I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 221: Mystic Arts Revealed

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As the hours ticked by, Peter didn't awaken, nor did he move very much either, though all of his vital signs were normal.

Well, about as normal as an enhanced human with superpowers could be.


Staying up the entire time, Tony paced back and forth in front of Peter's sleeping form, always vigilant for any sudden complications or elven assaults on the tower.

Though he wondered what that would look like?

When Peter slept for a whole 10 hours without waking, Tony tried shaking him, smelling salts, electricity, and a few other ways to jolt him back to consciousness.

Sadly, they all failed without eliciting a single twitch from Peter, who even slept while Tony dumped an entire glass of water over his face.

"This may be worse than I thought..." Tony muttered as he cleaned Peter up and put his mask back on. "Jarvis, call for a council meeting..."

"Messages sent, sir."


An hour later, the Avengers council was convened, minus one very important member, of course.

"What's this about, Stark?" Fury asks as he and the other members look to Tony for an answer.

"Well..." Tony took a deep breath and explained everything from Peter's sudden appearance in his workshop, coma, letter, elves, and the odd energy coursing through his veins.

"How long has it been?" Erik asks.

"A little over 11 hours." Tony answers as he grasps the letter in his hand.

"And you can't wake him up?" Charles asks.

"I tried everything that I could think of." Tony says with a shake of his head.

"I say we stop waiting and simply take him to the address." Fury says as he wanted to learn more about Spider-Man. "For all we know, waiting could make matters worse."


After arguing for a few minutes, everyone soon agreed to just take Peter to the address specified in the note.

With the threat of some sort of elvish attack, the council decided that it was pertinent that every member went along.

Though the real reason for this was simply curiosity.

After all, the Avengers Council is mostly made up of nosy old men.

Loading Peter into a blacked-out SUV, all five council members hopped in and took off toward Greenwich Village, which was close by.

As Charles drove, Erik and Fury looked curiously at Peter's sleeping form, both wondering whether they should pull up his mask.

After all, Spider-Man's true identity was a very large secret, which only those extremely close to him were allowed in on.


As Erik reached out to take a peek, a hand softly moved and tightly grabbed his wrist.

"Keep your hands to yourself." Tony says as a dangerous glint shines in his eyes.

"Easy for you to say..." Magneto scoffed as he pulled his hand free and turned to look out of the window. "You already know."

"Yeah, and I didn't learn his identity through breaking his trust." Tony says pointedly. "Want to know? Then show him that he can trust you."

"..." The rest of the car ride remained silent, as everyone thought over Tony's words.

They may spend a lot of time together, as co-workers, but none of them were fairly close to Peter, besides Tony of course.

They were typical work friends.

"Is this it?" Charles asks as he parks on the side of the road.

"177A... Bleecker Street." Tony reads the number on the door as well as the nearby road sign. "Looks right to me."

Unloading Peter from his seat, Tony carries him princess style, as he didn't trust the others after Erik's actions in the car.

*Knock Knock...*

Climbing the stairs, Fury tapped the door with his knuckles.


No one came to answer.

"Should we-" Charles speaks but didn't finish as Magneto stared at the metal handle of the door, as if he were constipated.

"Need the bathroom, old man?" Tony asks jokingly.

"I'm trying to open the door..." Erik says in a strained voice.

Giving up on the metal handle, Magneto angrily lifted his leg and kicked the center of the door, hoping to break it open with his super soldier strength.

As his foot made contact with the door, a blue light lit up around the wood, and Erik was launched backward onto the sidewalk.

"Huh, that's... interesting." Tony comments as Magneto picks himself up, mentally lifting the nearby mailbox with him.

Without a word, the metal mailbox shot like a bullet toward the door at amazing speed, but just as it was about to make contact, the door opened.

"Huh?!" A man grunted as a figure ducked, dodging the big public mailbox as it soared into the building and crashed into the stairs behind him. "What was that for?!"

