I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 216: Vibranium?

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Following the coordinates given by Jarvis, Peter opened a portal to the front deck a small shipping boat. Using his senses, Peter could feel a lot of guards moving along the boat with assault rifles in hand.

'Meh, I don't feel like dealing with these guys.' Peter thought lazily as he turned himself invisible and maneuvered through the boat.

Searching the whole vessel with relative ease, Peter found a ton of illegal weaponry.

Every metal shipping container on the ship was filled to the brim with Assault rifles, sniper rifles, shotguns, huge machine guns, and the largest cache of explosives that Peter has ever come across.

'Damn...' Peter thought as he used a quick spell to seal each shipping container's door, keeping them locked away so that no one can use them.

At least, for the time being.

After searching for about ten minutes, Peter sealed every single container and made his way down below deck, where the security jumped up to a whole new level.

Cameras, motion sensors, thick metal doors with keypads. Whatever Klaue was hiding down below deck was worth far more than the millions in weaponry that he stored up above.

'Vibranium perhaps?' Peter thought as he simply opened portals to get passed the key-coded doors.

As for the cameras and motion sensors, being invisible made them absolutely useless.

Bypassing the heavy security as if it weren't there, Peter no longer encountered any human guards.

'Klaue must not trust them with the Vibranium...' Peter thought as he arrived in a sort of makeshift bedroom. 'Is this where he sleeps?'

Ignoring all of Klaue's personal belongings and furniture, Peter could see something big in the corner of the room, which was covered by a large tarp.

Walking over with an excited gait in his step, Peter yanked the tarp off, revealing stacks of shiny platinum-colored bricks.


"Why do I feel the urge to laugh like a lunatic right now?" Peter muttered as a smirk formed under his mask.

Holding back his villainous cackling, Peter opened a portal below the glistening bricks and watched them fall inside with glee.

-May POV-

"Kiss already!" May exclaimed as she watched a Korean drama on the TV in the living room.

Just like all TV shows with romance, the writers somehow find a way to drag out everything, so she has been waiting multiple seasons for her favorite couple to finally kiss.

They teased it happening in the latest trailer, and now the cold CEO had his poor secretary pinned up against a wall.

The two stared into each other's eyes longingly as they moved forward in tandem, heatedly eyeing each other's lips.



"!" May jumped from her seat as a huge load of metal bars fell through a portal and landed in the center of the living room. "What the..."

Turning her head back to the TV, May saw the credits rolling.

She missed the kiss...


-Peter's POV-

Based on eyesight alone, Peter estimated that there is around 700 pounds of Vibranium now in his possession.

'Klaue must have sold the other 300 pounds already...' Peter thought as it was mentioned in the movie that Klaue stole half a ton of Vibranium from Wakanda. "Or he has some more stashed elsewhere?"

After giving the room a quick search, Peter whipped out his phone.

"Jarvis." Peter calls.

"Yes, sir?" Jarvis answers dutifully.

"Anonymously contact any nearby military ships and inform them of this ship's location and heading. Tell them it has a ton of explosives onboard, which the occupants plan on using in a terrorist attack when they reach their destination." Peter orders as he opened a portal and left the ship.

"Message sent, sir."


Hoping that the plane, which Ulysses Klaue used to fly to Saudi Arabia, would have some more Vibranium, Peter portal'd there next.

The plane was parked in a private single-strip airport in the middle of the Arabian Desert.

Once again, like the shipping boat, the plane was completely surrounded by armed guards, though Peter was still invisible, so he simply walked passed them and started searching the plane.

Sadly, every crate inside the plane was filled with nothing but weaponry and explosives.

Not a single shiny metal brick in sight.

'Whatever...' Peter shrugged as he pulled the pin on a few grenades and portal'd off into the distance to watch the fireworks.


As he appeared on the roof of a nearby hangar, Peter saw the plane explode, sending the nearby guards flying from the shock wave.

