I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 222: Manipulating Reality

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"This may hurt... a lot." The Ancient One said as her palm glowed in a golden light and jutted out, impacting Peter directly on the forehead.

"Argh!" Peter grunted as his eyes snapped open and his body flew across the room, crashing through a wall.

"Damn." Tony muttered in sympathy as Peter picked himself up and staggered out of the human-shaped hole in the wall.

"What the hell was that for?!" Peter asked as he felt a bit wobbly on his feet.

"To wake you up of course..." The Ancient One says with a smirk on her face.

"You could have done it without hitting me." Peter says, knowing that she was using this as a way to take out her frustrations on him.

After all, he was now in possession of three infinity stones, which further ruins all of her plans.

Though, the Ancient One's plans have been turned upside down for a long time now. The question was whether she would jump on the Peter train, or continue to stew in annoyance at his plans.

"I would never purposefully hurt my disciple. It hurts my feelings that you would even insinuate that." The Ancient One says as she wipes a nonexistent tear from her cheek.

"Oh, shut up." Peter says in annoyance, though something odd happened...

A piece of sticky duct tape appeared over the Ancient One's lips, sealing them shut in an instant.

"?" Peter watched in shock as he felt a sudden power drain in his body, though it wasn't anything significant. "Holy sh*t..."

The Reality Stone, which Peter has essentially merged with, allows the user to alter reality in effectively any way they see fit.

This includes changing reality in ways that would normally be impossible. The laws of physics basically no longer apply when the Reality Stone is concerned.

If Peter wants 2+2=5 to be the new law of math, then he can make that happen.

The Reality Stone, perhaps more than any other infinity stone, is much more limited by the imagination of the user than anything else though.

"..." The Ancient One sighed as she ripped the duct tape off, which crumbled into dust between her fingers. "Great, now I have to deal with this..."

"Wait, did you make it disappear?" Peter asks out of curiosity.

"No." The Ancient One shook her head, refusing to help him any further than that.

"Is it not permanent?" Peter thought out loud.

The one real limitation that the Reality Stone has is that the changes it makes to reality are generally not permanent without the Power Stone to use as a sort of fuel.

This explained why he felt a small loss of energy from the Aether after creating the tape.

Peter only had so much power to work with...

Suddenly, Peter remembered when the Guardians of the Galaxy attempted to attack Thanos on Knowhere, and he turned Drax into cubes, and Mantis into a spring.

Luckily for them, they revert back to normal after the Mad Titan left, since he didn't use the Power Stone in conjunction with it, which would have made their new changes permanent.

"That makes sense." Peter muttered as the rest of the Avengers stared at the teacher and student in confusion. 'It's good that I already have the Power Stone, though I'm still not messing with that thing without a conduit.'

Infinite power in your bare hands is an explosion waiting to happen.

"Can either of you give me some context? I have no idea what you're talking about..." Tony asks, drawing Peter's attention to him and the others.

"Huh? Why is everyone here?" Peter asks as he turns to Tony with a questioning look. "I don't remember writing anything about inviting the council along."

"Hey, I was..." Tony says as he held up the letter and realized something.

He didn't give it to the Ancient One.

Seeing the sealed letter in his hand, Peter couldn't help but sigh.

"You didn't even give her the letter, did you?" Peter asks with a sigh.

"Well, we didn't really need it, and she kind of just smacked you awake after saying hello." Tony says with a shrug as he glares at Peter. "Why aren't I getting any thanks? I watched over you for hours, waiting for house elves to attack at any moment."

"They're Dark Elves." Peter corrects as Tony gives him a pointed glare. "And thanks, I guess."

"No problem." Tony says as he tosses Peer the sealed letter.

"Well, I guess this was a waste of time." Peter says as he tosses the letter into a portal. "So, no elves or spaceships have shown up, right?"

"No, it's actually been boring..." Tony says as Fury steps forward.

"What's this about elves?" Fury asks as he needed to prepare if another invasion would be happening.