Turning to the door, the Avengers Council found an Asian man in an orange monk robe standing in the doorframe, looking p*ssed off.

[Insert picture of Wong here]

"Wait? Is that..." Wong asks as he saw Peter sleeping in Tony's arms. "Spider-Man?"

Although few of the more trust worthy high-level members of Kamar-Taj know about Peter's real identity, most of them only know Spider-Man as the Ancient Ones student.

Wong being one of those people.

"Yes, he said to ask for the Ancient One." Tony barges in, as they were starting to draw a crowd of fans outside.

"Right..." Wong says as he waves the others inside and closes the door, leaving the onlookers locked outside. "Wait here and don't touch anything."

Leaving that warning behind, Wong opens a portal and steps through, leaving the Avengers behind in shock.

After all, for many of them, the idea of opening a portal like that was impossible for anyone besides Spider-Man.

"You knew about this?" Fury questions Tony as he saw the calm look on his face.

"Well, he told me a little." Tony says as he motions toward Peter.

"Did he tell you what this place is?" Erik asks as he tried to use his powers on some nearby metal trinkets without any luck.

"This place is the Sanctum Sanctorum." A new voice says as a bald woman in golden robes appears at the top of the nearby staircase.

Looking down at Peter, who slept soundly in Tony's arms, the Ancient One instantly felt the power of the Aether emanating from his body.

"I see that my student has been up to trouble again." She strolls down the stairs and stops in front of Tony. "It's good to see you again, Mr. Stark."

"Uhh, you as well Uhh, Ma'am." Tony spoke like an idiot, as he didn't know what to say to the mystical Ancient One.

After all, many of the books that Peter gave him to study were written by her, and a few of them were thousands of years old.

Of course, this odd behavior from Tony only made the others more curious about who this person was.

Tony was never this respectful to anyone.

The Tony Stark that they knew would rather swallow a flaming sword than treat anyone with as much respect as he just showed this bald woman.

"Now, what to do with you..." The Ancient One mutters as her eyes land on Peter, ignoring the rest of the room. 'I should have known he would take Doctor Foster's place...'

With the smallest gesture, Peter was torn from Tony's grasp and floated in front of the Ancient One, who studied his body in silence.

"Let's wake you up..." Winding back her palm, the Ancient One smirked evilly as she eyed her sleeping student. "This may hurt... a lot."


"It's good to see you again, Jane." Frigga says with a smile as Jane storms into the palace alone.

"Why are men so infuriating!" Jane practically shouts. "Your son has Heimdall watching my every move. Do you know how creepy that is? What about my privacy? What if I'm on the toilet?!"

"Well, Odin is very much the same, so he must get it from his father." Frigga says with a sympathetic look. "I remember when Odin was courting me all those years ago. The same day we met, I had a contingent of Einherjar guards following my every move. I had to use a spell to keep them out of my bedroom."

"Uhh, but I don't have magic..." Jane mutters as the doors behind her swing open, revealing Fandral and Volstagg, who escorted several prisoners, including a masked man with pale skin and pointed ears hidden under a hood.

"Queen Mother!" The two of them shout respectfully as they didn't expect to see Frigga.

The masked prisoner's eyes narrowed as he glared at Frigga, grasping his fists tightly.


The king of the Dark elves stood over the bleeding stomach of one of his most trusted and loyal subordinates.

"You will become darkness, doomed to this existence until it consumes you." Malekith states as one of his dark elves placed a molten rock in his hand, which he stuffs inside the elf's open stomach. "And then no power of our enemies will stop me."

"I'll destroy their defenses and resurrect the universe." The bleeding dark elf says reverently as Malekith places a familiar mask on his face.

-Flashback End-

A/N: 1536 words

🚨An elderly man appears before you👨‍🦳staring into your soul👀with every second that passes, you feel your very being freeze🥶Unable to move a single muscle💪the man leans forward and whispers into your ear👂"Stones.... Stones... Stones..."🚨


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