I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 220: Elven War Plan

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Feeling an overwhelming sense of lightheadedness, Peter hastily opened a portal and fell through, leaving the dark ruins behind.


"We both know that Peter is hiding something in his Penthouse. The only question is what could it be?" Tony sat alone in his workshop and spoke to his computer.

"As I've said before, sir, I have no access to that penthouse, nor can I acquire access." Jarvis answers, as he was already tasked to get some answers for his creator long ago and failed horribly. "It's as if the whole room is a black hole, stopping any scans, signals, images, and even sounds from entering or escaping."

"It could be a sex dungeon?" Tony thinks out loud but soon shakes his head negatively. "Nah, Peter isn't that kind of guy..."

Suddenly, as Tony was thinking up all sorts of crazy theories for his friend's secrecy, a golden portal opened over his Bugatti, which for some odd reason was parked inside more than 100 floors higher than street level.

Out of the portal, a familiar man in a blue and red spider-themed suit falls out, heading straight for the very expensive supercar.


Landing on the center of the roof, the impact of Peter's body broke all of the windows and dented the car considerably.

(A/N: In a Romanian Prison cell, a single tear rolls down the Top G's cheek...)

"Peter!?" Tony exclaims as he jumps out of his chair and rushes to Peter's side.

"Hey, sorry about the car." Peter says as his vision starts to get hazy.

"What happened? Are you hurt?" Tony didn't care about his car.

He could buy a hundred Bugatti's to replace this one and it wouldn't even put the smallest dent in his bank account.

"I'm fine." Peter says as he didn't expect to sleep for long.

Well, he wasn't sure if he would sleep at all in the beginning.

In the movie, when Jane absorbed the Aether she immediately lost consciousness, but he wasn't sure how he would react.

After all, Jane is a normal human and Peter is well... Spider-Man.

"Here take this..." Peter sluggishly reached into his pocket, pulls out a sealed letter, and hands it over to Tony. "That will explain, Goodnight..."

Instantly, Peter lost consciousness atop the wrecked Bugatti, as if it were a cloudy mattress.

Acting quickly, Tony lifted Peter's body off of the deformed car and rushed over to an open table.

"Jarvis, run scans!" Tony ordered as he gently placed Peter on the table.

"Yes, sir." Jarvis answers dutifully as a blue light shoots down from the ceiling and envelopes Peter's unconscious body.

"..." While Jarvis was doing his work, Tony opened the letter and found a note with his name on it alongside another sealed letter.

Of course, Tony read the note before opening the second letter.


If you have this letter, something which I won't be talking about has knocked me out as I suspected it would. I should wake up soon enough, but If I'm not awake within 12 hours, then please take the second letter to: 177A Bleecker Street in Greenwich Village.

Ask for the Ancient One.

- Hugs & Kisses, Peter <3

Ps, If any elves come knocking, keep them away from my body.]

"Elves?" Tony laughed for a moment. "What is this? The Lord of the Rings?"

"Scan complete!" Jarvis calls out as the light disappeared from Peter's sleeping body. "Unknown energy found."

"Unknown energy? Show me." Tony asks as he walks over to a nearby table, where a hologram of Peter's body appears, showing a sort of liquid moving through his bloodstream. "Is that what he won't talk about?"

After studying the liquid energy, which coursed through his best friend's veins like blood, Tony didn't find anything that would help explain what the energy was exactly.

"It's not hurting him..." Tony muttered as he looked down at the second letter. 'Maybe I should read it? Just to be safe...'

As if the devil himself whispered into his ear, Tony managed to convince himself that reading the second letter was best for Peter's well-being.

Though, the real reason was much simpler.

Tony is a nosy f*cker without an ounce of self-control.

Ripping the letter open, Tony was greeted by another note alongside a third letter.

[Nosy B*tch,

Stop being a pr*ck.

Love, Peter.]

"..." Tony froze as he wondered if Peter could see into the future. 'There's no way he did it to the third letter too?'

