I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 223: War in Asgard

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After Malekith's ship crashed into the Asgardian Royal Palace, the doors opened and Dark Elf soldiers poured out, easily slaughtering the Asgardian Soldiers, as most of them were dealing with a prison break at the moment.

Leaving his ship while enjoying the one-sided battle, Malekith wanders off to find any members of the royal family, hoping to dye his hands red in the blood of Bor's children.


"Huh, looks like I was right." Peter muttered as he looked across the rainbow bridge, where Asgard was embroiled in what appeared to be a losing battle.

At least, for the time being.

"Damn, that's not good." Tony commented as he and the other Avengers Council members walked up behind Peter. "I'm going to need my suit."

"Here." Peter waves his hand and opens a portal to the tower.

Hitting a button in his watch, small pieces of Iron Man armor come flying through the portal and attach to Tony's body.

"Should we head out?" Charles frowns as he could feel the emotions of all the dying innocents.

"Yeah, you guys deal with everything outside the Palace." Peter says as he opens a portal and steps inside. "I'll handle the rest."


The Allfather twitched in his sleep, sealed inside his private chamber.

His wife and Queen, Frigga learned from her youngest son's schemes and sealed her husband's room with all sorts of ancient magic, keeping the former king of Asgard safe from any harm.

Thanks to this, no Dark Elves would be able to breach his chambers.

Though, Odin wasn't exactly having a peaceful nap today.

Although he may be asleep, Odin could watch the world around him and enjoy life as a fly on the wall, spying on anyone he had an interest in watching.

As long as they weren't cloaked in magic, of course.

Today was the hardest day of his most recent Odinsleep, the Allfather was forced to helplessly watch as his home was invaded and his people were massacred.

What made it even worse was the fact that he couldn't risk waking up early again, or else the consequences would be far worse than last time.

Death would be a real possibility.

Though, Odin soon started to seriously contemplate whether the risk would be worth it, as he could see every death that took place within Asgard's borders.

Not a single man, woman, child, or soldier was overlooked. The image of every single one of them was burned into Odin's mind, never to be forgotten.

Even his wife, who he always tried to protect, was currently locked inside her chambers with his son's mortal lover.

Just seeing his wife treat Jane as her daughter-in-law irked the former king of Asgard to no end, though he didn't exactly have time to think of his son's human fling.

After all, a powerful figure was currently skulking toward his wife...


"Do we just stay here?" Jane asked as Frigga locked the doors to her chambers with a quick spell.

"Yes, we-" Frigga replies, but the palace began to rumble.

Multiple explosions were heard as the floor shook with the power of a strong earthquake.

Looking out of the grand windows, Frigga and Jane could see the war raging on outside as well as the larger Dark Elf ships, which have forcefully docked into the palace.

"Who..." Frigga asked as she didn't recognize the enemy.


Before she could think on it for much longer, the door that she just spelled shut only moments earlier broke open, sending pieced of wood and metal flying.

"I knew I sensed high-level Asgardian Magic in here..." Malekith says as he strolls into the room alone and unafraid. "The stench seems to be coming from you..."

Malekith ignored Jane completely as his glare landed on Frigga, who materialized a thin silver sword in her hand.

"Stand down, creature." Frigga says as she stands ready to fight. "Otherwise you won't leave this room alive."

"I have survived worse, woman." Malekith lazily draws his own sword, not impressed at all by his opponent.

"Who are you?" Jane asks from the side.

"I am Malekith, and I would have my vengeance!" He states and casually walks closer to Frigga, who ignited her sword in blue fire and strikes out at him.

As the two exchanged blades, Jane thought it was an even fight at first, though the strained look on Friggas face contrasted with the calm and unbothered expression on the intruders.


'I am Malekith, and I would have my vengeance...' Odin's blood ran cold when he heard the invader's words.

He was just a young boy at the time, so Odin never encountered Malekith and his army of Dark Elves, but his father would tell him stories.

Stories of a hard-fought war and the man that equaled his father in power, Malekith.

Odin's hands gripped into tight fists as he watched his father's most hated enemy toy with his wife, enjoying the one-sided beat down, which would no doubt end in Friggas death.

