I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 215: Stubborn Isolationism

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Soon enough, the throne room was cleared out, leaving only T'Challa, T'Chaka, and Peter behind.

The Dora Milaje were reluctant to leave, but they couldn't disobey T'Chaka. Knowing that T'Challa would be there, as he is the current Black Panther, certainly eased the warrior women's minds though.

As the doors were shut tightly, T'Chaka took a seat on his throne with his son by his side.

"Now, what can Wakanda do for you?" T'Chaka asks curiously, though he was unsure about how to deal with such a high level outsider knowing all about their secrets.

"And how do you know about us?" T'Challa asks suspiciously.

"How I know about you doesn't matter." Peter stood in front of T'Chaka's throne, as he didn't know if using the surrounding seats would be seen as disrespectful or not.

Taking out his phone, Peter holds it face up and taps a button. Instantly, a foot-long hologram of Ulysses Klaue appeared.

"And it's not about what Wakanda can do for me, but what I can do for it." Peter says as T'Chaka frowned at the image of his most slippery enemy.

"Ulysses Klaue stole from us and triggered a bomb at our border to escape. Many lives were lost." T'Chaka says as he looks at Peter in interest. "You know where he is?"

"Yes, and I'll deliver him to you, for a price." Peter says as the hologram disappears.

"I see, you're just like everyone else." T'Challa says as he realized why Spider-Man was really here. "You want our sacred metal."

"Yes." Peter answers with an uncaring shrug. "Though, I'll settle for the Vibranium in Klaue's possession as my payment."

"Why even come to us?" T'Chaka asks as he motions for his son to calm down. "You could have simply robbed Ulysses and had exactly what you wanted."

"Two reasons actually." Peter says as he holds two fingers up. "First, the vibranium in Klaue's possession doesn't belong to him, so I would still be in possession of stolen goods. Second, I want to have a good relationship with Wakanda."

Feeling odd about standing while everyone else was seated, Peter sat back onto open air, as chair manifested out of nowhere, catching him before he could hit the floor.

"In fact, I'd like to offer you a position on the Avengers Council." Peter offers King T'Chaka as he watches the current and future kings of Wakanda stare at his chair in shock.

"Did he just..." T'Challa asks in shock.

"..." Calming himself, T'Chaka ignores Peter's act of magic. "As you seem to know already, I'm not the Black Panther anymore. I don't believe that I'm qualified to join the Avengers."

"Being on the council isn't about having superpowers." Peter shakes his head as he motions to T'Challa. "Although your son would make a good Avenger, I wouldn't offer him a position on the council."

T'Challa didn't seem to like hearing that, though he kept his mouth shut.

"It's about experience, leadership, and ability." Peter says as he leans back in his seat. "Your son may fit the position in a few years or more, but until that day comes, Wakanda could use some representation on the Council."

"Why would we need that?" T'Chaka asks curiously. "Wakanda is an isolated country. We stay out of the world's business and they stay out of ours."

"True, but the world is expanding." Peter says, confusing the two Wakandan's. "Do you know how many meta-humans have been surfacing lately?"

"?" Neither father nor son answered, as they stayed out of the business of the outer world.

Of course, they knew about Meta-Humans and their array of possible powers, but they haven't been looking into it much past that.

"In the USA alone, about 47 children manifested their X-gene last year, and the number is only growing. It was at 36 in the year before that." Peter explains. "Not to mention the aliens that tried to invade our planet."

"What does that have to do with us?" T'Chaka asks, unconvinced.

"That is the problem right there." Peter says as he points to the King. "It may not be your problem now, but that doesn't mean you can hide in your little barrier forever."

"Is that a threat?" T'Challa asks as his face hardens.

"No, it's an inevitable truth." Peter says with a sigh. "Sooner or later, either the problems of the outside world will spill over to you, or your own problems will spill over to the outside world. Especially with the new changes that the outside world is currently going through."

"I see your point, but I'm afraid that the decision isn't up to me." T'Chaka says as he motions toward the multiple seats around them, representing the many tribes that make up Wakanda. "The Tribal Council would have to vote and they've always favored isolationism over anything else. Even I think similarly."

"Yes, but I'm not asking you to reveal yourselves to the world." Peter says as he leans forward and looks T'Chaka in the eyes. "I'm offering you a place on our Council, so that the future reveal of Wakanda, which I know is inevitable, can have the support and backing of the world's most powerful organization."

"Do you not factor Wakanda into that statement?" T'Challa asks, as he thought his home had no equal.

"I hope you understand that this isn't a threat, because it's not..." Peter says as he looks at T'Challa and his father seriously. "...but I would only have to send out one of our Council members to deal with your entire country, should the need ever arise. Though I doubt it will."

Erik would have a field day in Wakanda, especially after he found out how useful the literal mountain's worth of vibranium is.

'A Vibranium armed Magneto would be a hard enemy to beat.' Peter thought as he watched the King and his son react to his words.

T'Challa looked like he was about to leap from his seat and attack Peter at any moment, while his father seemed to take in this information with a much calmer demeanor.

"Whether that is true or not-" T'Chaka speaks but he was instantly interrupted by a commotion outside.

"Princess, no!" A woman yelled as the doors to the throne room flew open and a 12-year-old girl rushed inside with an excited smile.

[Insert picture of Shuri here]

Behind her stood a couple members of the Dora Milaje, who tried to stop her from getting in.

"It's really Spider-Man!" She shrieked and ran over as fast as she could. "I'm Shuri, and I'm your biggest fan. I watched every video and follow all of your accounts. Do you want to see my Spider-Man collectibles? I made a lot of them myself!"

As if a switch was flipped, the tension that once filled the throne room disappeared, like it was never there in the first place.

"You weren't kidding when you said your daughter was a fan, huh?" Peter comments as he peaks past the little girl toward her father.

"She was one of your first hundred subscribers on YouTube," T'Chaka explains as Shuri nods enthusiastically.

"I see." Peter says as he turns back to Shuri. "why don't you get the collectibles ready and I'll check them out when I come back later tonight."

"You're leaving already?" Shuri whined disappointingly.

"Yes, I have to go and catch a criminal for your father, but it won't take long." Peter says as he pats the cute girl on the head. 'Maybe I can introduce Shuri to Lily. She could use a friend to play with, though it would have to wait until Lily is more stable.'

"Fine..." King T'Chaka says out of nowhere. "I accept your deal. Bring Klaue to me alive and you may keep what he stole. As for your other offer, I need time to think before giving an answer."

"Alright, I'll be back in a few hours at most." Peter says as he waves to Shuri and opens a portal, leaving the nearby Wakandans shocked as he left.

"Daddy, what was that?!" Shuri exclaimed as the portal snapped shut and the chair Peter conjured earlier disappeared as well.

"I don't know..."


As Peter returned to the tower, Jarvis immediately updated him on the situation.

"Sir, Ulysses Klaue has landed in Saudi Arabia. A military convoy just picked him up and they're taking him to meet the prince." Jarvis says.

"Alright, let's go and get my Vibranium."

A/N: 1418 words :)

A/N: Insert Shrek meme below

🚨Somebody once told me💎The STONES are gonna roll me💎I ain't the sharpest STONE in the shed💎She was looking kind of dumb💎With her finger and her thumb💎In the shape of an "L" on her forehead🚨


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