Out of pure spite for his friend's words, Tony opened the third letter and once again found a mean-spirited note with his name on it alongside another sealed letter.

This game continued another 10 times before Tony realized that magic was involved.

"Smart little sh*t..." Tony cursed as he set a timer for 12 hours and turned the Tower's defenses up to maximum. 'What did he mean by elves?'


In a large hall, Malekith sat regally atop a dark throne, looking down at the newly awakened Dark Elf soldiers, who have slept for 5,000 years.

"Your Majesty, every soldier has safely woken from stasis without issue, and all ships are fully operational." An elf grunt reported as an image of 15 ships appeared before the king.

[Insert picture of Dark Elf Harrow ships here]

"Good, how close are we to Asgard?" Malekith asks as he and every Dark Elves' blood begins to boil at the mere name of their most hated enemy.

"Half a day's flight, sir!" The kneeling elf answers instantly, ready to go to war once again.

"Hmm..." Malekith hummed as he contemplated whether to strike the Asgardians early, as a swift surprise attack could deal a fatal blow to their enemy.

If they were to try and wait until the Aether was in their hands again, the time for a surprise attack could disappear forever, leaving them with a much harder war to fight.

Especially since Asgard has had 5,000 years to recover from the old war and build their army up to an even higher standard than before.

Meanwhile, all Malekith has is a small fraction of his old army. Even Svartalfheim, the home world of the Dark Elves, was nothing but an empty planet, so they couldn't even recruit more soldiers.

Although they were still fairly powerful, the unknown threat of a much more deadly enemy lingered in the back of Malekith's mind.

Though, if he knew how soft Asgard has become since Odins daughter was imprisoned, Malekith wouldn't be so worried.

Especially since Odin was still in hibernation, peacefully napping the months away.

"Which way is Asgard?" Malekith asks and a huge hologram appears, showing a map of the universe.

"This way sir..." An elf says as a red line appears, showing the direction.

"..." Seeing the trajectory they would take, a wide smile bloomed on the King's face.

Not only was Asgard only hours away, but it was also on the way to the Aether.

Malekith could feel it clearly.

Killing two birds with one stone, they could launch a surprise attack on Asgard, retreat when the time was right, and then rush to the Aether, which would give his small army a much better chance of destroying the Asgardians.

Though, other than reducing the enemy's numbers, the attack could also be used for intelligence gathering.

After all, they knew nothing about the Asgard of this day and age.

"Set course for Asgard and initiate camouflage when we're within range."



The golden Bifrost fires as Thor and Jane appear on the rainbow bridge.

"Welcome back." Heimdall greets the couple as he pulls his sword from the pedestal, deactivating the Bifrost. "We were worried for you, Lady Jane."

"Yes, apparently you've been spying on me..." Jane says unhappily as she glared between Thor and Heimdall.

The second Jane was pulled into the separate dimension with the Aether, Heimdall lost sight of her and alerted his King, who immediately rushed to Midgard to find her.

Luckily, Peter sent her back unharmed.

"I said I was sorry." Thor says awkwardly.

"Yet you won't stop will you?" Jane asks with a pointed stare.

"I will do as my King orders." Heimdall answers dutifully.

"And I will not leave you completely unprotected." Thor argues, hoping that she would understand his side of things. "Look at what happened today for example. If the Spider wasn't there to save you, then you may have been lost to me for eternity. Your safety is of the utmost importance, Jane."

"..." Jane huffs and storms off across the rainbow bridge towards Asgard.

"Why does she not understand the dangers?" Thor asks with a tired sigh.

"Women are an enigma, my liege."

A/N: 1447 words

🚨Mr. Sandman, bring me a stone💎Make it the brightest that's ever been shone💎Give it a shine, as if it were solar💎Then tell it that it's lonesome nights are over💎Sandman, I'm so alone🥺Don't have a gem to call my own💎Please open your magic tome💎Mr. Sandman, bring me a STONE🚨


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