Before leaving, Peter waved his hand and opened portals under each downed guard, sending them to Klaue's room in the boat, which would be intercepted by military forces soon enough.

"Alright, I got what I wanted." Peter muttered as he opened a portal beside himself. "Time to finish the job."


"Do you have the metal?" A middle eastern man in a headdress and long white shirt asks, as many armed soldiers escort Ulysses Klaue up to him.

Muhammad bin Nayef, a prince with enough money to live like a god, which was all thanks to the oil deposits that blessed his family's land.

"Can we do this inside? Preferably with some Air Conditioning?" Klaue asks as he wipes the sweat from his brow. "I don't know how you people live in this heat."

"We are already here." Muhammad replies uncaringly as he snaps his fingers.

Instantly, a servant comes forward with a laptop and hands it over.

Opening it up, the prince logs into his bank account and prepares a wire transfer for an ungodly amount of money.

"Show me the metal." He says as he shows the laptop's screen to Klaue.

"Hehe, how generous of you..." Ulysses laughs as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a single brick of Vibranium.

"Hand it over for authentication." One of the prince's men held his hand out expectantly.

"No can do." Klaue says with a shake of his head. "Send the money first."

"You do not make the rules-" The man says but was soon stopped by Prince Muhammad.

"Type your account number." The Prince says as another one of his men holds the laptop for Klaue.

"..." Typing in a long number, which lead to a secure overseas bank, Klaue watched as the prince tapped the enter key, filling up his bank account in an instant.

"I'll take my Vibranium now." The Prince says as every soldier in the surroundings took aim at Klaue.

"It was good doing business with you, your highness." Ulysses Klaue says with a smirk as he finally hands over the brick.

Just as the prince was about to take the brick from Klaue's outstretched hand, a golden portal opened below the arms dealer, causing him to fall through with the Vibranium still in hand.

"!" Before anyone could fully realize what happened, the portal snapped shut, leaving Prince Muhammad and his men in the desert with shocked and confused looks on their faces.


"Aaahhh!" Klaue screamed in surprise as he fell through a golden portal and crash-landed on a sandy desert hill.

"Yo!" Peter says with a wave as Klaue climbed out of the hill while spitting sand from his mouth.

"S-Spider-Man?" He utters in shock as he turned to see Spider-Man holding the Princes brick of Vibranium.

"Yep, now please surrender peacefully, or I'll be forced to restrain you.." Peter gives Ulysses a chance to do things without violence.

"..." Seeing where this was going, Klaue stealthily reaches behind his back. "Alright, I don't want any trouble..."

Knowing what was happening, Peter rolled his eyes under his mask.

'Why do they always choose the hard way?' He sighed internally.

Suddenly, Klaue pulled a shiny futuristic-looking gun from behind his back and fired in Peter's direction.

Instantly, a powerful sonic blast shot toward his chest.

Acting quickly, Peter leaped into the air, dodging the blast as he spun forward and kicked his attacker across the side of his head, sending the man tumbling down the sandy hill.

Picking up the Vibranium gun, Peter looked it over in interest before tossing it through a portal for later study.


Seated in the Wakandan Throne Room once again, Peter waited for the King to arrive.

Tied up at his feet, Ulysses Klaue slept peacefully with a big bruise on his head and sand all over his clothes.

Only seconds later, marching footsteps were heard as the doors burst open, revealing the King with many Dora Milaje warriors at his back.

"Hello again, King T'Chaka." Peter says with a wave.

The king didn't know how to reply as he froze at the sight of his most hated enemy, unconscious and bound in web in the middle of his throne room.

-1460 words-

🚨Lets play Simon Says today🚨

🚨Simon Says insert your favorite meme here🚨

🚨Insert dancing crab here🚨

🚨Simon Says give me all of your STONES!🚨

A/N: Anyone who put a dancing crab 🦀 automatically loses and must upload a picture of themselves with a shoe on their head in the title of the next chapter.


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