'I have to...' Odin thought as he prepared himself for the backlash that waking up would give him.


"Ugh!" Frigga grunted as she was sent flying across the room by a boot to the gut.

"I see that my worries were for nothing..." Malekith comments as he strolls forward and rests his razor-sharp blade on Friggas neck. "Asgard has grown weak in my absence. Bor would be disappointed."


As he was speaking, Jane picked up an expensive-looking vase and smashed it onto the back of Malekith's head.

"!" Seeing an opportunity, Frigga reached over and grasped the bottom of a long curtain, which came to life and tried to wrap itself around Malekith's neck. "Die monster!"

Sadly, a fragile case wasn't exactly the best weapon Jane could have chosen, as it did nothing but surprise the Elven King, so when Frigga made her move...


Malekith merely swiped his sword, bisecting the curtain, which fell to the floors, lifeless once again.

"How pitiful..." Malekith mutters as he continues to ignore Jane and pulled Frigga to her knees, resting his blade against the back of her neck. "Any last words, Asgardian Wh*re?"

"One thing..." Frigga looks up at the Elven King and spits directly into his face. "That's all."

"Hehe..." Malekith chuckles as he wipes his face clean with his offhand. "You remind me of my wife before Bor killed her."

Raising his blade, Malekith mimicked the motion of an expert executioner.

"No!" Jane yelled in horror while Frigga stared at the floor unflinchingly, accepting her fate.


'Frigga!' Odin roared in his mind, though he didn't awaken...

After all, he didn't need to.

As the blade made contact with Friggas neck, instead of the gruesome sound of slicing meat and bone, everyone heard what amounted to a wet towel slap.

"Huh?" Malekith muttered as he looked down in shock.

"?" Frigga breathed heavily as she felt something cold on her neck.

At first, she thought it was blood, but upon hearing Malekith's reaction, Frigga looked at the sword that almost took her life.

The blade of Malekith's sword has somehow turned into a long wet napkin, which was still connected to the hilt, hanging like a limp noodle.

"Sorry, was that sword important?" A voice asks from the door.

Turning to the door, everyone found Peter leaning against the wall casually.

"Spider-Man!" Jane exclaimed as all of her annoyance with Peter disappeared in an instant.

"It seems that I owe you a debt once again..." Frigga says with a thankful look on his face.

"Eh, don't worry about it." Peter says with a shrug. "Thor and Loki would be sad if their Mommy died, after all."

"Y-you..." Malekith interrupts the wholesome moment as he glares hatefully in Peter's direction. "You have the Aether!"

"Is that what that angry sludge is called?" Peter pretends not to know.

"Hand it over and I'll spare your worthless life..." Malekith threatens as he kicks Frigga aside and storms over to Peter.

"No thanks. I'm finally starting to understand how it works. Like that..." Peter says as he points to Frigga, who fell into a pile of pillows, which Peter created with a single thought. "Isn't it quite handy?"

"Argh!" Malekith grunts angrily as he dashed toward Peter but...


He ran head-first into a thick wall of bulletproof glass.

"You should really watch where you're going." Peter says as Malekith shatters the glass with a kick. "Oh, look out!"


A metal anvil fell from the ceiling and landed directly on Malekith's head, knocking him to the floor.

"This reminds me of Tom and Jerry..." Peter comments as Frigga looks toward him in shock.

"I-Is that the..." She mutters in shock.

"Why don't you guys go and sit with the Old Man? I'm sure he's been worried sick." Peter says as he waves his hand and opens two portals, which swallowed Frigga and Jane, sending them to Odin's chambers.

"Are you dead?" Peter asked as a long stick appears in his hand, which he uses to poke Malekith's body from a distance, like a child that discovered a dead body in the woods.

As the stick touched his pointed ears, Malekith's eyes snapped open, showing a furious anger raging deep inside.

A/N: 1552 words :)

🚨What are STONES?💎Oh baby, don't hurt me🥺Don't hurt me🚫No moreWhat are STONES?💎Oh baby, don't hurt me🥺Don't hurt me🙅No more🗣Whoa, whoa, oh🗣Whoa, whoa, oh🚨


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