


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