"They're an alien race, which should be coming to Earth as we speak... unless." Peter says as he remembered their hatred for Asgard, the people that destroyed them 5,000 years ago. "Maybe they stopped somewhere else first?"

"Where?" Charles asks.

"How do you guys feel about visiting Loki's brother, Thor?"


Shortly after being imprisoned in his cell, Algrim, the loyal Dark Elf, dug his hand into his stomach and pulled out a bloody stone.

The same stone that Malekith gave him only hours ago.

Crushing it in his fist, the stone melted into lava and was absorbed into Algrim's entire body, merging his clothes and helmet into his skin, and turning him into a giant beast.

[Insert picture of Kurse/Algrim here]

The other prisoners in his cell began banging on the cell's walls and calling upon the Einherjar for help, horrified by the sight.

Sadly, before they could make much noise, the new beast unleashed an explosion within the cell which killed everyone inside.

The impact of the explosion easily broke the cell open, releasing the new hideous dark elf, though he didn't stop there.

One by one, Algrim quickly broke open every cell in the entire prison, releasing all sorts of dangerous and deadly criminals.

In order to cover his movements, a distraction was in order, and these people would do just fine.

With their release, it didn't take long for Chaos to ensue as a war for freedom broke out between the guards and their former prisoners.

And in the shadows of this war, a grotesque Dark Elf snuck out of the prison in search of Asgard's shield generator.

Soon enough, loud alarms filled the palace as guards rushed to the prison to quell the sudden prison break.


"What's that?" Jane asks as she heard the alarms.

"The prison..." Frigga mutters as Thor comes running into the room.

"Mother, have you seen Jane..." Thor sighed as he found who he was looking for. "Good, you're here."

"Go, I will look after her." Frigga shooed her son off, as the King would be needed at a time like this.

"Fine, just don't leave the room!" Thor agreed as he kissed Jane on the cheek and rushed off, closing the door behind him.

Turning to Jane, Frigga grabbed her shoulders and spoke seriously.

"Listen to me now, I need you to do everything I ask and no questions." Frigga states strictly, as she felt something weird about this whole situation.

"Yes, Ma'am."


As Heimdall stood in his usual guard post at the end of the rainbow bridge, he suddenly heard something odd...

A metal creaking sound drifted to his ears.

Acting quickly, he turns and runs out onto the Bifrost Bridge and jumps off into open space.

Though, as he expected, instead of falling off into nothing, Heimdall landed on one of Malekith's ships, which was cloaked in invisibility.

As soon as his feet touched down, the Elven ship instantly became visible to the world.

Before he could even act, Heimdall turned and found a fleet of giant ships behind him, releasing countless smaller stack ships, and they were all headed toward Asgard.

Without a second thought, Heimdall pulls his sword and activates the shields but...


Arriving at his destination with a trail of mangled Asgardian guards in his wake, the monstrous Dark Elf found the room that held Asgard's Shield Generator, which was guarded by many highly trained Einherjar guards.

Though, sadly, they stood no chance against the thing that Algrim has become.

Using his new powers, the monster elf tore apart all Asgardian Guards he crossed, despite their best efforts to stop him.

Approaching the Generator with blood and guts covering his entire body, Algrim used his newfound strength to destroy it with a few powerful hits, allowing his King's Dark Elf army to invade Asgard unimpeded.


Heimdall watched as the shield failed and a fleet of 15 huge Dark Elf Harrows surrounded by hundreds of smaller assault ships invade his home.

The larger ships crash-landed into the palace, opening holes for their invasion force as they were designed to do, while the smaller ships caused chaos among the civilian population, slaughtering innocents indiscriminately.

'My King, we are under attack...' Heimdall mentally transmitted the details of the situation to Thor, before rushing to join the fight.


As Heimdall ran off to defend his home, a golden portal opened up inside the Bifrost.

A/N: 1545 words

🚨I'm too lazy today, but give me stones anyway pls🚨


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